Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 4

"No," a small voice said from the door. "I'm not letting the three of you throw away part of your career because I can't keep my mouth shut," Christine said standing up from her place on the sofa and facing her friends.

"This is your dream, you shouldn't be punished because you had a spat with the demon choreographer," Elijah said, leaning forward, towards her to try and make his point.

"You shouldn't be punished because of me," Christine argued, stubbornly. Jordan groaned, slamming her head into her hands. She knew this would be difficult; Christine was one of the most stubborn people she'd ever known.

"Come on, think about it. We're not jeopardizing our careers, or whatever you said," Jordan said, trying to figure out the exact words that Christine had used. "Because, if we all go then he's going to have to cast four new people and start over, there's no way he's going to risk the movie like that,"

"But you heard what John said, Jordan. He said 'Noah knows that he's practically screwed without him,' there's no way I'm going to win out. Plus, you all signed contracts, you can't leave." As always Christine had found a loophole, something she always manages to do when she's trying to protect her friends.

"Yeah, John also said that's he's part of the acting experience and that's he's worked with him before," Jordan threw in.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Zac asked, from his place in on the loveseat. Christine shrugged and walked out of the room. "Where did she go?" he asked once nobody else was saying something.

"You dumbass, you let the conversation die. How are we supposed to convince her that she can stay if she's not here?!" Jordan screamed hitting him over the head with an over stuffed throw pillow. Jordan walked towards the door of the trailer and saw Christophe coming out of Noah's trailer. "Shit" she said, causing the guys to hop up and join her at the door."I thought you said that he was to busy to deal with this today,"

"That's what he told us," Elijah said, throwing his hands up in defense. Jordan rolled her eyes and walked towards Christine's little room. Sure they were sharing a trailer, but each of them had their own little room, per say. 'Defying Gravity' was blasting from Christine's room. Zac walked up to Jordan with his hands over his ears.

"What the hell is this?" he practically screamed over the music. "It's horrible," Jordan gasped, and her eyes went wide. Once again she smacked him upside the head before answering.

"This is the goddess of Broadway," She said, and he still looked at her with confusion. "Oh, my God. Do I have to spell everything out for you?" she mumbled. "This is Idina Menzel; she played Elphaba in the Original Broadway Cast of Wicked and later went on to play Maureen Johnson in Rent . She's Christine's, and my, favorite Broadway star. This is how she relaxes and releases stress," she said, rolling her eyes and turning to walk away. "And don't let her hear you say that, she'll hit you harder than I did." Rubbing the back of his head he looked at the door cautiously and walked away. Inside the room Christine was furiously throwing things into her suitcases. She had just finished the first one when Jordan walked in the door.

"It's about time you checked to see if I even locked the door," Christine said, with a smile on her face. Her eyes were red and puffy; it was obvious that she had been crying.

"What are you doing?" Jordan asked, looking around the messy room. Normally it was her room that was the disaster zone, Christine's was always neat and organized. "Please don't tell me you've given up," she said, attempting to sit on the edge of Christine's bed, but finding a curling iron in her way.

"I wouldn't say it like that," Christine started. "It's more of; I don't see anyway that I'm going to get out of this. I mean, he's not going to let Christophe leave for me. I'm a nobody who got lucky at a casting call. That's it," she said, continuing to pack her things. "Don't get me wrong, but I'm going to do my best at the meeting tomorrow morning, but, I'm just being prepared," Christine said, weakly smiling.

"We're not letting you go, not that easily," a new voice said from the door. Looking up, Christine and Jordan saw Elijah, Zac and John or 'Mama' as Jordan calls him. "Listen, this isn't the first time that someone's blown up at Christophe," John said, pulling the two girls out of the crammed room and into the living area. "I told you I've worked on other movies with him and I was in your exact position once. He wouldn't get off my case, so I did what you did. You know what happened?" he said, looking at Christine who shook her head. "We both stayed on the movie. The director wasn't going to lose either of us, so we worked out most of the major problems, and we finished the movie,"

"You see? You can get through this," Elijah said, taking her into his friendly embrace. "We'll get through it together," he said and Jordan and Zac, much to Jordan's displeasure nodded. "So, how about we go, get something to eat and not worry about tomorrow until today is over?" Christine nodded and stood up, extending her hand back down to help Jordan and Elijah up. That night solid friendships were reinforced and solid hatreds were tightened when Jordan dumped her diet coke over Zac's head for, once again, making a move. In the midst of all the laughing everyone forgot about the pending meeting and just had fun.