Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 51

"Uhh...Zac kinda caught an early plane to LA." Elijah admitted. Jordan froze, feeling the rain pelt her head.

"You're joking. He wouldn't leave, not tonight at least!"

"Please tell me you're joking," Christine whined, her anger starting to rise. Elijah shook his head. "I'm going to kill him, how could he do this?"

Cayla looked over to Jordan whose tears had mixed with the rain falling upon her face. "Jordan? Are you okay?"

"Cayla, sweetie, not now," Christine said. "I'm going to fix this," she told her best friend, wrapping her arms around her. "Just go get some sleep, when you wake up, we'll both be here. Okay?"

She shook her head. "No. Don't go get him. If he left just because we were messing with him, then it wasn't worth marrying him at 30,000 feet. I'm fine." She smiled, hiding her true feelings as she walked towards the limo.

"She's just saying that. I'm going to LA; I have to bring him back here." Christine said. The group just looked at her. "Listen, I know her better than anyone, she just doesn't want to inconvenience anyone. I'll be back at some point tomorrow morning, early." She kissed Cayla's forehead and Oliver's cheek before slinging her purse over her shoulder. "Jordan's not going to be happy about this." She reminded them as she got in one of the taxi's that was waiting. When she got to the airport she booked a flight to LA and boarded, her anger keeping her awake enough to get to the airport. "I need to check the status of another passenger," she told the attendant at the ticket counter when she arrived in Los Angeles International Airport.

The attendant nodded. "And which passenger would that be?"

"Zac Efron. I know you're going to think that I'm just a crazed fan but my best friend isengaged to him," she muttered, trying to keep the marriage under wraps.

The girl smiled and clicked in the information of Zac. She sighed and printed out his info. "Here you are. His plane landed about an hour ago. Everything else you need to know that we have is given right there."

"Thanks for your help." Christine smiled. She ran out of the hotel, hailed a taxi and headed towards the hotel where they were staying to film the movie. "I need to speak with Zac," she told the first person she recognized from the movie. She got directions to the dining room and walked in. "Hey, jackass," she called, standing at the doorway.

He turned around and stared at her. "Christine? What are you doing here? You were just auditioning for the movie."

"Yeah and you were just married, in case you forgot," she spat. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He sighed, sitting down at the table and flipping through his script. "Christine, I don't have time for this right now. I have to memorize these lines and the rest of the cast will be here any minute."

"You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow. You have a wife now. You can't just leave when things get bad. Did you know she broke into tears when she realized you weren't there?" the entire dining room was staring at the standoff. "I see you made your choice. I'll have Jordan send the divorce papers here then?"

"You know I don't want that. It's not my fault, I got called here early. I'm sorry if I'm dedicated to my job. You of all people know this." He spat at her.

"Alright, blame me. That's fine. But you had better be able to prove that you were called here." Christine was irritated beyond belief. "Give it to me. If I don't come back with you Jordan will want something to prove that you're not cheating with one of the whores here."

He stood up, walking over to her with anger in his eyes. "I cannot believe that you would think that I'm cheating on Jordan!"

"I call them like I see them. Why else would you leave your wife on your wedding night?!" Christine shouted, slapping him hard across the face. "How could you?"

He laughed, shaking his head and walking away from her. "Go home Christine. Tell Jordan what you want to tell her. I'll call her later that is unless you take her phone away from her too." He then pulled his phone out of his pocket and tossed it to her. "Here. I've got nothing to hide."

"Have a nice life," she muttered walking out of the hotel. She pulled her cell phone. "She's not going to want to talk to you," she spat. Dialing the phone number she climbed in the taxi and got to the airport and flew back to Portland. "Hey, can you come get me? Yeah, I'm at the airport. Okay, thanks." Christine hung up the phone, pulling out Zac's phone and looking at it. Thirty minutes later Elijah pulled up in a rented car.

He rolled down the window, smiling sadly at her. "Couldn't bring him back, huh?"

"No, unfortunately not. I did give his High School Musical friends quite a show," she smiled, looking down at her right hand. His cell phone was sitting her hand, she was unsure of what to do with it. "I accused him of cheating on Jordan,"

Elijah nodded. "You actually think that he would do something like that? The day of his wedding, no less."

"It's all I could think of," she shrugged. "That was before I hit him. He's probably going to have a bruise on his cheek." The trees were flying by as they made their way back to the hotel.

"The make-up people are going to love him for that." He laughed. He then looked down to the cell phone on her lap. "You gonna check just to make sure he didn't?"

"Not my business," she muttered as they pulled into the hotel. "Did she go to sleep?" Christine asked as she followed Elijah towards the hotel rooms that they were respectively sharing. "Jordan, I mean."

He shrugged his shoulders. "We're not really sure. As soon as we got into the suite, she went right into her room and locked the door. Kimmy heard crying in there for a while, but now it's silent. Cayla's a little worried for her 'sister' though."

"Alright. Go be with your wife. I'll talk to Jordan," Christine said, knocking on Jordan's door. "Sweetie open up, it's me."

Jordan sat on her bed, knees tucked up to her. "I'm fine, please just go away."

"I can't do that," Christine said as she walked into the room. "Here, this is all I got," she said as she handed Jordan the cell phone she was given in LA. She could feel her eyelids just dropping. "I need to tell you what happened in LA." Christine began the story of her fight with Zac in the LA hotel. "I'm sorry, I got really carried away. I let my temper speak for me," she mumbled when she finished the story.

Jordan sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'm not looking at it." She said handing back the phone. "He could have told me that he was leaving. He could have told me a lot of things." She began to sob again.

"What do you mean? He could have told you a lot of things?" Christine sat with her friend, bringing her into an embrace and letting her just cry.

Jordan shook her head. "Nothing. Just never mind. I'm tired and this is still my wedding night. I'm going to bed, so please just go." She said, going into the bathroom and locking herself in there.

"Alright, I'll go. I'm just next door if you need to talk." Christine turned to leave. "He does love you," she whispered before closing the hotel door. "What are you guys still doing up?" she asked, walking into the hotel room and seeing Oliver, Elijah and Kimmy still awake.

"We couldn't sleep knowing that she's like this. There's got to be something we can do." Kimmy replied from the dining table.

"Unless you want to physically drag your sorry ass brother back here, there's nothing we can do. She won't talk to me," Christine muttered, the yawn capturing her entire face. "I'm never going to forgive him for this."

Oliver sighed, holding a sleepy Cayla to him. "Well we have to make her feel better soon. Cayla refuses to go to bed until her 'sister' is better."

Cayla sat up, nodding. "No sleep!"

"Shh, wait," Christine said. The phone was ringing from Jordan's room. "He said he was going to call," she muttered. "I wonder if that's him," she mused as she heard Jordan's tearful tones.

Jordan picked up the phone reluctantly. "How's LA?" She seethed coldly.

"So, I suppose you're taking the side that Christine made up," he retaliated.

"Made up? What are you talking about? She never said anything bad. She just told me what really happened. Is there something that I should know about?"

"She told you how she nearly hauled off and broke my jaw?" he asked skeptically. Jordan rolled her eyes. "Listen, I know I shouldn't have left like that-"

"You're right! You shouldn't have! Zac, we just got married today and you leave me! Not even married about 5 hours and you're gone. What the hell were you thinking?!" She yelled.

"I wasn't, but before you get too riled up. Open the door," he told her.

She stood up, staring at the door cautiously. "What? How did you know that my door was closed?"

He knocked on the door. "Because what Christine said got to me. I was wrong to leave like that," he told her, hanging up the phone as she opened the door. "I'm sorry,"

She wiped away her tears and smiled before smacking him across the face. He stepped back a bit from the blow, but laughed. "Yeah, I deserved that." She nodded, glaring at him. "Please baby? Forgive me?" She sighed, the small smile breaking the glare that was on her face. Jordan ran to him, hugging him tightly. "You're so lucky that it's our wedding night." She whispered.

"That was not what I was expecting," Christine mumbled from the door connecting the two rooms. "Let's go, we all need sleep. That mean you too, young lady," she smiled at Cayla who was trying to stay awake in Oliver's arms.

"Is sister better now?" She asked tiredly, her little eyes drooping as she laid her head on Oliver's shoulder.

"Yeah, all better. Now get to sleep," she muttered, kissing her forehead.

Cayla smiled and almost instantly fell asleep in Oliver's arms. He sighed a relieved sigh as he brought Cayla into her bed. "This has been the weirdest wedding of my life." Kimmy muttered.

"Yeah, I'm with you on that," Christine muttered. "Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to get some sleep. I'm exhausted," she yawned, practically pushing Elijah and Kimmy out of the room.

Oliver smiled as he wrapped his arms around Christine from behind. "You've been traveling the most out of all of us today."

"Yeah, remind me never to do that again." She smiled as she turned around to face him. "Congratulations on getting the part," she smiled. "I never really had the chance to tell you that."

He nodded. "Thank you dear. I'm sure that you'll get your part. You are more dedicated to that role than anyone." He laughed, kissing her forehead. "And I think if Jordan gets her part, today will just be another day in her mind."

"I hope soI want to throw them a real wedding," she smiled up at him. "They deserve it, after today and the past few weeks."

Oliver smiled. "They do. I mean, how many couples get married on a plane?!"

Christine smiled and laughed. "Wanna help me?" she asked as they crawled into the second double bed. Cayla was sleeping soundly three feet away. They reduced their tones to whispers.

"Of course I'll help you. I'll put that British flare on it that she'll love." He laughed, hugging Christine close to him. "Now you go to sleep, before I bite you." He laughed.

"I forgot, you're the vampire now," she smiled as she curled into his arms to fall asleep. "You're just not freezing cold."

"I'll never be cold to you. Ever."

"Goodnight." She laughed, enjoying the Twilight joke that went right over his head. "We'll start working on wedding plans in the morning." She sighed as she settled into sleep.