Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 6

"Now, I expected better behavior from both of you," Noah said, looking down his pointed nose at Christine and Christophe. "I've heard both sides of the story and have reached my decision." Christine was looking straight into her lap, her eye filled with tears. "I've decided that I'm suspending the both of you, for seven days. During those seven days you must work out whatever hard feeling you have and when you come back, you don't need to like each other, you just have to be able to work with them in a professional manor." Jordan pushed her head harder against the cool metal of Noah's trailer. She, along with Zac and Elijah were outside of his trailer, hoping to hear the fate of their friend.

"Damnit, I can't hear if you keep making noise," she hissed in the boys' direction. "It's no use, I can't hear a thing," she said with a sigh, stepping away from the trailer to wait until Christine came out. Luckily it wasn't too long.

"I'm disappointed in the both of you. Christine, you were so mature at the auditions. And Christophe, I hired you against many warnings, don't make me regret that decision," Noah warned. Disappointing Noah just wasn't acceptable. Everyone knew that Christine was a perfectionist, down to a tee, not even Christophe would stop that. "You're dismissed."

"What do you think happened?" Elijah asked, he cared about her so much. When he met her he took her under his wing and they've been close ever since. Not romantic close, just protective close. Zac shrugged and returned to combing is artificially brown hair. Jordan rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the trailer door, which had just swung open. "Christine!" he said, running towards her and knocking Christophe over in the process.

"What happened?" Zac asked, after finally getting to the group because he stopped to help a screaming Christophe off the ground. "You're still in the movie right?" Christine nodded and everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the catch?" Jordan asked, noticing Christine's ceremoniously unhappy face. "Tell us?"

"He suspended us for a week," she said, starting to walk towards the trailer. "During which time we need to learn how to work together in a 'professional manner'," Christine said, rolling her eyes. "Whatever that means." A silence fell over the group, a peaceful silence.

"Well I have to go meet Phillip," she said. Elijah and Zac looked extremely confused at the introduction of a new name.

"He plays Fender," Christine said, looking up. Jordan was nodding as she was walking away from the group. "Well thanks for saying goodbye," she mumbled as Elijah left the group too. "So, Zac, what's new?" she said, turning to the only person still standing with her.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked, Christine nodded. "And you'll answer me honestly," again she nodded. "You promise you won't..."

"Just ask the question," she said, turning to face him. He took a deep breath and motioned towards a bench nearby. She nodded and followed his lead towards it.

"Am I wasting my time with Jordan? I mean, do I stand a chance with her?" he asked. On the inside Christine groaned. She knew that Zac was annoying the hell out of Jordan, but she also had a sneaking suspicion that's what she wanted. She, personally, had never understood why Jordan disliked him so much. Sure he was a little preppy, and a little annoying but other than that.

"I'm not sure," she said, looking his dead in the eye. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Jordan, flirting away with Phillip Spaeth. She must have zoned out for a minute because she noticed Zac waving his hand in front of her face. "Oh, sorry," she said, regaining focus.

"It's not a problem, hey, thanks for listening."

"That's what I do best," Christine said with a shrug of her shoulders. "The best thing that comes from this suspension thingis that I don't need to eat a damn lollipop for a week," she said as she watched Zac turn around, to face a sight that was sure to break his heart. His eyes widened and then returned to normal with heartbreak turned revenge in his sparkling eyes. "What are you" she asked before he leaned in a kissed her. Out of habit, she began kissing back. When she realized who she was kissing she pulled away. "What the hell was that?!" she shouted in a whisper.

"I just realized, you're more my type," he said, somewhat arrogantly. Christine rolled her eyes. "Wanna go out with me tonight? We could go to the club down the street or something," he said. Knowing that there was another reason, but unsure of what it was she agreed.

"Sure, I'll see you around 9:00?" she asked, he nodded and flashed her his million dollar smile before kissing her briefly on the cheek. Heading back into her trailer, Christine and Jordan were unaware of the feud that would potentially destroy the entire movie that was mere hours away.