Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 44

Jordan laughed and ran up, sweeping Cayla up into her arms. "Lets go get all beautified!" Jordan cheered as she ran towards the parks entrance, carrying Cayla in her arms. Cayla was giggling in Jordan's arms.

"Oh man, this is going to be a very long day," Zac muttered as he watched Jordan running towards the entrance of the park. His smile wavered. "Was she serious when she said she wanted a kid?" He asked Christine as she walked up in the Disney costume. "What's with the princess outfit?"

Christine hid back a small smile while shrugging her shoulders. "With Jordan, Who knows? She does look like she'd be a pretty good mom though." She laughed, elbowing him in the side jokingly. "Better get married quick. After she spends too much time with Cayla, She'll be begging you for one..." Zac sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"ZAC'S GUNNA HAVE A BABY!" Kimmy shouted at her brother. He

"He should be a pro at it by now," Christine muttered, smirking up at him. Kimmy and Elijah smiled and began to walk towards the entrance where Cayla's laugh could be heard.

Jordan laughed as she swung Cayla around through the air, watching her hair blow wildly in the wind. Zac walked towards Jordan, his hands in his pockets nervously. Seeing his nervous stance, Jordan held Cayla on her hip and looked to Zac worriedly. "Zac, Honey? You alright?" He nodded his head nervously.

"He's made of Honey?"

"No, sweetie. Please don't listen to Jordan," Oliver said, pulling his daughter from Jordan's arms. Jordan scowled at him and pouted at Zac's side.

"I never said that he was made of Honey. I just called him honey, meaning he's sweet...when he wants to be." Zac kind of huffed and walked away from Jordan. She stared after him with a confused look. "What's up his ass?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"OH! Daddy, Jordan taught me a new word. Ass. What does it mean?"

"Cayla, please don't ever say that word again." Oliver told her daughter. Christine flicked Jordan on the shoulder with a glint in her eye. "Promise me," he followed up.

"I promise."

Jordan didn't stick around to be yelled at for her bad language around Cayla. She was worried about Zac and she needed to find out what the hell was wrong with him. She ran towards him, leaving the rest of the group behind.

"Hey, what's going on?" she asked, walking up behind him. He turned away from her and refocused his attention. "Did I do something?" she asked, stepping in front of his line of vision.

Zac shook his head. "No, you didn't do anything wrong." He said quietly, pushing past her towards the van that came to pick them up. Jordan grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him back.

"Tell me what's wrong!"

"I'm not ready for a baby!" he exploded. Jordan jumped; the volume in his voice startled her. "When Christine got pregnant I didn't want the baby. We were young and it made me realize that, I'm not ready. When you said that earlier, I just freaked out. I didn't know what to think, what to say," he told her, running his hands through his hair.

Jordan sighed before wrapping his arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. "I'm not ready for one either." She whispered. He pulled away from her, confusion on his face.

"But you said..."

"I saw Christine, Oliver and Cayla becoming this beautiful family. At some point, that's what I'm going to want. But I'm not ready either and we'll take time with our lives," she told him, taking his hand in hers, the engagement ring glistening on her finger.

Zac nodded, leaning in and kissing her gently. "I understand. Don't worry, One day I will give you that family." Jordan smiled and then punched his shoulder.
"Ow! What was that for?" She stepped back, pointing her finger in his face.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought you didn't love me anymore!"

"That's not possible." He told her, kissing her sweetly. "Should we go back over there? The parade is going to start in about an hour, and we need to get ready." Jordan scrunched up her nose and nodded.

"If we have too..." She whined. Zac rolled his eyes and picked Jordan up, flinging her over his shoulder. "Not again!" She cried as he carried her back towards the group.

"Welcome back," Christine smiled as they walked up. Cayla was playing with the curls in Christine's short hair. "We have to go get ready..."

"Boing!" Cayla laughed as she pulled one of the curls.

Zac put Jordan down and held onto her waist so that she could balance herself. "I've always hated that ride..." Jordan laughed, holding her now dizzy head.

"I love rides!"

"Well, would you like to ride in the parade with your dad?" Christine smiled. Looking up at Jordan and Oliver. "What? She can be Tinkerbelle?" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jordan held onto Zac's arm tightly as she remembered what Oliver looked like in those tights. "Oh no, you can't do that to the poor child! Those tights are enough to blind."

Oliver glared at Jordan evilly. "You are so lucky that I would never beat someone in front of Cayla..."

"I wan to be Tinkerbelle. Daddy, please?"

"How about you ride on a float with me and Christine," Zac offered. Christine smiled and nodded. "We can dress you up and stand with a princess." Cayla's eyes lit up.

Jordan's eyes then lit up once she realized what she was going to be riding in. "I GET TO RIDE IN A GIANT SEASHELL!" She picked up Cayla and started running back towards the castle. "Lets go!!!!!"

"Okay! Bye Daddy, bye everyone!"

"She's adorable, really," Christine told Oliver as they walked towards the castle. Christine was already in her costume and could watch Cayla while the rest of them changed. She would need to find a costume for Cayla to wear anyway.

Oliver laughed from the bathroom as he changed into his costume. "Why thanks, she takes after me." Christine rolled her eyes as she called the Disney people for a costume. Oliver then walked out of the bathroom and walked over to Cayla. "What do you think, Baby girl?"

"You look funny," she giggled. Jordan and Christine started laughing with the little girl. "Do I get a costume?"

Jordan nodded, messing with the scales on her 'tail'. "Christine is working on it. We're gonna make you look pretty sweetie." Cayla nodded and continued to play with Jordan's 'fin'. Cayla's costume arrived minutes later and she stepped into the miniature costume. The parade began and ended in a swirl of bright colors and Disney Magic.

"I wanna be a Princess when I grow up," Cayla yawned as she was being carried back to the castle. The day had flown by, the stars were out and the park was empty. "I'm sweepy."

Oliver rubbed his daughter's back as he carried her into the suite. "Well it's way past your bedtime anyway."

Cayla shrugged, yawning again. "I wanted to play with you guys." Oliver nodded, placing him down in his bed and covering her up.

"Go to sleep."

"But I don't wanna," she yawned.

He kissed her forehead, tucking her in. "But you're gonna." He mocked. "I love you darling." Cayla yawned as she snuggled up in the covers.

Before Oliver had walked back out of the room, Cayla sat up a little. "Daddy? Do you promise to make me a princess when I grow up?"

He chuckled lightly, moving his hand over to the light switch. "You already are sweetheart." He then turned off the light and shut the door.

"I love you too daddy," she whispered as he walked out of the door.

Kimmy had her head laid onto Elijah's shoulder, playing with his hand. "She's such a sweetheart. I can see where she gets it from."

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Oliver asked Christine. She cocked her head to one side with a confused look on her face. "I mean, I didn't tell you..."

Christine laughed, patting the seat next to her. Oliver sat down, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "As I've said, I don't like that your mother used her as a threat. But I'm not mad you for not telling me. I can kinda see why you'd be scared to."

"My mother, you have to understand, has always been a little overprotective. In a way, you remind me of her," he told her. Jordan scoffed.

"Why is that a good thing?"

Oliver laughed. "Because it means that Christine wouldn't let anything bad happen to anyone that she cares about. That's the way my mother. She loves me and Cayla."

Christine sighed, leaning her head on Oliver's shoulder. "She could show it a little better..."
"Yeah well she has a shitty way of showing it," Zac muttered as he tossed Kimmy a Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator. She smiled and opened the can and began to drink it.

"See! I'm not the only one who thinks so!" Jordan exclaimed proudly.

Jordan then stared at the Dr. Pepper and laughed, remembering the first time she had met Kimmy. "Oh yeah! Never did get you that new soda. Sorry."
Kimmy shrugged, it was in the past. "So, did you have a decent day?" she asked rhetorically. Jordan laughed. Her relaxing day of just hanging out completely changed gears.

Jordan and Zac nodded. "It was alright I suppose. Even if I didn't get my hangout day..." Jordan pouted.

Zac then nudged her shoulder, making her look over at Christine and Oliver who were sleeping soundly on each other. Elijah laughed. "Looks like they're getting that parent thing down early. Fall right asleep when the kid does."

"Maybe the two of you should take a lesson from that." Jordan smirked dragging Zac out of the room. "Goodnight."

Kimmy smiled, placing her hand onto her stomach. "She's right you know. We should ask Oliver for pointers." Elijah shook his head. Kimmy looked up at him confused.

"Babe, you're enough of a kid as it is anyway. We'll be fine." He then kissed her head, walking into their bedroom. Kimmy sighed as she rubbed her stomach and stared at Christine and Oliver. This was going to harder than she thought.

"Today was good, right?" Zac asked when Jordan closed their door.

Jordan nodded as she went over to her side of the bed and crawled in. "Yeah, It was a good day."

"Are you alright?" he asked her, taking her off guard. "You've been stressed lately,"

Jordan looked over to him, eyes wide. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why would you think that I'm stressed? I'm not stressed." She rambled.

"Yes you are. Today with Oliver and Christine. It's just going to motivate her more to get out of this wedding thing. She won't lose him, and she's not going to give up that little girl," Zac said as he spit the toothpaste out.

Jordan nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's just the whole her still getting married to that...guy. This is not how I pictured her wedding day..." She replied sadly, bringing her knees up to her chest.
"Look, all she's going to have to do is marry him for a few months, that's it," he tried to reason with her. "Unless she wants to..." he stopped short, knowing that the possibility wasn't going to be a good one.

Jordan laughed. "Oh you know she's going to get divorced as quickly as she can. Then she's going to marry Oliver and become a big happy family with him and Cayla."

"She doesn't have to even marry him. I was looking over this today. If she waves the marriage she gives up all connections to her family, until they're all adults," Zac said sitting on the edge of the bed. "This would include..."

Laying her head on Zac's shoulder, she sighed. "Matt. I have to find a way to get him out of there. She needs him more than anything."

"If you get him out of there, she can refuse the wedding and still stay in contact with her brother." Zac said as he turned off the bedside lamp.

"I'll figure something out. I always do." Jordan smiled, kissing Zac and laying down with her head on his chest, drifting off into a deep, deep sleep.