Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 42

"Is this what you wear to meet a fiance you're not in love with?" Christine asked Jordan and Kimmy as she walked out of her room holding hands with Oliver. Kimmy looked at Jordan a completely confused look on her face. "I forgot, you were able to sleep last night,"

Jordan laughed and wrapped her arm around Kimmy's shoulders. "We'll explain it to her on the way there. And yes, it's a nice outfit that says 'Hi, I hate you for making me do this and I hope you die.' You two are gonna be a happy couple." Jordan laughed.

"Good. Then the message is clear," Christine smirked. The diamond ring was on the chain around her neck that Jordan placed it on the night before. "Kimmy, I'm going to need you to be a bridesmaid in my wedding,"

Kimmy kinda spazed about, Confusion being too much for her. "Oliver?! You finally asked her to marry you?! Yay! Oh man, you're going to love being married." Jordan rolled her eyes and slapped her across the back of her head.

"Dude, what part of 'Hi, I hate you for making me do this and I hope you die.' didn't you understand?"

Kimmy glared at her. "So, if you're not marrying him, then why are you holding his hand and who are you marrying?" Christine shrugged. "You don't know who you're marrying?" The warm Florida sun was welcoming to the six of them. Kimmy and Elijah were off to do PR and Christine was walking towards her future with three people behind her. "How can you not know?"

"Just go, we'll fill you in later," Christine told the two of them as they waited at the door of the restaurant. "I can't do this," she panicked.

Oliver smiled, kissing her cheek. "Yes, you can. Don't worry. I'll be right here with you."

"I'm sure that'll go over well. Hey, Carter, I'm supposed to marry you but here's the man I'm in love with," Christine scoffed. "This is going to be horrible."

Oliver shrugged. "You're gonna be fine. I'm sure that he doesn't want to do this as much as you want to."

Christine nodded and walked into the restaurant. She scanned the restaurant and found a table for two with a man sitting alone. "Alright, here goes nothing. Why don't you guys grab a table." Jordan nodded and squeezed her hand supportively. "Carter?" Christine asked, walking up to the table.

The man looked up, confusion shining through. "Uhh...No. I think the man you're looking for is over there with that girl." Christine looked over to the table a few feet away where a man sat hand in hand with a pretty blonde model type girl.

"Lovely, thank you," Christine muttered to the man before walking towards the table. "Well, we're not even married yet and you're already with another girl. This will make my plan easier than I thought it would be." Christine smirked as she walked up.

Carter stood up from the table and walked towards Christine, leaning in for one of those kiss on the sides of your cheeks things. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry that it had to be under these circumstances, but still nice nonetheless."

"Yeah, you have no idea how sorry I am. Look, it's obvious that neither one of us want to be here," Christine admitted, she looked over her shoulder at Oliver and nodded for him to come over. "This is Oliver, the man I was going to marry one day until my father told me about you." The two couples were sitting on either side of a booth in the restaurant. "So either we can work together to get out of it, or lose the ones we truly love."

Carter sat down next to his girl. "This is Emily. I know what you mean about wanting to marry them someday. That will just have to wait though. Cause now I'm marrying you. I gave my word to marry you when I was told about this. So I intend to keep my word." He smiled, as if this whole marriage thing was no big thing.

"W-what?" Christine stuttered. "You'd rather marry me than the girl you're in love with?" The confused expression was apparent on her face. The thought that this could be easy had been banished from her mind.

"Well, I wouldn't say that I'd rather marry you than her. That's not true. It's just something that our families have planned for us. It's a tradition that I've been sort of looking forward to. Is that so hard to believe?" Oliver groaned, putting his head down on the table.

"Fine. I was hoping you'd be reasonable about this. Our parents shouldn't tell us who we should marry. It's not right, I don't care if it's a tradition." Christine stood up. "But I was hoping we could work together on this, but now I see that was a mistake." She told him, yanking the chain off of her neck and tossing him the sparkling engagement ring. "I'll see you on my wedding day," she smirked, turning to leave.

"You're going to have to wear it eventually, you know?" Carter called after her. "Your father is going to expect us to become a happy couple. You can't do that with a boyfriend."

"You can't do that with me. Find someone else," Christine muttered. "And don't worry about me, I can handle my father." Carter and Emily slid out of the booth and followed them out of the restaurant. Jordan and Zac were waiting right outside the door. "Incoming." Jordan smirked and just as Carter was walking out of the door her fist collided with his nose.

"Hello, I'm the best friend," Jordan introduced, trying to shake the pain out of her hand. "I officially hate you, just in case you didn't figure that out."

"You can't do this, Christine. Your family-"

"Haven't you caught on? I don't give a shit about my family!" She exclaimed. The four of them had walked down the stairs. "You're going to get your tradition, but not in a traditional manor. I'll see you at the alter. Nice to meet you Emily," she said turning back around, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. As she walked away she didn't notice Carter dropping the ring into her purse, nobody noticed.

"I take it didn't go well," Zac muttered as he and Jordan fell into step with Oliver and Christine.

"He wants to keep a family tradition going, even if that means losing the one person he loves. Emily, the girl he was with, had an engagement ring on. He was going to marry her before he knew about me," Jordan sighed in disgust. "I knew this was hopeless,"

"You did so well in there! Where did all that confidence go?" Jordan asked. Christine shook her head. "Please don't give up; we'll get you out of this."

"We can hire a lawyer," Oliver suggested. "They can tell us if this is legally binding or not." Christine shrugged her sense to fight draining out of her. "Please don't give up," he told her, taking her hands and looking her straight in the eye. "We can get through this."

"Hey guys, look at this," Jordan said, drawing all the attention back to her. She had her cell phone in her hand. "Check this message out,"

Please, Christine I'm begging you. Help m-

"Do you know who it is?" Jordan asked. At first nobody knew the phone number. "They obviously know my number and your name. I just dont know who they are,"

"It's Matt," Christine stuttered. "It's my brother."

"Oh God," Jordan muttered. She knew they were headed downhill. She knew Christine would do anything to protect her younger brother, including sacrifice her own life, after all, she had been doing it most of her life. "Christine, do not give up. Matt wouldn't want this for you and you know that. Please don't believe this,"

"What if it's not just a set up?! What if Matt is hurt? What if he keeps getting hurt and it will only go away if I marry Carter." Jordan shook her head.

"It wouldn't be. Your dad is trying to make you think that way so that you go through with it!"

"Why can't life just be easy?" she cried as they walked back into their suite. Kimmy and Elijah were sitting at the round wooden table, apparently waiting for their return. Christine dropped her purse, causing the ring to roll out, as she walked into her room, closing the door behind her.

"I'll talk to her," Oliver muttered, walking into the room Christine had just disappeared into.

"So, how'd it go?" Kimmy asked Jordan after the door was closed again. "Not good?"

"I punched him," Jordan murmured. "I don't know how much longer I can convince her that we can get her out of this. After all, it's the law. I can't mess with that." Zac had been on his cell phone when they walked in the room. "Who was that, and what did they want?" Jordan asked when he reentered the room.

"It was Noah; he wanted to make sure everything was alright. He saw what happened last night and got worried," Jordan squeezed her eyes shut. "Did he have anything helpful?" Zac smirked and handed Jordan the paper he had been taking notes on.

"This is definitely helpful," she muttered. "But they still need to get married, or pretend to be," Zac shook his head. "They don't?"

"This completely voids the entire thing, but it says that Christine has to be nineteen before she can call him out," Jordan threw her hands down.

"That means she'll be married by then! Zac her birthday is in four months, I don't think her parents are going to give her a long engagement!" Jordan sighed. Kimmy and Elijah were looking on in complete confusion.

"So what? They have to be married for like three months, and then she can get out of it and sue the shit out of him. She'll never have to see him again,"

"Why don't you tell her? She and Oliver are probably getting ready to just give up on love," Kimmy muttered, looking at the door where Christine's sobs could be heard. Zac nodded and stood up, walking to the door and sliding the paper beneath it.

"What's that? A forged birth certificate for my future kids?" Christine spat looking at the piece of paper in Oliver's hands. He shook his head.

"This is your loophole," he told her, handing her the paper. "Lets go back out there, they love you just as much as I do," he told her, extending his hand towards her.

"I was starting to think that you had died in there," Kimmy gushed, engulfing Christine in a hug. "Are you alright?" Christine shrugged and nodded.

"Look what we found?" Elijah said, holding up the diamond ring. Christine, Jordan and Oliver groaned. Jordan was the first to grab it. "What are you doing?" Jordan was standing over the sink.

"You're going to blow up Cinderella's Castle," Zac muttered taking the ring out of her hand and sliding it in his pocket. "We'll sell it after you get married, it'll make a fortune," Christine scoffed and sat at the table.

"Ma'am you can't just-" James' voice could be heard through the door. Before he could finish the sentence the front door of the suite swung open and Christine's mother was standing there, a large book in her arms.

"Hello darling," she greeted. Jordan sighed, waving James into the suite. "I just thought you and I should go over some details." Christine looked completely uninterested in the book that her mother had in her arms.

"Mom, all I want to do is pick my dress. You can do the rest," she muttered, an idea popping into her mind. "I'll send you pictures when I find the right one," she was ushering her mother out of the suite. "Goodbye," she gasped when she got the door closed.

"Do I want to know what's going on?" James asked Kimmy and Elijah.

"You might as well know, you're going to be in it," Christine muttered. "I'm getting married; against my will to a man I cannot stand. My mother thinks that you," she said pointing to Zac, James and Elijah, "will be in the wedding."

"Christine, did you notice the date that your mother picked out for you?" Oliver asked her, looking down at her from behind. She nodded, her face going pale.

"When is it?"

"Three weeks."