Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 55

"Becca look who it is! It's Zac. Oh my God! You're the girl from the plane. Where'd all your hair go?" The cheerleader Jordan sat next to on the plane cheered as she saw the group of six walk up.

"Oh. My. God. Don't you guys ever stop being so damn peppy?" Jordan snapped, pushing past him. "Go and get him!" She yelled back to them.

Kimmy looked over at her brother, giving him a glare. "You know, this is all your fault."

"Did she just ditch me?" Zac asked Christine who was looking back and forth after Kimmy, Jordan and Zac.

"Like Kimmy said, you brought this upon yourself." Oliver sympathized, walking ahead with Christine.

Zac sighed, running his hands through his hair. He smiled weakly at the cheerleaders before following after his group.

"This is not how I imagined this going," Kimmy muttered as they walked into the packed club with Elijah, Christine and Oliver by her side. The night flew by and they were all walking back into the hotel suite. Oliver with Cayla on his side. Jordan and Zac still fighting and Kimmy and Elijah practically dropping on her face.

"I have a present for you," Christine told Cayla as they ran into the room before Jordan and Zac started fighting again. She pulled out a small box and opened the lid. A silver charm bracelet lay on the black silk. "I wanted you to have something to remember Jordan and I when you were in London.

"It's pretty!"

"I'm glad you like it. You have to be careful with it though," Christine smiled as she fastened the bracelet on her wrist. "Now get in your PJ's we have to get up early in the morning."

Cayla smiled at the bracelet on her wrist and dove at Christine, hugging her tightly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome sweetie."

"I told you to leave me alone Zac! Now why don't you freaking listen to me for once and do what I tell you!" Jordan screamed as she stormed into the hotel room, making a dash towards their bedroom.

"Zac just get to bed. We have to get up early in the morning," Kimmy muttered as she walked into the bedroom. "Might I suggest the couch?" she added as the door closed on the final night that they'd all be in Portland together.

Zac laid down on the couch, screaming into the pillow. He was just as upset as everyone else was about Oliver and Cayla leaving. He just didn't want people to see it.

The alarm clock buzzed incessantly the following morning just as the sun was rising over the mountains. The four girls in the suite sat straight up in their beds.

Cayla looked to Christine sadly, Kimmy ran her hands through her head, and Jordan wiped away tears she had cried over Zac the night before.

"Let's just get through today," they all muttered as they stepped out of their beds respectively.

Jordan was the first to walk out of her room. She looked over to the couch where Zac was curled up, shivering lightly. She sighed and took a blanket, placing it over him gently.

"You're always going to care," Christine muttered from her doorway with Cayla at her side. Jordan smiled. "Just remember it for the next six months or I might have to kill you."

Jordan nodded. "He just pisses me off sometimes." She muttered, wrapping her robe around her tighter.

"I know, they all have their ups and downs," Christine sighed, wrapping and arm around her best friend's shoulder. "That's why we love them,"

She nodded. "Yeah, I guess if that's what it's called." She looked down to Cayla, ruffling her hair. "How you doing sweetheart?"

"Thank you for the pretty bracelet." Cayla smiled, flashing the bracelet that was hanging from her wrist.

Jordan nodded. "Of course sweetie. I'm glad that you like it." Cayla then went over and turned on the TV. Jordan looked to Christine and sadly smiled. "You ok honey?"

"No, but I'll be fine," Christine muttered looking up at Jordan. "Honestly, I'm going to be okay," she said, trying to convince herself of the same fact.

She nodded. "what time do they need to be at the airport?" Kimmy asked as she walked into the living room.

"The plane leaves at eight, so around seven I would imagine."

Jordan looked at the clock, seeing that it was around 5:30 in the morning. "Oh lord, I hate getting up this fucking early."

"I do too," Kimmy mumbled sitting on the balcony with her friends. "Do you want us to come with you?"

"I wanna gooo..." Jordan whined.

"It's not up to me. You can come if you want," she shrugged. "I would suggest bringing a truck load of tissues, but after that, you're welcome to come."

Zac mumbled something and chucked a pillow at the tv. "Hey! Don't do that to Dora!" Cayla whined.

"Morning," he grumbled as he leaned in the doorway. "Who turned the hyper six-year-old on me?" he smirked from his position.

Jordan put her hands up defensively. "It wasn't me!"

"Sorry, she found the remote. I need to keep her occupied as long as I can. I don't want her crying too," Christine muttered, somewhat sympathetically towards Zac.

He nodded, pulling the blanket back over his body. "Hey, Who put this around me?"

"That one wasn't me," Christine said, standing up. "I guess I need to wake him up, don't I?" she asked looking towards Jordan who nodded. "Keep an eye on Cayla for me?"

"Of course." She said as she walked over and sat on the floor with Cayla and watched dora.

"You just made my job a lot easier," Christine smiled, walking into their room and seeing that Oliver was already awake. "A penny for your thoughts?"

He chuckled lightly to himself. "Way too many thoughts for them to just cost one penny..."

"Well, how much am I going to have to pay?" she asked, sitting against the backboard with him, smiling weakly.

He wrapped his arm around her, bringing her into him. "This is enough." He smiled, kissing her lightly.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Now what's on your mind?" she asked. He shrugged. "I packed last night when I couldn't sleep. There's nothing else that you need to do," she told him gently.

He smiled, resting his head atop hers. "You are far too good to me love." Oliver was on the verge of tears, but didn't want to show any signs of his weakness.

"Hey, none of that. Not yet," she scoffed. "Cayla hasn't taken that bracelet off,"

"Good. I know that she really loves that thing. Mainly because it's from you two." Christine smiled, making circles on his palms again.

"Good, that's what we were hoping for," she smiled and her cell phone buzzed on the table next to her. "It's six o' clock, we should probably start getting ready to go..."

He shook his head. "I don't want to go anymore. I can't leave you. This isn't right." He argued, holding into her tighter.

"It's only six months, right?" she tried to smile. "Come on, there are two more hours before you have to get on the plane. Until then, I won't leave your side," she told him. "But you have people who love you out there too,"

"I don't care about them right now. I want to spend every minute with you and only you." He smiled, kissing her lovingly.

"Fine with me," she smiled, kissing him again. "I'm going to miss you, so much," she cried, tears springing to her eyes.

He kissed her cheeks and wiped her tears away. "Now now. None of that, cause then you're gonna make me start." He laughed.

"I can't help it," she smiled. "I don't know how I'm going to do it. I'll just think of you every time I'm here," she said, the circles on his palms going jagged as she began to shake.

He held onto her hand, rubbing the back of her fingers. "Just know that I love you and nothing is ever going to come between us. Got it?"

She nodded, the tears catching in the back of her throat. "Here," she told him as she unclipped her locket. "Keep it with you," she told him, placing it in his hand.

He smiled, brushing the outside of the locket with his fingers. "This is beautiful. Just like you, love."

"Just use it to remember us, to remember me," she smiled. "My brother gave that to me before I left to make Hairspray. He told me the same thing,"

Oliver grinned, hugging her tightly again. "I'll never forget you, You know that."

"Things change, especially with an entire country and an entire ocean in between us." The alarm sounded, 6:30.

Oliver sighed as he stood up, holding his hand out for her. She grabbed it, getting off the bed, but was then pulled straight into his arms. "There could be an entire world between us and nothing would change." He whispered in her ear.

"Whatever you say," she sighed. "I trust you."

"Daddy! Kimmy and Jordan said that it's time to go, Is it true?" Cayla asked sadly as she ran into the room. Tears were brimming her little eyes, waiting to escape at any moment.

He coughed, the emotion on his daughter's face was too much. He nodded and the tears began to fall out of Cayla's eyes. "Sweetie, don't cry. We'll see them all again."

"I don't want to go!" She sobbed. Oliver sighed and picked up his little girl, hugging her tightly to him. "We'll see them again, I promise." Cayla then looked up to Christine and held her arms out. "Don't make me go mommy!"

Jordan's eyes widened and her head snapped toward her best friend. "Baby there's nothing I can do," Christine sighed, the tears coming dangerously close to falling out of her eyes.

"There has to be! I don't want to leave mommy, please don't make me go!" Cayla sobbed, reaching out her small arms towards Christine. Jordan looked between Cayla and Christine sadly.

"I can't keep you here. The people back in London need some time with you too." Christine managed to choke out as she picked the six year old up into her arms.

Cayla shook her head as she buried it in Christine shoulder. "I don't like the people in London. They think I'm weird." Christine sighed, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry."

"We have to go." The four words that nobody in the room wanted to hear or say had just been muttered.

Zac and Elijah got the bags and headed down to the lobby while Oliver got Cayla ready. Jordan sat on the couch with Kimmy, her arm wrapped around her sister-in-laws shoulder. Kimmy wiped away tears as she held her hand on her stomach.

"Are you sure you want to come? This is going to be pretty hard," Jordan told Kimmy.

Kimmy nodded. "Yes. I need to go. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't."

Jordan nodded. "Let's go." Jordan said as she stood up. "We're going to have a friend that needs us." Kimmy nodded and stood up walking with Jordan down to the car that would take them to the airport.

The ride to the airport was one of the longest and saddest trips that this crew had ever been through. They all wished that it either never had to end or didn't have to happen at all. Christine held onto Cayla who, in return, wouldn't let go of her.

"How much do we owe you?" Zac asked when the driver pulled up to the airport. The driver waved his hand. "You all have enough to deal with, don't worry about this one. It's on me."

Jordan got out of the car and helped Kimmy out. They then waited for the rest of their rat pack file out, tears in their eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, Kimmy looked to see lots of people running towards them with cameras. "Oh shit, Paparazzi at 6 o'clock."

"If you people do not get the hell out of my face I swear to whatever god you believe in you will not like what I have to say," Christine spat as the microphones were shoved in her face.

"Oh come on! Isn't it your contracts with the movie that you have to be nice. Good publicity is everything!" Zac walked over and pushed them all away. "Well we're not with the movie, so you all need to get the hell away before I have your asses arrested for harassment!"

"How sweet, you have all sorts of people protecting you know that he's gone. What'd you do, chase him away too?" Christine's fist balled at her side.

Jordan walked over, placing her hands on Christine's shoulders and pushed her into the airport. "Don't listen to them. They just want any kind of story for their fake magazine. Don't let them get to you, you know the truth; They don't care about that." She reasoned with her.

"Why'd you pull me away? I could seriously use some stress relief and knocking one of them out would have been exactly what I needed," Christine pouted as she scowled at the reporters outside the airport.

Jordan shook her head. "Can you do it after they leave then? Beleive me, They'll still be there and you'll be even more pissed. It'll feel better." Jordan joked. She then looked to Cayla who was still attached tightly to Christine. "You ok baby?" Cayla shook her head. "Awww, It's alright baby."

"Wanna go watch the planes?" Oliver asked, walking up behind them. Cayla nodded and Christine started walking towards the windows. "You alright? I heard what the reporters said to you,"

She shrugged. "They're gonna get an ass kicking if they don't know what's good for them."

"Now that's something I wish I'd be able to see," he smiled at her. "Don't get yourself in too much trouble please?"

Jordan smiled and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

"That's more of a scary thought actually," he sighed. "Jordan, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked, pulling her away. "I need a favor from you,"

Jordan nodded, placing her hands in her pockets. "Anything, What's up?"

"There are twelve of them," he said, pulling out a group of envelopes. "One for every month that I'm not here," Jordan nodded and he continued. "When she's having a hard time or a bad day, give her one. Cayla wrote six and I wrote six."

Jordan smiled sweetly and took them, placing them in her messenger bag. "This is such a sweet thing Oliver. I'm sure that she'll love them." He smiled and went in, hugging her tightly. "You really are a great friend." Jordan nodded.

"Yeah, I know." She laughed.

"Is that Christine's locket?" Zac asked when he walked towards Jordan's side. "She took that thing off?" he scoffed. Jordan smiled. She knew how much meaning that had to Christine. "Wow, she must really love you. You know that her brother gave her that locket?"

"You know what that means right?" Jordan mused. Oliver looked over at Christine and then back at Jordan. "You have her heart for as long as the Locket is with you at all times. Keep it close love." She smiled, walking over to the benches with Zac. "You know, I'm still not happy with you." She muttered to Zac.

"We'll deal with us later, this isn't about us," he told her as they walked towards the security checkpoint as a group. As a family. Jordan nodded as the security wand was waved in front of her.

The security guard and held out his hand. "Ticket Please." Jordan shook her head.

"We're just going to see off our two friends." He then pushed her back. "No one goes through without a ticket. Rules are rules, no exceptions."

"You've got to be kidding," Christine sighed as she put Cayla down on the floor and flopped her head onto Jordan's shoulder.

"Shit, I forgot about that." Jordan mumbled, wrapping her arm around her friend. Oliver sighed and picked up Cayla.

"Come on honey, this is as far as they can go with us." Cayla began crying again. "Nooo!"

"What if she just goes?" Kimmy asked the burly security guard. He made an unintelligent sound which sounded like a grunt. "What the hell does that mean? I don't speak idiot,"

"Kimmy!" Elijah said, pulling his wife away from the guard. "What?! It's true!" Elijah shook his head. "Cayla, It's ok. You knew this was going to happen, right?" Christine asked. Cayla nodded her head. "It just has to happen a little earlier, it's alright."

"I cannot believe you're making them say goodbye in front of everyone," Jordan hissed at the man. He walked away, thinking that his absence would calm Jordan's screams. Christine was squatting down at Cayla's level holding the little girl in her arms.

"You really want me to go?" Cayla asked sadly. Christine shook her head. "Of course not. I want you to stay here with me forever." Cayla smiled and hugged Christine. "Then I'll stay!" Christine laughed and pulled Cayla back. "No, You have to go with your daddy to England. You've got to take care of him for me and make sure that he doesn't get into any trouble. Can you do that for me?" Cayla nodded sadly.

"Go say goodbye to Elijah and Zac," she told Cayla as she stood up, looking towards Oliver. "We knew this was coming right?"

Oliver nodded, pulling her into his arms. "Yeah, we did." He sighed, trying to hide his sadness.

"It's okay to be sad, you don't need to hide it from me," she told him. "Take care," she muttered, tears falling out of her eyes as she looked down, trying to get rid of the tears.

He brought her face up to meet his where his tears had started to fall. "I love you, more than you'll ever know." He then leaned in and kissed her with such a passion that her knees went weak.

"I love you too," she told him before walking away, towards her best friend, the tears falling freely down her face. Cayla and Oliver walked through the security checkpoint, glancing over their shoulders only once before continuing towards their plane.

Jordan and Kimmy waved goodbye sadly to their friends. Jordan then walked over to Christine and hugged her tightly. "It's ok, I promise."

"We'll see about that," she muttered as she walked out of the airport, through the mob of reporters to the one reporter who had constantly been in her face. "Here's your exclusive," she said, not bothering to wipe the smeared make-up off of her face. "If you print one thing that is anything but the truth I'll sue you for everything you've got." She was pronouncing every syllable of every word. "Oh, and one more thing," she said. His face lit up like he was about to receive an early Christmas present. She raised her fist and it collided with her nose. "Stay the hell out of my life!"

Jordan rolled her eyes and went to push her towards the car. "Yeah, Once that gets in the papers, Catherine will be thrilled with that publicity shot." She muttered.

"I'll punch her too," Christine muttered. Jordan scoffed as they climbed back into the car.

"You're not going to punch Catherine. I know you're upset, but there's no reason to be doing this. You know that Oliver and Cayla wouldn't want that." Christine sighed, resting her head against the window. "Just leave me alone." She said as she watched a plane take off into the morning sun. She couldn't help but think if that was their plane.

"This is going to be a very long six months," Jordan mused as they pulled back into the hotel parking lot. Catherine was waiting for them by the doors to the lobby. "Oh shit."

As soon as Christine and Jordan got out of the car, Catherine walked up. "What's she doing here? The story couldn't have gotten out yet..."

"The reporter's attorney called me," she said. "Care to explain where the hell that right hook came from?" Christine rolled her eyes and walked right past her. "What's with her?"

"Oliver and Cayla left this morning. That reporter was harassing the sh-" Jordan tried to explain.

"I don't care! She's the star of my movie, Jordan. We have billions of fans around the world waiting for this and we don't need this kind of publicity! So can you please control her?" Jordan nodded obediently. "Tell her I want her on the set on time, bright eyed, and bushy tailed tomorrow. Got it?" Jordan, again, nodded. "Good. Enjoy your day off."

Jordan sighed as she walked into the hotel room. The picture that was in her wallet was no longer the case that showed their friendships, their true loves. One by one they were being split up, to different parts of the world. The future would be uncertain after six months, when the movie ended and there were no set plans for anything.

"Jordan wake up!" Christine yelled, pounding on the bedroom door. "We're late and Catherine's going to kill us if we're late again!" It was the beginning of July. Kimmy and Elijah would be leaving in two days.

Jordan groaned as she tossed a pillow at the door. "Tell Catherine that I can forsee that the movie will be finished on time if she lets me have like 2 more hours of sleep..." She grumbled.

"Alright, I'll bring you the classified section of the newspaper," Christine mumbled walking back towards the kitchen and pouring Jordan a cup of tea she knew she would be needed when her best friend walked out of the room.

Jordan stumbled out of the room a few minutes later with her hair tucked into a black beanie. She was in sweat pants and an old t-shirt. "How many more weeks of this?"


Jordan groaned and laid her head down on the counter-top. "I'm gonna die, I'll be the first vampire in history to die..."

"Oh for God's sake, can we go now?" Christine pleaded as she dragged Jordan towards the door. On the floor in front of their door was a thin bag, the title National Inquirer could been seen through the plastic.

"What the hell is that?" She asked as she picked up the magazine.

"You tell me,"

Jordan took the magazine out of the bag and skimmed over the front page. Her eyes went wide and her breath caught in her throat. "No fuckng way..." She whispered.

"That sounded bad," Christine muttered. "Do I want to know?" Jordan shook her head slowly. "Come on, it cannot be that bad,"

Jordan nodded her head. "Should I read you the headline or would you like to read it for yourself?" She asked warily.

"Just show it to me," Christine said. Jordan grimaced and handed her the magazine. "Shit,"

"Told ya so..."

"Thanks for that," she managed to get out while trying to flip to the pages that held the story regarding the headline. They were sitting in the car heading towards the set before she found the page and began reading.

"Well? What does it say? Is it a fake like the rest of the shit in this magazine?" Jordan asked curiously, trying to read over her friends shoulder.

"I don't think so," Christine said. "I met Sarah when we were in Disney World attending the premiere of Hairspray . I suppose if it's anyone's fault, it would be our children. They brought us together, now they need to live with the consequences." She read her father's quote with disbelief in her voice and mind. "What does that mean?"

"Consequences? Your fault? Dude, that does kinda sound like your dad..." Jordan grimaced.

"Here, listen to Sarah's. I have to thank his daughter. I mean if she hadn't have driven my first husband to commit suicide then I wouldn't be here with the man I'm meant to be with. So they're blaming me for this?"

Jordan nodded, looking out the window distastefully. "Aslo sounds like something that Sarah would say." She then scoffed and looked back to Christine. "Figures that they would pick the stupidest magazine to spill this to..."

"Want to help me kill my father?" Christine asked after a few moments of silence had lapsed by. Jordan looked at her best friend with wide eyes. "I'm kidding."

Jordan nodded. "Ha, yeah right."

"I thought you two were going to be late again today," Catherine warned when they walked into the room, the magazine rolled up in Christine's hand. "Did you think you'd get some reading done?"

Christine rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Not exactly." She said as she tossed the magazine into Catherine's lap.

"When did you get this?" Catherine asked, looking up at the two leads. Catherine knew about the past with the two faces on the cover.

"It was outside our door this morning when we were leaving. Isn't it just the worst?" Jordan asked, sitting down in her chair next to Catherine.

"Who else knows?" Catherine asked, pulling out a cell phone and dialing numbers rapidly.

"Probably the rest of the US and even some of the rest of the world who reads that magazine..." Christine muttered as the make-up artist worked her makeup.

"Zac what's going on?" Jordan asked, answering her cell phone. "What do you mean there are reporters there? How long have they been there?" She rolled her eyes as she slammed the phone shut. "Guess who just mobbed the hotel room."

Christine sighed, spinning her finger around in the air, "Whoop dee doo. What else is new?" Jordan laughed, pointing at her friend.

"Ha Ha! That rhymed." Christine chuckled and chucked a bagel at her head.

"What was that for?!" Jordan retaliated, throwing the bagel back. "Hey, do you think Oliver's seen this yet?" she asked, her hand stopping in front of her face so the bagel wouldn't hit her as Christine threw it back.

Christine shrugged. "He'll find out soon enough." Just then, Robert and Taylor walked up.

"Well what's going on, bagel babes?" Taylor asked with his cocky grin.

"Ugh," Christine sighed, looking at the two of them. "I'm so not in the mood for them," she whispered to Jordan.

Jordan nodded. "Tell me about it." Taylor wrapped his arm around Jordan's shoulders, resting his head on top of hers. "Hey! Off the merchandise!" Jordan screamed, pushing him off.

"I can touch it if I buy it..." He whispered in her ear as she slipped a $20 into her pocket. She scoffed and glared at him.

"You're disgusting and blind," she told him, waving her wedding ring in his face.

He shrugged. "I like what I can't have." Christine grabbed another bagel and chucked it at his head. He caught it without even looking at it. He then turned his head toward her with a smug smirk. "I wasn't cast just for my good looks, Thanks for the breakfast though."

"Why don't you follow his lead and leave us alone?" Christine smiled sweetly at Robert. "You're just as annoying as he is in the morning." Jordan smirked as she picked the raisins out of the bagel.

"Why would I want to follow his lead? He's just a kid? A real man knows how to impress ladies...too bad I don't see any here." He chuckled before walking off to talk to some other cast members.

Christine rolled her eyes and looked to Catherine. "And you wonder why we never look like there's something between us..."

Catherine shrugged. "He's not that bad," she tried to reason. Jordan raised her eyebrows.

"Are you kidding?" She asked seriously.

"He's an ass," Christine added on Jordan's comment. "Did you miss that?" She asked, pointing to where they had been standing moments ago. "That's how he always is with us. Around you he behaves himself."

Catherine shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading the tabloid in her hands. "Only a few more weeks and then you never have to deal with him again."

"Somehow I don't believe you. People never tend to leave us alone when we actually want them to. This would be a prime example," Christine grimaced, referencing the magazine. Robert walked back over his 'Edward' costume on. He smirked when he saw the magazine lying face up on Jordan's lap.

"Aww, Does someone have daddy issues?" He teased towards Christine.

"Way to be behind on that one. Everyone knew my father used to hit me. Where have you been? Hell, you even missed when he broke my nose and the medication that I needed to stay alive, killed my baby. Try and keep up." She smirked.

Robert just stood there, shock flooding his expression. He knew that he had no comeback to that one, so he ran off with his tail between his legs. Jordan laughed and high-fived Christine. "Yay!"

"Boy do you have him whipped," Taylor smirked, reappearing behind Jordan. "I'd do that for you, if you asked nicely, of course."

"What? obey my every word? Fine then. Taylor, will you please never talk to me again?" Jordan replied in a sweet sarcastic tone.

He shook his head, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "No, I meant the whipping, but that was cute. Do it again."

"Dude, she's married," Christine spat when she saw Jordan's anger flowing out of her. "Back off,"

"I'll get you my pretty..." He joked before walking off.

"I hate that kid...I hate that kid!" Jordan chanted to herself.

"Oh, one more thing," he added, turning around and walking back a few steps. Catherine was engrossed in the magazine while the two girls were still sitting in makeup chairs. He kissed her, forcefully, like Jake kissed Bella in Eclipse . "Woah."

That was the final straw. Jordan pushed him off her and set her arm back, fist clenched, ready to strike. Christine saw what was about to happen and rushed to catch her fist. "No!"

Catherine looked up, seeing that Christine was holding Jordan back from killing a hysterically laughing Taylor. "What the hell is going on here?"

"He kissed her," Christine explained as she struggled to keep Jordan from leaping out of the chair. "I would leave, right now. If I were you." Taylor nodded, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Bye bye, Baby." Jordan struggled harder against Christine's hold on her, trying her hardest to reach out and strangle him.

"Don't kill him," Christine said. "That'll mean he won. Anger is a passionate emotion and he'll work that angle as much as possible. Just calm down," she kept repeating, trying, unsuccessfully, to calm her best friend down.

"Oh I don't want to kill him, I just want him to suffer!" Jordan scream, struggling against Christine. Jackson walked over and saw what was going on.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"You should probably go away too," Christine muttered. "Oh, no wait. You could call Zac for me. Tell him to get here, ASAP," she amended, handing him her cell phone. "Now!"

Jackson nodded and dialed Zac's number. "Hello?" Zac asked with a groggy tone. "Zac? It's Jackson, Christine said that you need to get down here ASAP. Something happened with Jordan." The line went dead, signaling that he had hung up. "I think he's on his way."

"Want to do me one more favor?" Christine asked as she still tried to keep Jordan in the chair. "Don't tell Taylor who you just called."

Jackson nodded. "And why would he care?"

"You'll see," she smiled as the doors swung open and Zac ran in. "Hey, hold her back please, she's pretty pissed and I'm wearing out," she told Zac when he reached them.

Zac reached out and held onto Jordan tightly. "Hey, calm down. It's alright. What's going on?" Jordan grunted against his arms. "Kill. Taylor." Was all she spat out.

"Care to elaborate?" he asked, turning around to Christine. She grimaced and bit he bottom lip. "Is it that bad?" Christine nodded.

"He fucking kissed me! He had the fucking gall to kiss me when he knows that I'm married and I hate him with a fiery passion!" Jordan screamed, her fury erupting once more.

Christine lunged forward to keep Jordan in the chair as Zac bolted off in search of Taylor. "This is going to be amusing...I mean bad," she amended at Catherine's look. "He kissed her, he's the one at blame."Catherine shook her head and ran off after Zac, praying that she hadn't killed her only Jacob.

"I swear to God, if you ever touch her again I'll do more than hang you from your throat on a wall. You understand that?" He growled as he dropped Taylor onto the concrete floor. "As for you," he muttered turning to Robert. "Leave Christine alone, she doesn't need any of your shit either."

Robert smirked and walked towards him. "Oooh, Do you really expect me to be scared of some High School Musical pretty boy?"

"No, but you can be scared of me," Christine smirked, punching him hard across the side of the face. "Leave. Me. Alone."

Catherine saw the hit and ran over, grabbing Christine's arm. "What have you done?! That's gonna leave a huge bruise, that'll take forever to cover-up."

"He should have thought about that before," she shrugged, smirking. "Plus, you could just say that Jake and Edward got in a fight. Then you wouldn't need to cover the bruises on Taylor's neck."

Catherine then looked over to Taylor's neck, seeing a bruise forming around it. She glared at Zac and sighed. "Would you all stop fighting? This isn't what I need right now! Zac, go to your wife, Now! You three, in my office, right now." She added, pointing to Robert, Taylor and Christine. She walked towards the office, Christine's arm still in her hand.

"I'm not a kid, you can let go of me." Christine whined. Catherine shook her head.

"I'm afraid that you'll go off and sock Robert again."

"And you're not worried about Zac killing Taylor? You left them alone," she taunted.

"Zac is tending to Jordan. He's more worried about her than Taylor at the moment."

"What's this about? Is this some sort of 'we're-going-to-solve-all-the-problems-now' speeches?" Taylor asked, appearing on Catherine's other side, rubbing his neck. Christine smirked silently.

"Yes. You three will not leave my office without everything cleared up. Understand me? And remember, I know how you guys act. I'll know if you're lying." She said in a motherly tone.

"You've got to be kidding me?! That's never going to work, not after she hit me," Robert whined. Christine rolled her eyes as Catherine closed the door to the office and sat behind her desk.

"Will you quit whining? Or I'll hit you next!" She yelled at him.

"Where do you want us to start?" Robert asked, a more 'kiss-ass' side showing.

"Kiss ass," Christine muttered under her breath.

Catherine pointed to Christine warningly. "Robert, go ahead and start since you're so eager to kiss my ass." She giggled.

"Well, why are we in here? Nothing's going to be solved by the time we walk out of here. More than likely I'll have another bruise." He scowled in Christine's direction. "Just know that it's coming your way in the third movie," he told Taylor warningly.

Taylor rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

"Does anyone have anything to say?" Catherine asked. Silence. "Anything at all?"

"I told you, Nothing is gonna get solved here..." Christine sighed.

"Alright then, we're going to do this my way," she smirked. Christine's eyes widened when she saw two pairs of handcuffs. "You three won't be separated until I think you're ready."

"Wait! You can't do that! What about during filming? Jacob and Edward aren't together in scenes!" Christine tried to reason.

"That's simple. You won't hit him while you're filming. They come off to shoot, that's it. I'm thinking about throwing Jordan in here for good measure," Catherine mused. Christine shook her head.

"Don't, she has a husband here. Do not make her take part in this." Christine pleaded.

Catherine nodded. "Yeah, you have a point. At least she's got a handler here."

"He's not a handler. In case you didn't remember, she's the only one who didn't hurt someone," Christine reminded her. Robert and Taylor remained silent, getting quiet satisfaction out of watching Christine plead for her best friend.

"That's because you stopped her from killing Taylor. If he hadn't showed up, then Taylor would look a lot worse than he does now." Taylor looked up to Catherine.

"Hey! What was that supposed to mean?"

"Jordan was pretty steamed. Now give me your arms." She said. Christine rolled her eyes and put her left arm in the air. "Oh no, you're going in the middle dear,"

Christine's eyes went wide. "You've got to be shitting me!"

"Nope. You've got to deal with both of them on set. Therefore, you need to be the most comfortable with both of them. Give me your other arm." Reluctantly she did as she was told, watching Catherine attach the handcuff to the guys.

"I feel like a prisoner...oh wait, I am now!" Christine groaned, standing up. Both Taylor and Robert groaned, having their hands pulled.

"Yo! quit it!" Taylor protested.

Christine rolled her eyes, she could feel the massive headache coming on now. "Can we go now?" she muttered. Catherine nodded and she stormed out of the room, dragging the two guys behind her. "You owe me big time." She told Jordan.

Jordan turned around in her chair and stared at Christine with Shock. "What the hell are they doing here? And why are they that close to you?"

She held up her arms and the handcuffs were exposed. Jordan's eyes widened. "Yeah, for an undeclared amount of time."

"Oh. My. God." Jordan muttered, placing her hands over her mouth. "Catherine has finally lost it..."

"She wanted to throw you in, 'for good measure,'" Christine quoted.

"Well thank god for no good measure." Jordan laughed.

"You're welcome, I practically begged her to keep you out of it," she said viscously. "We're going home. They're staying with us," she told Jordan. "Are you coming?"

"They're staying with us? Does this mean they have to sleep in the same bed as you?" Jordan asked, holding onto Zac's arms tightly.

"Kick ass! We can piss off the boyfriend!" Robert exclaimed from Christine's right.

"Oliver already knows that I hate you both, he wouldn't be jealous." Christine smirked, crushing Robert's hopes.

"But will that impression stick when the press that's waiting outside catches us walking into your hotel room?" He asked again. Christine rolled her eyes and with her left and handed Jordan her cell phone. Jordan opened the phone and dialed Oliver's cell phone number.

"Do you people have any sense of time differences?" Oliver groaned.

"Nope, I've been confused for a while." Jordan laughed.

"What do you want? It better be worth waking me up."

"Your girlfriend is handcuffed to two assholes. She punched the hell out of one and Zac ripped the throat off the other one for kissing me. Catherine got pissed and handcuffed the three of them together," Jordan explained simply.

Oliver sighed. "Can't you all ever do anything simply? You've always got to complicate things..." Jordan laughed and nodded.

"If it wasn't for the crazy things we do, it just wouldn't be us!"

"It was simple, I punched him. It should have ended there," Christine muttered.

"They're staying in Christine's bed. You jealous?" Jordan asked.

"No. I'm fine with it, she hates them."

Christine smirked. "I love you," she yelled. The two guys looked slightly sick. She smirked again. "Oh, I think I just found my weapon."

"Tell her I love her too. I'm sure she'll call me later." Jordan laughed.

"You got that right. Bye Ollie!" She said before hanging up.

Christine rolled her eyes and smirked at the two characters dangling on her arms. "Tonight is gonna be interesting."

"Do you plan on talking to him all night?" Taylor asked.

"Maybe." Christine mused.

"That was sickening," Robert muttered. Christine rolled her eyes.

"Dude, get used to it. That's how she is when she talks to Oliver." Jordan smirked.

"Who knew she had it in her. We could use some of that on set," he scoffed.

"I do, I pretend that you're him. That's how I get through our scenes." She spat. "Jackass..." She muttered quietly to herself.