Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 46

Oliver woke up way earlier than everyone else; having a strange feeling that Cayla was awake. He got out of the bed slowly, careful not to wake Christine and walked into Cayla's room; seeing that his suspicions were right. "Good morning, Angel."

"Morning daddy!"

"Did I miss the invitation for this party?" Christine asked from the doorway, a small smile on her face. "How'd you sleep?"

Oliver turned his head to Christine as he held Cayla in his arms. "I didn't mean to wake you. I had a feeling she was up." He said as he walked over, pecking Christine's cheek. She shrugged and looked down at the little girl.


"Do you want something to eat? You hungry? We could make breakfast together," Christine offered towards the little girl.

"Let's make waffles!"

Oliver smiled as he handed Cayla over to Christine. "You two go do that and I'll go wake everyone else up."

"Wait, why don't you go wake Jordan and Zac up, Cayla," she interrupted before Oliver left. Cayla smiled and bounded out of the room.

"Oh lord, that's not going to be good." He mumbled, running his hand through his hair. "Hope Jordan likes being jumped on..."

"Oliver! I found your daughter!" Jordan's voice yelled from the other room about thirty seconds after Cayla disappeared into the room. "That was so unfair," she grumbled as she walked out of the room. Cayla smiled as she walked out of the room. Zac emerged a few minutes later with the same look that Jordan wore.

Oliver laughed as he walked over to Cayla. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Nice job little one."
"Oh god, I remember when he carried me down the stairs like that," Christine mumbled as she first pulled her hair back and then pulled Cayla's into a messy ponytail." Ready to make breakfast?" she asked Cayla.


"Have fun honey." He then went with Jordan and Zac to the couch to watch TV while they made breakfast.

"The two of you are making breakfast?" Zac mumbled as they flipped on the channel. "Oh man I'm going to be dead before I'm thirty." Christine leaned down and whispered something in Cayla's ear. She giggled and nodded. Walking toward him with the large glass of Orange Juice in her little hands. She took a small sip before pouring the contents of the glass on his head.

"And that's for saying we're going to kill you," Christine smirked as she high fived Cayla.

"Cayla!" Oliver laughed, but tried to be a good father. He walked over to her, taking the cup from her hands and pushing her towards the kitchen. "What are you doing to my Daughter dear?"

"Nothing I wasn't taught when I was little. I did that to my father when I was seven," she smiled. Jordan burst out laughing at the sight of Christine's father with Orange Juice running down his face. "You're lucky, she didn't do it to you," she smiled.

Oliver nodded. "Just no more teaching my kid bad things." He then leaned down and kissed Cayla's cheek.

"Do you want some Orange Juice daddy?"

He shook his head. "No thanks lovey."

"No promises," Christine smirked. "Ready to start cooking?" Cayla nodded and twenty minutes later there was more batter on the two girls than there was to make the waffles. "Ugh, you're a mess,"

"This feels weird..."

"Well, you're not normally supposed to wear it," Kimmy muttered walking out of the room. "Why didn't anyone wake us up?" The four of them smiled as Oliver stood up.

"Trust me, you didn't want to be woken up," Zac muttered looking at Christine with revenge in his eyes.

"I don't even want to know." Oliver chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. "Let's go get you cleaned up before you eat." He took her hand and walked her into the bathroom.

"Mmmmm! It tastes good!"

Christine stuck her tongue out at his retreating back. "That was so much fun!" she exclaimed as she leaned forward onto the counter, the batter on her arms sticking to the counter.

Jordan walked into the kitchen, stepping around the gobs of batter flung onto the floor. "Did a waffle bomb explode in here?"

"Awhat?" Christine sighed as she began to clean up the mess in the kitchen. "No a five year old was cooking,"

Jordan nodded. "Aww, First mother/daughter cooking session. How cute!" She cheered, clapping her hands.

"Jordan, she has a mother." Christine sighed. "She might not know her, but she exists,"

"Who cares about that bitch? She's an idiot for leaving such a great girl behind like that..."

Oliver walked into the kitchen, overhearing what Jordan had said. "Don't talk about her mother like that..."

"See, told you that was a bad idea." Christine whispered as she walked towards the second bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Daddy! The bubbles don't taste as good as the waffle stuff!"

"Cayla, sweetie, you're not supposed to eat the bubbles," Oliver sighed as he walked towards the bathroom, leaving Zac, Jordan and Kimmy sitting in the main room.

Zac looked up to Jordan, shaking his head. "That was such a stupid thing to say." Jordan nodded.

"I didn't mean to upset him. I thought he was over her!"

"Apparently not,"

"He's going to have to be if he wants to marry Christine." Jordan mumbled. Zac put his arm around her shoulders.

"He just wants a mother for his daughter. If Cayla's real mother came back, he'd go with them. You know that."

"Don't say that! I will not even think about that. Didn't you see what happened this morning?" Jordan exclaimed. "It was like they were a family! That's how it should be."

Zac nodded. "I know. But logically, think about it honey." Jordan shook her head, storming off into the bedroom.

"That didn't work..." Kimmy mused, watching Jordan stomp off.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jordan asked knocking on the door where Oliver was sitting with Cayla. He nodded and Cayla walked out of the room and joined Zac on the couch. "If what I said earlier offended you, I'm sorry."

"Jordan, Sit down. I owe you an explanation." He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

"Is it a good explanation, by any chance?" she questioned, her stomach giving her a bad feeling about this conversation.

He shrugged. "Depends on what you consider a 'good explanation.'"

"Am I going to react well to hearing it?" she inquired further.

"You know that Cayla means the world to me. So does Christine, She's so important in my life." He sighed, trying to find the right words. "Before Christine came along though, I prayed everyday that Cayla's mother would come back."

"That doesn't explain why you're still so protective of her," Jordan mumbled, looking up at the door. Little did she know that Christine was waiting to walk into the room when she heard what they were talking about.

"What she did was wrong; I'm not going to deny that. But I still love her with all my heart. She gave me the greatest gift that I could ever receive and for that, I owe her everything...even my heart."

"Oh my God," two voices said; one, in a manor which expressed shock and anger, another in a manor in which people could hear her heartbreaking. "Christine!" Jordan called, watching her best friend bolt out of the front door. "We're not done talking about this," she said before running out of the room. "Where'd she go?"

Oliver ran out of the room, looking around frantically. "Where's Cayla?"

"Do you think she went after Christine?" Jordan asked. She looked towards Zac. "Well? Did you see her leave?" He shook his head. "Ugh!"

Oliver ran out of the suite swiftly. "Dude, that kids like a little magician! One minute you see her and the next she's gone!" Kimmy shouted as she walked out of the suite.

"What do we do now?" Zac asked, following Jordan and Kimmy down the stairs. "We can't look for both of them at the same time."

Jordan turned and sighed. "You go after Oliver to find Cayla. Kimmy and I will go look for Christine." Zac nodded and ran off in the direction Oliver ran.

"Do you have any idea where to start?" Kimmy asked Jordan as they stood at the base of Cinderella's castle looking out at the entirety of the park.

Jordan shook her head no. "Not a clue. We'll just have to search everywhere." She sighed. "Maybe we should split up..."

"Sounds good to me, call me if you find her," Kimmy muttered as she and Jordan walked off in different directions. Kimmy was curious as to what spurred the flight. Jordan was fuming, knowing exactly why she had run.

Oliver's heart raced as he ran around the toon town, thinking that would be the first place to look for a five year old. "Oliver!" Zac called. Oliver stopped his breathing erratic. "Oliver, have you found her yet?" He shook his head sadly. "Man, what happened?" Zac asked as they slowed their pace, looking everywhere for the missing five year old.

"All I did was explain to Jordan that I was still in love with my ex. She gave me Cayla, I can't help it." He said, his eyes darting to every nook and cranny of the park.

"That explains why Christine bolted." Zac muttered. "She was waiting to walk in to talk to you and I guess she heard what you and Jordan were talking about and decided to wait..."

He nodded. "Sounds like something she would do. I don't blame her for running though. I should have told her all of this stuff way earlier. Everything about Cayla." He mumbled to himself before lifting his head. "Cayla! Where are you?!"

Before Zac could answer he heard sniffling. He tapped Oliver and pointed to the ride with spinning teacups. "She's in there, she's crying," Zac told him. "I'm waiting here; she's going to want answers too."

Oliver nodded. He ran over, jumping over the gates and towards the sniffling teacup. Once he saw her small form huddled up, he hopped in, taking her in his arms. "Cayla, don't ever run away like that again. You scared me to death."

"I-I'm sorry d-daddy," she hiccupped through the tears and the sniffles.

He kissed the top of her head. "Why did you run off? You know better than that."

"Christine ran out and she was all s-sad. I tried to follow her, but I g-got lost."

"Please don't ever do that again." Oliver told his daughter. She nodded and sniffled.

"Why was Christine sad?"

"She heard something that she wouldn't like,"

"Why'd you make her sad, daddy?"

"I didn't mean to make her sad," Oliver told Cayla, standing up and stepping out of the tea cup.

"Yeah well, look how well that worked out." Christine muttered. She and Jordan were walking up with Zac as they walked off the ride. "Cayla sweetie, don't ever do that again, okay?"

Cayla nodded at Christine and looked back at her dad. "Why is she sad daddy? What happened?"

Oliver looked up, sadness in his eyes. He then looked down to Cayla. "She overhead something that I said. It made her sad and I'm very, very sorry that it did." He said as he looked over to Christine. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah well, you and I will talk later," she told him as she and Jordan walked back towards the castle.

"Daddy? Is Christine going to go away like mommy?" Christine heard the little girl's words and tears sprung to her eyes. She and Jordan kept walking, Kimmy met up with them at the corner of the next ride.

Oliver's breath caught in his throat as he watched Christine walk away. "No. No, she's never going to go away." He brought Cayla out of the teacups and set her down with Zac. "Christine!" He shouted as he ran after her.

"What?!" she spat, turning around and looking at him, tears in her eyes. "What do you want?" He stopped in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders, leaning in to kiss her.

"Don't you dare," she stated as she pushed him away. "How could you think I'm going to kiss you? How do I know that you're not pretending I'm whatever the hell her name was?" Christine cried. Jordan was staring at her best friend feeling her pain. "How can I trust you after that? It's all been a lie, everything."

"No. I never once lied to you. I just didn't tell you everything." He sighed. "Christine, when I told you that I loved you, I meant it. I mean it every time I say it and I mean it now, I love you. You know I'm a horrible liar, does it look like I'm lying?"

"I don't know, you've kept things from me before, how do I know you're not doing it again?" she said, trying to stay strong. Sure, she was angry, but there wasn't much strength left in her to fight.

"Seeing you with Cayla this morning, it confirmed everything for me. I knew from the moment I saw you that I loved you. I thought I felt the same way with Cayla's mother, but I was wrong. Christine, Cayla's already lost one mother because of me. Don't let it happen again because of my stupid mistake." He cried, tears brimming his eyes.

"Don't do this," she said, her voice wavering. "You just admitted that you're still in love with her? How am I supposed to react to that?" she asked, her tone softening a little bit.

"A part of my heart will always be with her, but that's only because she shares it with Cayla. The rest of my heart is yours." He admitted, searching her eyes for any light behind them.

The scene around them was frozen. Jordan was looking between the two of them, wondering what was going to happen. Zac had taken Cayla further away so she wouldn't see what was happening with her father. "There's nothing else?"

He shook his head. "I've told you all my secrets. I'll never ever keep another one from you ever if you just promise not to leave me again."

"I'll never actually be her mother," she told him, looking away and towards the little girl that was running around with Zac. "I can pretend to be, but she'll know I'm not her real mother. And if I find out about one more secret, so help me..."

He laughed happily and kissed her fiercely. "No more secrets. Ever. I promise."

"Deal. I won't leave you again," she smiled. He smiled and kissed her again, taking her in his arms tightly. Jordan smiled, waving Zac to come over to them.

"You could adopt her!" Kimmy burst from Jordan's side. Christine looked over her shoulder at Kimmy with a questioning glance. "What? You said you would never be her real mother, this would make you her mother, legally."

Oliver looked to Christine. "It's not such a bad idea. That is, if you're willing."
"Do you not remember? I'm about to marry someone else," she remembered bitterly. "Other than that, I'd love to." She was scowling from the thought of the wedding as Oliver picked Cayla up and handed her to Christine.

"Christine's going to be my mommy? So does that mean we get to make Waffles everyday for the rest of our lives?!"

"That's a lot of waffles," Christine laughed. "Would you want me to be your new mommy?" she asked, readjusting Cayla's position on her hip. Oliver laughed, running his hand through Cayla's hair and kissing her temple.

"Yeah! Jordan and Kimmy can be my aunties, and Zac and Elly can be my uncles!" she giggled throwing her little arms around Christine's neck.

Oliver chuckled, wrapping his arm around Christine's shoulders. "Yes. The only 4 people who would be related and still wouldn't be related to you can be your aunts and uncles."

"... What?"

"I'm with her on that one..." Christine smiled.

Oliver shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'll explain it to you two when you're older." He mocked.

"Very funny," Christine said, rolling her eyes and putting Cayla down on the ground.

"Aww, this will be great! You guys are a family, Christine's not getting married, I am, and we all live happily ever after!" Jordan cheered, hugging Zac.

"What do you mean I'm not getting married?" Christine asked looking over at her best friend.

Zac rolled his eyes, hitting Jordan's arm. "It was meant to be a surprise, but thanks to big mouth..." Zac sighed. "The paper says that you don't have to get married. It just means that you can never see your family again, right?"
"What about Matt?" Christine gasped. "I'm not abandoning him. If you think I'm going to you're absolutely insane because there's no way that that's going to happen..."

Jordan walked over to Christine, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Christine, We're getting Matt emancipated from your parents. We have the best lawyers money can buy working on his case. We've got it taken care of! Matt's going to be free!"

"Y-you're kidding?" she stuttered. "Please tell me you're not."

She shook her head. "No kidding. I'd never joke about something this important to you."
"You're my new favorite person!" she cried, throwing her arms around her best friend's shoulders. "But I still want to have the ceremony, just so I can see my father's face when I say no." She smirked.

Jordan nodded. "Hence the reason why when you don't get married, I'm getting married! It's like a twisted double wedding thing!"

"I knew there was something else that you weren't telling me," she muttered at Jordan. "Thank you so much!" There were tears in her eyes, from the happiness.

Jordan nodded. "I told you everything was going to work out. It always does." Christine couldn't talk, the happiness was too strong. Everyone was happier; the looming depression about the wedding was gone.

"I hope everyone likes cold Waffles..." Cayla said as the group walked back into the suite and saw the plate of them still sitting on the counter. The laughter erupted, but before everyone could enjoy the waffles they had fallen asleep. Jordan and Zac, Kimmy and Elijah and Christine, Oliver and Kimmy. They were all one large family, their blood only had two of them related, but blood isn't always thicker than the water formed by friendship.