Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 56

"Let's just go," Taylor stepped in before the fight started. "Can we go, please?" Christine looked at him oddly before nodding. The camera flashed of the photographers welcomed them to the outside.

"Shit, I forgot about them..." Christine sighed.

"I won't say anything," Taylor muttered. Jordan looked at him strangely too. "They'll think it's publicity."

"That's probably true, but it's not what they're here for..." Jordan groaned as her and Zac got out of the van and ran into the hotel.

"Don't say a word," Christine said as she followed Zac and Jordan. They got halfway before she and Taylor were yanked backwards violently. "Robert let's go, inside now!"

Robert was posing for the cameras. "You all are fantastic. I'll answer all your questions." Christine and Taylor looked at each other with wide eyes. "No!" They yelled as they picked him up and dragged him inside the hotel.

"What in the bloody hell was that for?" he ranted as Christine opened the hotel door. "They're just reporters, they don't mean any harm."

"What part of, 'Don't say anything', Didn't you get you dingbat!" Christine yelled.

"W-what did you just call me?" he asked, confused and set back by the new insult. Jordan laughed as she knocked on Kimmy's bedroom door.

"I called you a dingbat. Don't know it? Look it up." She coldly replied. Kimmy walked out of the bedroom, her eyes bugging out of her head. "What're they doing here?"

Christine held her hands up again. The guys hands followed. "Catherine's brilliant idea for doing that," she said pointing to the large bruise on Robert's face. "And for Zac doing this," she said, lifting Taylor's chin up slightly.

Kimmy surveyed the damaged and nodded appreciatively. "Nice work. The neck bruise is a nice touch." Zac laughed, bowing lightly.

"So where are you all staying? Surely you're not going to put them in your bed," Elijah said walking out into the living room. Christine shrugged. "You're kidding?"

"It's gonna be an interesting night." Jordan mumbled.

"That's for sure," Christine muttered, looking at her cell phone. "Daddy's calling," she mumbled.

"Give me the phone, I have a few things to say to that son of a bitch..." Jordan growled. Christine shook her head, answering her cell phone. "What do you want?"

"Is that anyway to greet your new mother?" Sarah's voice cooed. Christine rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess you don't have to call me that, not yet anyway."

"I'll never have to call you that...You'll never be my mother. You've got a little setback." Christine smiled.

"I divorced your mother you nitwit..." Her father's voice chimed in.

"Wrong, again," she called. "You see in order for your marriage to effect me and Oliver, we have to be in the same country, all four of us. And since the two of them aren't allowed back into the country for a year, I don't think that's going to be a problem," she smirked. She knew her father would find the road that would cause her fall on her defenses but she had to try.

"Hence the reason your father and I are going to live in my flat back in England! Isn't the fantastic?" Sarah gushed cheerfully.

"I'll never go to London. I'll wait here," Christine fired back. "Oliver and Cayla will come back when they're allowed. Then, guess what. We've been together longer, and I don't have a criminal background so they'll decide that your marriage is null and void." Jordan smirked, she could only imagine the looks on their faces.

"We'll see about that one deary. You really think that Oliver will take Cayla out of the country again? He's not that heartless..." Sarah reasoned.

"What are you talking about? She hated leaving. Of course they'll come back."

"Yet now she has friends, She's in a play at school, Her life is finally coming together! Oliver would never take that away from his little girl."

"Y-your wrong," she muttered, the defenses falling.

"Besides, could you go another eleven months without seeing him?" Her father jumped in. "You two were so in love, then he came back here and the rumors certainly have been letting the truth down," he told her, an apparent edge of superiority in his voice.

Christine sighed, feeling the tears springing to her eyes at the thought of not seeing Oliver for an extra eleven months added to the 5 she was already waiting. "I have to go..."

"Don't you want to know the truth?" Her father hissed. "Cayla's mother was here when they came back. They've been a happy family since they've gotten back here. Don't think you're that special that they would destroy that for you." The line went dead before she could think, before she could respond.

Jordan saw the fear and devastation setting across Christine's face. Christine's knees shook and she dropped the phone. "Catch her!" Jordan screamed to Robert and Taylor as her best friend fell.

They complied, more out of instinct than anything else. "Alright, I feel bad about pissing her off about her father. He really is an ass," Robert admitted as he and Taylor set her down on the couch, her eyes opening again.

Jordan rushed over, leaning against her knees. "Elijah, Get her some water now." She demanded. "Christine, What's wrong? What did he say?" Jordan asked as Christine regained conciousness.

"I need the phone," she said weakly. Jordan shook her head.

"Tell me what happened first."

"Give. Me. The. Phone." Christine seethed through clenched teeth. Jordan sighed and handed her the cell phone.

"Why are you waking me up again. Did-" Oliver started before Christine began talking right over what he was saying.

"Why didn't you tell me that your ex came back?"

"How did you know that?" he asked, clearly more awake now that he knew why she was calling him. "Who did you talk to?"

"Our parents are back in England, Engaged. They just told me, Now why didn't you?" She sobbed.

"Because I didn't think it was important," he told her, unsure of what to tell her to calm down. "You're not even denying it! So, our conniving parents were right about this. Wow, I never thought I'd trust my father before I trusted you." Jordan grimaced, those were harsh words. For her to trust her father there was something bad going on.

"Christine, You're blowing this way out of proportion. Yes, She's here. What's the big deal?" He argued back.

"You don't see the problem in this situation? You kept the fact that your ex...whatever she is, is living with you! After you told me she wasn't in your life anymore," she screamed, startling everyone in the hotel room.

"She came back for Cayla! I'm not with her! She's only living here until she can all her things moved back into her flat from Italy!" Oliver defended. Christine sobbed freely, not believing that he was defending her.

"Then why'd you keep it a secret?" she questioned. "If it was no big deal you would have told me." He didn't argue, he didn't speak which only made her tears come faster. "Goodbye, for good." She responded, closing the cell phone.

"Christine, I'm sure that there's a logical explaination for all of this." Jordan reasoned. Christine scoffed and looked away from her coldly.

"Don't you dare." She hissed coldly. "Don't you dare defend him!"

"I'm not defending him! I'm trying to defend your sanity!" Jordan hissed back.

"What sanity?" Christine cried. "Guys, I'm going to need some sleep. There's a television in the room if you're not tired," she told Taylor and Robert. "And if the bastard calls back, tell him to go to hell," Christine told Kimmy, handing her the cell phone.

Robert and Taylor nodded silently, helping Christine into the bedroom. Jordan sat down on the couch, placing her head in her hands. "Honey, You know how they are." Zac said, sitting down next to her, placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Something's not right. He wouldn't do this to her," she muttered. "There's got to be something we're missing," thinking through possible loopholes. Christine pulled the picture out of her wallet. The same one that Jordan had and tore it in half, ripping herself and Oliver out of the picture before taping the two remaining couples together and sliding it under her bedroom door. Kimmy picked it up and looked at it.

"Shit. This is bad, seriously bad." Kimmy sighed, handing Jordan the picture. She looked at it and shook her head. "Kimmy, Give me the phone." Kimmy hesitantly handed Jordan the phone.

"What do you want now?" Oliver's voice questioned coldly. Jordan had never heard that edge in his voice before.

"You're gonna tell me everything from start to finish right now or I'm coming out there to castrate you. Understand me?" Jordan quickly demanded.

"Jordan?" He questioned. "I don't have to prove anything to you," he spat.

"You do if you ever want Christine back."

"What'd she tell you?"

"We were right here when she was yelling at you. We heard everything. Unfortunately, I know there's something that you're not telling her and I want to know what that is." Jordan groaned, getting frustrated.

"You probably don't want to know," he muttered.

"You're right, I don't want to know. But You're gonna tell me anyway because I care about the well being of my best friend and I know that you do too."

"If I said I was drunk would that clarify why I didn't tell Christine that she was here?" he asked.

"You were drunk? Oliver, You've never had a drink...ever! Why start now?" Jordan questioned.

"Because I wasn't with her!" he exclaimed. "It was tearing me apart. It was all I could do not to come back and pull her away from the movie," he admitted.

Jordan sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers, scared to ask the question she knew that she had to ask. "Oliver, Did you do anything with your ex?"

"I was drunk. I couldn't tell you," he admitted. Jordan could hear noise in the background. "Go back to sleep." He whispered. "I really want to say no,"

"Great, Now how am I going to get you and Christine back together? You've killed everything you worked for Oliver! Are you happy now?" She chastised.

"I'm not proud of it, if that's what you're asking." He told Jordan.

"Who's on the phone at three in the morning?" a voice asked. Jordan's eyebrows skyrocketed, the anger boiling inside.

"Oh my god! She's in the bed with you right now, isn't she?!" Jordan accused.

"Jordan do not jump to conclusions," he reasoned.

"And why shouldn't I?"

"What's going on? Why are you yelling?" Christine asked, appearing in her doorway with Taylor and Robert behind her. Kimmy's eyes widened and she looked immediately towards Jordan. Jordan stared at Christine like she had gotten caught in the act. "Jordan, Who is on the phone?" When Jordan didn't answer, Christine knew. "You didn't, Oh Jordan tell me you didn't." She pleaded.

"I had to. And you're going to tell her what you just told me," she said into the phone coldly. She handed Christine the cell phone and sat her down on the couch before they started talking.

"What is she talking about Oliver?" Christine whispered, trying to hold back her tears again.

"Please forgive me," he asked, his voice weak before she knew anything. "I was drunk and things went too far and got out of control," he admitted, the shame apparent in his voice. Christine's eyes closed, she was processing the iinformation that she had just received.

Christine simply handed Jordan back the phone and dragged Taylor and Robert back into the bedroom. Jordan picked up the phone, sighing heavily. "See why drinking is never good?"

"She didn't even say anything," he muttered.

"She didn't need to. I could read the heartbreak on her face." Jordan retaliated."Besides, What did you expect her to say anyway? 'that sucks'? It doesn't work like that Oliver!"

"I don't know. I guess you're right," he muttered. "Cayla, sweetie, what are you doing awake?" he asked. Jordan could hear the conversation.

"Were you yelling at mommy?" the little girl asked. Jordan was curious as to how he would answer this question.

"We weren't fighting baby," the woman's voice answered.

"You're not my mommy," Cayla answered before Jordan couldn't hear her voice anymore.

"Of course I am honey. We talked about this earlier." The voice calmly soothed.

"Jordan, This is a bad time." Oliver sighed.

"You're damn right it's a bad time, That's why you're gonna stay on this fucking phone until it becomes the best time of your life." Jordan argued.

"Can I talk to mommy?" Cayla's voice asked. Oliver sighed. "Do you think she'll talk to Cayla?"

"I'll go check." Jordan got up the couch and walked into the bedroom where Christine laid on the bed, huddled into herself between Robert and Taylor. "Cayla wants to talk to you."
Christine sighed and held out her hand for the phone. Jordan handed it to her sadly.

"Hi sweetheart," Christine said, trying to keep her voice smooth. "What are you doing awake?"

"I heard daddy yelling at you. What's going on?" She asked, her voice cracking lightly.

"Your real mother is going to be with your daddy," Christine told her. Jordan was leaning against the door frame. "She seems nice, you'll like her." Jordan scoffed and rolled her eyes and the 'nice' comment.

"No, I don't want her. She's not my real mommy. You are!" Cayla began crying.

"Cayla you can't do this. Your daddy and I had a really bad fight and I don't think I'll see him again, not for a long time," she sighed.

"No! Daddy's sorry! I know he is! Please!" Cayla begged.

"No, he's not. Now the three of you can be a real family, in London,"

"He is! He's very sorry! We are a real family! You, Me, and Daddy! We're the real family!" Cayla sobbed. Christine shook her head desperately.

"Cayla I need you to listen to me. Do you remember the locket I used to wear? I need you to take that and the bracelet that I gave you and put them away. Put them in a place where you won't remember them," Christine choked out.

"Christine..." Jordan whispered softly.

"No, I won't!" Cayla refused.

"Cayla I need you to listen to me. Your daddy didn't do anything wrong okay. Don't blame him for this. I need you to blame me because I was never your real mother. I was only holding her place until she came back for you," she cried.

"I don't want her!" Cayla whined. "You are my mommy, not her! You promised that you were gonna be my mommy!"

"I lied," Christine sobbed. Jordan was watching as Christine's heart was breaking again. She knew why her best friend was doing what she was, but he didn't deserve her favors.

"You lied?" Cayla asked, her voice quivering. "But, You told me that lying was the worst thing anyone would ever do to someone else..."

"It is sweetheart. I'm sorry,"

Jordan couldn't take this any longer. She stormed over and stole the phone away from Christine. "Cayla honey, Hold on. Ok?" She then covered the reciever, glaring at Christine. "Don't you fucking dare do this. Doing this to Oliver I can understand, but not to her. She's 6 years for god sakes!"

"I'm doing them a favor," Christine hissed. "Now they can move on. If she keeps thinking that Oliver did something wrong she'll resent him for the rest of her life. She's never going to see me again, it doesn't matter..."

"What favor? Hurting the spirit of a little girl? Making her think that it's alright to lie?"

"Trust me, she'll never lie after this." Christine muttered. "Give me the phone," she told Jordan.

Jordan shook her head. "No, I can't let you do this to her." She said, backing away.

"You don't have a choice," Christine said, getting up, pulling Taylor and Robert, and snatching the phone away from Jordan. "Cayla, I need you to remember that your daddy didn't do anything wrong. It was me, I was the one who lied to you."

"No, Daddy did do something wrong. Daddy fell in love with you." She sobbed. A loud thud was heard over the line, meaning she had dropped the phone down. "Christine?" Oliver asked when he picked it up.

"Do not ever make me lie to her again. Now you can be a happy family," she spat.

"What happy family? Now she'll hate me forever! What did you say to her?" He demanded, anger flowing through his voice.

"I told her that it was my fault. That you did nothing wrong. She'll hate me, not you," she told him.

"No, She'll hate me for making her want to trust you. I can't believe you took it this far, Christine."

"I can't believe you gave me the opportunity to take it this far!" she yelled back. "You, of all people, know me. I trusted you. I never trust anyone with everything I have. I did that with you. I guess I saw something good in you."

"At least I would never lie to Cayla! That's lower than low, lying to a 6 year old!" He yelled back.
"You know who you should be blaming? Her mother here! If she hadn't come back then none of this would have happened! We'd be the happy family that I know we would have been!"

"Would we have?" she cried. "Or would you just have screwed someone else?" she spat coldly. "And unless you tell me that she held a gun to your head then I'm going to continue blaming you."

"If I would have had you here that I wouldn't have had a reason to get drunk. And It wasn't even my fault! She waited until I was passed out!" He defended.

"Oh for God's sake!" Christine cried. "You're crying rape now? You know what, it doesn't matter. You're preaching to me about lying, when you did the same thing. You're a backstabbing hypocrite,"

"I haven't lied! When did I lie?" He asked.

"When you decided to keep the fact that you were screwing your ex-girlfriend from me!"

"I'm not screwing my ex-girlfriend! And since I'm not screwing her, There's no lie to be told!"

"Whatever. I have to film tomorrow and I have to attractive men in my bed. Maybe I'll down a bottle or two of liquor and call rape in the morning. Night," she said cheerfully, slamming the phone shut before throwing it at the wall.

Jordan stared at Christine with an evil scowl on her face. "I can't believe that you did that."

"Get out," she hissed at her best friend. "You took that to a step that it didn't need to go to,"

"I took it to that step?! Well if I took it there then you jumped about 3 flights above it!" She screamed.

"You called back. I was fine assuming that he slept with her. I didn't need to actually hear it," she spat. "Go away, I have some liquor in my suitcase. Lock the door on the way out will ya?"

"No! I'm not going to let you get petty with this! This is stupid!" Jordan yelled, running over to her suitcase and bringing the whole thing out with her.

"I don't need liquor!" she called before collapsing back onto the pillows sobs erupting from her eyes. Jordan slid down the wall of her bedroom, sobbing uncontrollably. Zac ran over and held her in his arms.

"What happened in there? We just heard a bunch of shouting," Zac asked as he helped Jordan up, sitting her on the foot of their bed.

"She lied to Cayla, She told her that it was all her fault and not Oliver's. She threatened to get drunk and sleep with Robert and Taylor." She sobbed.

"Oh shit," he muttered. "There's nothing you could have done differently. Christine may not see it right now, but you were trying to help her. You were trying to be a good friend." He reassured his wife through her tears.

She shrugged her shoulders. "She wouldn't listen to me! I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen!"

"Just give her some time. She trusted him with everything and he completely betrayed that trust. We're lucky she doesn't believe in suicide because if it were anyone but her, that's what I'd be worried about.

"She's got Robert and Taylor in there, Nothing is going to happen..."

"What are you going to do with the rest of the letters? She only opened one of them," Zac muttered looking at the pile of letters on the dresser.

Jordan looked up to them and crawled over to them swiftly. She took each one and opened them, reading over them; trying to find anything...

"There's something here," Zac muttered, handing her the letter on the bottom of the pile. She tore into it, gasping when the envelope was completely open. "What'd you find?"

Jordan held the Engagement ring in her hand while she held the note in her other one. All that was said on the note was, "Will You Marry Me?"

"Holy shit," Zac muttered. "Look at that thing,"

Jordan sat back against the wall, breathing heavily as she tried her hardest to fight back more tears of anger.

"It was written the morning that he left," she muttered, noticing the date at the top of the paper.

Zac sighed, sitting down next to Jordan. He was more worried about her than anything else. "Honey, you need to calm down."

"No I need to show Christine this," she muttered, standing up and walking out of the room.

Zac grabbed her arm, pulling her back. "No, You've done enough for tonight. You can't just spring this on her right now."

"Yeah, I can. She needs to feel a little guilt."

Jordan pulled her arm out of Zac's grip and stormed towards Christine's room. She kicked the door in, a smug smirk on her face.

"What now?" Christine cried, from her curled up position on the bed. "If you're here to lecture me, I don't need you to. I feel horrible."

"Good! You should feel horrible. I just came in to make you feel a billion times worse for what you've done. Look what I found in this!" Jordan yelled, throwing the envelope at her.

"What is this?" Christine asked, sitting up and looking at the envelope. "Dear God," she sobbed, when she opened the envelope. The tears began to fall again, rapidly.

"We just had her calmed down," Robert muttered at Jordan.

"Shut it Robert." Jordan spat. "Don't you see that Oliver wouldn't have done what he did if he gave that to you?"

"Something isn't right?" Christine stated, more as a question than a realization.

Jordan nodded. "Of course something isn't right! When is something ever right when this kind of thing happens?"

"I cannot believe myself," she muttered. "What was I thinking?" she continued. She was holding the ring in her hands. "It doesn't matter anymore, not after what I did tonight,"

"You really are an idiot aren't you? This has been happening for months! And who has been behind it all?!"

"No way. My father is not capable of something like this,"

"Sarah is." Jordan stated.

"I hate her," Christine mumbled. "What are we going to do? We can't prove that something like this happened." Christine stated. Jordan shook her head.

"You're wrong again. Kimmy and Elijah had to move their flight up. Catherine told me today that she needed you for five more days. You'll go to London in five days. Call them out and things will work themselves out from there."

Christine sighed, wiping away her tears. "Jordan...I..." Jordan shook her head.

"I know, I'm a genius. But I'm still not happy with what you did. It was low."

"I know. I'm not happy with it either," she replied.

"Good. Glad you feel the same way. Now go to bed, We've got a lot of work to do in 5 days." Jordan muttered before walking out of Christine's room and into her own. Zac sat on the bed, awaiting her anxiously her.

"How'd it go?"

"She feels like shit for what she did, but She's going to London in 5 days."

"No way, for what? There's no way that this will fix itself. Not after tonight."

"Sarah and Christine's father are behind all of this. She's going to call them out."

"Do you think she'll be able to do that?" Zac asked. "She's not in a good place. She's going to need a lot of courage to do that,"

"She doesn't have a choice, I'm making her. She needs to stand up to her father sooner or later." Jordan replied, changing into her pajama's and getting into the bed.


"That was a very convincing show. She'll never come back," Sarah told her son. The tears were still in his eyes as he held Calya's sleeping form in his arms. "You should be thanking me, your family is back together."

Oliver looked up at his mother with the evilest look her could conjure. "You just broke up my family! Why do you hate her so much?" He whispered harshly.

"She killed your father, don't you understand that. You should hate her too," Sarah spat. "Well, don't dwell on it too much. You'll get over it after a while."

"She didn't kill dad! This guy named Philip killed him!"

"Oops, my mistake," she said innocently as she walked out of the room.

Oliver laid Cayla down gently and ran out after his mother. "'Oops, My Mistake?' That's all you can say? How dare you!" He screamed.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" She spat, backhanding him sharply. "Besides, you never know. She does have a brain in her head. Maybe she'll figure out the whole thing and come running back. In which case, she'll be in London which validated our 'fake' marriage," she told him. He shook his head. "No? What do you mean no?"

"She won't come back, Not after everything I said to her..."

"You'd be surprised how much love can withstand. Personally I'm hoping that she does. Then she can watch me marry her father," she smirked. "The only way out of this is if she comes back wearing a ring."

Oliver looked up to his mother, realization coming over his face. "What was that last part?"

"If she comes back wearing a ring, you win. Game over," she shrugged. "But you've been here for four months. I don't see how she can come back witha ring."

He smiled, laughing to himself. Sarah stared at him like he had gone insane. "What's so damn funny?"

"I gave her a ring before I left," he smirked. "Goodnight Sarah, my daughter is waiting for me," he told his mother. For the first time using her first name as he turned back towards the room where Cayla was lying.

He held Cayla in his arms and laid down, sighing a sigh of relief finally. He hoped that everything would turn out alright and soon he wouldn't be holding just Cayla in his arms.