Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 41

Jordan ran into the suite, out of breath and missing one of her shoes. She walked into where Christine was sitting on the couch, looking out to the park below. "So, You gonna tell me what's going on or do I have to pry it out of you?" She joked, trying to lighten her mood.

"How can you joke? I just ruined my life and you're making jokes," Christine spat before erupting in tears right before Jordan's eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's not your fault my father's an eighteenth century asshole." Jordan raised her eyebrows. Historical references were not that uncommon with Christine but this one went over her head.

Jordan rested her head on her best friend's shoulder. "Honey, if you can't remember...I didn't do so well in history. Mind clearing things up for me?" Christine sighed, getting off the couch and walking towards the bathroom. "I'm trying to help! I can't help you if I don't know what the hell is going on!"

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!" Christine shouted, the words had apparently just sunk in because a whole other set of tears washed over her face.

Jordan gasped, placing her hands over her mouth. "What are you talking about you're getting married? You just broke up with Oliver." Jordan said as she walked towards Christine, still confused of what the hell was actually going on.

"Jordan, think about the 1700's. The women didn't get to choose who they married," Christine drawled out, walking into the bathroom and washing the smeared makeup off of her face. Jordan was following her, staring at her from her position in the doorway.

Finally realizing what she was talking about, Jordan sighed, bringing her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose stressfully. "That fucking bitch...I knew I shouldn't have left you alone." She muttered under her breath. Jordan then walked over to Christine, turning her towards and taking her in her arms tightly. "I'm going to fix this, don't worry. You and Oliver are going to be the only ones getting married anytime soon. Well, besides me and Zac, but who cares about that..."

"Don't." Christine called weakly. "There's no stopping this." Jordan still was facing the staircase. "This will kill Oliver; he doesn't need to know that my family is anymore screwed up than it already is. I'll make up an excuse to why we can't be together anymore, I'll move across country and he'll never see me again."

"Move across the country? Have you lost your mind? You can't do that." Jordan said, running her hand through her hair. "Do you remember the last time you lied to Oliver and kept something from him? We had to chase him across the damn ocean just for you to realize that you loved him. Christine, for once I can actually say this with real meaning." She sighed, taking a deep breath. "This has got to be the stupidest idea that you've ever come up with."

"It's what's best, for everyone."

Jordan shook her head. "No it's not. Christine, you can't keep running away from your problems! It's not how things get fixed!"

"Can't you see? I don't have a choice!" Christine yelled, throwing her left hand in Jordan's face. The engagement ring looked like it would weigh her hand down. "I'm supposed to meet my fiance in LA tomorrow afternoon," she muttered, looking at the ring in disgust. Jordan rolled her eyes and sat Christine down. She pulled out her wallet and then a photo, of three couples, looking happier than ever.

"Do you really want to ruin the happiness of this photo by taking away one piece of our puzzle? That's what is going to happen if you go through with this marriage." Christine rolled her eyes. "I'm going with you to LA. You're not doing this alone."

"If you come with me to LA then I will have destroyed two pieces of our puzzle. You and Zac are going to be happy, get married. Just in the name of love, please don't waste it. Please just remember, you're like my sister, I would never do something to hurt you." Christine was crying again. She walked into her room and began to pack her bags. She took off the locket she always wore and laid it on the nightstand. "I'm leaving in a few hours." Jordan was waiting in the room Christine had walked out of.

"Then I'll bring my piece of the puzzle with me! As annoying as he is, he's great at negotiating. He got me to say yes to him, didn't he?" She joked as she rested her head against Christine's doorframe. "Like you said, I'm like your sister. Sisters are supposed to approve of the 'fiance' and be with you the entire time. Don't think for a minute that I'm gonna miss this action."

"It's going to be too hard," Christine muttered, her strength was leaving. The determination to fight had gone. "Watching you and Zac and Kimmy and Elijah falling more into love while I know I can never have it will destroy me. He's not in LA." Christine admitted. "I was just hoping you'd believe it and I could just disappear,"

Jordan rolled her eyes. "You think just because a piece of paper says that you're getting married, means the fight is over? Hell fucking no! Not when you have us, the ones who love you more than anything, right by your side. When you can't fight, we'll fight for you." Jordan said, helping Christine pack her things and then going over to her bed and packing her own things.

"Jordan, stop packing. He's here, in the park," Christine admitted.

Jordan nodded. "I know he is. That's not stopping me."

"Where are we going?" Christine asked, the exhaustion could be heard in her voice.

Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "I'm going wherever you go. I'm never leaving you alone again." Jordan then stood up from her bag, a thoughtful look on her face. "Well, that is, unless you and Oliver need some 'Alone time'. Then I guess I can leave you alone." She laughed.

"That won't ever be a problem again. He's never going to want to talk to me again, not after he hears this. My father said I needed to meet Carter tomorrow morning, he also said Carter would pick me up here." Christine had moved into the anger faze of acceptance.

Jordan groaned while she sat on her suitcase, trying to get it to close. "Babe, every time something bad happens you say that he'll never want to talk to you again. You know that's not true though! What he wants to do is fucking talk to you! You're the one who won't talk to him though. You're afraid honey."

"No shit I'm afraid. How would you feel?"

"Scared shitless. But we're talking about you here, not me." Jordan smirked. "Trust me, He'll talk to you. We gotta talk about how to get you out of this whole thing, duh!"

"Let me meet the guy tomorrow morning," Christine told Jordan. She raised her eyebrows. "Knowing your enemy tends to help." Christine smirked. "I should probably talk to Oliver and Zac. Zac read the paper my dad gave me," she told Jordan.

Jordan's eyes widened. "He did?! That explains a lot." She then brought out her cell phone, texting Zac. "They'll be here soon. I told him to bring Oliver back." She then walked over to Christine, placing her hands on her shoulders. "You can do this. You're stronger than you think you are."

"You give me more credit that I'm worth," Christine muttered. The moments passed and Jordan and Christine passed ideas ranging from murder to joining the Witness Protection Program.

Oliver was, of course, the first one into the suite once Zac had gotten the text message saying that it was safe to come back. He rushed over to Christine, taking her in his arms. "Whatever it is, I'm here. I love you and I'm never letting you go." He rambled. Jordan chuckled, shaking her head at the desperate Oliver.

"Don't say that just yet," Christine mumbled. Jordan rolled her eyes and grabbed Zac's arm, pulling him out of the door.

Oliver pulled away from Christine, staring at her in confusion. "What's going on? What did you father say to you?"

"That he and my mother have been planning on me having an arranged marriage since before I was born. That's what he came to tell me tonight. That was the letter that Zac found." Christine admitted.

Oliver sighed, putting his head in his hands. "This isn't happening..."

"I would completely understand if you never wanted to see me again. I told Jordan that it would be better if I just disappeared, that way you could just move on. Move on to someone who makes you happier, someone who deserves you more than I do," Christine rambled on and on.

Oliver shook his head before pressing his lips to hers, quieting her rambling. He then pulled away, placing his hands on both side of her face and resting his forehead against hers. "Christine, you make me the happiest you're the only one who will ever deserve me. I want to see you everyday. You mean that much to me. Something like this isn't going to come between us."


He shook his head again. "No buts. You're stuck with me."

"I have to go meet Carter tomorrow morning. Jordan is trying to figure out the best way to get me out of this," Christine told him, trying to improve the future a little bit.

Oliver nodded, taking her hands in his. "She'll figure out something. She's got Zac to help her now. Together, they'll come with something." Christine laughed, the truth had come out. She looked down at her hands which were laced together in her lap. The diamonds sparkled in the light. She scrunched her nose and pulled the ring off her finger.

Oliver chuckled; bring her hand up and kissing the ring finger. "I'm the only one who will ever put a ring on that finger. Got it?"

"Promise?" she smiled up at him.

He nodded sincerely. "It's a guarantee."

"Jordan, you can come in now," Christine called. "Don't play, I know you were listening the whole time," she called and the door swung open. "Welcome back," she told her best friend from her position in Oliver's arms.

Jordan waltzed in, holding onto Zac's hand. "Zac pieced the paper back together perfectly! Annnnnd!!!" She exaggerated. "He found you a loop hole!"

"You're kidding! Zac if you get me out of this I'll owe you for eternity!" Christine smiled. The misery that was engraved on her face earlier was no where to be seen.

Zac nodded, sitting beside her and holding out the paper that he had craftily put back together. Except for the random bits of scotch tape, you could barely tell that it had been ripped to smithereens. "Yeah, it has your terms of marriage right here. It says clearly that if he commits any kind of adultery in the first year of marriage, the marriage is immediately null and void forever."

"But that means she still has to marry him," Oliver said, his voice dropping in volume and his face falling.

Jordan smirked a sad smile. "Yeah, That's kinda the down side." She then perked up. "But come on! How hard will it be to get him to sleep with another girl? Booze him up at a party and hire him a hooker. Problem solved!"

"I wish it were that easy. I have no idea where my father found this guy. The fact that I'm famous and have money is going to make this harder than we are thinking." Christine pouted. "Can't I just kill him?"

Jordan laughed, pointing to her enthusiastically. "That was my first idea too!"

"Any more loopholes?"

Zac shrugged. "That's the only one that I could find for now. I'll keep looking though."

"Thank you guys. I'm going to get some sleep," Christine said, picking up the diamond engagement ring and looking at it. "I have to meet my fiance tomorrow," she whined, starting to put the ring on her finger.

Oliver stole the ring from Christine's hand, handing it to Jordan. "What did I say about rings on that finger?" Jordan smiled as she looped the ring onto a chain that she kept with her for some odd reason. Oliver smiled and kissed Christine's lips lightly. "I'm the only one, remember?" He whispered.