Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 47

"I'll miss you Goofy! I'll come back to visit you someday soon!" Kimmy shouted as she hugged a poor worker who happened to be wearing the Goofy costume that day.

"Kimmy, we need to go. We're going to miss our plane," Elijah said as he tried to pull her off the man in costume. "Kimmy, there's going to be candy on the plane that will be wasted if you don't come with us, right now." Kimmy didn't move. "Ugh! Someone else try!" he said as he walked ahead a bit. They had packed up their suitcases and were headed to the airport to catch a plane back to Maryland for the double twisted wedding scenario.

Jordan walked up behind Kimmy, whispering in her ear "He's not real. It's a poor actor in a costume." She then walked away with Zac, but looked back for Kimmy's reaction.


"Kimmy, she's not lying," Christine told her friend, wrapping and arm around her shoulders. "He's a paid actor, just like us," she smiled a sympathetic smile at the man. "Except we can breathe in our costumes."

Oliver glared over at them as he covered his five year old's ears. "Could you two be a little quieter about that little fact? I'm trying to preserve her innocence over here." Cayla was waving at Minnie Mouse, a happy smile dancing on her face.
"You lied to me!!" Kimmy pouted, running over towards Elijah trying to keep the pout on her face. Christine smiled and shook her head at her friend.

"She's going to find out eventually. Just like she's going to find out that Santa Claus isn't real," Jordan mumbled as they walked through the gates. "I don't want to leave..." she pouted sliding into the bus waiting for them.

"Oh get over it. You'll be back here before you know it. I thought you'd be sick of Disney World by now. Jordan gasped dramatically, slapping his arm.

"Blasphemy!" She yelled.


"It means to purposely...oh never mind," Christine sighed, coming to the conclusion that it was easier not to explain the word.
Cayla looked to her father with a confused stare. He simply shook his head and matted up her hair.

"Just big people talk. You'll learn its meaning one day." Cayla then pointed to Kimmy.

"Well she's a big person, why didn't she know the meaning?"

"Because Kimmy is a little girl at heart."

"That's the nice way of sugar coating it."

Jordan snickered, covering her mouth tightly so the bad insults wouldn't come out. Zac just laughed at her. "For once, Jordan is censoring herself. Never thought I'd see that day..."

"Maybe she should just keep her hands over her mouth all the time, and then we wouldn't have to hear her as much."

Christine rolled her eyes as she pulled out her cell phone and answered it. "Yes mother, we're on the way back. Yes, everyone's coming with me. Yeah and one more. I forgot about an old friend, I hope you don't mind. Alright, see you
then, bye." She hung up the phone and looked back at the group. "Sorry, my mother..."

Jordan rolled her eyes as she brung her knees up to her chest. "I can't believe she planned this whole thing without you. I know you don't want it anyway, but still!" Jordan vented.

"Yeah well, it's more your wedding than mine so it really doesn't bother me. What is bothering me is the fact that my parents don't know about you," she said, turning to Cayla and trying to keep a smile on her face.

"I get to be in your wedding? Is it to daddy?"

"Not yet sweetie, someday. But, will you do me a favor?" Christine asked, pulling the five year old onto her lap.

"What is it?"

"When you meet my parents, stay away from my dad, alright?" Christine asked.

"Don't worry. I'll have Kimmy keep her away." Oliver replied. Kimmy looked up from her seat, hearing the sound of her name.

"Huh? What about me?"

"You're keeping Cayla away from my father," Christine muttered, hating the thought of what her father could do to that little girl.

"Of course" Kimmy yelled, running over and sweeping the little girl into her arms.

"Excuse me, we're at the airport," the driver said, interrupting the conversation. "And there are a swarm of reporters trying to get a glimpse of the new family," he said pointing to Christine, Cayla and Oliver. Christine rolled her eyes and got out of the bus.

"Don't worry, Cayla and I will distract them! We're not as famous as you.... Wow, that's sad. Come on Cayla!" Kimmy smiled as she started to get out of the bus with Cayla in her arms.

Oliver's eyes went wide as he watched Kimmy parade his daughter around for the reporters. "Oh shit...I didn't really want her exposed to all of this." Jordan rolled her eyes, patting his back.

"Better sooner than later."

"Not with Kimmy," he muttered, grabbing the back of Kimmy's shirt just before she opened the door. "I'll take her." He said, taking his daughter out of Kimmy's arms. Oliver quickly covered Cayla up with her blanket and rushed into the airport where they were free from the cameras. Jordan and Zac distracted the reporters while Christine ran after Oliver and Cayla.

"This is our gate," Christine said as they walked up to the gate their plane was waiting at. "We're not in first class..." she realized looking at the tickets. "Oh this is going to suck," she muttered.

"I'm gonna kick Noah's ass if I have to sit next to some teen girl. I hate them...They yell at me cause of this dork." Jordan groaned, pushing Zac's shoulder.
"Language," Christine and Oliver gasped at the same time. Christine covered Jordan's mouth as Oliver covered Cayla's ears. "Let's just go." As they walked onto the plane, their nightmares were coming true, one by one.

"Hi! I'm Stacey, we're on the way back from a cheerleading competition!"

Jordan froze in the aisle, clutching Christine's arm for dear life. She hated Cheerleaders with a fiery passion. "No. Way. I'm not doing this!" She cried, trying to turn around and run back to the boarding station.

"You don't have a choice," Christine gasped back. "This is the only flight back to Maryland in the next 15 hours. And we're not even sitting all together, we're scattered." Jordan whimpered, going back towards her seat...right in the middle of the cheerleader mass.

She looked back to Zac who was, luckily, sitting with a nice old couple. "Murder isn't a crime if it's cheerleaders, right?" She whispered to him.

"Murder is murder," Zac muttered. "Where are you guys sitting?" he asked Kimmy and Elijah and Christine and Oliver.

"I'm sitting next to Cayla apparently." Elijah muttered, taking the hand of the young girl to go to their seats.

"Cayla, Be nice to Elijah. He doesn't like flying." Oliver warned. Cayla nodded, sitting down next to him.

"I've got the gay guy cheerleaders," Christine laughed looking towards the front of the plane. "Alright, well at least they won't hit on me," she muttered walking up to the seat.

Jordan scoffed. "Hey! I wanted the gay guys! I relate to them more!" She whined. Kimmy burst out laughing while Zac stared at her in shock.

"What was that?!" Zac called.

"Nothing dear," she mumbled from her seat. "How about you Kimmy? Where are you stuck?" Jordan asked, trying to inch away from the peppiness on both sides of her, she was confined to the middle seat.

"I'm surrounded by sleeping children...They won't be sleeping for long." Christine laughed, pointing to the babies. "You better get used to it now!"

"Daddy where are you sitting?" Cayla asked from her seat next to Elijah. She looked back and patted his hand. "It's alright, the airplane won't hurt you."

"Ha! Being comforted by a five-year old!"

"Where are you stuck Oliver?"

"I'm just back here looking out the window. I got this whole row to myself." He sighed happily, relaxing back with his feet up. "Jordan glared at his comfort.

"I hate you. Just so you're used to the feeling," Jordan muttered, putting her Ipod in her lap and turning it on. Christine rolled her eyes and pulled out a book. The rest of them each had their form of entertainment.

"Like, Oh my god! I know who you are!" One of the girls said in between the smacks of gum. Jordan looked up the girl in disgust. "You're in that singing movie!" Jordan nodded lightly, trying to avoid the overly preppy girl with every fiber of her being.

"Oh my god! Your right! I totally wanted to see that movie! That guy in there, Wink or something, he was hot!"

"Link, I think his name was link. Oh he was so hot," the first girl squealed.
She sighed, turning up the volume on her Ipod to try to drown out the sound of them.

"Is he here with you?!?!?!?! OMG!"

"Do you want to hear our new cheer? It just won us the national title!"

Jordan whimpered, realizing that nothing she could do would shut them up. She took her headphone out and shook her head. "No, I don't want to hear your cheer right now. I have a headache...thanks!"

"Well, maybe later you could introduce us to some of the Hollywood Hotties that are in my magazine!" The first girl giggle and the second nodded. Jordan cringed and pulled out her cell phone.

She texted Zac, pleading for help. A chuckle could be heard from him in the back and she slowly turned to glare at him, mouthing 'I hate you'.


Zac chuckled at Jordan's pain once more before messing around with his phone for the pure entertainment.

"You know my teenage granddaughters are completely obsessed with you," the elderly woman stated point blank to Zac, who smiled a weak smile.

Zac smiled, nodding his head. "Oh really? A fan of the movies huh? Well be sure to tell them I said Hello."

"I'm not sure that you're the best influence for them. They're only six," her husband muttered closing his book.

Zac's eyes widened, looking between the couple. "But...She just said they were teenagers. Right?"

"My wife sinking into age. She's senile and barely remembers her name on most days,"

Zac stuttered before closing his mouth and taking a breath. "I'm sorry if your granddaughters are fans of mine. I'm really just doing my job."

"Well, perhaps you should look into a different career? Yes? Perhaps a career in the military?" The man said before opening his book again. Zac pulled out his cell phone, the message was sent to Christine

Christine flipped open her phone and turned to look at Zac I'm to pretty for combat!! . He shrugged and she turned around. "I'm Christine," she introduced to the guys on each side of her.

"Hi there! I'm Nick and that's Jeff. Nice to meet you. You're really pretty, you know that?" The man said with a slight lisp, indicating he was definitely gay. But so amazing!

"Thank you," she stuttered. "You are too?" she said more as a question than a compliment.

Jeff touched her arm from the other side. "Oh don't mind him. He's such a queen that he would say Drew Carey was pretty." Nick scoffed, turning away from them.

"As you can see, I'm the somewhat straighter one out of us."

Christine laughed looking between the two guys. When she heard Cayla's laugh she looked over her shoulder at the little girl, causing the two guys to look to. Christine caught Oliver's eye before turning back to the guys. "Sorry."

"No problem darling, that one is ca-yute!" Nick gasped. Jeff rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Yeah, and the little girl isn't too bad either." They laughed a roaring laugh.

"Do you want to talk to him?" Christine smirked, handing Nick her cell phone.

Nick's eyes lit up as he grabbed the cell phone, texting Oliver. "Well, hellooooo baby.'

"What the hell?" he muttered as he sat up to look up front where Christine was sitting. He sent her a questioning glance. She shrugged a huge grin on her face.

The men sitting next to Christine turned to face him, smiling coyly and waving suggestively.

"Alright guys, I'll be right back," Christine muttered, walking back to where Oliver was sitting. "How's the trip treating you?" she smirked innocently.

He nodded slowly. "It's fine, but who the hell are those two and why are they waving at me like that?"

That's Nick and that's Jeff," she said, pointing to each of them. "They're gay and you're on the top of their list," she smiled, sitting down with him.

Oliver rolled his eyes, leaning his head back against the seat. "Ugh, not again..." He mumbled.

"Again?" she laughed. "This has happened before?"

He nodded. "I'm a dancer for Christ's sake love! I've been hit on by every gay dancer in London! And trust me, there are plenty..."

"Oh my god," she laughed. "I can't believe you didn't tell me that!" she laughed. "Well, I was going to go back..."

He shrugged. "You can if you want to. Be my guest love. Just tell them that I'm off limits."

"Well, I think I'm going to relive Elijah of Cayla for a little while. Do you want us to come back here or should we leave you alone?" she asked standing up and looking to where Cayla was trying to keep Elijah calm.

"You could bring her back here. I want to make sure she's alright." He said, looking up towards her.

"Yes sir," she mock saluted as she turned to walk towards Cayla and Elijah. Oliver laughed and relaxed back.

"Hey sweetie, why don't you give Elijah a break? You daddy wants to see you," she told Cayla as she walked up to their row of chairs.

"I HATE flying. With a passion, actually."

"Yes, I know. That's why, as a friend, I was coming to check on you." Christine smiled, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"What if it, like, falls from the sky?"

"You're starting to sound like Kimmy," Christine laughed. "If the plane falls out of the sky we're going to die, plan and simple."

"That. Didn't. Help."

"Did you want me to lie to you?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Alright, well if it falls out of the sky we're all going to sprout wings and fly away," Christine muttered, rolling her eyes and standing up. "No problem. The flight is almost over, we should be there in like 20 minutes," Christine said as she walked back to her new friends. She looked up at Kimmy and found her surrounded by infants. Kimmy twitched, looking like she was afraid to move.

"You'll be okay Kimmy. As long as you don't make to much noise, they'll stay silent. You only have twenty minutes left anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine," Christine said as she sat back down and the pilot's voice erupted over the loud speaker.