Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 54

Jordan woke up and looked around her hotel room; somewhat forgetting where she was for a moment. Then once she saw Zac sleeping next to her, she remembered. That's when she also remembered that it was the day before Oliver and Cayla had to leave. Jordan got up and walked out to the kitchen to make a grand breakfast for everyone.

"Why are you always the first one up these days?" Christine asked walking out of her room. "In high school you could sleep through anything." Jordan smiled from the counter where the splendor of breakfast was. "What are you doing?"

"Making one last breakfast before... you know," Jordan sighed, still looking down at the food she was trying to cook.

Christine sighed and nodded. "Well that's very nice of you. What are you cooking?" Jordan smiled as she beat the batter in a bowl. "Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon, and Fried tomatoes." She laughed. "A full English breakfast!"

"Because those are going to be in short supply when they go back to LONDON!" Christine sighed, sitting on one of the stools. "Sorry," she muttered at Jordan's frown. "I'm not in a good mood."

Jordan walked over to her best friend, bent down, and gave her a tight hug. "I know you'll miss them. We all will."

Christine nodded. "I know, I'm sorry." She then sighed and fought back the tears. "I'll help you. We'll give him and Cayla breakfast in bed." Jordan nodded and began cooking up the tomatoes.

"What is that horrible smell?" Zac muttered walking out of their bedroom. His reply was a pillow in his 'oh-so-pretty-face'.

"It's a full English breakfast. If you don't like it, Don't eat it. It's not for you." He shrugged and sat down on the couch, turning on the news. Jordan and Christine went back to cooking.

"The latest exclusive that we can provide is that tomorrow morning, at this time, Twilight star Oliver Tompsett and his six year old daughter will be flying back to London. Stay tuned as we try and provide you with inside coverage to this Hollywood stir up," the field reporter said. Zac's eyes widened, and he quickly turned off the TV, hoping Christine hadn't heard.

"Nice try, Zac." Christine muttered, not looking up from the pancakes that she was flipping. "I've been watching it all morning. I know everything and it's pissing me off."

"How about this one," Jordan started. "They're waiting outside for our last day of filming. No doubt they'll swarm you too," Jordan muttered as she flipped pancakes on the griddle.

"Isn't this day just going perfectly," Christine hissed through her teeth, trying to ignore all the information that had gathered in her mind.

Jordan nodded, smiling lightly. Kimmy and Elijah walked out of their bedroom, smiles on their faces. "Do I smell bacon?" Kimmy commented.

"And every other kind of English breakfast food known to man," Zac muttered, earning another glass of orange juice over the head. Christine smirked down at him.

"Today would not be the best day to be a smart ass," she told him.

All he did was mumble, pout, an cross his arms. "Jordan, you had to pick the one that acts more like a kid than Cayla," Kimmy stated as she stole a piece of bacon. Or two.

Jordan nodded. "I blame it on his boyish charm...I think." She laughed.

"You have no room to talk, you're his sister," Christine told Kimmy.

"No, I was adopted. I know it."

"You wish!" Zac laughed. "Don't be jealous cause you didn't get my amazing looks and talent."

Jordan then chucked a roll at his head, pointing her spatula at him. "Hey, You be nice. She's got way more talent than your pinky finger and you know it..."

"HA! Dissed by your own wife! Would you like some ice with that burn? And that roll."

"Oh my God, you people are so mature," Christine muttered as she heard Cayla's giggle from the other room. "That's my cue," she said walking into the bedroom. "What are you doing?"

Cayla looked up from her spot over her daddy. "I'm waking him up, slowly." Christine rolled her eyes and picked her up. "Let him sleep. He's been busy."

"But I wanna wake him up," she pouted as Christine walked out of their room.

"You can wake him up later. How about you help us finish breakfast?"

Cayla nodded happily. "Awww! I thought we were going to surprise her too!" Jordan whined when Cayla appeared in the kitchen. Cayla shook her head, stealing a tomato from the tray, munching on it happily.

"Yeah well things don't always go as we expected them too." Christine sighed as Cayla scooted into a chair at the table with a small handful of food.

"Did I do good?" Jordan asked, watching Cayla eat. She nodded. "It's just like my grandmother's." Jordan sighed, shaking her head. "Great, I'm like Sarah's cooking."

"That's a good thing. Cayla needs good reminders of her grandmother. Not the wacko ones she's gotten recently," Christine told Jordan as they leaned against the kitchen counter.

"I don't care. She makes me mad." Jordan pouted, munching on a bacon strip.

"Yeah well, she's not too high on my good list either." Christine sighed as the phone rang. "We're late for filming," she panicked as she hung up the phone. "That was the make-up artist, she said she can cover us for twenty minutes."

Jordan nodded, running into her room to put on some sweatpants or something for going over to the set. Christine looked down to Cayla, smiling. "Go wake him now." Cayla cheered and ran in.

"Would someone care to explain to me why I was woken up by a hyper six year old?" Oliver muttered as he carried Cayla over his shoulder, out of the room.

"Don't blame me! I was getting dressed." Jordan said, putting her hands up defensively.

"We're late for filming," Christine told him. "And there are reporters everywhere."

Oliver nodded, pulling a hoodie over his head. "Alright, lets go get this over with." He kissed Cayla goodbye and walked out of the room.

"Does he honestly think that's going to help?" Jordan asked. Christine shrugged and did the same thing. "They're crazy,"

"There they are!" One reporter screamed, making them all flock towards the hotels entrance.

"Here it comes," Christine muttered as the photographers swarmed around the three Twilight stars.

"You need to back off right now! We're late for filming and we can't talk to you about the movie or Oliver anyway. It's out of my hands, now go away!" Jordan screamed as she walked towards the car set out for them.

"How about the two of you? Any comments on the impending future of your relationship?" a reporter asked, stuffing a microphone in Christine's face. "Oh, that was a bad idea," Jordan muttered, turning around to look at the couple surrounded by reporters.

Christine shook her head and pushed the microphone away. "Leave us alone please." She groaned.

"Come on, you of all people, shouldn't be camera shy," the reporter pushed. "I mean, two movies beneath your belt and you can't find the words to talk to us?"

"Why would anyone talk to you reporters when all your going to do put words into my mouth anyway?"

"She said she didn't want to talk. There's nothing that says that she has to talk to you buzzards, now buzz off!" Oliver yelled, pushing Christine into their car. Jordan stuck her tongue out at them from the front seat.

"Where have you been?!" Catherine nearly shouted when the three of them walked on set, completely decked out in make-up and costume.


I'm sorry. I was making Oliver a full English breakfast." Jordan apologized. Catherine rolled her eyes and motioned for them to get on set.

"We're here now, can you stop with all the negativity? There's enough of that going around here," Christine muttered. Jordan sighed and pulled Christine to their spot point and waited for the director to yell action.

They had Amy walk through of the scene before Catherine decided it would be nice to actually shoot it. Once that was done, she called wrap for lunch.

"I don't want to go back in there," Christine whined as they walked out of the set into the cafeteria. They were going to film the end scene, the ballet studio scene when they went back in after an hours lunch break.

"I know you don't, but just think; This is a huge piviotal scene in the movie and book! This is a huge honour!" She laughed, picking at the nasty catering food.

"Yeah, getting beaten within an inch of my life, huge honor."

"Well think, It's not technically your life. It's Bella's!" Jordan joked. Oliver sighed and sat down next to Christine, resting his head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking down at him. "Bad news?"

He nodded his head. "Our flight got moved up 6 hours tomorrow."

"What time?" she questioned, her voice quiet.

"8 am." He muttered, trying to hide the time by taking a bite of his food. Jordan sighed, sipping on her water.

"Eight o' clock," she muttered. "I guess there's no difference between eight and two, right? You have to leave at some point, might as well get it over with," she said, taking his hand under the table. "What do you say we do something tonight. Just the six of us,"

"Like what?" He questioned.

"I don't know, something memorable," she muttered. "You and Zac in?" she asked Jordan.

Jordan nodded. "Of course we're in! We'll go anywhere with you guys." She smiled.

"Who's going to watch Cayla?"

"I'm pretty sure that I can get Jackson and Kellan to watch her if you'd like. Kellan has been dying to meet her." Jordan smiled, looking over at the table where the rest of the vampires sat.

"Why not?" Oliver sighed. "Tell them we'll drop her off around...eight?"

"Or I could do it," a new, more familiar voice added from behind the table. Christine turned around to find the familiar face of her "mama".

Jordan screamed a happy scream and bolted out of her chair to hug John tightly. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?"

"I thought you girls could use a familiar face, with everything that's going around here," he told her, hugging her back.

Jordan clung to her 'mama' for dear life, not wanting to let go. "I am so happy right now!" She giggled.

"I'm glad, but you're going to be late for filming if you don't let go and get back on set." Jordan pouted and stood up. Christine and Oliver followed her back to the sound stage where the ballet studio was set up.

John followed them to the set to watch from the viewing station. He said his hellos to all the other cast and crew people, taking pictures and all that nice stuff. "Hey! Leave my mama be and lets film this!"

Catherine nodded and all the cameras, lights and crews stepped into place. The mats were lining the floor where Christine would have to fall after smashing into the mirrors. The camera's began to roll and the lines began to be heard

John smiled at his 'children' as they did their scene. He was so proud.

"Cut!" Catherine called. "That was perfect, thank you guys for agreeing to get these scenes done in such a rush," she announced. "We'll begin again a week from Monday." The cast and crew dispersed as Christine looked at the clock.

"So what's the plan for tonight? I need to do something, I'm very cat like vampire right now." Jordan groaned, pushing away from Jackson who had developed a little crush on her.

"Dude, back-off, she's married," Christine told Jackson as she pushed him further away. "I don't know. What sounds good, relaxing or exciting?"

"Exciting! Gotta have a huge party to show how Awesome America is for Oliver." Jordan cheered.

"I know how awesome America is, thanks for the thought." He chuckled. "Well, since technically, none of us are allowed to drink except for me...I think that limits the possibilities of excitement."

"Besides, what is there to do in Portland?" She questioned, walking over to John and taking his hand.

"We could go to that new underage club thing," Zac muttered as they walked back into the hotel room. "It's for people out of high school but not old enough to drink."

"As long as you don't sing, I'm game." Kimmy joked, poking his side.

"So, we'll get ready and leave in about an hour?" Christine asked looking around the room.

Jordan walked into her bedroom and started to get ready, wanting to do cool stuff with her short hair; but couldn't think of anything to do with it. "And you said I take too long in front of a mirror." Zac laughed at her.

"Stuff it," she hissed, running gel through her hair, trying to do something with it. "I guess that'll work,"

"You'll look beautiful no matter what you do with yourself," Zac said, sucking up.

"I already married you, you don't have to suck up anymore," she smiled at him as she traced on some eyeliner.

Zac then hopped up on the counter and stole her eyeliner from her. "Hey! I told you, make-up is not for guys!"

"It is tonight," he smirked as he followed her lead and applied the eyeliner.

She rolled her eyes and flicked his nose. "You're a dork."

"Don't worry Jordan, he always did this at home. He wears more make up than I do," Kimmy said from the doorway with a smirk.

"You need to get ready too," Christine smirked from her doorway.

"Shut up, I'm prego, I can do whatever the hell I want."

Jordan smirked, "She's got a point there."

"Yeah, but the bigger question at hand is are you going to kiss your baby with that mouth?" Christine asked with a smirk on her face. Kimmy turned to glare at her. Christine blew her a kiss and closed her bedroom door.

"What a meanie, anyway, Jordan, I suggest you hide your eye liner. I'm going to go get ready now. Bye bye!"

Jordan waved and continued to get ready. Zac had finished up with his make-up and waiting outside in the living room with Oliver and Elijah.

"Do all girls always take this long to get ready?" Zac muttered as he flopped onto the couch with the other two.

"Man you need some serious tips on how not to piss off your wife," Elijah laughed, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, just shut-up and leave them alone."

Christine rolled her eyes and continued to fix her make-up when Cayla ran in. "You look pretty." Christine smiled and picked her up, placing her on the counter. "Want me to make you look pretty too?" Cayla nodded enthusiastically.

"Absolutely not. She's not wearing make-up like that, until I'm dead," Oliver said, standing in the doorway of the bedroom. Christine laughed and picked Cayla up, putting her on the vanity in the bathroom.

"Oh come on Oliver, let her have a little fun. She'll only be six for a little while." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Besides Oliver, mom let Zac wear her make-up when he was around her age."

"Are we really going to fight about this the night before I won't see you for six months?" Christine asked, turning back to the mirror and picking up the pencil of eyeliner

"Oh god, That explains everything!" Jordan groaned. "I was beginning to question his sexuality..." Kimmy began laughing hysterically. "You out of all people know not to question that Jordan!" Zac called from the living room.

"That's disgusting," Kimmy muttered. "Me, of all people, do not want to think about my brother's sex life."

"More like sex death," Zac whined.

"Sex death?" Jordan question coldly.

"Looks like this night is going to one to remember," Christine muttered, continuing her silent fight over make-up with Oliver.

"My Zac if facing death sense is tingling."

"Yeah well, I think there might be more than one murder tonight," Elijah muttered as he looked at the other two couples standing at a face-off. "Am I correct in assuming that we're not going out tonight?"

Jordan looked between Elijah and Kimmy. "You guys can come out if you want to. It's a no alcohol club, but if you don't want too much stress on the baby...then I wouldn't."

"The baby will be fine as long as I don't get all crazy."

"I was going on the fact that you and Christine look like you're in the middle of a pretty big fight over practically nothing," Elijah told Jordan who was still glaring at Zac relentlessly.

She shrugged. "I may be a widow soon...If the husband doesn't get his own act together." She laughed.

"I'm fine," Christine said, walking out of her room.

"You can't kill him yet Jordan. He hasn't updated his Will in a while..."

"Ahh, true." Zac rolled his eyes and pulled out his cell phone, beginning to text someone. "Who you texting, honey?"

"Nothing important," he muttered. "Just a few precautions before we go out toinght, that's all." He shrugged snapping his phone closed and sliding it into his pocket.

"What kind of precautions?"

He shook his head. "Nothing for you to worry about, Honey." She scoffed and pushed past him out of the room and down the hallway to the elevators.

"Tonight's going to be fun, right?" Cayla asked Christine as they walked down the hall to John's room.

"Yeah! I met John one time, he was awesome!"

Zac walked to the elevators where Jordan was impatiently waiting for one. "What's wrong with you?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing for you to worry about, honey." She mocked.

"Jordan it was a joke. I'm sorry if it upset you. I never meant for that to happen. You have to know that," he pleaded as she pounded at the button on the wall, wishing the elevator would come sooner.

"You can try giving her a hug."

Jordan and Zac turned to see Kimmy there, trying to persuade them to hug. The door of the elevator opened and Jordan ran in. "No thanks." She muttered.

"Alright, but remember, we're trying to have fun here. Oliver and Cayla are leaving tomorrow morning. We could all use some fun, especially your best friend," Kimmy muttered as she stepped into the elevator. "No, you can wait for the next one," she said to Zac and Jordan.

"Bye bye now."

Jordan stood outside the door and pressed the button repeatedly for the next one. "I said I was sorry, isn't that enough?" She shook her head no. "We don't have time for make-up sex!" She scoffed and stalked off towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from you!" She screamed at him as she ran down the stairs.

"Tough night?" Oliver asked as he walked up, his eyes on Christine and Cayla outside of John's hotel room.

"You could say that," Christine sighed

"Don't worry. They'll be fine once we get to the club. You know how they are." He laughed.

"That's not what I'm talking about," she muttered, as John closed the door with Cayla inside. "You're leaving in twelve hours and we were fighting over make-up, what's happening?" she asked as they walked to the same place that Jordan and Zac were waiting for the elevator at.

"She just ran down the stairs to get away from me! I didn't do anything to her!" Zac complained as he waited for the elevator.

"Then what are you still doing here?" Christine asked him. "Go after her, dumbass,"

"She doesn't want to be around me. I'm not getting anywhere near that baby." Christine rolled her eyes. "You two are way messed up." Oliver commented.

"You two aren't much better," he shot back. "And you're leaving tomorrow so you have less time to work it out that we do."

Christine stared at him with shock. "I cannot believe you just said that." Zac sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

"Get out of my sight," she spat. "Because as much as Jordan hates you right now she would hate me more if I killed you."

He rolled his eyes and made his way towards the stairs that Jordan had ran down a few moments before. "Christine, He apologized. You know that he didn't mean anything bad by it."

"He had to have some reason to say it, he wouldn't just make that up, not now," she told him. He shrugged. "Do you have a better explanation? We were fighting about make-up for God's sake!"

"Yeah and we all know that's such a productive fight." He chuckled. He wrapped his arm around Christine's shoulders, hugging her to him. "Don't worry your pretty little head about them. Like I said, they'll be fine.

"I'm not worried about them! Why can't you understand that?!" she cried. "You're leaving tomorrow and we just had the first fight we've ever had. Am I supposed to feel good that we won't be near each other for six months after that?"

"Honey, I told you once and I'll tell you again. It's only 6 months. We'll call, write, e-mail, anything! It's not like you'll never ever see me again. Believe me, you couldn't get rid of me that easily if you tried." He explained with that glorious smile dancing on his face.

"Only six months, okay, we'll go with that," she said frustratingly as she walked into the elevator, the anger dissolving into annoyance.

"It's not that long. It'll go by quickly love." He said, kissing the top of her head.

"Not quick enough," Christine sighed, but she felt a little better.

"Hey, guys, sorry to break this up but I'm missing a pregnant wife. Anyone seen her?" Elijah asked rushing up to them. Christine smirked and nodded.

"She bolted down the elevator. I'm sure if you take the stairs like Jordan and Zac, I'm sure you'll find them." Christine giggled.

Elijah looked at Christine with a raised eyebrow, but did as she said and ran down the stairs.

"Hey I hope you don't mind. Jordan and I pulled money together to give Cayla a present before you guys leave in the morning," Christine said as she and Oliver walked out of the elevator to where their friends were waiting for them.

"Oh honey, You really didn't have to. You know that just being here with you guys is such a gift to her. She's really fallen in love with you all." Christine smiled and nodded.

"I know, but I just want her to leave here with something special."

"So, where's this club thing anyway?"

"It's about 3 blocks away from here. I thought we could walk there. I'm sick of being in a car." Jordan muttered, holding her arms over her chest. She was still obviously pissed off.

"It'll be nice to walk around the city. As long as no crazy mass murdering man comes out and tries to shoot us all."

"Jordan, if you don't get rid of that look, your face will stick that way," Christine muttered, wrapping an arm around her best friend's shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?"

Jordan shook her head. "No. I just want to go and dance and get away from him."

Christine nodded her head, and started to walk to the club with her best friend by her side.