Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 33

"Welcome to Toronto International Airport thank you for flying with us. Please follow the directions of the flight attendants to exit the plane," the pilot's voice boomed as Jordan sauntered, exhausted, out of the first class cabin. She had been able to switch her ticket's destination in her chase of Christine.
"If I were a depressed movie star, where would I go?" Jordan asked herself as she walked off the plane. The flight attendant said that the flight she was on would arrive only a half hour after the flight Christine was on. "That's too convenient." Christine was sitting on one of the airport chairs right next to the ticket counter; she had a ticket in her hand.

"What are you doing here?"

"Did you think I would let my best friend go gallivanting around Canada with a broken heart?" Jordan said, dropping her bag and wrapping her arms around Christine's shoulders. "What happened?"

"He's never going to want to see me again,"

"You don't know that. Now we have a flight to London to catch," Jordan said, pulling Christine up from the chair. It was obvious that she didn't want to be on a plane because she was dragging her feet relentlessly until Jordan pushed her onto first class. "You don't have a choice in this. Im doing you a favor,"

"No you're not. You're trying to save your best friend when all it's going to do is make two people's hearts break even further." Jordan didn't retaliate with words; she slapped Christine, bringing her back to reality.

"I'm sorry I had to hit you. You were trying to protect him. He was upset. Things were said that neither of you meant. Do you still love him?" Christine nodded as the flight attendant walked past the two of them, sending a cautious glance in their direction. "Then what's the problem?"


"What are you guys doing? You're all coming to London with me?" Oliver asked, completely unaware that there was an ulterior motive to their overseas voyage to London. Of course they wanted to be there to support their friend in his time of need, but they were, at Jordan's force, playing matchmaker.

"You didn't think we'd let you do this alone, did you?" Kimmy asked, trying to keep her voice as truthful as possible. "Besides, Jordan wanted us to come to keep an eye on you," she added, the use of air quotes around the last three words.

"Does she think I'm a child? I don't need to be babysat," he fired. Zac rolled his eyes and stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"There are two reasons why we're here. One, there's no fighting with Jordan when she tells you to do something, you just do it. Two, we can't have you roaming around London wishing that someone else was here all by yourself," he said, an understanding smile crossing his face. "Now there's one question that I need you to answer for me," he said as Kimmy and Elijah boarded the plane. Oliver looked at him; his eyes were still angry and red. "Do you still love her?" Oliver nodded as the flight attendant walked past the two of them, sending a caution glance in their direction. "Then what's the problem?"


"Why didn't you go with Zac and the others. They're going to be happier to see you than me. Besides, I shouldn't be there," Christine argued with Jordan as their flight into Heathrow International Airport was coming to a close.

"Would you calm down?!" Jordan nearly screamed. Christine rolled her eyes at the startled flight attendants. "Everyone wants you here. And if they don't, then they're going to have to deal with it because Oliver and I do,"

"Only half of that's true,"

"That's insulting, are you saying that you think I don't want you here?" Jordan played, a smirk on her face. Christine smiled as the pilot's voice resonated over the loudspeakers.


"Go ahead and take them back to the hotel. I'm going to wait here," Oliver told Zac when they were walking out of their gate. Their flight just landed at Heathrow, the flight that Jordan and Christine were on was expected to land momentarily. "If my mother is there and starts asking questions, just pretend you don't understand her. That's what got me through childhood." Zac nodded and slinked off after Kimmy and Elijah as Oliver turned to walk towards the gate where the girl's flight would be landing any moment.

"Please don't freak out," Jordan told Christine. Christine rolled her eyes at her best friend as they were ushered out of the plane. "But Zac and I kind of fixed it so that we'd be on planes that landed at practically the same time." Jordan's face was fixated on the end of the gate where she knew they'd be waiting.

"Why would I freak out? This isn't about me, a friend needs me right now. That's why I'm here," Christine said. Jordan sighed at the use of the word "friend" and continued walking.

"Stop lying to yourself, he's not just a friend," Jordan rationalized, trying not to murder her best friend on the spot. The ignorance that Christine was using as a mask was getting annoying. "He's the first guy to actually love you, that's a big thing," she whispered.

"And I screwed it up," Christine muttered as she walked out of the shaded gate into the terminal of Heathrow International Airport. "Oh, hey," she murmured when she saw Oliver waiting for them at the end of the gate. "How are you holding up?"

"Better now," he told her. "Look, about earlier,"

"Not now. Let's get through the next few days and then we'll sort us out," Christine told him. Jordan had walked away, and knowing her plan, Zac was waiting for her around the corner.

"How's it going?" he whispered as she walked up to him. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the two.

"Please listen. I understand why you're saying that, but you're the one thing that is consistent in my life. I need you here, with me,"

"I'm here for you. I just don't want you to feel like we need to work things out over your father's casket," she told him, her words coming out with ease. "This is a hard time for you and I'd completely understand,"

"Would you please listen to me," he told her. The crowd was beginning to grow around them and Jordan and Zac's view was being blocked. Jordan scowled and moved closer, dragging Zac with her. The cameras and the flashes that accompany them were blinding. "C'mon, we'll go somewhere else," he took her hand and dragged her into the coffee shop and closed the door. "I'll give you five hundred dollars to keep them out of here," he told the shop owner who nodded and locked the door, closing the blinds afterwards.

"That didn't work," Zac mused as Jordan stood outside the closed blinds attempting to see through them. Her face was contorted into anger and anxiety, his was pure joy and laughter.

"Shut up! Maybe I can still hear them," she muttered, smushing her head against the glass.

"I want to do this now because you can help me get through this. What I said earlier was completely out of line. I know you would never do that, but I was angry,"

"Rightfully so. I would understand if you never wanted to talk to me again," Christine told him. The defeated tone in her voice shocked him.

"That's clearly not the case or I wouldnt have waited in a crowded airport for you." She smiled and looked and the floor. "Please, just forgive me for the horrible things I said to you."

"Already forgiven," she told him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you,"

"I understand," he told her, kissing her gently on the forehead before looking back at the shop owner. "Could you open these doors for a moment, I think we have a few friends out there who are being mobbed by the reporters," Christine smiled as she thought of Jordan, and who she assumed was Zac, being mobbed by reporters. "There's a smile." Their hands were together again, the warmth was felt by both of them.

"It's about damn time you let us in here," Jordan gasped as she picked herself up from the floor. When the door opened she fell through, straight to the floor. "We missed it all," she whined looking at the joy and peace written on Christine and Oliver's faces. Christine stuck her tongue out at her best friend.

"I think your boyfriend might get jealous," Jordan smirked, her little fights with Christine never lasted long.

"I think your fiance might kill me," Christine smirked back. "I win." Jordan pouted as Christine smiled. "Is there anyway out of here, besides the door that is going to lead to our death" The store owner shook his head. "Damn,"

"Why are you in London?"

"Are you filming part of the movie?" The reporters shouts were unusual in the British accent. Oliver and Christine were pushing their way through the crowd to the opening where they had a car waiting for them. Jordan and Zac were following them.

"Christine!" Zac's voice bellowed out over the noise of the reporters. Christine turned around and looked at him. Jordan wasn't at his side, at least not vertically. She was laying on the ground, his hands beneath her head, with blood rushing out of her head. Christine and Oliver backpedaled to them.

"What happened?"

"One of the camera's hit her, by mistake I believe," Zac said, scowling at the reporter standing nearby with the camera at his side. "She's still conscious, should we get her to the hotel?" Christine nodded as Zac scooped her up in his arms.

"Get out of the way! " Christine snapped as she and Oliver pushed, literally, through the sea of flashes. When they made it to the car the bleeding had slowed and she was moving around a bit. "We'll call a doctor when we get to the hotel."

"I'm fine. It's just going to leave a bump," Jordan murmured as they carried their stuff up to the suite. Kimmy and Elijah were inside the suite that strangely resembled their suite in Maryland. "This is freaky,"

"Is everyone happy again?" Kimmy question, bounding into the room. Christine nodded.

"Except for Jordan's head," Christine muttered, a smile on her face. "She got hit with a camera on the way out of the airport," Kimmy and Elijah burst out laughing as the suite door slammed open.

"Where the hell have you been?!"