Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 49

Jordan shook her head. "Something isn't right about this. He was the one who was so gung-ho about this tradition crap. What made him change his mind?"

"He tried to tell me that we'd be a happy couple and I flipped." Christine shrugged. Jordan's eyes widened. "I don't know, either I'm that persuasive or I'm missing something."

Zac put his arms around both girls shoulders and smiled. "It doesn't really matter. He's going with our plan! It's all gonna work out now!"

"I wouldn't tell him what it was, just in case that something went wrong," Christine muttered as they walked into the lobby. She looked down at the ring on her finger. "Zac, you still want to sell it?" she asked as she heard Cayla's giggle from down the hall.

Zac nodded. "Yep. I'll sell it right when this whole fiasco is over." Cayla came running down the hall and clutching onto Christine's leg. "Hi there! Hide me from daddy!"

"What's he doing?" she asked picking her up, stuffing her left hand in a pocket.

"He's chasing me!" She giggled. Oliver walked around the corner, a relieved smile dancing on his face. "There you are. Man, you're quick."

"We need to go," Zac muttered. Christine nodded and put Cayla on the floor. She sighed and looked towards the elevator where Carter had just appeared. His appearance hadn't changed since she last saw him.

Oliver picked up Cayla as he looked between Carter and Christine. He shook his head and walked away from them. "Daddy? Where are we going?" Oliver kept walking, not answering his daughter's question. Zac sighed and ran after Oliver. "Come back! you can't do this!"

"It's not worth it," Christine called after Zac. He turned around and looked at her like she was out of her mind. "Just drop it. I'm not in the mood to deal with his ego," she said, linking arms with Carter and pulling on a false smile. "Just pretend everything is perfect," she told him as they began to walk out of the hotel lobby.
Zac walked over to Jordan where she linked her arm with his. "It'll fix itself once this is all over. Don't worry about them." They walked out to where the podium was. The 'happy couple' stood there, smiling brightly.
"I want to start this by thanking everyone for coming out on such short notice," Christine started. The cameras were shy, they weren't flashing like they normally would. "The most obvious questions will be answered and some of them will be left open for interpretation." Christine said, conducting the interviews with an air of confidence and happiness. On the inside she was burning, wishing to be anywhere but where she was.

Jordan and Zac stood off to the side of them, staring down all the reporters. She tried to smile, but this wasn't a smiling case. Even if Zac was poking her side, making her twitch.
"That's enough," Carter said politely, his arm loosely around Christine's waist, after about an hour of questions. "If you will excuse us, we have a few last minute preparations to attend to," he said, a smile dancing on his face as he led Christine off the platform and back into the lobby. Jordan and Zac anxiously followed. Christine looked up at the clock, the hands were clicking at 6:30.
"So since I didn't pay attention to anything that was said, What the hell just happened?" Jordan asked, walking closely with Christine.
"A load of bullshit," she muttered. "We acted like we were happy and in love. It was disgusting," she muttered. "We've got to get to the meeting," she told Jordan, showing her the business card that Jordan had been handed. "I cannot wait for this to be over, no offense," she added.

"Who are you bringing to the meeting and what about this douche bag?" Jordan glared at Carter. He rolled his eyes and walked off towards the elevators.
"Nobody," Christine muttered. "My entire support system kind of teetered out this afternoon, just in case you didn't notice," she muttered as she, Jordan and Zac walked into the lounge of the hotel. The dark, smokey air was lingering in the light.
They walked into the dim lounge, looking around for the person. Jordan saw them in the corner of the room, leading her people over. "Sorry that we're here a little early. Had to get out of that hell hole as fast as we could." Jordan joked.
"Oh my God," Christine muttered at Jordan's momentary lapse of professionalism. "Hi, I'm Christine," she introduced, shaking the mans hand. He gestured for them to join him at the small round table.

"I'm Jordan and this is Zac. Sorry, as I told you before...It's been a long day." Zac shook his hand and sat down next to Jordan. "Now, What is it you'd like to discuss with us?"
"I'm Kevin Nicholson, the lead casting director for Summit Entertainment. We saw the premiere of your recent movie and were interested," he announced casually. "Catherine Hardwicke and I would like to fly the two of you to Oregon so you can audition for leading roles in the upcoming movie adaptation of Twilight."

Jordan smiled, grabbing hold of Christine's hand tightly. "You're joking right? You want us to be in your movie?!" She asked with so much excitement flowing through her voice.
"The two of you are fresh faces. You already have the bond we're looking to create, and you showed us that you can work well with other cast members. Catherine wanted me to extend that we would pay you for missing anything here and we'd fly your loved ones out to you every other week," he added. Christine smiled, pulling off the diamond engagement ring.

"We'll take it!" Jordan cheered standing up. Zac rolled his eyes, pulling his fiancee down into the chair. "Lets not get too ahead of ourselves dear. They just want you to audition, they haven't given you the parts yet."
"Trust me, that's more than enough to make us happy," Christine said. "When do you want us out there?" she asked, switching into a more business-like mode. Jordan simply sat there smiling like a child in a candy store with her daddy's no-limit credit card.
"Is three days too soon?" he asked. Christine looked back at Jordan and Zac. Christine smiled, she knew that Jordan wouldn't be able to pass this up.
"3 days is perfect! We'll so be there!" She stuck her hand out, shaking the man's hand eagerly.
"Jordan, you're getting married in two days!" Christine whispered as they walked out of the lounge after discussing final details with the man. "You could have taken a few more days, the offer still would have been good." The meeting had taken about an hour, making it almost eight o' clock. The sun was setting in the background, behind the mountains.

Jordan shrugged. "I'm going to be a vampire. I can get married and on a plane in that amount of time." She gloated, prancing through the lobby of the hotel.
"I'm sorry," Christine muttered towards Zac. He simply shrugged. "You don't care?" he shook his head. "Wow, that's not what I was expecting you to say. I suppose I have to face this eventually, right?" she asked as she waited outside of the door to their suite.

He nodded. "Yeah. You'll get used to it. Don't worry, everything will be fine." He laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her temple.
"I have to talk to Oliver," Christine muttered as she and Jordan separated. "Try and get some sleep tonight." She added, knowing that her best friend was to jazzed up to sleep.

"Ha! Yeah, like that's going to happen." Zac muttered as he walked into the suite with Jordan.

"Good luck, the couch is always an option," Christine muttered, knocking on the door where she knew Oliver would be putting Cayla to bed.

t Christine and walked back into the room where he covered Cayla's sleeping form.
She rolled her eyes and closed the door, standing right outside of it. "What did I do this time?" she asked when he walked out of the room. "And don't say "nothing", you've been in a bad mood all day,"

"Christine, please don't. Not right now, I'm really not in the mood to deal with this." He said as he himself got ready to go to sleep.

"Deal with what?" she cried. "Listen, I know it's hard but we can't just pretend something didn't happen," she was trying to get him to talk to her. "Why won't you talk to me?" she asked, her voice softening and she was finally catching onto his tone. "You know what, never mind. We had a deal. You wouldn't keep things from me. I wouldn't leave you. Looks like you made your decision, huh?" she spat at his back, turning to walk out of the room. "It's good to know you don't keep your word."

He groaned and grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him. "I'm not keeping anything from you! You should know how hard it is watching the woman that I am completely in love with, go off and marry some other guy. It's going to suck seeing you walk down the aisle and say 'i do' to another man that isn't me." He sighed, sitting down on the bed. "That's what wrong with me, ok? That's why I have been such a bitch to you today."

"If you had stopped and paid attention you would know. You don't have to. Carter agreed, we're not getting married," she spat, the annoyance still in her voice.

"What do you mean you're not getting married? How the hell did that work out?"

"He said we could be happy and I flipped, I guess that changed his mind," she smirked. "I can be rather persuasive when I need to be," she smiled as he reached forward. His arms wrapped around her waist.

He chuckled lightly to himself. "Oh believe me, I know." He then smiled a sincere smile to him. "I still don't see why though? What did you persuade him to do?"

"That true love was more important than tradition," she shrugged. "Please know that you are the most important thing to me. I may have gotten a little bogged down in the beginning, but I wasn't going to give up unless I died. I wouldn't survive without you," she smiled, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

He nodded. "I feel the same way about you. I'm just not as strong as you are. I've had to answer to Cayla all day on why I didn't smile to you. It broke my heart. She's really attached to you." He then stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist again. "In fact, She even called you mommy today." He whispered in her ear.

"I'll never be her mother," she sighed, slightly upset. "I'll always be there for her, unless you don't want me there, but she'll never truly be my daughter," she said, falling into the slow, rhythmic dance they had begun.

He laughed, shaking his head. "You're the closest person she has to a mother. I wouldn't want anyone else filling that role but you. Got it?"

"What if her mother came back? Wouldn't you want her to be in Cayla's life?"

He shook his head again. "Never. She left her for good and if she ever wanted to come back, I'll tell her it's too late. We've moved on."

"You're too good for me," she muttered, turning to face him. "I don't deserve you." She said, the dance was slowing, slowing down to just a gentle rocking motion.

He smiled, kissing her forehead. "Nah, I don't deserve you."

"I didn't tell you," she broke. "Jordan and I got called on to audition for another movie," she told him as she tied her hair back and laid down, resting her head on his chest. "We have to go to Oregon in a few days."

Oliver cocked his eyebrow rubbing her back lovingly. "Oregon? What movie is going to be in Oregon?"

"Twilight," she muttered, trying to keep her eyes open. "It's about vampires falling in love," she managed to get out, the short version of the story would work for now.

He nodded, seeing that she was very tired. He kissed her head and hugged her tightly to himself. "You can tell me more tomorrow. Or I'm sure that Jordan will." He chuckled. "Go to sleep love, I'll be here with you in the morning."

"You sounded like Edward," she mumbled as she began to fall asleep. Jordan, however had all the energy in the world, bounding off the walls. Zac was wishing that the energy would just go away. Kimmy and Elijah were happy, asleep and out of the way. The wedding decorations were in place, the dresses were hanging in garment bags and all that was left to be done, was the ceremony.