Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 35

"I hate funerals," Jordan muttered as she rolled out of her warm bed in London. She and Christine had been at the funeral home all day the day before trying to do final touch ups for the funeral today.

"I don't exactly think they're happy occasions for anyone," Christine said walking out of the bathroom. They all brought black clothes, typical of a funeral. Jordan couldn't remember a time where her best friend looked so plain. The outfits weren't made for style, that's to say the least. "Can you get everyone up and over there in an hour?" Jordan nodded and threw a flick of water at Kimmy's face.

"What the hell?!" Christine cracked a weak smile and walked out of their bedroom. Jordan rolled her eyes and made her way towards the warm shower that was calling her name. "That was so not cool!"

"You're up early," a voice remarked from the living room couch. Christine jumped, not expecting anyone else to be awake. She turned to look towards the couch and found Elijah's friendly face.

"I could say the same thing to you," Christine muttered collapsing down onto the couch with him. "What are you doing up?"

"I knew you'd be awake and I figured you could use someone to go with you," he smiled. He and Christine had grown close on the set and they were like siblings, they'd fight but always apologize in the end.

"I'd like that," she said. Her guilty conscience wouldn't go away until she went to fix the problems they had. The words that she heard come from Oliver's mouth were stinging in her mind. I know you didn't like him "Are you ready for the funeral?"

"I'm going to be fine. The question is are you going to be alright?" Christine nodded and pulled her black dress coat on and grabbed an umbrella. The weather certainly added symbolic and metaphoric gloom to the horrible day.


"Zac come on! You don't need to look perfect, today's not about you," Jordan hollered from the outside of the bathroom. On the inside Zac's smile turned to a smirk as he heard her lean against the door. He turned the doorknob, allowing the latch to open. Jordan screamed as she stumbled into the bathroom, into his arms. "That wasn't funny,"

"No but this is going to be fun," he smirked, leaning down and kissing her. She broke away with a smile on her face. "I told you that would be fun,"

"We don't have time for this right now," she told him. "Christine and the rest of them are waiting for us at the funeral home. I told her I'd get everyone else there in an hour. We're currently hitting that hour mark,"

"You don't need to baby-sit all of us," he pouted. Jordan smirked and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the bathroom.

"I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for her," Jordan said pulling on her coat and closing the door behind Kimmy and Zac. "I know what you're going to say, Christine didn't even like him , but that's not even the point,"

"Then what is the point?" Kimmy asked Jordan as they squished into the elevator with some of the other hotel guests.

"I thought you'd realize this. Christine finally found someone she can trust, someone she can trust with her heart. After the fiasco with you," she said sending a pointed look at Zac, "she was devastated. Then the thing with her father and the baby happened," Kimmy and Zac were staring at Jordan, her point beginning to sink in. "We've been lucky. She hasn't, and I'll be damned if I let one more thing happen to her,"

"We're going to be late,"


"They're late," Christine whined to Elijah as she paced back in forth in the entrance hall of the funeral hall.

"They'll be here," Elijah and Christine had made a stop before heading to the funeral home. Oliver and his mother had arrived shortly after they had. His mother was crying hysterically, his bright blue eyes were distant and obviously distracted.

"I didn't know you all were coming over here," Noah's heavy voice said, the tone was different. Normally it was full of stress and strain, now it was laced with sympathy and anguish. "I should have assumed that you'd be here, seeing how close you are with Oliver," he told Christine, she smiled weakly in response.

"Did you just get in?" Elijah asked them. Noah and his two daughters were never the perfect image of a family, seeing them all together was a strange sight.

"The plane landed about an hour ago," Cora responded.

"It was nice of you to be here. The family doesn't want acknowledgements now, they'll meet with everyone after the service," Christine said, ushering them into the hall. "I'm going to kill them if they don't show up!"

"That would be convenient, wouldn't it?" Zac sassed. "We'd already be in a funeral home," he continued walking into the room. They were dressed in black and white, like normal funeral wear.

"Please don't joke," Christine pleaded. "We're the last ones," she told them. "You guys have seats somewhere, Oliver wants me up with him," she said as she walked into the hall and towards the front. "Jordan, will you do one more thing for me?"


"Do you have my back?" Jordan nodded, unsure of what Christine was talking about, and led Kimmy, Elijah and Zac to four empty seats in the middle of the hall.

"Is everything alright?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," she told him, taking his hand, trying to comfort him. "I feel weird sitting up here, I wasn't his family."

"You're my family, you're staying with me," he said, gripping her hand tighter. She smiled and nodded, looking towards the front for the ceremony.

"Today we're gathered here to mourn the loss of a husband, a father, a friend and a dancer. His untimely and self sacrificed death comes at a time when his life was thriving. He and his son were joint choreographers on a major motion picture. With death, comes peace and with peace comes happiness. We can only assume the horrific reasons this loved man had for taking his own life, but for whatever reasons he had, he's in a better place now." The man officiating the ceremony had a thick British accent, he was dressed in thick church robes. "Is there anyone who would like to say anything?" Had it not been for the tears flowing out of Oliver's mother's eyes she would have said something, had it not been for his mother Oliver would have said something. Christine shot a look over her shoulder at Jordan. Jordan was startled by the look, but had sudden realization as to what she had her back on.

"Alright, well I'm probably the last person that most of you expected to see standing up here," Christine started. "Christophe and I didn't exactly have a picturesque relationship, we didn't get along well with each other. He knew I was a perfectionist and I knew he wanted perfection in his dances. He and I had a few things in common. We were both dedicated to his work, I could respect him beyond a shadow of a doubt. We would fight until we were blue in the face but I would still respect him because of his talent. The tragedy of his death rocked a world that I was comfortable in." There were tears in her eyes, and in eyes of everyone who knew their past. Jordan was in utter disbelief as to what her best friend was saying. "It was an honor, and a pleasure to work with him on this movie. The loss that the family that I love has to suffer is an excruciating one that any father, any husband, would want his loved ones to mourn over but one that the same husband, the same father, would want his family and his loved ones to move on and live their lives to the fullest." When she was finished her face was red, and her eyes were red from crying.

"I don't know how I'm going to follow that but I can give it a shot," Jordan said, rushing to take Christine's place at the podium. Zac, Kimmy and Elijah were left sitting, in utter confusion, about the events occurring around them.

"You didn't need to do that," Oliver told Christine after the ceremony finished. The funeral home had prepared a meal for the guests. "It was beautiful and we I appreciated it,"

"I went to a church this morning," she told him. "I prayed for God to forgive me for all the horrible things that I said about him. Everything I said up there was true, I meant it all," she whispered.

"Well, thank you. For everything you've done for my family," he told her, kissing her gently on the forehead. "I really appreciate it, truly,"

"We can't keep the guests waiting, people want to see you and express their condolences," she told him. "It won't be that bad, Noah flew over here for you, you know,"

"That doesn't mean I want to see the rest of them," he muttered. "I just want to sleep, I haven't gotten a lot of that lately."

"After you talk to people and get something to eat, because I doubt you've done much of that lately, we'll go back to the hotel," she told him walking with him to where his mother was standing. "I'm going to go talk to Jordan," she told him, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

"Where did that come from?!" Jordan burst when Christine walked up to her. "I wasn't expecting you to do something like that,"

"Sorry, I didn't know I was going to do it either," Christine mumbled. "That's where I went this morning, you know."

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked, sipping her drink. "I just assumed that you came here to do final preparations."

"I went to a church, I asked God to forgive me for the things that I said about Christophe. Hostility ends in death." Christine muttered. "Oliver and I are going to leave after he finishes over there. We need sometime by ourselves and he looks like he's falling asleep on his feet."

"Do you need us to do anything?" Zac asked, walking up to the two girls and lacing his hand with Jordan's.

"The four of you should have some fun while we're here," Christine said. "Nobody will mind, go out and have some fun. Remember how you fell in love," she said, smirking at the blush that crept onto their faces.

"That wasn't nice!" Zac called after her. "I can't believe that she said all that about a man she hated."

"She didn't hate him, not in death," Jordan told him. "So, what do you want to do in London?" she asked as they walked towards their table where the food was being served out.

"Where are they going?" Kimmy asked as she watched Christine and Oliver walk out of the funeral home.

"Christine told me they were going to talk," she said shrugging her shoulders. "They're probably going to go home and pass out. He hasn't slept since we got here and I'm sure Christine hasn't slept much either,"

"She told us we should go out and explore London, and remember how we fell in love," Zac quoted.

"Did she realize that it's raining out?"

"I don't think she would have noticed much, not today," Elijah admitted. "She was beating herself up pretty badly when we left the church,"


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course," Christine said, her tone was confusion. "Where are we going?"

"We're not going back to the hotel," he told her, handing the taxi driver a piece of paper. "I have something to show you,"

"You're not going to lead me somewhere deserted and kill me are you?"

"I could never kill you," he told her, kissing her sweetly. "I just want you to see something before we go back to the other hemisphere,"


"I know what we're going to do tonight," Zac told Jordan as they walked into their hotel suite. Kimmy and Elijah were behind them.

"Care to share that information?" Jordan called from her room where she was changing out of the formal clothes. "What should I wear?" she asked when he didn't answer her first question.

"Whatever you want, though I would recommend you wear something warm," he hinted. Jordan scowled at the lack of information she was receiving.

"If it makes you feel better, Kimmy doesn't know where she's going either,"

"Are we going to the same place?"

"Just get ready, and wear sensible shoes."


"Close your eyes." That night the happiness would return to the three couples. One would learn a new secret about the one they love, another pair would live as children for one night and the last pair would lose themselves in the extravagance of a city.