Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 52

Jordan was the first one up at 7:30. She instantly clutched her cell phone to her and began dancing around the room. Zac woke up, feeling that she wasn't beside him anymore. "Babe, Why aren't you in bed? It's 7:30 in the damn morning." He groaned.

"Casting decision today!" she sang as she continued to dance around the room. Zac rolled his eyes and flopped backwards onto the bed. "Get up!"

"Jet lag, go away," Zac muttered falling back asleep. Jordan frowned and walked into the hallway, looking between the two rooms which her friends were sleeping in. Jordan looked between the two rooms with a contemplative look on her face. But once she saw a small figure poking her head out of the door, she knew her answer.

"Hey!" She whispered. "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep anymore," Cayla pouted. "Daddy won't wake up." Jordan smirked and walked with Cayla back into the room.

"We'll take care of that." She whispered. Jordan picked Cayla up and held her above her daddy's sleeping body. "I'm gonna drop you on him. When he wakes up, we're gonna scream 'They're calling today!' Got it?" Cayla nodded, laughing lightly. Jordan then smirked and counted down to 3 before throwing Cayla on Oliver.

"What the...?" Christine asked. Jordan's mouth fell open as Oliver didn't move. "How did I know you were behind this?" she asked as she pulled Cayla into her arms. "Why are you awake at 7:30 in the morning?"

"They're calling today!" Both Cayla and Jordan screamed. Oliver still didn't wake up. Jordan huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "He's either dead or a really heavy sleeper. Either way, it's messing up my wake up plan." She pouted.

"Fine. Cayla pretend you're hurt, start crying," Christine sighed as on cue, Cayla started crying. Oliver bolted up. "See?" Christine asked Jordan. "Sorry, Jordan's being a pain."

Oliver held Cayla as she cried. "What the hell is going on?" Jordan snapped her fingers at him.

"Ah Ah Ah! If I can't curse, you really can't." He rolled his eyes and wiped away his daughter's tears.

"What's wrong baby?" Cayla shrugged and stopped crying. Oliver sighed and playfully threw her away from him on the bed.

"Alright, we're up. Move on," Christine mumbled as she shoved her excited best friend out of the door. "We'll meet you by the pool in half an hour," she told Jordan before she could protest. Jordan scowled as the door was slammed in her face. She turned to face Kimmy and Elijah's room.

"This will be fun." She murmured to herself. Jordan waltzed over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She gasped in shock and then shuddered when the thoughts of what could be happening behind the door popped into her mind. She shook the thoughts away and began banging on the door. "She's already pregnant! No need to add another one to the mix!" She screamed as she banged.

"You know she could have seen this coming and locked the door last night," Christine told her best friend, popping her head out of the hotel room. "I don't know why I didn't," she mumbled as she began to close the door. "Just get ready. I'll wake them up,"

Jordan groaned and walked back into her room with Zac. "How'd it go?" He asked from the bathroom. She shook her head, throwing a sock at his head. He laughed and continued messing with his hair.

"Why do you even bother?" she asked. "We're going to the pool, wanna come? Or do you have to fly back to LA?" she asked, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom

He sighed, looking at his girl sadly. "Yeah, since I left yesterday...They want me back today. I'm sorry baby." She nodded, walking back into the room and sitting down on the bed.

"I guess I'll call you if the Twilight people call me." He nodded, feeling guiltier than ever.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could be here for this," he told her, tilting her chin up so she was looking at him.

"You should talk to Christine, just so she knows not to kill you the next time she sees you," Jordan warned as she pulled her bathing suit out of her suitcase and walked into the bathroom, throwing the hairbrush at his head. "You spend more time with it than I do."

He sighed, nodding his head. "I love you!" He called to her. Jordan sighed as she tied up the back of her bathing suit.

"I know you do. I love you too." Zac groaned and walked out of the bedroom with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"So you did come back," Christine muttered as he turned to walk out the front door of the suite. "I give you credit," she smiled, shifting the position of a large pool bag on her shoulder.

"Yeah and now I'm leaving. I have to go back since you guilted me back." He replied coldly to her.

"You did the right thing. I don't care if you never forgive me," she told him as she took Cayla's hand and walked out of the suite, towards the pool at the end of the hallway. He nodded and walked out of the hotel to the car that would take him to the airport. Jordan watched from her hotel window down to the car, fighting back the tears that wanted to come out. "Jordan, he came back by himself," Christine told her best friend a few minutes later. "Whatever you heard about guilt-"

Jordan shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I know that he's just sad that I'm not too happy with him. It's fine..."

"Please be happy, look where we are," Christine motioned around her. "We're auditioning for the roles that we've dreamed about," she smiled. "Come on, we've got to get in the water."

Jordan smiled and jumped into the pool, loving the feeling of the water. She came up, being splashed by Elijah. "Oy! I thought you guys were passed out!"

"We were, before your best friend decided to wake us up," he said. Jordan smirked and Christine smiled innocently as she caught Cayla as she jumped into the water. Jordan dunked under the water and then came up, tickling Cayla's sides. Cayla laughed as she splashed Jordan. Oliver sat on the edge of the pool, smiling happily.

"What, do you have a fear of water?" Christine joked swimming towards the side of the pool. Cayla's laugh could be heard halfway across the pool room.

He shook his head. "I don't swim dear. I'm actually surprised that Cayla can. I never taught her."

"You don't know how to swim?" she asked. "Huh, that's new," she muttered swimming away. "Well, what are you waiting for? We'll teach you," she smiled.

Oliver laughed. "Yeah right, Like I trust being in a pool with Jordan. No thanks love. I'm just fine here on the sidelines."

"I let you teach me how to dance," she pushed.

"That was my job! I was being paid for it darling." He pushed back.

"Then you might as well decline the new movie part now," she muttered. "There's an entire scene filmed in the water," she lied. Jordan came over with Cayla. "Isn't that right Jordan, an entire scene filmed in the ocean," she said. Jordan nodded, playing along with the plot.

Oliver groaned, shaking his head. "I don't want to learn how to swim. I'll flop around like a fish out of water." Cayla laughed, splashing her father.

"Come on daddy! It's easy! You just kick your legs and move your arms! Please daddy?" She pleaded, giving him that irresistible pout.

"It's just like dancing," Jordan smiled.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll do it." He then stood up and smiled. "Oh wait, I don't have a suit. Too bad." He laughed, thinking he could get out of it.

"I have an extra," Elijah muttered from the background.

"But if you REALLY don't want to, I suppose we can't force you," Kimmy said.

Jordan turned, pushing water at her. "Yes, we can and we will!" Cayla swam over to the side and looked up at her daddy.

"It's fun daddy! Come swim with me!"

"How are you going to say no to that?" Christine smiled. "We'll start easy?" She asked more as a question. He shook his head, still a little wary. "Come on, don't you trust me?" she smirked.

He gave her a look, smirking lightly. "That's no fair, you know that I do."

"Then prove it." She challenged. Jordan smirked; she knew that they had won.

He nodded. "Fine. Elijah, come with me to get the suit." Elijah nodded and got out of the pool, walking with him to get the suit.

"Are you going to teach me how to do that?" Cayla asked her eyes wide. Christine smiled and nodded. "Will you catch me again?" she asked as she climbed out of the pool and to the ledge of the pool. Christine, Jordan and Kimmy were left alone in the pool house.

"That was almost too much fun," Christine laughed as Cayla jumped into the pool, her arm floaties keeping her above the water.

Jordan sighed, floating on her back. "Almost? That was the best!" She laughed. Kimmy nodded, wading through the water.

"Daddy you have to take the towel off!" Cayla giggled when Oliver and Elijah reemerged in the pool house. "You can even wear my floaties!"

He took the towel off from around his waist and got into the water, bringing Cayla into his arms. "That's a nice offer, thank you. I think you need them more though. I'm tall enough to stand." He laughed, poking her nose.

"Jordan, why don't you take Cayla a little away," Christine told her best friend. "I know you're going to want to watch, just go away," she smiled. Jordan nodded and took Cayla over to the other side of the pool as she watched Christine start to begin her lesson.

"Alright, we'll start easy," she smiled. "Just try and float," she told him. "Lay on your back," she laughed at his confused face. He hesitantly began to lie back on his back, actually being able to do it. Jordan laughed at his ability. "See, it's not that bad?" she questioned. "Alright, next we'll try actually moving," Jordan laughed from the other end of the pool.

He looked over, glaring at her. Jordan gasped as she hid behind Cayla's back. "I can still glare at you."

"Focus," Christine told him. "Alright, ugh!" she cried as Jordan's cell phone began to vibrate on the table. All eyes flicked towards the clock on the wall as Jordan nearly flew out of the pool to answer her phone.

"Mom," Jordan sighed. Christine rolled her eyes and laughed. All of the excitement and energy that she had used to get to the phone that quickly had been wasted. "No everything is fine. I just wasn't expecting to hear from you. Yeah, I'll talk to you when I know. Okay, love you too. Bye." Jordan closed the phone and frowned at it. "That was so not cool,"

"He left not an hour or so ago, give the boy some time!"

"Did any of you realize what time it is?" Elijah asked from the water. "It's going on eleven thirty," he laughed. The swimming lesson had been a success, although Cayla was still swimming deeper than her father. "We need to go eat and should tour around a little."

"Thank god, I'm starving!" Kimmy yelled out, quickly getting out of the pool.

"Please don't slip," Christine called after her. Kimmy turned around and stuck her tongue out at Christine. "That was mature," she muttered as she pulled Cayla out of the water.

"When have you ever known her to be mature?" Jordan asked, still holding her phone in her hands.

"Put the phone down. Holding it isn't going to make either people decide to call you faster." Jordan gave Christine the Bird, but put the phone down as she said.

"What does that mean?" Cayla asked, trying to imitate Jordan's actions.

"Nothing, sweetie. This is something else that you're not going to learn from Jordan," Christine smiled as she pushed Jordan back into the pool. When Jordan resurfaced, she gave Christine a nasty glare, but kept quiet.

"That's what I thought," her best friend smirked as everyone climbed out of the pool and walked back towards their respective rooms. The hotel was a small family owned branch, there were no suites that they could share. "Where do you suppose Kimmy bounded off to?"

"Somewhere where there is food. But with her sense of direction, she could be anywhere."

"That's a reassuring thought," Jordan muttered. "Christine, you've been pregnant before, where would you go?"

"You don't remember?" Christine scoffed. Jordan shook her head. "You kept me in bed the entire time. I didn't have a choice of where to go and where not to go."

"That's a good point I guess. But if you were able to go somewhere, where would you go?"

"To see me," a new voice said. Christine's grip on Cayla tightened as she turned around to face her father. "You thought you could escape, did you?" Jordan fumed as she remembered the way she was treated by her father.

"Well, at least she has some sense of family values," Sarah said as she reappeared at the other end of the hallway. "I do not believe we've been introduced," she smiled, extending her hand. "Sarah Tompsett, don't forget the name." The group of five was standing in the middle looking back and forth when Kimmy popped out of her hotel room.

"There you guys- what's with the big crowd?"

"Guess who showed up?" Jordan muttered from the corner they were backed into.

Kimmy looked to see Christine's dada, and Oliver's mother. "Not my two favorite people in the world, that's for sure."

"That's a shame," Sarah muttered. "Now if you don't mind, I'm taking my granddaughter back to London with me," she smirked.

"Grandma I don't want to go. I want to stay here with daddy and my new mom." Jordan and Christine smirked at Cayla's words and Sarah's reactions.

"And you can't force her to go anywhere, your not her guardian. That would be her father."

"Is this what you want for your daughter dear?" she asked looking towards her son. "Growing up on various movie sets? What kind of life is that for a five-year-old?"

Oliver looked down at his daughter, who looked back up at him with innocent eyes, holding Christine's hand.

"It's up to you sweetie. If you want to go back to England with grandma, that's fine. We can visit you," Oliver told his daughter. She shook her head and rested her head on Christine's shoulder. "I think you have your answer," he told his mother.

Sarah huffed, looking at the group. "This isn't going to be good for her Olvier, I know it's not!"

"She's going to be with a family who loves her," Jordan butted in. "She has something that resembles a normal family! Would you want your son raised by just one person? Or would you rather have him raised with two people to love and care about him?"

Sarah was quiet, and turned to walk out the door. "That just leaves one more pain in the ass to deal with," Kimmy muttered.

"I raised you better than to speak to adults like that," Christine father said, shoving Jordan and Elijah out of the way towards Kimmy and the open hotel room door. "You should show them respect."

Jordan and Kimmy were fighting for the peep hole on the door which would let them watch what was happening with their friend in the hallway. "That's how I expect the five-year-old to talk. You will obey me." He threatened. "Or I'll go after her." Jordan watched Christine's eyes widen with fear, she couldn't hear what was being said.

"I'm not getting married," she stuttered. That was the final straw for her father as he pulled her out of the line of vision from the door. "Do you think I'm still afraid of you?" He smirked and backhanded her, causing her to fall to the ground. "That would be a yes," she muttered.

"What did I tell you about not talking back to adults," he muttered, kicking her in the ribs before walking out of the door that Sarah had walked out of. There was blood on her cheek from where the ring cut her cheek.

Jordan and Kimmy bust the door open when they had been gone for more than five seconds. When they saw Christine, they ran over and started to fuss over her. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I just can't move. But other than that," she coughed up blood before continuing. "I'm good."

"Oliver! A little help please!"

"What?" he called, stepping into the hallway. "Dear God, what did he do to you?"

"Nothing he hasn't done before." She coughed, the blood splattering in her hand. "This is nothing, trust me."

"It is something Christine," Kimmy said, helping her up, "You may be used to this, but it's not normal or right. Why don't you call the cops?"

"Because, he always manages to come back," she whispered as she tried to stand. Wincing as she moved her stomach.

"Pick her up Oliver and take her inside, just, don't let Cayla see her."

"Don't. I'm fine," she said as she walked forward, taking small steps.

"You can barely walk," he told her as he picked her up. "Jordan go get Cayla, distract her somehow." Jordan nodded and bolted off and into the hotel room.

"Kimmy?" Christine asked, looking over Oliver's shoulder. "Call the police."

"She's not here," Jordan screamed. "Cayla's gone,"

"Oh, my god. You don't think your father took him, do you Christine?!"

"Please no," she begged, jumping down and running, as best she could, into the hotel room. "Oh My God." She cried, Oliver was right behind her. "Call the police, now!"

"I already did," Elijah muttered walking into the room. "I'm sorry," he said, laying a hand on Oliver's shoulder. The police arrived a few minutes later to get a description of Cayla, Christine's father and Oliver's mother.

"Ma'am we should have the paramedics look at your ribs. They could be broken," Christine shook them off.

"Please, just find Cayla. She a five year old girl and no matter who she's with, it's not good."

"Ma'am it won't help if you're hurt. You might as well just let us take a look at it," the paramedic told her. She shook her head and crossed her arms over her ribs.

"You can fix my ribs when you find her." The paramedic looked up at Jordan who nodded, dismissing him from the room. "I can't believe this happened, now." Jordan grimaced, the heartbreak in the room was heavy and the guilt was just as bad. She had called Zac who said he'd get on the first plane out of LA.