Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 37

"But why can't we ride at the top of the double decker bus?" Kimmy whined to Jordan as they all filled onto the main cab of the bus.

"Because if you want to live and not get bitch slapped by trees, you'll stay in here." Oliver stood next to the seat that Jordan had slipped into.

"Jordan, we're in London. There are no bitch slapping trees." Jordan simply glared at Oliver, who in return, glared right back. Zac pulled Jordan back into the seat, wrapping his arms around her. Christine looked between the two of them and placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"Shut it! Who's the tour guide here? Oh yeah! Me!" Oliver laughed and sat in the seat behind Christine, or the seat behind Zac and diagonal from Jordan. Christine and Zac were smiling, thoroughly enjoying the whole thing.

"And what, oh marvelous tour guide, are you basing your information on?" Christine still had a cautious eye on the situation in front of them. Kimmy and Elijah were in the pair of seats in front of Zac and Jordan.

"Two week summer trip to learn about Shakespeare. How about you Mr. ... British man!" Jordan exclaimed in a final act of desperation. Christine and Zac simply snorted, knowing that Jordan couldn't win this argument.

"I don't know. I grew up here." As much as Jordan wanted to have the last word in the argument, she couldn't beat that, and she knew it. Jordan stood up, finding it her last resort.

"Fine! Maybe I didn't live here my whole life, but I wish I did. I bet you I can give a way better tour than you ever could." Christine rolled her eyes and slumped her head forward onto Zac's shoulder.

"This is going to get messy isn't it?" he whispered. Christine nodded and sat back up, taking Oliver's hand.

"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. But you know what, I'll humor you. We'll split into two teams, go to the same places and we'll meet back in front of Buckingham Palace. Whichever team learns the most, wins. Deal?" Jordan smirked deviously and held out her hand. Christine looked at Zac with a sympathetic look on her face, she knew how into competitions Jordan could get.

"You've got yourself a deal crumpet head." Oliver rolled his eyes and shook her hand. "Buckingham Palace, four hours. Pick your teammate," he said. Christine and Zac wouldn't count, they'd go to the obvious choice.

"I call Oliver!" Kimmy screamed. "What? He'd let me ride on the top of the bus!"

"That mean the two of you, are with me," Jordan smiled as she nearly dragged the two guys off of the bus. Christine waved goodbye with a smirk on her face. "We're going to the Globe Theatre!" Oliver nodded, he seemed content standing on the sidewalk where the bus stopped to let them off. He seemed to think he knew more than Jordan and Kimmy followed Jordan down the street.

"Aren't we going there too?" she piped up when she realized Christine and Oliver weren't behind her. "Alright, I know they teach you differently over here. But I thought that competition would mean the same thing."

"Are you honestly worried about them beating us?" Oliver laughed. Christine gulped, that was everyone else's problem, they would underestimate her.

"Don't put it past her, Oliver," Christine muttered looking up at him.

"You're too cute," he told her, blowing off her warning. He leaned down and kissed her briefly. Christine rolled her eyes and walked forward, following his lead.

"I'm serious. She might not act like she knows much stuff, but when it comes to England, Jordan's got it all covered." Oliver shrugged, not believing her warning.

"Are we going to lose?" Kimmy whispered at Christine. Christine smirked and nodded.

"If he thinks that he doesn't work, we will."


"So, the ceiling of the stage represent heaven, the middle represents earth and the stage floor is hell?" Elijah reviewed. Jordan nodded, clapping her hands happily.

"That's right! We're one step closer to winning this!" Jordan turned to Zac, who was staring at an actor on the stage who was warming up. "And what have you learned, honey?" Zac snapped out of his trance and looked up at her.

"Uhthis isn't the original theatre." Jordan nodded.

"That's right. So where was the theatre before it burned down and do you know how it burned down?" Zac sighed, sitting back in the seat as he tried to remember.

"Cannon shot from the high window burned the grass like stuff on the roof and the old theatre was about a mile or so away." Zac recited, like he was reading from a script. Jordan smiled, kissing him happily.

"Good job baby! Oh we're so winning this!" Jordan laughed triumphantly as she began to walk out of the theatre with Elijah and Zac in tow.

"Dude, do you feel like you're back in high school?" Elijah asked as they followed their "tour guide" to their next destination. Zac nodded and groaned.

"And it's only going to get worse. London is really her area of expertise."

"Come on guys! We only have three hours and forty minutes left!" Jordan called from the entrance.

"Yeah, it's going to get a lot worse."


"Oliver, you suck at this game!" Kimmy complained. The trip had been walking around the streets of London for about an hour. "I haven't learned anything. I thought the whole point of the game was to learn something!"

"If I let you ride on the top of the bus, will you shut up?" Kimmy beamed and nodded happily. Oliver turned towards Christine. "Where would you like to go?" Christine smirked as she thought of where she wanted to go.

"A bookstore."

"We have those in America!" Kimmy smiled back at them. "What can you learnoh. I get it." Christine rolled her eyes at Kimmy's retreating smile. Oliver looked down at her.

"What? Kimmy's right. We're not learning anything," Christine explained. "I know I'm smart but I can't make stuff up about London, Jordan would know." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"I'll teach the two of you something, if you pick where you want to go." He had won. Christine sighed and tapped Kimmy on the shoulder and raised her eyebrows.

"Big Ben." Oliver nodded.

"It's about a mile that way," he told them and began walking in the direction. Christine started to follow when Kimmy grabbed her arm. Christine looked back at Kimmy and saw her glance at the red bus flying past them. "Aren't you coming?"

"I'm in heels," Christine mused.

"You said I could ride on top of the bus." Kimmy wasn't going to let him skip on his promise. He rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Alright, go catch a bus." Kimmy cheered, linking her arm through Christine's and racing towards the bus. "But she can run in heels?"

"Have you learned anything yet?" Christine shook her head.

"I can't believe that Jordan's going to win this."


The four hours of competition had flown by. Some had taken the challenge seriously while others viewed it as a sightseeing outing. Big Ben tolled four chimes, signifying the conclusion of the competition. Oliver and Jordan had their eyes locked on one another as they walked towards each other. Christine and Kimmy looked bored and frustrated. Zac and Elijah looked tired and confused. The smug smirk on Jordan's face rivaled Oliver's confident smile.

"Have fun? Did your lifetime of experience help?" Jordan mocked. He shrugged his shoulders, wrapping an arm around Christine's shoulders pulling her closer to him.

"That depends on my team. What about yours? How did that work?" Jordan smirked and turned, snapping her fingers. Zac and Elijah instantly sat up straight. Christine and Kimmy smiled at their obedience.

"Zac, care to tell me about the tower of London?" Zac stood.

"Area where every English torture device is held. Henry the Eighth beheaded three wives there." Jordan smiled and snapped her fingers again.

"Elijah, globe theatre," Elijah rolled his eyes and stood, the same way that Zac had.

"Was burned down by a fire from a cannonball being shot from a top window. Ceiling of the stage represents heaven, middle of the stage means earth and the floor is hell." He answered, his voice coming out in a monotone. Kimmy shot her fiance a surprised look. Jordan's smile was confident and smug.

"There, I've proven myself. So bring it on, tea boy." Oliver looked at Christine expectantly. She looked up at him blankly.

"Tell her what you learned," he led.

"I can't." Oliver pulled away from her a bit. "Fine. I'll try." Kimmy was looking at Christine in shock. "I learned that I should have chosen Jordan as a tour guide." Kimmy giggled and Jordan's smile grew.


"You didn't teach us anything." Kimmy nodded. "I can't just absorb your knowledge just by touching you. So, as much as this is going to annoy me, I have to say that"Jordan's face was glowing. "Jordan wins." Jordan started dancing around the crowded sidewalk of London. Zac and Elijah were sitting on a wooden bench, rubbing their temples. Kimmy walked over and sat with Elijah. Oliver had walked away when Christine announced Jordan the winner. Christine walked up to him and pulled him back to the group. "She'll only gloat for a few years." Jordan smirked and Oliver nodded sadly. Christine laughed as she looked at the strange looks they were getting from people on the streets. "Maybe we should head back to the hotel." Jordan nodded and linked arms with Christine and began to skip down the street. When Jordan and Christine were about seven feet away from everyone else Jordan's cell phone vibrated in her purse. She pulled it out and read it aloud.

It was all for you. Everything I ever did was all for you. You have to know that I loved you more than anything else.

Jordan slammed her phone shut and with one phrase the duo stayed quiet for the rest of the night. "Don't bring this up to anyone." Christine nodded and the subject was never brought up again.