Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 38

"I want to go back to London!" Jordan whined as they walked off the plane in Toronto. "It's too damn cold here." In fact it was cold, it was the middle of March and Canada wasn't very kind in the middle of winter.

"We'll be in Disney in two weeks, do you think you can last that long?" Christine taunted as she shifted her purse into a different position on her shoulder.

"Two weeks," Jordan muttered. "Our first movie is already over," she whined.

"I could always get you a part," Zac offered and Jordan pulled a disgusted face. "Or not."

"Let's get back, I'm sure they're going to want to be sure we got here safely," Elijah muttered, walking out into the harsh snow that was falling rapidly from the sky. "I'm with Jordan on this one; it's too damn cold." They boarded into their shuttle bus, they weren't going to pay a limousine company extreme amounts of money to go twenty minutes down the road. The bus was soon bombarded by half frozen young adults as the public realized who had walked through the airport.

"Go; get us out of here," the bus driver nodded a slight smirk on his face, and swerved out of the covered waiting area onto the icy roads. Christine looked back at Jordan as she heard her best friend gasp. "Switch with Jordan," Christine whispered into Oliver's ear. He looked at her strangely, seeing her pleading look he didn't ask questions and just did it. "What was that?"

"Remember the text I got in London?" Christine nodded, the text had rattled them, and it sounded like someone's suicide note. "I just got another one,"

You didn't respond. I love you, you know that. I do everything for you. Please just respond to me. I need someone to know what I did,"

"That's spooky," Christine told her friend. "Any idea who it is?"

"The number isn't familiar," Jordan mumbled. "I really don't like the way that sounded," she mumbled, turning around in her seat to face Zac and Oliver.

"Did the two of you work everything out?" Oliver asked, moving back into the seat he began in. Christine bit her bottom lip and looked at the phone in Jordan's hand. Jordan sighed and handed Zac the phone.

"Do you know that number?" she asked him, he shook his head. It was obvious he didn't like what the message said. Kimmy and Elijah were falling asleep; the long flight had kept them awake when everyone else was able to sleep.

"Well, it can't be that hard right?"

"Yeah it won't be hard to find someone, claiming to love Jordan who happens to be a world famous movie star. That won't be hard at all," Christine mumbled, her nerves beginning to show.

"Excuse me, it seems I've run out of gasoline," the driver announced, leaning back over the front seat. "If a few of you wouldn't mind accompanying me to the nearest gas station?" he asked, looking between the four teenagers that were awake. Jordan and Christine looked at each other; there was no way Christine was going to let Jordan go with the man she recognized in the front seat

"I'll go," Christine said, she was unsure of why a driver needed chaperones to walk to the gas station. "I'm so not going alone; you're coming with me," she said, dragging Oliver out of the car with her. "If you haven't heard from us in an hour, get out of here," she whispered to Zac as she looked up the road.

"What's going on?"

"You don't recognize him?" Christine hissed, the two of them were about five feet behind the 'driver'. Oliver shook his head. "Look closer," she instructed.

"He was in the movie," Oliver realized, Christine nodded.

"That's Phillip, Jordan's ex-boyfriend," she spat. "I knew his voice was familiar." The snow was falling heavily around them; the trees were thick on both sides of the road. The sun was setting behind them. "We're going the wrong way; we should be walking towards the sun."

"You've finally caught on," Phillip spat. "It took you long enough," he was no longer walking in front of them; he had turned around to face them.

"It was you; you're the one who sent the messages to her," Oliver said. Christine's eyes were full of hate for the man standing, facing her direction. "Can't you see that she's happy? She doesn't need you,"

"Just like she doesn't need you?" Phillip asked before turning around to continue walking. "You might as well just keep coming with me, I would hate for you to get stuck here,"

"No he wouldn't, he'd love it," Christine muttered, still confused at his last statement. "That would leave him in a bargaining positionshit," she exclaimed.

"You always were the smart one," Phillip said, this time not bothering to turn around. Christine had figured it all out; he would get rid of Oliver and keep Christine, forcing Jordan to choose between staying with Zac and losing her best friend or keeping Christine but dumping Zac. "I do believe you have finally arrived at the right conclusion,"

"How dare you! Jordan was in love with you, you were the one who screwed it up! If you don't remember correctly you're the one who cheated on her," Oliver was standing next to Christine, somewhat confused to the events unfolding around him.

"This is the part where you leave us," Phillip said to Oliver. "If you don't, I'll kill her," he said, pulling a knife out of his coat pocket. Christine's eyes widened. "So, what's it going to be? You know what? I'm going to be nice; I'll give you a few minutes to talk about it," he smirked and walked a few yards up the road.

"I'm not leaving you here with that maniac," he told her. She shook her head.

"You don't have a choice. He won't kill me, I'm his bargaining chip. You mean nothing to him. If you stay he'll hurt you,"

"I can't do it," he told her. They both had tears in their eyes. "You're asking me to walk away from you,"

"I swear to you, I'll be fine," she told him, holding one of his gloved hands in hers. "You have to go," she managed through her tears. She had to stay confident that Phillip wouldn't hurt her, otherwise Oliver would never leave. "I love you," she told him as he was walking away. He paused, but never looked at her. She hung her head in shame and turned towards her captor. "You bastard," she hissed.

"I knew my father, thanks," he smirked. "Don't go back to Jordan, or I'll know and I'll kill her," he yelled down the road.

"I bet he's so proud of you. Every parent wants their child to become a criminal," she mused. He smirked and kept walking away from civilization, into an ice storm.


"Why haven't we heard from them yet? The gas station was only a few miles down the road," Jordan panicked. Kimmy and Elijah had woken up and had been filled in on the situation.

"Christine said we shouldn't be here if we hadn't heard them," Zac admitted. "I'm going to call a taxi," he said, pulling out a cell phone.

"No service," Elijah commented at Zac's face. "Figures. Now we're stranded in a van, with no heat, and there's an ice storm coming." The four of them looked around, their panicked faces worrying about each other, and about the two that were wondering around in the ice storm.

"We don't have a choice, we have to stay inside," Kimmy said, looking around the van for their suitcases. "At least we have suitcases; we can layer up and stay warm. Whatever we don't have on we can use to insulate the windows." Kimmy had never shown the resourceful side that she was showing now. Jordan would have been proud if she weren't too worried about her friends.

"We've done all we can," Zac told Jordan as they lay down to sleep. "I wish there were something I could do to make sure that Oliver and Christine were safe, but they would want us to take care of ourselves, you know that's what Christine would want." Jordan nodded as she laid down, trying to get some sleep.


"Goddamnit! Someone answer!" Oliver shouted, his voice was strained from the cold and the frustration. He had been dialing different phone numbers since he walked away from the scene. He couldn't call the police; he didn't know where to tell them. He couldn't call Jordan or Zac because he didn't know what would happen if he did.

"Hello?" Finally, Brittany Snow, the brat who played Amber answered her phone. "Oh Oliver, I knew you'd come around to better things," he rolled his eyes.

"Listen to me," he interrupted. "We just got out of the airport, the shuttle bus driver claimed to run out of gas and tricked Christine and me to walking towards the gas station with him. He's nowhere to be found and he took Christine with him. Jordan and the other three are in an abandoned road off of the main road leading west of the airport. Get Noah and tell him everything I told you, have him drive down the road and he'll find the van, have him continue down the road and he'll find me. We'll have to wait to find Christine,"

"If she's on the same road as you, can't we keep going straight down the road?"

"He'll kill her if we go after them," he told her, his voice cracking from desperation and fear. She agreed and hung up the phone, promising that they'd be there as soon as possible.


"What the hell?" Jordan mumbled as she saw bright yellow lights approaching the van. "Who is that?" She called out of the back window.

"Jordan?" It's Noah, wake everyone up and come out here," he told her. She turned around and started shaking the other three.

"Noah's here," she told them. "Pack up the stuff real quick. I'm sure his car is heated," she mumbled having found her motivation to move a bit faster. Within five minutes the four of them were sitting in Noah's SUV driving down the road. "Where are we going?"

"We have to look for Oliver," Cora said. Jordan was unsure as to why she was with Noah but shrugged it off when she realized that nobody had said Christine's name.

"Why didn't you say Christine's name?" the car fell silent as they slowed to let Oliver get into the heated car. His face was red from the cold, his lips were slightly blue. "Holy shit, where's Christine?"

"Not here, not now," he stuttered out. Cora handed Jordan a blanket from the front seat and she threw it over Oliver's shivering shoulders. "I'll tell you when we get back. Someone should call the police and have them meet us there," Jordan's eyes widened and she heard someone take out a cell phone and dial 9-1-1.


"H-how much further?" Christine stuttered out, she had been walking in the cold for nearly three hours now. She was worried about Oliver; she was worried about Jordan and everyone else in the car.

"Why? Starting to get cold?" Christine rolled her eyes and kept walking. Roughly three miles later he turned to her. "Close your eyes," she decided to play along. "Just keep your eyes closed. We're home,"

"It'll n-never be h-home with-h you," she said, her teeth chattering together. "Why do you need me anyway? Jordan's never going to choose you, she's happy now. She's in love, she doesn't need you,"

"That might be true, but she does need you," he replied as he started to walk into the registration office. The heat nearly burned Christine's frozen cheeks. "Sir, you wouldn't happen to have any open rooms, would you? You see, my girlfriend is pregnant and we ran out of gas about a mile up the road," the man behind the counter instantly handed him a key. "It seems all I have is my credit card,"

"No, let me," Christine interrupted, her brain beginning to work again. "After all, you did carry me all that way. It's my treat," she smiled, pulling out a credit card and handing it to the man behind the counter. His eyes widened as he saw the name on the card. "Why don't you go check out the room," she told Phillip. "Don't worry, I wouldn't want anyone hurt," she insisted, implying that she wouldn't be going anywhere. Hesitantly he nodded, abandoning her. "Listen to me. I can't tell you the details of this but I'm going to give you a phone number. In two hours I want you to call it, ask for Oliver. When he comes to the phone tell him that Christine Friis is safe. If he doesn't understand that, tell him that I paid with a credit card. When he asks why I'm not giving him anymore information tell him that I didn't want Jordan to get hurt, he'll understand. Did you get all that?" the man nodded. Christine took out her cell phone and scribbled down Oliver's cell phone number.

"He's not your boyfriend, that man," the man behind the counter asked. Christine shook her head. "Alright ma'am, be safe," he said, handing her credit card and the customer copy of the receipt back to her.

"What took you so long?" Phillip asked when she walked into their hotel room.

"The credit card machine broke, I had to wait for them to fix it," she lied simply. "So, every kidnapper has a plan, when are you calling Jordan?"

"Just after midnight," Christine smirked, her call would coincide with Phillip's call.


"The driver was Phillip?!" Jordan screamed when Oliver said his name. "What did he want?" Oliver looked at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "He wanted me," she concluded.

"Do you know where they were going to go?" Oliver shook his head at Noah's question.

"I'm sure he'll be calling here shortly. He was going to make you choose, him and your best friend, or Zac," Oliver told her. Jordan gasped and her head fell into her hands. "If you didn't choose him he pretty much promised to kill Christine." Noah looked at the clock on the wall and looked back at the group in front of him.

"I hate to do this now, but, Oliver there is something we need you to look at in your father's trailer," Noah said. Oliver looked exhausted, broken-hearted and hypothermic but he nodded and walked towards his father's trailer with a police officer in tow.

"Is there a problem?" he asked when he walked into the trailer and found what he would see on CSI: yellow tape and a chalked body outline. "My father committed suicide, he wasn't murdered,"

"On the contrary. We have reasonable doubt to believe that he was murdered," the police chief answered him. "Was your father on any medication?"

"No, he would take Tylenol for headaches now and again, but nothing other than that," he answered.

"Your father was found with an empty bottle of Vicodin lying on the floor next to him. The pills were crushed and dropped into this," the police chief held up a liquor bottle. 'The combination killed him practically instantly," the news was swimming around in Oliver's head. "We're conducting-"

"That's fine. Do whatever you need to do," he said walking out of the trailer. He was numb on the inside from the news that he had just received, his heart was numb, and soon he wouldn't be able to feel anything at all.

"Thank God you're back," Jordan rushed him. "We have a call for you, the man says Christine told him to call you," he hurriedly took the phone and slammed the receiver towards his ear. "What did he say?"

"He repeated a message from her. Someone needs to run her credit cards through the service, find the most recent activity and that's where she'll be." Zac pulled out his cell phone and found Christine's phone number, selecting Text Message he typed:

We'll get to you soon. We got your message.


"So you did communicate with them. That's what I thought you were doing when you asked me to leave," Phillip announced when Christine's phone started going off. "Well, I'll let it slide, just this time."

"Lucky me," she mumbled, crawling into her bed and attempting to fall asleep.

"Not yet, I need you to make my call sound more convincing," he said, dragging her out of the bed with the knife at her throat. "Now you and I both know that I'm not going to hurt you, but to make my point a little more convincing we're going to pretend I'm treating you badly. That should stir up some anger in your British boyfriend and some panic in Jordan,"

"You're a sick asshole, you know that?" she spat as he dialed the phone. Jordan's voice could be heard on the other end. "Jordan, sweetie, calm down, I'm alright. Please just listen to me, listen to my voice. I'm alright."

"Hello darling!" Phillip cheered into the phone. On the other end the conversation had been put on speaker phone. "How has your life been without me? I bet it's been pretty miserable, I mean, I never took you for someone to fall for a washed up teen idol," Jordan was seething, nothing but hate was radiating out of her.

"If you hurt her, I swear!"

"You'll what? Overdose of Vicodin?" The words clicked in Oliver's head. Phillip was somehow connected to his father's murder. "Oh, right. That was insensitive of me. I understand a close relation of yours just died because of an overdose." Jordan looked at Oliver; he was wearing a murderous look.

"How did you know that?" Jordan stuttered.

"You've got to be kidding me; I always knew that Christine was the smart one in the duo." Christine was sitting on the bed, tears in her eyes. She had reached the same conclusion that Oliver had on the other end of the line. Phillip had organized Christophe's death. "I'll let her break the news to you,"

"Jordan he killed him. He killed Christophe," Christine cried. "I found a fake ID and the prescription in his wallet. He had-"

"You bitch! You went through my things!" He hollered. All they could hear on the other end was Christine's pleading.

"He's got a knife!" Oliver bellowed, Jordan gasped. Christine was lying on the ground of the hotel with, what was sure to be, a bruise over her eye. "Christine, say something!"

"Aw, how sweet, he does care," Phillip spat.

"I know that," Christine said as she as she slammed he table lamp over the back of his head.

"Christine!" several voices bellowed over the phone.

"I'm alright. Did you figure out where I am?"

"You're about a mile down the road. You know the old hotel we would always pass on the way up here? That's where you are. We'll be there with the police shortly," Jordan said. "Stay on the phone with me," she told Christine.

"Can you get him into a bathroom or something, just in case he wakes up before we get there?" Zac asked. Christine laughed and dragged him into the disgusting bathroom and locking the door. "Now what room are you in?"

"47." Before she could recollect what happened that night there was a knock on the door. Christine hung up the phone and opened the door. Jordan, Zac and Oliver were standing there with three police officers.

"Thank God you're alright," Jordan rushed, nearly hugging the life out of her. Christine smiled. She was still freezing; no doubt she and Oliver had been on the receiving end of major frostbite. "How long did he make you walk?"

"Well, we left the airport at about five o' clock. We got out of the van at about five-thirty, it's eleven-thirty and I've been in the room for about a half an hour." Christine was still wearing her coat and had a blanket wrapped around her. "How'd you get back?" she asked Oliver.

"I was able to get a hold of someone at the set; they came and got us," he told her. "I'm just glad you're alright. I was worried,"

"Looks like the next few weeks are going to be pretty tough, on the two of you," Zac said, looking at Jordan and Oliver.

"We'll get through it."