Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 43

"Christine, wake up!" Jordan poked the following morning. The pervious day had flown by in wedding fury and the chaos was wearing everyone out. "Come on, we're going to hang out today, get out minds off everything going on."

"Why do you insist on waking me up in the most annoying manors possible?"

Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "Cause I can." She then slapped her back, pulling the bed sheet away from Christine's sleeping form. "Time to get the hell up!" She shouted.

"You might not be alive by the time that you get married." Oliver muttered as he rolled out of bed, throwing a glare at Jordan.

"Why do we have to wake up at the crack of dawn to relax all day?" Christine asked Jordan as she walked out of her bedroom and into the darkened living room.

Jordan pranced out of the room behind Christine, flinging herself onto the couch on top of Zac. He groaned, pushing her off of him and onto the floor. "Ugh! That was so not nice, HONEY!" Jordan whined.

Zac shrugged, waving her off before looking to Christine. "We're getting up this early cause little miss Jordan here wanted to actually have a full 12 hours devoted to 'hanging out.'"

"Like that's going to happen," Oliver muttered walking out of the bedroom. "Someone's going to fall asleep or someone's going to show up who will threaten that. It's inevitable with us, we're just bound for disaster," Oliver murmured as he heard the knock on the door. "See, I told you it wouldn't happen."

Jordan looked around the room, seeing that everyone who was supposed to be with them was. "Who the hell could that be? We have everyone here."

"I don't know why doesn't someone open the door and see who it is?" Kimmy said standing up and walking towards the door. "Oh boy,"

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Oliver stuttered when he saw his mother's figure in the doorway. Christine dropped her head into Jordan's shoulder as Sarah walked into the room.

Sarah waltzed in, a content smile dancing on her graceful face. "Can't I come say hello to my loving son and his friends?" She replied falsely.

"No," Jordan whispered from her place on the couch. "You always have an ulterior motive."

Sarah glared over at Jordan before returning to the same smile she arrived with. "I came to have a fantastic breakfast with you, Oliver dear. Come now, The limo is downstairs waiting."

"I'm not going with you. What did you want mother?" he asked her, keeping his manners but getting his point across. Christine smirked into Jordan's shoulder. "Please just tell me what you came here for."

"I came to talk you into coming back to London with me." She glanced over to Christine, placing her hands on her hips. "I've heard of your little...dilemma, dear. That's truly wonderful that you're getting married. Excited?"
"Thrilled," Christine lied. "My father's making me get married. You see, if it weren't for him, I'd be sleeping with your son right now," Christine spat. Kimmy lowered her head into her hands to hide the smile that crossed her face.

Sarah glared and rolled her eyes back to Oliver. "Do you see why I believe you should come back to London with me? You've got nothing left here. "The movie's done, your girlfriend is engaged to another man, and besides...your mother needs you darling. I'm going through a rough time in my life..." She fake cried.

"Wait, wait... I think I've heard this one before!" Kimmy laughed as she pulled a Dr. Pepper out of the refrigerator behind the bar.

"Oh for God's sake! He works with actors; he knows a fake cry when he sees one!" Christine spat at the woman. "Besides, he can't help you. You're a mess and all you'd be doing is dragging him down. Let him stay here and be happy,
be where he's loved." Christine argued. Jordan and Zac were staring on in disbelief as Christine and Sarah began the feud again.

Oliver sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Would you two please stop fighting? You know that I love you both and I want you to get along."
He looked to his mother, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Mother, I'm not going back to London. Christine needs me here to help her take care of the whole thing."

"I tried getting along with her! Don't you remember? I was a good person towards her and I get talked down to and treated like an American Bitch. I don't know who she thinks she is!" Christine exclaimed, recalling the events in London without a doubt or hesitation. "And after all that I still tried to be nice to her on the red carpet when she unexpectedly showed up. Just in case you forgot."

Oliver sighed, glaring at her lightly. "I haven't forgotten that. I also haven't forgotten what happened in London." Sarah chuckled nervously, pinching her son's cheek.

"That's my boy, memory like an elephant." Jordan looked at Sarah like she was crazy; she just compared her son to an elephant.

"Fine, I'm going back to bed." Christine spat, standing up and turning to walk back to her bedroom. "Oh, Sarah, it was nice seeing you again."

Sarah nodded, pulling her son closer to her. "Yes, Lovely to see you once again as well." Oliver rolled his eyes, trying to push Sarah off of him.

"You're the biggest bitch ever!" Jordan screamed before running into Christine's room.

"How do you always find the words to say the worst things at the worst possible times?" Oliver asked his mother. "Can't you see that she's enough of a mess as it is? She didn't ask for her father to be an ass, he just was and she can't stop that. That's why she needs me here, to help figure out a way to get her out of this. You should be thanking her! She's the one who wanted to break up with me, give me the chance to move on. I was the one who didn't give up, not her." He told his mother. Jordan had bolted into Christine's room and lured her back into the living room.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Oliver, Oliver, Oliver...That was the one thing that I blame Christophe for teaching you, not to give up." Jordan's, along with everyone else's mouths dropped. "You need to learn your place and here is not where it is. You're coming back with me and that's final!" She yelled.

"You can't do that!" Christine screamed, the tears spilling out of her eyes. "Please," she nearly begged. Oliver looked between his mother and Christine. Jordan had her arms around Christine's shoulders. Kimmy was fuming.

"You can't do that?! Can't you see they're in love? Are you that much of a bitch to pull them apart?!"

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "Begging won't help you all. He can't refuse his mother. Not when I have things against him." She then turned back towards Oliver. "Grab your bags Oliver. The plane leaves in a few hours."

"I can't leave, not now." Oliver told his mother, sitting next to Christine on the couch. "They need me here, she needs me here." Sarah's eyes were glowing with determination. She wasn't leaving without her son.

Sarah put her hands on her hips, huffing. "Oliver Tompsett, You come with me right now or I'll have to tell them all about your little escapade in Italy."

"You might as well, now that you brought it up I would have to tell them anyway," he sighed, dreading the information that was going to come out. Christine and Jordan looked at him in complete confusion.

"I really think I'm going to not like the information that is about to come out..." Christine muttered judging from the expression on his face.

Sarah looked to everyone nervously before shaking her head. "No, it's not my place to tell. It's your blood Oliver, Might as well tell her before you marry her."

"Tell me what?" Christine stuttered out, her stomach was plummeting. Jordan was looking at Zac just asking God, Satan, someone to keep the information somewhat pleasant. "Just tell me damnit!"

Oliver sighed, holding onto Christine's hands and looking into her eyes. "When I was in the Dance academy, I had a girlfriend named Monika. On the big class trip to Italy, she and I got...close." He then sighed, taking a deep breath. "Christine, I have a 5 year old daughter. Her name is Cayla. I'm sorry I haven't told you."

"Oh. My God," Christine breathed in and out, rapidly trying to regain her steady heartbeat. "Do you see her?" she managed to get out. The tears were in her eyes, they hadn't started to fall.

Oliver nodded lightly, not taking his eyes off of hers. "Yes. I've been talking to her every weekend ever since I came out here.

"She went to live with her grandmother on her mother's side while I'm here." Sarah chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest happily.

"She lives with you? In London?" she asked him. He nodded; his eyes were still locked on hers. "I want to meet her," Christine said, a small smile escaping her lips.

Sarah gasped in shock while Oliver broke out in a huge smile. "Are you serious?" He asked excitedly. Sarah shook her head no.

"She's lying! She's only saying that to make me mad! She doesn't care about Cayla!" Sarah screamed.

"I was pregnant when we met. Why would I care if he had a kid? Sure, I'm not happy that I had to find out with you using her to piss me off, but he was ready and willing to deal with me having a baby." Christine smirked. "And if there's one person who doesn't care, it's you because you're using her as a bargaining chip."

Sarah huffed once more, making Jordan laugh loudly. "Put that in your British pipe and smoke it ya bitch!" Zac laughed, blowing a kiss to Jordan.

"I will not let you see her! You'll never see my granddaughter! You'll corrupt the poor child with your American attitude." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with Americans?!" Kimmy burst, Elijah laughed and put a hand over her mouth. She pouted up at him and continued to watch the feud in front of her.

"What are you going to do? Keep her away from her father? That'll work," Christine muttered. "What happened to her mother?" she inquired. Oliver shrugged.

"She couldn't handle a child. She was one of those dancers who wants to dance and nothing else. Once Cayla was born, She dropped her off to me and I've been taking care of her ever since." He smiled.

"I want to meet her," Christine told him. Sarah's eyes widened. "And you're not going to stop me," she muttered in Sarah's direction.

Sarah growled and stormed out of the room. Oliver laughed and kissed Christine's cheek. "Don't worry; you're going to love her. She's the sweetest little girl."

"I'll be right back." Christine said, getting up and following Sarah out of the door. "Sarah, wait." She called. Sarah stopped and turned around to face Christine. "I just wanted to apologize for everything I just said in there. I was out of line and I was wrong."

Sarah shook her head. "I'm not going to apologize to you, if that's what you're thinking. I accept your apology." She then walked closer to Christine, getting in her face. "I always get my way love. Know that."

"That's fine. I wasn't expecting you to do anything. I just wanted to try and make Oliver happy by attempting to get along with you. I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I tried. Have a safe flight." Christine said, walking into the hotel suite. "I always get my way too," she called after Sarah once she was in the hotel room.

Oliver looked to Christine oddly. "What was that all about?"

"I wanted to try and give you what you wanted. I want to get along with her. I apologized about what I said to try and make things better between me and her. But I don't think that's going to happen." She admitted.

"Damn you innocent people and your good side," Kimmy muttered when she heard Christine's explanation. Elijah laughed and leaned against Kimmy's shoulder.

Oliver shrugged. "I could have told you that honey." Jordan then groaned as she looked at the clock.

"Fucking bitch...She made us late for our day of hanging out!"

"Jordan, could you have asked for a more entertaining morning?" Zac asked her. Jordan shook her head and leaned into his arms. "I didn't think so," he smirked. Christine sighed, still upset about the previous events.

Jordan smiled a sad smile to her friend. "What's wrong? Still upset about that bitch? Don't worry...The evil witch is gone now."

"I wish I could get along with her. It would make things so much easier," Christine muttered.

Zac shrugged, wrapping his arms around Jordan's waist. "You can't get along with everyone Christine. Believe me, If I could get along with Jordan's grandmother...Life would be so awesome."

Jordan rolled her eyes. "So she didn't know who you were...get over it!"

"Would it make you feel better if I told you Cayla wasn't in London? My mother brought her here with her," Oliver told Christine, trying to cheer her up. Jordan smiled, Christine loved kids, and this was a sure way to cheer her up.

Jordan then stood up, clapping her hands. "Let's go see her now! I wanna play with the baby." Christine laughed, leaning into Oliver.

"She's 5 years old, not a baby."

"It'll mess up your day of just hanging out," Christine warned. Jordan shrugged. "Alright, let me change," she muttered, walking into her room and pulling clothes out of her suitcase.

Jordan bounded into the room and sat on Christine's bed. "So, Honestly, How do you feel about Oliver having a kid?"

"I'm not so happy about the face that his mother practically told me. But other than that it doesn't affect me. We both have pasts, I knew that when I started dating him. I knew that when I fell in love with him." Christine said as she finished brushing makeup on her face. "Let's go."

Jordan smiled and hugged Christine tightly. "You know what this means right?" Christine stared at her cautiously. "When you two do get married, you're going to be a mommy!" Jordan exclaimed.

"Lovely, can I get to the wedding part first?" she asked and Jordan walked out of the room. "Everyone ready?" she asked with a smile.

Everyone nodded their heads, getting up and walking towards the door. "Going to meet the kiddies! Going to meet the kiddies!" Jordan and Kimmy sang as they walked out the door together.

"I can't believe that she's taking this so well," Zac mused as Jordan joined him again. "I thought she'd flip when she heard the news," he told her as they walked through Magic Kingdom.

Jordan shrugged. "Christine loves kids and she loves Oliver. She'll do anything for that man. If it means being a mom to a little girl, she'll do it in a heartbeat." Jordan replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Daddy!!!! Your back! And you brought friends to plays dolly with me!"

"She's adorable," Christine smiled as they walked up to the little girl. Her dark hair was tied back in a messy, five year olds ponytail.

Jordan smiled, clutching tightly to Zac's arm. "Aww! Honey I want one!" Jordan whined. Zac's eyes went wide and he pushed her towards the little girl.

"Take that one!"

"Don't you dare take my daughter," Oliver scoffed, scooping Cayla up in his arms.

"Hi Ms. Daddy's friends, my name's Cayla. I'm this many years old." She said, holding out five fingers. Christine smiled.

Jordan pouted, but then went over and held her hand up for a high five from Cayla. "I'm Jordan and we're gonna be the bestest of friends, Right?"

"Yeah! We can have tea, but not with sugar. Dad says I'm not allowed to have sugar."

Zac came up behind Jordan, placing his head on her shoulder. "Don't worry, neither is she."

"She's so British," Kimmy muttered into Elijah's ear as she heard the little girls' last response.

"But, when he takes naps, I eat sugar anyway."

"Hi sweetie, I'm Christine," she said a bright smile on her face. "Don't worry, I won't tell him. It'll be out little secret." Cayla giggled and wiggled out of her father's arms.

Jordan laughed and nodded. "Me too. But Shhh, It'll be our little secret." Zac rolled his eyes and hit her shoulder.

"You know I heard that right?"

"Whoa! Both of you are going to keep my secret!?" she giggled. Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Tag you're it!"

Zac looked around to everyone oddly. Jordan rolled her eyes, pushing him towards where Cayla had run off. "Go get her you dork!"

"You had to encourage her?" Oliver muttered towards Jordan and Christine. "She's never going to let me forget that." Zac was chasing the giggling girl around in circles.

"You were right, she's adorable." Christine said to Oliver just as Zac came back holding the little girls hand.

"He's gonna get me, help!" Cayla screamed, running and hiding behind Christine's legs.

"I won't let him get you," she smiled picking the little girl up. Zac smiled and stopped at Jordan's side.

"Ha-ha, I won." she smiled, sticking her tongue out at him. Zac smiled.

"Cayla, this is Christine." Oliver told his daughter. "Say hello."

"Hi Chris-tine."

"How are you sweetie? Are you having fun in Disney World?"

"Yeah! I love Mickey. He signed my book!"

"Who's your favorite princess?" Christine continued. Oliver was smiling as he watched on.

"Mmmmm. Cinderella! Because she can talk to animals!"

"Tell me more about her." Christine led as she carried her towards the castle. Jordan and Oliver followed.

"Well, she's really pretty! She also got married to a Prince. He's a REAL Prince! And she has these glass shoes and, and she lost one, so her Prince had to go ALL around the place, just to find her. But her mean mommy locked her in a closet. But she got out with the help of her animal friends and lives ever after!"

"What if I told you that you could meet Cinderella? Would you like that?"

"That would be the bestest!"

"How are you going to pull that off?" Jordan whispered.

"You'll see." Christine smiled. "I'll be right back." she told the girl

"Hurry back!"

"I had no idea you'd be this good with her." Oliver told Christine as they walked into the costume. "Its not here, the dress isn't here."

"Just wear your costume. It'll be fine." Oliver told her handing her the snow white dress.

"I'll try." 5 minutes later Christine walked out to the lobby where Cayla was waiting.

"Cayla. Cinderella is out with her prince. Do you want to come and spend the day with me?"
