Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 53

"Flying again sir?" The flight attendant at the gate to the plane said to Zac as he handed her his ticked.

"Unfortunately, there's been a crisis at home," he muttered as he looked over his shoulder. All planes from Portland went through LA, if Cayla was being taken anywhere; she'd have to come through here. "Could you hold the ticket for a moment?" he asked as he saw Christine's father and Oliver's mother talking in a pair of airport seats.

"I cannot believe you kidnapped my granddaughter!" she smiled. "Now she's away from them and can grow up in a proper environment. The police won't find her; she's stored away in the bathroom until our plane leaves." Zac's eyes narrowed as he walked towards the nearest security guard.

"Excuse me, we have a kidnapping." He told the security guard. "My wife called me and told me about my niece being kidnapped from a hotel room in Portland. Those two were seen with her parents shortly before the little girl went missing. They've said that they have her in a bathroom in the terminal."

"We'll notify the proper authorities as soon as possible. For now we're going to need to you stay here while we search the bathrooms, when we find a little girl we'll have you identify her," the police officer said when he reported on the scene a few minutes later. Zac nodded, pulling out his cell phone to call Jordan, the battery had died.


The nerves were getting to everyone. Christine was sick with guilt and worry. Oliver was just sick with worry. Jordan and Kimmy were miserable watching their friends dwell in misery and Elijah was trying to take care of everyone. "He was getting on a plane." Jordan muttered. "He probably won't call until he lands." Christine didn't move, didn't acknowledge that someone had spoken. "This isn't your fault," she told her best friend.

"If I had kept him distracted, he wouldn't have focused on her. I could have gotten him angrier, he would have kept his attention on me," she cried. Her eye and cheek was bruised and her ribs were burning with every breath.

"Calm down Christine. We all feel guilty right now, but it's no one's fault but your father's."

"No, I should have dealt with my father years ago. I should have never let it go this far. I'm so sorry," she muttered, turning to look at Oliver. He shrugged, he wasn't angry, he just wanted his daughter back, safe.

"Mr. Efron, we've found a little girl that matches your description. She won't come out of the bathroom. Maybe if you try," the police officer said after about three hours of searching the large airport. He nodded and followed the police officer to the women's bathroom where the suspected little girl was huddling in a stall. "Whatever you do, make sure she knows that it's you."

"Cayla? It's Zac hunny, will you come here?"

"Uncle Zac?" a little voice called. Relief washed over him. "They told me not to come out," she cried, her voice wavering.

"It's okay," Zac said, almost crying himself, "your safe with me. Everyone's worried, please come out."

"They'll hurt Christine again," she cried. "Then they'll hurt me, that's what he said!" Zac looked up at the police officer who motioned for Zac to walk into the restroom. He stood outside the stall door before talking to her again.

"The nice police men are going to take care of it Cayla, they won't hurt you or Christine."

"P-promise?" she cried as she unlocked the stall.

"I Promise."

She bolted out of the stall and into his waiting arms. "I was so s-scared. I want my d-daddy," she cried as he walked out of the bathroom and nodded towards Christine's dad and Oliver's mother. "That's him. He and g-grandma." She cried, holding onto his neck tighter.

The police men nodded to Zac, then went over to the two and slapped handcuffs around their wrists. "We'll get you to your daddy soon."

"You're under arrest for assault and kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..." the police officer said as he led the two adults away.

"Come on, let's get you home," he told her as he bought a second ticket and walked to the attendant who had held his ticket. "I'll exchange it," he told her and twenty minutes later they were on a plane back to Portland, back to safety.


"You look really pale, Christine. Maybe you should let the paramedics look at your ribs now," Jordan muttered, handing her best friend a wet cloth for her forehead. Christine shook her head.


"Cayla?!" Oliver and Christine exclaimed as they stood up and raced towards the door. Only one of them made it. Cayla ran into Oliver's arms as Christine fell to the floor, clutching her ribs. "Thank God you're alright," Oliver fussed over his daughter while Zac walked into the room, right to Jordan's side.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked, pointing out that Christine was all but dying on the floor.

"Oh, my god! Christine!"

"What? What happened?" Oliver asked, scooping Cayla up and turning around. "Could this day get any longer?" he asked as his face fell. It was only about three o' clock in the afternoon but with all of the chaos that was going on it seems much later.

"She said that they threatened to hit Christine and her if she didn't stay hidden until the flight came," Zac explained.

"Where are they now?" Jordan asked as Zac picked up her unconscious best friend and carried her to the ambulance that had just pulled up to the hotel. "They know you would be coming back here, how do we know they're not on their way? Wait, they? There was more than one?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "Oliver's mother was in on it too. And they're on teir way to the Jail house."

"My mother?" he fumed as the paramedics took Christine out of Zac's arms and laid her on the stretcher. "Well, I guess that is one way to solve the problem. I'll meet you guys at the hotel. Cayla go with Jordan please," he told his daughter, handing her to Jordan. Cayla nodded, sniffing slightly, and took Jordan's hand. Jordan pulled her into a hug and whispered comforting words in her ear.

"I'm not staying in the hospital!" Christine argued when she woke up in the hospital bed. "I'm going back to the hotel," she yelled at the doctor.

"I'm sorry Miss, but you have to stay here wheather you like it or not."

"I'd love to see you try and keep me here," she told him, kicking her legs out of the bed. "I have more important things to do than just stay here," she told the doctor. "Get. out. of. my. way." She spat. All of her friends had been kept out of the room. "You cannot admit me without the consent of me or a family member,"

The doctor sighed and moved to the side, allowing her to walk through the door.

"Where are you going?" Jordan asked as she watched Christine walk up to the nurse's counter. "You're not staying here tonight?"

"Wasn't planning on it, no." Christine mumbled as she signed the discharge papers. "Can we go please? We've had a long day and it's getting longer," she explained. Jordan walked after her best friend with a confused look on her face. "The Twilight people called. They need to see us again in twenty minutes. They left a message,"

"That's just great."

"Cayla!" Christine cried as she walked out of the hospital into the sun. "Thank God you're alright," she continued as she kneeled down and hugged her. "I'm so sorry that happened. Are you alright?" she asked brushing the hair out of her face.

Cayla sniffled, but nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm alright. Are you okay?"

Christine laughed. "I've just got a lot of bruises," she told Cayla. "See?" she said, brushing her hair out of her face, showing the purple bruise on her cheek.

"What's wrong with your tummy?" Cayla asked, poking the swollen area beneath the bandage the doctor had wrapped around Christine's ribs. When Christine winced, Cayla retreated. "I'm sorry," she muttered, hugging her again.

"We have to go meet with the Twilight execs in a few minutes," Christine told Oliver, Zac, Kimmy and Elijah as they drove back to the hotel. "They called a few hours ago and they expect the three of us in like five minutes,"

"Are you kidding? At a time like this?"

"You can barely move!" Zac exclaimed. Christine shrugged.

"I'm just doing what I was told to do."

"Can't they just wait?" Kimmy asked, looking at the condition Christine was in.

"No, especially not for me and Christine," Jordan explained. "You've read the books; you know how important Bella and Alice are. Besides, Christine's not going to do what the doctor's said anyway, so we might as well get a new job in the mean time." Christine rolled her eyes at Jordan's comment and walked into the bathroom in her hotel room, trying to cover the bruise on her face at least a bit.

"It's not going away,"

"What do you expect? Make-up can't fix everything."

"You're not helping," Christine told Jordan as they walked out of the bathroom. "Are you ready?" she asked Oliver. He nodded and took Cayla's hand. "Is she coming too?"

"Yes," Oliver replied, " Don't want her out of my sight."

"Understandable," Christine told him. She still felt guilty about what happened to Cayla. She knew nobody blamed her for what happened. "We're leaving," she said, popping her head into the room where Kimmy, Elijah and Zac were hanging out. "We'll be back as soon as possible," she told them, being careful of what movements to do.

Christine put on a fake smile, fooling the directors. "No, there isn't a problem."

"Like hell there isn't a problem," Jordan and Oliver corrected. "She just broke out of the hospital after her father broke three of her ribs and banged up her face," Oliver continued, looking down at her.

"That, my friend, would be a problem." The director said with a sigh.,

"Please, no!" Christine cried. "I can work with it! It'll help. Because in the book Bella can barely move after she was smashed into mirrors. Please, let me try it." The director seemed to be considering all possibilities.

"We can always give you a easier part..."

"I don't want an easier part, I can do this one," Christine said. "Please, let me prove it to you," she asked.

"Okay, but only one try."

"That's all I need," she smiled.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Oliver asked her as she walked to the fake ballet studio set and shook hands with the man playing James. Christine shrugged and focused on the job in front of her. "She's going to kill herself," he muttered to Jordan as they waited for the director's cue.

"She wants this really bad, doesn't she?"

"I can't think of another reason why she would do this scene with three broken ribs." The director cued "Carlisle" and "Alice" to enter the scene with "Edward". As the three of them walked onto the set Jordan saw the pain on Christine's face. The scene continued, no comment was said about the pain and when they gathered in front of her, Jordan and Christine were waiting for their fate.

"Thank you," Christine said.

"I would like to take the two of you on," she smiled. Jordan's eyes widened and a broad smile crossed her face. "We're set to begin filming in about a week, do you think that you'll be well enough by then?" She asked pointedly at Christine who nodded. "In the mean time, we need to work on the appearance aspect. In the next day or so report to the make-up room and they'll show you what needs to be done. Welcome aboard," she smiled, shaking both of their hands.

" I can't believe we made it!" Jordan yelled, jumping around once they were outside.

"Yeah, it's exciting," Christine mumbled as she walked back towards the hotel room. "I have to go lay down," she said, her hand holding the sore spots on her rib cage. The celebration would have to wait.

"We'll come with you," Cayla yawned as she held Christine's hand and walked into the hotel room. "I'm sweepy,"

"Take a nap sweetheart," Christine said and before she could count to ten she was sound asleep. "What was that all about?" she asked Oliver when he walked into the room. "Did you want me not to get cast?"

"I was trying to look out for you since you seem incapable of doing so," he told her. "You should be in bed, resting your ribs and you insisted upon doing an action scene?"

"This movie is the second most important thing in my life. Right beneath you and Cayla. Once the first one ironed itself out, I had to focus on the second one. Now that they're both safe, I can rest." She told him as he helped her into pajamas.

"You can barely move," he told her, his tone softening.

"I know. I can barely breathe," she told him as she fell asleep.

"WE GOT IT!!" Jordan screamed as she walked into the room where everyone else was waiting. "Christine, Oliver and Cayla ditched me, but we got the parts! We start filmingor you all could be asleep too," she muttered as she looked around and saw everyone in the room was fast asleep. "Aw man!"