Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 45

"Too poofy," Christine muttered as Jordan walked out of the dressing room in the classic "cinderella" style dress. All poof, nothing else. "Do you honestly like that thing?"

Jordan shook her head no. "Zac likes poofy..." She muttered. She turned around to the mirror, looking at herself in disgust. "I look like marshmallow puff!"

"Who gives a shit what he wants? It's your day," Christine told her, handing her a less marshmallow-y dress and shoving her back into the dressing room. "Besides, he doesn't care what you wear, you agreed to marry him. That's all he cares about."

Jordan laughed as she flailed out of the big poof dress. "Yeah, He's lucky he's getting this." She then slipped into the other dress, smiling lightly to herself before walking out. "This one is a bit better."

"A bit would be an understatement," Kimmy muttered from behind a magazine. "I still don't understand why I have to be here. I'm already married,"

Christine slapped Kimmy's arm lightly. "We're here to make sure Jordan picks a good dress. We made sure that you looked good, now we're returning the favor." Jordan smiled, sticking her tongue out at Kimmy.

"Couldn't you just wear my dress? We sat through the agony once and the dress is still in good condition. It would save all the trouble." Kimmy whined. They were in a small boutique in Downtown Orlando. The guys were doing their thing for the wedding while they waited.

Jordan put her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "I don't want a hand-me-down dress! I want my own. Besides, your style is so not my style." Kimmy shrugged, going back to the magazine she was reading.

"So, what's your plan for me? You said you'd tell me when we got here," Christine said as she handed three more dresses into the dressing room.

Jordan took the dresses into the room, beginning to try each one of them on. "Well, I was thinking about your 'Wedding'. We'll have to start planning it sooner or later. So how about while we're here, we'll pick you out a dress!" She then walked out, modeling the latest dress.

"Right, well. I wasn't planning on spending a whole lot of money on this thing since...well; I didn't get a choice in the matter." Christine muttered as she nodded in approval at the dress that Jordan had on.

Jordan smiled before walking back into the room, trying on the next one. "Don't worry; I was thinking the same thing. So how about you wear a black wedding dress? It'll be like a funeral thing since you practically wanna die at it anyway." Jordan rambled mindlessly.

"Where did that idea come from and how much am I going to have to pay you to use it?" Christine smiled at the thought of watching her father's face when he saw her in a black dress.

Jordan peeked her head out from behind the curtain. "Hee Hee, Exactly. No payment, just as long as you don't make me wear a hideous dress in your real wedding."

"Deal, if I ever get around to that," Christine muttered, a new glint in her eyes. "When did you think of that?"

Jordan zipped up the back of the next dress and walked out. "Last night while I was in bed with Zac. He was snoring and I was thinking that I couldn't believe I was marrying him, I'd rather die than live with that snoring." She then smirked, placing her hands on her waist. "And that's when it hit me!"

"Brilliant." Kimmy laughed from her place on the padded bench. Her magazine was growing thinner as the minutes clicked passed.

Jordan nodded and looked into the mirror. "Wow. This one is spectacular."

"It's the best one yet," Christine agreed. "How much are you going to go into debt?" She added, looking at the price tag from her seat next to Kimmy.

Jordan smirked, pulling out Zac's credit card. "None at all. My 'darling' is." She laughed.

"You're a horrible person," Christine laughed. "Please tell me he knows that you have that." They were walking up to the cash register with the dress in hand.

"Did the two of you decide on wedding parties yet?" Kimmy chirped as they watched the sales clerk ring up the dress.

Jordan looked over to Christine thoughtfully. "Wedding parties? Hmm...An interesting idea. I haven't thought of one. You?" She asked her best friend.

"You're asking that like I have a choice," Christine muttered. "My mother gave me one saving grace. You're the only one in my bridal party that I know." Kimmy raised her eyebrows. "My parents know if I have too much control, I'll back out of it."

Jordan nodded. "I suppose I'll have to talk to Zac about ours." Jordan mumbled, not really looking forward to that argument. She then elbowed Christine lightly. "And you so will have that choice. Remember what Oliver has been saying?"

"Do you think I'm even going to consider walking down the aisle in the near future after this fiasco? You've got to be kidding me. Oh, and you'll never guess the new level my father is taking this too," Christine mumbled as they walked out of the boutique and into a cozy coffee shop. The dress would be ready to pick up in about three days.

Jordan and Kimmy sat down, watching Christine expectantly. "What's he done now?" Kimmy whined.

"He made Oliver the best man," Christine whispered, tears stinging her eyes. "I can't stand my father."

Jordan's eyes fumed. "He can't do that! He knows that you two are together! Doesn't this Carter guy have any siblings or friends to be his best man?"

"Of course he does. But remember my father. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, you know that. This is going to be horrible."

Kimmy sighed as she pulled out her cell phone, texting something to Elijah. "Don't worry; I'll have this whole thing settled by tonight." Jordan rolled her eyes and took the phone from her. "No sending Elijah out to get the mob." Kimmy sighed, pouting her lip out.

"Guys, please, just let this happen. I'll just divorce him when it's over."

They nodded, sipping the drinks they had gotten. Just then, Jordan's cell phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and rolled her eyes before answering it. "You're not seeing the dress, Zac."

"Come on, Jordan! I paid for it, please?" he begged as Jordan switched the phone onto speaker phone. Christine cracked a smile.

Jordan shook her head, not realizing that he couldn't see her. "It's bad luck! I don't care if you paid for it or not! What's yours is mine baby, meaning all your cash." She laughed.

"Jordan!" Christine gasped. "Zac, she's a little hyped up on sugar and I'm pretty sure she'd kill my father if he walked in the door," Christine told him, scowling at Jordan, trying to keep the smile off her face.

"Oh you know I'm not like that. I don't want your filthy high school musical money..." Jordan shuddered, thinking of the horrible movie.

"You're horrible," Christine whispered.

Jordan shrugged. "Is that all you wanted, to bug me about the dress?"

"No, I got a call from my mother. I tried calling Kimmy, but she didn't answer me." Kimmy snickered, sipping her coffee. "Anyway, she wants to know if she's going to be your maid of honor." Jordan sighed, running her hand through her hair.

"We'd all like to know the answer to that question," Kimmy giggled as she looked up at Jordan.

Jordan shook her head. "I haven't decided yet." She mumbled into her coffee.

"Well, Kimmy's my sister. She should be in the wedding, if not your maid of honor," Zac said. Christine sighed as she watched Jordan's eyebrows skyrocket.

"What? Did you actually say that?" She then looked up to Christine. "I'm not dreaming, he really said that right?"

"Unfortunately, I was hoping that he wasn't that stupid." Christine muttered.

"Honey, of course she's going to be in the wedding. That would just be stupid if she wasn't!" She yelled to him.

"But she's going to be your sister-in-law! I think that deserves more than just the regular role." Kimmy dropped her head into her arms. Christine was staring at Jordan, whose eyes were wide and round.

"I know! That's why she's going to be my matron of honor while you're my maid of honor!" Jordan smirked.

"That was unexpected," Kimmy muttered towards Christine. Zac was silent on the other end of the phone. "Apparently he didn't see it coming either."

Jordan looked to her friends curiously. "What? She's married. So at least I can have you two as both something special."

Christine smiled at her best friend, "what's gotten into you? Two brilliant ideas in one day,"

Jordan smiled a cute smile and giggled. "I'm just having a great day!"

"There was another brilliant idea and I missed it?" Zac whined from the phone.

"Aww, Poor baby. Don't worry; maybe later I'll have some better ideas." She mused. Kimmy gagged, pushing her drink away from her.


"What was that?" Christine laughed as she tried to get the image of Kimmy's drink coming out of her nose out of her mind. "I thought you liked coffee."

Kimmy nodded. "Yeah, I do. I just don't want to imagine any ideas that Jordan may come up with later tonight..." She shuddered.

"Whoa!" Christine shrieked slapping Kimmy on the arm. "Why are you thinking that far ahead anyway?"

Jordan laughed, shaking her head. "Jordan, are you guys coming back anytime soon?" Jordan then sighed looking to her friends.

"We ready to leave?" The girls stood up, their coffee cups in their hands.

"Are we going to run by the courthouse, Jordan?" Zac asked as they walked out of the door.

"Yeah. I'll be coming to pick you up soon. Just chillax there ok?" She said, walking out of the shop.

"Courthouse? What's at the courthouse? You know a divorce isn't legal until after you marry him, right?" Christine questioned as they hailed a taxi back to the gate of Magic Kingdom.

Jordan nodded. "Uh, yeah. Christine, I'd love to tell you what Zac and I are doing...but It's a secret. Sorry!" She then took Zac off speaker and continued to talk to him as they waited for the cab.

"I hate when she keeps secrets," Christine muttered as the cab pulled up to the sidewalk.

Kimmy nodded as she sat in the back with Christine. "She always tells you in the end though. It's not like it'll stay a secret for long."

"That's true. Hey, you don't know what it is, do you?" Kimmy shook her head. "Don't lie to me,"

"No... Why would you ever think I was lying. Umm, Jordan's calling me, going to help her, bye!"

"No you don't!" Christine snapped grabbing the back of Kimmy's sleeve. "Am I going to like what they're doing?"


"Alright well, you're going to torture yourself if you stay with me because I'm going to ask you questions forever. Go hang out with Elijah. I need to talk to Oliver and see Cayla."


"Hi sweetie!" Christine smiled, picking Cayla up and spinning her around. "Did you have fun with your dad today?"

"I always have fun with him!"

"Did you behave?"

"She always behaves," Oliver said walking into the room. "How was dress shopping?"

"Dress shopping. Jordan found her dress. Hey, Cayla, can you give me and your dad a minute please? Why don't you go get your shoes on and we'll take you through the park," Christine said, looking between Cayla with joy and Oliver with a warning.

"Okay! I'm going to wear my shiney red ones!" she laughed as she ran into Christine and Oliver's room.

"What's going on?"

"You're going to want to sit for this," Christine warned him. He obliged and sat at the table. "My father stooped to a new level."

"What'd he do now?"

"He put you in the wedding, as Carter's best man," she winced, terrified of his reactions.

"I can't lie, it's going to be hard. Trying not to punch him in the mouth," he smiled. "Jordan and Zac are figuring out a way to get you out of this. They're going to know this afternoon