Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 8

"I cannot believe she would say that! That's so not like her," Christine fumed, the morning after she had her fight with Jordan over Zac's intentions. Zac and Elijah were sitting in the trailer, pretending to listen. Zac was too busy not getting caught, because Jordan had hit it right on the nose, and apparently it was working. Elijah was trying hard no to yell out at his friend.

"Well, as much as I hate to do this, I have to leave. Noah's expecting me on set in about 15 minutes and I don't want to be late," Zac said, kissing her on the top of the head. "Are you sure you don't mind if my sister comes and hangs out with you today?"

"What else am I going to do?" Christine asked, with a roll of her eyes. When her vision returned to normal she was standing in the trailer, by herself. "Does anyone say goodbye anymore?" she muttered as she heard the door click open. A second later a young girl, around the age of 17 walked into sight. "You must be Kimberly," she said, with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Oh God, did Zac tell you to call me that?" she groaned, spitting out her brother's name. "Call me Kimmy," she said. "Did he tell you why I had to fly all the way across the country?"

"No, he just told me that you'd be here for a while," Christine said. "Well, please, make yourself at home. Would you like anything?"

"A new brother, but I've been asking mom and dad for that every year for Christmas, and that hasn't happened yet," Kimmy said with a smirk. It was obvious that the relationship between these two wasn't how most brothers' and sisters' behave. "Well, my parents are getting divorced and they don't want me around to be an interference. So by the time I go home, I'll be 18 and they don't need to mess with custody." Christine's heart fell into her chest.

"I know how it feels, kind of. My parents got divorced when I was 5. My little brother doesn't even remember it. Hell, I barely remember it. All I remember is the countless fighting and how I sort of became a second mother to my brother," Christine said, sitting with Kimmy on the sofa.

"So why did Zac tell me to find you?" she asked, jumping subjects really quickly. Christine shrugged, having no clue why he sent her here. "Well, he briefly mentioned this other girl, Jordan. What's the story there?"

"Story?" Christine repeated, not understanding what she was asking. She was standing in the 'kitchen' and pouring Kimmy a can of Dr. Pepper.

"When my brother is involved there's always a story. Normally it's he's using one to make the other jealous or something like that. So which one are you? The stupid one who is falling for my brother or the ignorant one who believes him over a friend?" Standing there stunned, Christine didn't know how to answer. Luckily someone knocked on the door and walked into the trailer.

"Kimberly Marie, how nice to see you," a male voice called. Kimmy rolled her eyes with a disgusted look on her pretty face.

"Zachary David, how hideous you look," she replied. Walking into the room Zac gave Christine the perfect chance to look at both of them. They looked nothing alike. Kimmy's hair was a reddish brown color, where's Zac's artificial brown looked like shitliterally. The only similarity was their baby blue eyes.

"Christine, I hope my brat of a sister hasn't ruined your day," he said with a harsh look in his sisters' direction. "Well, we just finished filming and I can show you around if you'd like?" he asked and his sister rolled her eyes.

"You don't need to pretend that we're a happy family just because your girlfriend is here. She knows I don't like you," Kimmy said back. There was more spunk, more attitude in her than Zac. "Besides I want to meet Jordan. I have a hunch on this situation and I'd like to see if I'm right." Zac was standing there, a look of horror on his face.

"Did someone say my name," Jordan called, walking back into the trailer for the first time since the fight. "Oh, you're here," she said when she saw Zac and Christine.

"It's my trailer too, why wouldn't I be here?" Christine asked.

Jordan rolled her eyes and started walking into the back of the trailer. "Ugh, whatever."

"Whatever? What the hell, you disappear all night and don't let anyone know that you're alive. Then you come back in here and expect me not to be here?" Christine said shrugging her shoulders.

"What the hell did you do?" Kimmy hissed in her brother's direction. He was slowly, but surely walking out of the trailer. "They were best friends before you came into the picture!"

"I expected that you would be off with Zac in his trailer doing god knows what!" Jordan then shook her head and pushed past Christine. "Ya know what, I don't care anymore. You go off and have your little fun for now. Just know that when he does break your heart and comes after me, I won't be there to say I told you so."

"Oh God, please don't put that image in my mind," Kimmy said putting her head in her hands, her eyes squeezed shut.

"What is you're problem, I'm starting to think that you do like him, and you're just pissed that you didn't take him up on his offer sooner. Well you know what? I don't care, because I'm not staying here anymore. Until this whole thing works itself out, I'll room with Brittany," Christine said, grabbing her still packed suitcase and storming out of the trailer.

Jordan stormed out of the trailer after Christine. "Go right ahead! It's only right that the two whores stay together!" She yelled.

Excuse me?!" Christine screeched, turning around to face Jordan, her own face contorted into fury.

Jordan stood with her hands on her hips, a content smile dancing on her face. "You heard me."

"Yeah, well, hear this," Christine said as she threw Kimmy's Dr. Pepper all over Jordan before walking completely out of the trailer.

"Hey! That was a perfectly good Dr. Pepper!" Kimmy screamed, lightness in her voice that nobody else in the trailer had.

Jordan laughed lightly and glared at the doorway that Christine had walked through. "She'll be back. She always comes back. She can't live without me!" She screamed, loud enough so Christine could hear her.

"If she can't live without you," Kimmy said, "Why isn't she dead yet?"

Jordan looked over at Kimmy and shrugged her shoulders. "The movie isn't finished just yet. She could never die without finishing some kind of huge project...She's too much of a perfectionist. You must be Kimmy, the sister of Satan himself," Jordan said with a laugh, walking into the kitchen, still soaking wet and handing Kimmy a new Dr. Pepper.

"Unfortunately. So, you're Jordan. Let me guess, you're the one my brother wants to make jealous and he's using your best friend to do it?" Kimmy said as Jordan walked into her room and took of the sticky and wet clothes.

"How'd you guess?" Jordan asked, popping her head out of the door.

"I've seen it before," she said. "I grew up watching him scheme his way to get a girl. Although this surprises me, he normally doesnt use this many brain cells, hell, I didn't know he had this many." Jordan laughed; she was going to like this girl. And if nothing else, she would help prove to Christine that Zac was just using her.