Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 48

"So, you survived." Christine smiled as she met up with Jordan as they walked off the plane. "Do you have a new found respect for cheerleaders?"

Jordan glared at Christine, flipping her the finger. "Hell. No." Oliver groaned and covered Cayla's ears. "I thought you said you would behave with the cursing." Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "That was before the cheerleader ambush from hell." Kimmy laughed.

"At least you weren't surrounded by old people who were set on enlisting you in the military," Zac muttered as he wrapped an arm around Jordan's shoulder. "I would trade with you any day. How about you guys, how was your trip?"

Oliver smiled and nodded. "I had a great trip. Didn't have to have deal with any annoying people."

"I wanna go back," Christine smiled. "Jordan you should have seen it, it was perfect," she laughed.

Jordan looked over to Christine questionably. "See what? What was so perfect?" Zac laughed, kissing the top of her head.

"Alright, do you remember who I was sitting next to?" Jordan nodded. "Well, they seemed to think that British men are more attractive than American men," she laughed.

Jordan looked up to Oliver who was sitting on a bench with Cayla. He rolled his eyes and nodded. Jordan then scoffed and pouted. "Damn, I wanted the gay guys..."

"Well, I'm sure my mother is dying with anticipation. I think it would be best if we don't keep her waiting. That tends to only make things worse. Shall we head out?" Christine asked, holding her hand out for Cayla's little hand. Jordan scowled and nodded nonetheless. "I don't want to go either, trust me, this is the last place I want to be."

"She's not mad about the wedding. She's mad about the plane..." Zac explained. Jordan punched his arm and walked out of the airport ahead of everyone. "And I'm marrying her...why?"

"You'd better be careful," Christine muttered as she hailed a taxi outside of the airport in Frederick. "She's not in a good mood," she pointed out as the taxi pulled to the curb.

Zac nodded. "Yeah, I figured that. She's gonna be great...FOR THE WEDDING!" He said putting emphasis on the last part so she could hear it.

Jordan turned her head and glared at him. "Don't get me started, Zachary."

"Told you. Bad mood." Christine muttered. "She pulled out the full name, you're in deep trouble," she mumbled, patting him on the back.

Elijah chuckled, putting his arm around Zac's shoulders. "If you need some husbandly advice...Don't piss off the wife!" Zac rolled his eyes and walked towards Jordan.

"Are we going to have fun while we're here?" Cayla asked, looking up at Christine. Christine grimaced and looked up at Oliver. Oliver shrugged, not knowing what to say to his little girl. Kimmy wrapped her arm around Elijah's waist, resting her head on his chest.

"But you get to see your mommy and daddy, you should be happy," Cayla told Christine. Jordan scoffed under her breath and rolled her eyes.

Oliver bent down in front of Cayla, brushing her hair back. "Cayla, this isn't the wedding we're going to have fun at. We'll have fun at Jordan's. Just make sure you stay with Kimmy at all times during the wedding. Got it?" Cayla nodded obediently.

"Yes daddy," she smiled. Christine sighed. They loaded the luggage into the trunk of the taxi and loaded up, heading for the hotel where the rehearsal dinner was taking place.

Once the crew arrived at the hotel, right outside Christine's parents waited. "Oh sh..." Jordan began before having Oliver put his hand over her mouth.

"Don't even think about it..."

"Cayla, take Kimmy's hand," Christine said. Cayla took Kimmy's outstretched hand. "Kimmy, take care of her. Please," Christine was practically begging, the fear of her father getting a hold of Cayla was too real.

Kimmy wrapped the little girl in her arms." I will."

"Kimmy, I mean it. Don't let my father near her." Christine said. "He did horrible things to us when we were little; she can't go through that,"

"I promise not to let her out of my sight." Kimmy then looked a Cayla. "If you leave my sight, you'll get no cookies and ice cream, understand?"

"Mhm!" Cayla's eyes widened as she scurried onto Kimmy's back, forcing her to give her a piggy back ride.

"See. She isn't leaving."

Christine nodded as she watched Kimmy and Cayla climb out of the taxi. "Do I have to do this? I don't want to talk to them," she whined.

Jordan sighed, nodding her head. "Unfortunately, yes. But don't worry."

"Alright, whatever. Let's just get this over with," Christine muttered as she swung the door open. "Mother, father," she greeted politely. Jordan and the other four followed her out of the taxi, paying the driver and retrieving their luggage.

Jordan glared at Christine's parents as she held tightly to Zac's arm, cutting off some circulation. "I hate this, I hate this..." She whispered to herself.

"I don't think she's enjoying it very much either," Zac muttered trying to shake Jordan's grip. "You might want to stop, they're staring."

Jordan leaned over to Zac's ear. "If I do that then I'll punch them. I don't think you want me doing that..." Kimmy sighed, feeling like there wasn't much to say to them.

"Mother, we got here as soon as we could. The plane was almost delayed out of Orlando." Christine explained, breaking her friends out of their trances and making them refocus on the scene in front of him.

Oliver looked back to Kimmy, making sure that she had Cayla with her. "If only the plane would have gotten cancelled all together..."

"Don't worry Oliver, I'll protect her with my life. I'm a tough girl."

"Dad, what are you doing! Don't touch her!" Christine shouted as she watched her dad start walking towards Cayla, despite Kimmy's protection.

Jordan stood in front of Kimmy, blocking him from getting to her. "I'd set the fuck off if I were you. She is none of your fucking concern. Got it?" Jordan seethed.

"Wow, someone's testy," Christine's dad snapped as he pushed Jordan aside. "Who do we have here?"

Kimmy stepped back slightly, holding Cayla tightly in her arms. "No one you need to be friendly with."

"That didn't answer my question," he sneered as he pushed Kimmy away, breaking Cayla's hand away from Kimmy's. "What's your name?" Christine and Oliver were standing behind her father, watching.


"That's a pretty name," he cooed, his tone completely changing. "Last time I saw everyone, you weren't there. Do you know why?"


"That's enough," Christine stuttered. "Cayla, sweetie, come here." Cayla looked between the two and ran into Christine's arms. "Stay away from her." She hissed at her father.

"Daddy," Cayla said from her arms, "he's kind of scary."

"I know baby," he told her. "Just stay with Christine. She won't let anything happen. Sorry Kimmy," he muttered in Kimmy's direction. Jordan was rubbing her bruising shoulder. Kimmy was glaring at Christine's father.

"People like him should just die off the planet," Kimmy muttered angrily.

"Not now," Christine muttered. "We have to go get ready. I have a rehearsal dinner in a few hours," she muttered as she watched a limo pull into the parking lot. Carter stepped out of the limo, a dark suit clashed with the sun.

Jordan turned towards carter, glaring at him evilly. "Oh begins..."

"Where's the engagement ring?" Christine muttered towards Jordan. "If I'm not wearing it there's going to be problems."

Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "I have no idea. I thought you had it."

"You wanted to throw it in the garbage disposal. Never mind." Christine dropped the subject and put Cayla on the ground. "I see your nose is better," she smirked as she and Carter walked into the hotel ballroom.

Carter smirked, nodding his head. "Yes, much. No thanks to your little buddy."

"I'll take her over you, any day." Christine smirked back. "Just remember, I didn't choose this. Where's Emily?"

"She's back in LA. Said she didn't want to be here for this. It's too hard for her, poor thing." Jordan leaned towards Carter.

"And you don't think it's hard on us?!"

"Jordan, please," Christine asked. "Just keep with the plan. Remember?" she smiled. The rest of their group had been ushered up into hotel rooms or given mindless wedding details to attend to.

Zac took Jordan's arm, leading her away Carter. "Don't get into this love. Not worth it."

"This place is hideous," Christine mumbled as she walked with Jordan and Zac up to the hotel rooms that had been blocked off. "Oh, I had a brilliant idea," she said as they passed a window which looked over the gathering group of reporters.

"We throw Carter's body out the window?"

"And what would that be?" Jordan growled...still seething.

"No, even better." She smirked. "Press conference with the 'happy couple'."

Oliver looked over from Cayla, with wide eyes. "Are you serious? Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"Because we're not happy. I have the press on my side. As soon as we open that problem, it's just one more thing that will humiliate Carter and my father."

Jordan smiled. "I'll go set it up!" She then rushed out of the room and down to where the reporters were.

"Look, I know it won't be an easy thing for any of you to watch," Christine started. "But if we could just pull this off, everything will work out," she said, looking around the room, her eyes finally meeting Oliver's.

Oliver shrugged, looking down to Cayla. "Yeah, I suppose. Just don't expect me to be there when it happens." He then got up, taking Cayla in his arms. "Let's go play around in the hotel dear."

"Why can't life just be easy?" Christine muttered as she watched them walk out of the room. She turned and walked towards the bathroom, a new outfit in her hands. Leaving her friends in the room, just wondering.

Kimmy sat on the couch with Elijah while she rubbed her slowly growing stomach. "Elijah, We won't be like this to our baby...Right?" She asked hopefully to her husband. He smiled sincerely and kissed the top of her head. "Of course not. We'll take parenting tips from Oliver. He seems to have it down to an art." Kimmy smiled and nodded.

"Miss Greene?" A dark voice asked as Jordan was walking back towards the hotel suite. The press conference was set to take place in an hour. "I'm here as a representative of Summit Entertainment. I need to speak with you and Christine,"

Jordan froze, looking towards the voice. "Uhh, How majorly important is it to talk to us right now? We're kinda in the middle of a life crisis..."

"It can wait. Meet me in the lounge at seven, tonight. You may each bring one guest," the mysterious, nameless, man told her. He handed her a business card and turned back down the hallway.

Jordan placed the business card into her pocket and began slowly walking back towards the room. Once she turned the corner, She broke into a dead sprint up all the stairs, totally disregarding the elevator. Jordan flew into the hotel room, breathing heavily. "That was the creepiest yet most interesting thing of my life..."

"What was that all about?" Christine asked, rushing out of the bathroom, her outfit showing something that Jordan had never seen before. "I know I look like a housewife. That's what I want." She prefaced. "What happened?"

Jordan shook her head off the thought of Christine as a housewife and pulled out the business card. "Some strange, mysterious person from Summit Entertainment wants to talk with us tonight at seven in the lobby. We can each bring one guest. I'm scared!" She rambled.

"Summit Entertainment?" Christine squeaked. "Do you realize what group they are?" she asked, grabbing Jordan's upper arms. "They're the ones producing the Twilight movie..."

Her eyes widened and she began jumping up and down excitedly. "Oh my god! That's the best book of my life!" She then stopped and looked to the business card. "Does it happen to say a name on that card at all?"

Christine shook her head. "No, but we can't get carried away," she told Jordan. "How'd the press conference thing go?" She muttered, looking over the people still in the room. "You guys don't need to come either."

"That's in an hour." Jordan walked over and pulled him up from the couch. "But we're going. Oliver, Cayla, Elijah, and Kimmy are going to stay here."

"Yeah well, I suppose I should tell Carter what we're doing..." Christine mumbled, fumbling around in her purse for the diamond engagement ring. She found it and pulled it out. "I hate this stupid thing," she mumbled as she slammed the ring on her finger, walking out of the door.

Zac and Jordan followed swiftly behind her. "I don't see why we should. Wouldn't it be better to slander him without him around to defend himself?" Jordan giggled. Zac smacked her arm, shacking his head at him. "No Honey, It's not a good thing."

"What are you guys doing?" Christine sighed. When she realized that they weren't leaving she turned to face them. "Have you ever wondered if this is what my life is destined to be?"

Jordan shook her head. "Not a day in my life. You know you're not destined to be with someone you don't love...especially not in that outfit." She said poking the housewife-ish dress.

"Maybe that's where you're wrong. I'll see you in an hour," she muttered, walking into Carter's hotel room, a falsely sweet smile on her face. "Carter where are you?" she called as the door clicked closed. "We have a press conference in an hour, just thought you should know."

He walked out of his bathroom dressed nicely in a suit. "Yeah, I kinda found that out. No thanks to my lovely fiance." He spat sarcastically.

"Hey, I was the one who wanted to tell you," she fired back. "If it were up to my friends you would be facing the press with no notice. I guess I'll just see you in an hour,"

He sighed, going to block the door. "Wait. This isn't how I want this all to go. You know that I don't want to do this as much as you do. I have a girl who I'm giving up. You've got your guy and his little girl. So can we please just get through this civilly? We'll be a happy couple...I promise."

"No, we won't. We won't be happy!" She screamed. "You just said it, you have a girl you're giving up! We shouldn't have to do that. This isn't the eighteen hundreds!" she was screaming and crying. "Listen, there's a way out of this. I'm taking it, but it will humiliate you. If you cooperate, then we can work together. But you have to get over the idea of keeping a tradition." Christine was practically pleading with him. Her eyes were full of tears. "We don't have to do this,"

He stood there with his arms folded over his chest, a look of wonder glazing over his eyes. "What's the way out of it. I do have a reputation to uphold."

"Get over your goddamned reputation. Do not think I'm stupid, I'm not going to tell you yet. How do I know you won't go running to my father?" She said, his face contorted into that of shock. "I can't exactly trust you, you understand? I just need to know if you want to get out of this or if you want to stay in it?" She was standing by the door, he was still blocking it.

He moved out of the way of the door. "I'll meet you down there in a while. You're lucky that I love my girl enough to break this family tradition." He scoffed, walking back towards his bathroom to groom himself some more.

"Seriously?" she asked, opening the door. "You'll break the tradition?"

"Yes! Now can we please just get this over with before I change my mind?" He called from his bathroom.

"Thank you!" she smiled, hugging him quickly before bounding out of the room. "I'll see you downstairs in twenty minutes," she called.

Jordan waited outside Carter's room with Zac when Christine ran out, a happy smile on her face. "What's going on? One minute you want to kill the bastard and now you're smiling? WHAT DID YOU DO IN THERE?!"

"He said he'd break the tradition! We don't need to get married!" she squeaked hugging Jordan and Zac. "I cannot believe that..." she muttered looking back at the door.

"What's the fucking catch?" She asked, holding onto Zac's hand as they walked down towards where the Press conference was going to be.

"No catch," she smiled as she stepped into the elevator with Jordan and Zac. "We're still having the ceremony, just to piss my father off. But other than that, there's no catch."