Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 7

Jordan sauntered into her and Christine's trailer, feeling happier than she had ever felt. She had a great conversation with Phillip and was ecstatic. She flopped down on the couch, laying her head on Christine's lap and looked up at her. Christine laughed and waved. Jordan waved back, closing her eyes and sighing happily. "So I take it that you and Phillip hit it off?" Jordan nodded. "Good. I'm glad." Christine replied quietly. Jordan noticed the not so thrilled tone in her voice and sat up, looking at Christine concern dancing on her face.

"What's wrong?" Christine just shrugged her shoulders and put on her dazzling smile.

"I just need to get away from the set for a while, ya know?" Jordan nodded. She had felt the same way. They had been working their asses off to get this movie perfect, so they never really got to spend any time to just chill. "I heard that a lot of the cast is going to the club down the street from here tonight around 9. Wanna go?" Jordan nodded her head.

"Yeah! It sounds like a blast. Ooooh! We can crash the joint together like we used to back home. Whatta ya say?" Jordan asked excitedly. Christine looked down at her hands and shook her head no. "Why not? We're going to the same place anyway."

"I kinda told someone else that I'd go with them." Jordan's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe that Christine had gotten herself a date and didn't tell her.

"With who?!" Jordan asked, taking hold of Christine's hands. Christine laughed and shook her head. "Oh come on, I'm your best friend. You know you can tell me anything!" Christine nodded and got up from the couch and walked over to the table, sitting down to finish up some school thing. Jordan decided to drop the subject for now. That's when the grand idea popped into her head. She stood up and struck a superman pose. "I'll be back!" She shouted as she ran out the door. Christine sat at the table and held her head in her hands. She couldn't tell Jordan that she was going to the club with Zac. She had a feeling that Jordan actually liked Zac in some way. A knock on the trailer door was then heard.

"Come on in!" Christine shouted. In walked Elijah with a worried look on his face. "You ok?" He shook his head no and sat down across from her. "What's on your mind?" He sighed and ran his hand through his longish hair.

"I don't think that you should be getting involved with Zac." He stated bluntly. Christine sat back a bit, not understanding why he was being like this.

"Elijah, I'm a big girl now. I know what I'm doing. Don't worry, It's only one night. It's not like I'm gonna marry him or anything." She laughed. Elijah nodded an stood back up. "Is that all you wanted to say?" He nodded and starting walking out. "Elijah wait!" She called after him, but he didn't come back. Elijah walked out the door, almost bumping into Jordan. He said a quick sorry and went off towards his and Zac's trailer. Jordan shrugged it off and bounded inside.

"Guess who's got a date for tonight?" Jordan sang merrily. Christine looked down at a magazine article, shaking her head.

"Would it be you with Fender?" Jordan nodded and laid down on the couch dramatically, placing her arm over her eyes.

"He's just so dreamy!" She exclaimed. Christine laughed and got up, walking back to the beds.

"You really need this night out. I think all this 60's genre stuff is starting to affect you." Jordan nodded and ran after Christine in the back. Christine then decided it was best if she started getting ready for tonight. She knew that with her long hair, it was gonna take forever to look perfect. Jordan on the other hand just sat in her bunk; typing away furiously on her laptop. Probably an e-mail to her mom back home. Christine got in the shower and got mostly everything ready in there. By the time she got out while towel drying her hair, Jordan was sitting on the floor with her iPod headphones in her ears. Luckily, Christine could read lips. So she could tell that Jordan was singing songs from Hairspray. "Haven't heard those songs enough? They should be drilled into your brain by now." Jordan took the headphones out of her ears and sighed.

"Noah came in while you were in the shower. He says I have to go to the studio and record 'I can hear the bells' tonight." She pouted. Christine saw this as her chance to have her night with Zac alone. Christine fake pouted and sat down on the bed, clutching at the towel wrapped around her body.

"Aww, I'm sorry honey. So what are you gonna tell Phillip?" Jordan's eyes widened. She hadn't even thought of how it would affect her date with Phillip. Jordan then groaned and leaned her head back on her bed.

"I have to go cancel now." She groaned as she got up. She started walking out of the trailer mumbling, "Stupid Tracy being so hooked on dumb Link" Christine smiled and went to go finish up her look for the night.

8:30 rolled around and Christine was sitting in her trailer all dressed up with no where to go yet. She had been done at about 6 or so. That's what happens when you're suspended from your job and have nothing to do. She turned on the TV and started watching something on Disney channel. She had no idea what it was, but at this pointshe didn't care. She just needed something to get her mind off the time for a while. She watched the show, messed with her hair and make-up (Which wasn't really a lot. I meanit was her first date.) Suddenly, a knock on the metal door made her jump slightly. "Come on in!" The door opened and Zac walked into the trailer in his black t-shirt and matching jeans. He smiled at Christine and bowed lightly. "Well don't you look spiffy?" Zac raised his eyebrow and laughed.

"Spiffy?" Christine laughed and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. "That's it, We need to get you off this set pronto. You're stuck in the 60's and I am going to get you out." Christine nodded anxiously and they both ran out of the trailer.

The club wasn't that far away from the set, so they just decided to walk. It didn't take them long and they got in line when they met Elijah. Some people got mad that they had cut the line to be with him, but once they saw Zac, they didn't mind. Eventually they got into the club and Christine dragged to the dance floor and they started dancing. She didn't know how long she had been dancing with Zac, but she didn't care. She was having fun and she didn't have to worry about Jordan showing up and causing a sceneor so she thought. Brittany snow then came up behind Christine and tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around and rolled her eyes, seeing another person she couldn't stand. Christine could understand why she got the part of Amberstuck up bitch.

"You do know that Jordan's looking for you right?" Christine froze. She looked through the crowd and there enough was Jordan standing with Phillip at the bar. She looked beyond pissed and Phillip just looked beyond clueless. Zac smiled as he noticed how mad Jordan looked. His plan was working. He grabbed Christine around the waist and pulled her to him, capturing her in another kiss. Christine instinctively started kissing him back; she couldn't help it. As Zac kissed her, he opened his eyes and looked back at Jordan. Her mouth had dropped right down to the dirty floor. She couldn't believe that Zac would just go after Christine like that. She that his plan was to make her jealous so that she would want him more. But two can play at that game. Jordan took Phillip's hand in hers and looked into his gorgeous eyes.

"Wanna dance?" Phillip nodded and walked out to the dance floor with Jordan. They stood about 10 feet away from Christine and Zac's continuous make-out session and started dancing close to each other. Christine then pulled away from Zac, realizing how heated it was getting.

"Zac, why did you do that?" Zac looked back to Christine and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. It's just, you look so beautiful tonightI just couldn't help it. I really like you Christine." Christine smiled and nodded, going back to dancing with him. A slow song came on and the two couples started dancing to the beat. As Jordan and Zac danced with their partners, they were facing each other; shooting evil looks. They then started mouthing to each other.

'I can't believe you would do this to her just to get to me! She's my best friend!' Jordan silently shouted. Zac smiled his smug smile.

'I don't see why I can't be with Christine! What if I actually liked her instead of you. It's just driving you crazy that I don't like you anymore isn't it?' Jordan rolled her eyes.

'Oh please! I could care less if you didn't like me anymore! Good for you! Glad you finally came to your fucking senses!' The song then ended and Jordan couldn't take it anymore. "I'll be right back Phillip, I need to talk to Christine." Phillip nodded and Jordan walked over to Christine, tapping her on the shoulder. Christine turned around and smiled nervously at her friend. "Hey Hun, Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Christine looked back at Zac who was staring intently at Jordan.

"Whatever you have to say to Christine, you can say in front of me." Jordan sighed and then looked back at them with a bright smile.
"Jordan, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to the recording studio," Christine said, walking away from Zac.

"I was already at the studio. I was there for like 3 hours. Why didn't you tell me that Zac was your date?" Jordan said as she followed Christine.

"It never came up," Christine said, stopping and turning around to look at Jordan. "I didn't think of telling you, and when I did remember you were leaving,"

"It did come up! I asked you who you were going with and you just totally ignored me. I at least thought you were going with like, Elijah or someone; but not Zac. Why?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Why do you care so much? It's not like he's your boyfriend! You don't even like him!" Christine retaliated. The people around them were beginning to watch. Jordan sighed, pressing her fingers to the bridge of her nose.

"It's true! I don't like him! I just can't believe that you would go out with that piece of trash! He's playing you for a sap Christine. He's just doing this to make me Jealous."

"Oh, of course. It's always about you. It's always the same. Every guy who asks me out is doing it to make you jealous. You're judging him and you're not even giving him a chance. Besides, how do I know you're not saying this because deep down you do like him?" she fired, ordering a drink from the bar and walking back the way they came. Jordan stopped and held onto Christine's arm, stopping her from walking any further.

"I can't believe you just said that! I'm trying to protect you and you say that it's always about me? That's not what I'm saying!"

"It's exactly what it sounds like, but if you'll excuse me there happens to be a nice guy waiting for me to return," Christine said, shrugging out of Jordan's grip and beginning to walk back to Zac's side. Jordan walked behind Christine until she got close to Zac. She then ran in front of Christine and tackled Zac to the ground. "I hate you! I can't believe you would turn my own friend against me just so I would like you!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Christine shouted, pulling Jordan off of him. "I would suggest you get out of here before this gets worse that it already is," Christine said with a harsh tone in her voice as she helped Zac to his feet. Jordan shook her head and stormed out of the club and ran down the street to the set. The whole time Phillip chased after her screaming her name. She finally stopped when she got to John's trailer. She banged on the door loudly and furiously until John answered. One look and John took her in his arms; hugging her tightly. She went into the trailer and broke down to John. She told him everything that had happened and ended up falling asleep on his couch.