Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 40

"Jordan, where's your eyeliner?"

"In my makeup bag," Jordan answered not paying attention to the voice which asked the question. "Wait, why you dono. You're not wearing eyeliner," Jordan said. Zac walked out of the bathroom, his face completely covered in makeup. Jordan spit out the tea she was drinking. Unfortunately, Christine was standing in front of her, in a white summer dress.

"That's disgusting," Christine mumbled walking into her room to change. Twenty minutes later they were on the red carpet, walking down Main Street in Magic Kingdom.

"Oliver Diana Elizabeth Tompsett! How dare you want to drown me in a tub full of tea! Wouldn't you at least have the decency to make it a nice earl grey?" Sarah suddenly screamed from a few feet away from the stars on the red carpet.

"Two things, what's she doing here. And two, what's with the middle names?" Christine asked looking up at him. Jordan was standing a few feet away trying to contain the laughter that was spilling from her mouth. Oliver shrugged his shoulders before rushing towards his mother, trying to save himself from more embarrassment.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Sarah placed her hands on both sides of his face, looking into his eyes.

"I heard that someone was getting married. Why would you not tell me that you were engaged? I'm hurt Oliver."

"We would have told you. I would have told you," Christine tried to reason with her.

"You would have told me huh? Well would you have told me that you were taking my son away from me?" Sarah spat evilly. Oliver rolled his eyes, reaching into her pocket book and pulling out the small bottle of whiskey.

"Mother, what I have I told you about stealing the extra bottles of whiskey they give you on the plane? You and Whiskey don't get along." Jordan and Zac were waiting a few steps back, just behind Christine. Christine was staring at Oliver's mother in shock.

"Christine, don't do it. Please, she's drunk; she doesn't know what she's saying." Jordan tried to reason with her best friend.

"No, I'm sick of her excuse being that she's drunk." Jordan was looking on to her best friend in nervous energy. "Do you have a problem with me? I know I don't have one with you, I used to have a lot of respect for you." The paparazzi were focusing on the drama that was unfolding on the red carpet. Sarah's eyes widened before she could answer.

"Christine, Please..." Oliver reasoned. Sarah pushed her son behind her, getting into Christine's face.

"Respect? Right, I'm sure that's what you have for me. If you had any speck of respect for me, you would leave my son alone. He's not the one for you! I don't care if you two are in 'Love' or whatever you call it. You will never marry my son!" She screamed, enticing the paparazzi more as they saw the gold unfolding before them.

"Yes. Respect, I thought you, of all people would know what that was! You married the man you fell in love with. What if his mother told you what you just told me? I don't think that you and Christophe were in love. I think the story you told us in London was complete bull shit. And yes, I can talk like that because we're in America. If you have a problem with it, go back to London."

"Christine!" Jordan exclaimed, pure horror shown across her face that she had just said something like that. Sarah chuckled lightly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So what if it was bullshit?" Sarah said in a perfect American accent.

"You yelled at me because I did a bad accent!" Kimmy whined from the background.

"You know what, you alcoholic widow, just accept the fact that your life is falling apart and you don't have anything left. Clinging to your son is the only thing you have left, besides good ol' Jack," Christine spat, taking the whiskey bottle out of Oliver's hand.

Sarah nodded, "You wanted the success of knowing my life story. There it is. Oh, except you didn't figure out the most important thing. Christophe wasn't Oliver's real father. There, put that in you American headlines."

"W-what?" The flashes of the camera were flashing uncontrollably. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Sarah turned back towards Oliver, an accomplished smile displayed across her face. "I didn't tell you because if I did, Christophe wouldn't have put you through your dance studies. I did it for you Oliver. I didn't tell you to give you a grand life. So what if he wasn't your father?! Look at you now. You seem happy."

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea." Christine had dropped her head in shame. Jordan and Zac had sent Kimmy and Elijah ahead. Jordan and Zac couldn't believe what they were witnessing; they were watching lives destruct on a red carpet. They just had no idea how much worse it was going to be.

"Mother, who is my father then?" Sarah brought a hand up to her head, shrugging her shoulders. "I have no idea Oliver. It doesn't matter. I lost him, I lost Christophe, and now I've lost you. Seems my work here is done." She nodded to Zac and Jordan before hanging her head in defeat towards Christine and began to walk away.

"Oliver, I had no idea. I'm so, so sorry. I never wanted..."

While Christine went to comfort her love, a hand was placed on her shoulder. She thought it to be Jordan, until the voice spoke. "Way to not invite your own father as your date to this little party of yours."

"W-what are you doing here?" Christine stuttered out. Jordan sighed; this night just went from bad, to worse. "I-I didn't think you'd want to be here," she admitted, her head bowing in a gesture that represented submission. Jordan's eyes widened, looking between Christine, her father and the paparazzi.

Christine's father placed his arm around her shoulders tightly, lightly pressing into her arms; enough to hurt her, he succeeded, the bruises were going to show up on Christine's arm in a few hours. "Now smile happily for the cameras. Got it?" He said through his gritted smile towards the cameras.

Having no choice but to smile, Christine did. Releasing Oliver's hand she smiled, like a happy daughter would, with her father. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" Jordan snapped when the photographers were finished with their photo op. "The last time we saw you, you were in a police car in Toronto."

Christine's father smirked. "Got out early on good behavior." Jordan rolled her eyes, wanting to beat the shit out of him where he stood. Oliver carefully pulled Christine away from her father, placing her behind him a bit; protectively. "I'll judge good behavior when I see it." Jordan seethed.

Christine's father smirked at the anger radiating out of the young stars. He pulled out a letter in an envelope and tried to hand it to her. "She'll talk to you after the premiere. We'll meet you at the main statue," Oliver told him, steering Christine towards the theatre.

Jordan stuck her tongue out at her father, creating quite a buzz from the paparazzi for the great picture they had just snapped. Her father rolled his eyes and made a fake attack move towards Jordan, causing her to jump slightly and run off to join the rest of her group.

"I hate my family," Christine muttered into Oliver's shoulder. Jordan had reappeared on the other side of her. "I wish I could just get rid of them. I feel so bad for Matt; he still has to live with them."

Jordan nodded, rubbing Christine's arm comfortingly. "Don't worry; we'll get him away from your father. Lord only knows what he's been going through." Oliver nodded and kissed the top of her head. The group sat down in their seats while Christine and Jordan went up onto the stage before the movie began.

"I don't want to see him again," Christine whined as they walked towards the main statue. "Can't we just blow him off?"

"That would be a dream come true..." Jordan muttered while she held onto Zac's arm around her shoulder for warmth. She was unreasonably cold, like always. Oliver shook his head.

"You're going to have to deal with him sooner or later." He replied softly.

"Later would be better..." Jordan mumbled again. This time, Zac placed his hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"One more of those and you're grounded to your room tonight with no cake." Jordan pouted, stomping her foot on the ground.

Christine shuddered as she saw the figure of her father standing at the statue they were walking towards. "Man, I really don't want to do this," Christine muttered under her breath until she was about three feet away from her father. The moon cast an eerie glow on a bad situation in, supposedly, the happiest place on earth. Kimmy and Elijah headed back to the suite, four was more than enough.

Christine's father stood up from the statue he leaned on, folding his arms across his chest. "I'm actually surprised that you showed up." Christine nodded. "The movie didn't suck completely..." Jordan groaned, pushing Zac's off her mouth. "Just tell us why you're here so that you can leave sooner."

"I don't think it's my place to tell you. After all, it isn't any of my business. Give me a minute with my daughter and then she'll have the choice to tell you," he smirked. Christine shuddered again, this time from the chilly breeze blowing through the park. "Do you think I'm going to kill her in Disney World?"

"Didn't think you would kill your own grandchild, but you did that. So we have no idea what you're capable of." Jordan argued. Christine looked up to Oliver, nodding her head lightly. Getting the hint, Oliver kissed her cheek and turned towards Jordan. Zac took hold of one of her arms while Oliver took hold of the other and picked her up, carrying her away from Christine. "Hey! Put me down! I didn't stand in line for this ride!" She cried as they carried her away.

"What do you want?" Christine asked, finding a new source of confidence that she had lost moments ago. She could still hear Jordan's protests, they weren't far away. They could probably hear everything that was being said. "Why couldn't you tell me with them here?"

"I got this in the mail the other day." He said as he handed her over the envelope. Christine stared down at it apprehensively before taking it into her hands. Christine's heart thumped loudly in her chest as she read what was inside.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She screamed. Her father nodded.

"Your mother is already taking care of all the planning." Christine shook her head staring at the paper, not willing to accept what it said.

"No! I can't do this! I'm not getting married to someone that I don't even fucking know!" Her father came towards her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Too bad. This was arranged before you two were born. It's a tradition in our family and you're going to uphold it whether you like it or not!" She felt her knees give out beneath her, her breathing shallow.

"Are you finally done ruining my life? Are you finally happy? You've succeeded. You've made me completely miserable," the tears were running down her face, staining the paper and her cheeks. She was shaking; the sobs were coming so fast.

Her father chuckled and shrugged his shoulders once more. "You'll know when I'm finally happy Christine." With that, he walked off towards the exit of the park. Not a second after he had left, Jordan was at Christine's side, hugging her tightly to her. "What the hell did he do to you? I'll kill him!" Zac picked up the pieces of the paper and roughly pieced them together to see what it read. Oliver had also come over, hugging Christine and wiping her tears away.

"Oh shit...Christine, is this serious?" Zac asked, his face going pale. Christine sobbed as she nodded.

"What? What is it?" Jordan asked as she walked over, reading the paper over his shoulder. Christine shook her head, Jordan got the message, and they'd talk when they were alone.

Christine stood up shakily, her legs still weak. "We need to break up," Christine whispered in Oliver's direction. Jordan's jaw dropped. Zac cringed and Oliver looked heartbroken. "Please, don't ask me why. Not now. I'm sorry," she said before taking off, running towards their suite. Her high heels clanking the entire way.

Oliver stood frozen, staring off towards where she ran. Jordan looked between the two men and took off running after Christine. Zac placed the bits of Christine's fate in his pocket. He then walked over to Oliver, placing his arm around his shoulder. "Let's go take a walk. She needs to be alone for a while." Oliver nodded, still not fully comprehending what was going on. Somehow, he had a feeling that he would never understand.