Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 50

Jordan ran out of the hotel lobby doors, a huge smile on her face. "The nightmare is finally over!"

"I cannot believe we're just walking out," Kimmy muttered as she looked at the lobby doors. If they knew Christine's parents they would be following them out. Carter had remained true to his word and was leaving with them. "This is the least fun we've had," she pouted as they loaded luggage into the back of their van.

"I apologize. Fun hasn't exactly been on the top of my priority list," Christine mumbled as she watched her parents storm out of the hotel. "Brace yourself, the storm's here."

Jordan turned around and crouched down in all her fake vampire mind set, baring her teeth. "I got them." She grinned. Zac rolled his eyes and smacked the back of her head.

"You're not a vampire! You haven't even gone to the audition yet!"

"Get up," Christine smiled. "I'm going to need your help explaining this." Her parents were about three feet in front of them. "Hello, mother, father," she smiled. Her voice exuding confidence. "I hope you don't mind. I have to continue with my life and Carter and I came to an agreement."

"You two are not married yet! You cannot leave!" Her mother shouted. Jordan laughed softly, circling them.

"Last time I checked, they were over 18 and didn't need mommy and daddy's permission to go places."

"Tradition bears no means on age. They're getting married because that's what has been in our family for generations!" her father retaliated. Jordan rolled her eyes and returned to Christine's side.

"Dudes, fuck tradition! I believe it's time we start a brand new tradition. Anyone with me?!" Jordan cheered

Christine's hand was second in the air, followed by all her friends and Carter. "See, I think we're done here. It's been nice knowing you," she muttered, turning away from her parents. "Oh and I'll have my attorney send Matt's emancipation papers over in the next few days." Her father's eyes fumed as her mother looked at the group with shock. Suddenly her father rushed towards her, but Jordan stepped in front of him, punching him square in the jaw and knocking him out cold. She smiled triumphantly and went to join the group again.

"Damn, I had no idea you could punch like that," Christine whispered in Jordan's ear. "How's the hand?" she smiled. Jordan shrugged, shaking her hand. "Thank you, for everything."

Jordan smiled, wrapping her arm around her best friend's shoulder. "It's what I'm here for. Now let's go become vampires!"

"You have to become a bride first," she reminded. "Remember our plan?" Christine smirked, holding the garment bags in her hands.

Jordan nodded, taking her bag into her hands. "I'm really going through with this...oh lord." Zac smiled and kissed her cheek. "Hey! You need to get away from me!" He looked at her, taken aback. "No seeing the bride on her wedding day! Duh!"

"You're a little late for that," Kimmy and Christine muttered. "Come on, the private plane is waiting," Kimmy continued.

"Lets go get me hitched then!" She laughed in pure fred-neck style.

"Please don't ever do that again!" Christine cried, covering her ears. "That hurt to listen to and I grew up here." The airport had been closed for their flight, the press were waiting for them to return. Carter was flying to LA to meet up with Emily. "Hey, Carter. I hope you and Emily are happy," Christine smiled.

He smiled and nodded his head. "I hope that you and Oliver are happy too. Maybe I'll invite you to our wedding!" Jordan groaned, shaking her head.

"We'll think about it. We've got another wedding to deal with right now. Thanks!"

"Take care of yourself," Christine returned, a truce coming between the two of them. "Let's go," she said when she turned back to her group. "What did you want me to say? I still hate you?"

Jordan and Kimmy shrugged. "Maybe just a little."

Christine rolled her eyes. "Come on, we have a lot of work to do," she smiled at Jordan. "Cayla you wanna help get Jordan ready?" the little girl's eyes lit up and she nodded. "We'll see you guys in a little while,"

The day flew by; in an airplane the hottest stars in Hollywood began a new chapter in their lives. The marriage license was signed and the vows were exchanged. The plane had been decorated, the dressed were pressed and the tuxes were perfect. The six hour flight across the country had been taken up by a wedding. The remaining two hours was just time for bonding, and remembering why love is so important. "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be landing at Portland's Airport in approximately five minutes, please take your seat and fasten your seatbelts for the descent onto the west coast." The pilot's voice had rung out over the loudspeaker.

Jordan smiled as she was wrapped up in Zac's arms. "Do I get to go be a vampire now?" She said tiredly. Zac nodded, kissing the top of her head while his finger played with the new wedding ring on her finger. "Yes honey, you get to be a vampire now."

"We have to meet with the director in an hour," Christine muttered, looking over the itinerary that she had been given. "Then we have auditions this afternoon."

"Who are you auditioning for?" Jordan asked as she stretched out.

"I'm not sure. I thought I'd just go in and read something. What do you think?" Christine asked, looking for the sign with the director's name on it. They were told to look for that name, that they'd be taken to the set.

"Well we all know what she's going to be auditioning for...Ow!" Zac yelled as Jordan bit on his neck. "That's what you get for carrying me on your back."

"She's auditioning for Alice, we know that already," Christine told him. "It's her favorite part in the book. Jordan, do you remember what the man said. "You two have the bond that we're looking to create," what do you think that means?"

Jordan thought for a moment, before it actually clicked in her mind. She hopped off Zac's back and went over to grab Christine by her shoulders. "Which two characters are probably the closet ones in the book?!"

"You mean besides Bella and Edward?" Jordan nodded, rolling her eyes. "Alice and Bella why does that matter?" They were being escorted through the crowded airport towards a limo that was parked out front.

"Well If I'm Alice, then who would that leave you as?" Jordan hinted...trying to get through her thick head.

"You're kidding?" Christine sighed. "They wouldn't put me as Bella."

"Yeah they would! Look at you! You're totally Bella material!" Jordan laughed.

"Yeah well, we'll see when we get there," Christine smiled. Jordan rolled her eyes and climbed into the limo. "Wait, what are you guys going to do while Jordan and I audition?"

Oliver shrugged, holding Cayla on his lap. "I think we'll go sight seeing. There are plenty of beautiful areas around here. It'll be fun." Kimmy then started hitting Elijah playfully.

"We have to go on top of a really big mountain so I can see everything!" His eyes widened as his arm wrapped around her protectively.

"No way! Knowing you, you'll think that you can fly and go jump off it!"

"You should stay, maybe they'll let you help us audition," Jordan shrugged. "Who knows, you might get cast," she smiled as the sights of the west coast blurred by on the highway. "The book is coming to life, right before my eyes," she whispered to Christine.

Oliver laughed. "Me getting cast in a vampire movie? I've never even read the books."

"It would be so perfect though!" Jordan smiled. "You could help Christine audition. The two of you are like the perfect example of Edward and Bella. Zac you can help, I guess, but don't you leave for California tomorrow?"

Zac nodded. "Yeah, Gotta start on the HSM 3!" Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't help Jordan," Christine muttered. Jordan smiled and Zac scowled at Christine. "What? You're not exactly vampire material. The last time I checked, Jasper didn't run around singing corny show tunes."

Zac scoffed, pulling his hood of his jacket over his head. Jordan shook her head, waving him off. "Don't worry about him. I don't really want him anywhere near this movie."

"He's too sensitive," Christine muttered as they pulled their hoods on and stepped out into the rainy weather of Forks. "Let's go, we're going to be late," she said as she watched Cayla play in the puddles in the parking lot. "You guys should come in, it'll be fun."

Jordan walked over, linking her arm with Oliver. "Oh come on. You know it would be really fun if you auditioned." He sighed, looking down to Cayla. She smiled up at him while jumping in a big puddle.

"Fine, I'll audition," he said. "What's the story about?" he questioned. Jordan took a long breath before launching into a full blown explanation of every detail in the entire series.

By the end of the story synopsis, Cayla was standing under Jordan; looking up at her with wide eyes. "Did Bella and Edward get married and have little vampire babies?" Oliver sighed and put Cayla in his arms.

"She's gonna want me to read these as her bedtime stories now..."

"I'll do it," Christine smiled. "I could do it without the books. Now can we go please, we're going to get soaking wet and be late for an audition that you," she looked at Jordan, "were nearly dying to get to." Jordan nodded, pulling Christine by her hand into the building. The rest of them walked in after them. Jordan was bouncing up and down in her place, waiting for someone to call them in.

"I'm glad you two could make it," Kevin said as he appeared. "We're going to audition the two of you together first, and then we'll split you up and send you to different places," Christine nodded, smiling down at Cayla. "Here are the lines you will be reading. We'll give you ten minutes to look over them and then we'll come and get you."

Christine and Jordan took the scripts and sat down, beginning to look over them. Jordan smiled at the script, knowing the exact scenes that she was going to be reading for. "Hey, who else is here to audition?"

"Go," Christine pushed Oliver up. "I'll keep an eye on her. Go get a script," he abided and walked up to the man that Jordan and Christine had met. He returned a minute later with the script in his hand, the name Carlisle was written on the front.

"Oh my god! You're gonna be my daddy!" Oliver groaned as he flipped through the script. "Oh this is gonna be great! Cayla, you and I are gonna be like sisters now!"

"We are?" she asked, looking up from Christine's lap. The ten minutes flew by and Christine and Jordan were called into an audition room. A stark white audition room.

Jordan walked in, a bubbly smile dancing on her face. "Hello everyone! How you doing?" Christine laughed, hitting her shoulder lightly.

"If the two of you are ready, please proceed with the highlighted portion in your scripts," a woman said. Christine and Jordan flipped to the pages and took a deep breath, beginning the audition.

Jordan was playing the role of Alice while Christine portrayed Bella. The scene that they had to read from was when Alice had come into Bella's house to convince Charlie to let Bella go out with her. The girls did it with such grace that you could practically see them as the characters themselves. Jordan had the certain poise that made her seem like she was a few hundred years old, as Alice would be. Christine let off the innocence that Bella held, but also made the people believe that she was holding onto a dark secret. Nonetheless, they were spectacular.

"Ladies, that was fabulous. Exactly as we expected," the woman said, a smile on her face. Christine and Jordan remained in character; they knew that they were going to have to do more auditions. "If you'd kindly report to these rooms to finish your auditions we'll be able to tell you tomorrow morning whether or not we're taking you aboard." They nodded and walked to their respective Audition rooms.

Jordan walked out of her audition room and back into the lobby where Kimmy and Elijah were sitting with Cayla. "New sister!" The little cheered as she hopped off Elijah's lap and ran over into Jordan's arms. Jordan picked her up and spun her around.

"It was nice working with you too," Christine said to someone who looked young enough to be her younger brother. "I thought he was never going to stop talking," she muttered as the guy turned to walk back into the audition room.

"Who was that guy?" She asked, holding Cayla in her arms.

"That's our lovely Jacob Black," Christine muttered, rolling her eyes. "How were your auditions?"

"Nailed them! You know how I do." She laughed. Oliver then walked out of his audition room, laughing lightly to himself.

"Good audition?" Kimmy asked as he walked over to his group of support. "We've just been sitting here for three hours,"

Oliver nodded, taking Cayla from Jordan. "Yeah. They said that they want me to play Carlisle." Jordan's jaw dropped to the ground. "What?! They said they'd tell us all tomorrow! What the hell?!"

"Calm down," Christine muttered. "We have leading roles they have to consider. Can we go eat or sleep? We've been here all day. And where is Zac? Is he still mad?" Christine asked as they walked out of the room and into the rain.