Nicest Kids in Town

Chapter 9

That night, Christine spent the night at Brittany's trailer. She didn't really like Brittany, but she really had no where else to go. Christine sat at the table, writing in her notebook like she usually did when she was stressed out when Brittany paraded into the Trailer, singing her heart out. Unfortunately, her singing sounded like someone had cut her heart out. As soon as Brittany realized that Christine was there, she froze. "Oh, uh...hi!" She said cheerfully embarrassed. "I sort of forgot that you were gonna be here for a while." Christine nodded her head and went back to her writing. Brittany sighed nervously and sat on the couch, not knowing what to do next. "Soo...Care to tell me about the fight you and Jordan are having?" Christine looked up from her notebook and stared at Brittany seriously.

"No." She said before looking back down at the notebook. Brittany nodded and looked around the trailer anxiously as she tried to figure out something to say. Once she had thought of something, she snapped her fingers and leaned towards Christine.

"Soo, How are you and Zac?" Christine groaned loudly and got up from the table, walking back to the bunk Brittany was letting her use. "It was just a question! No need to get snippy about it!" Brittany yelled back to her, pouting as she leaned back onto the couch. There was no way that Christine was going to have an intelligent conversation with miss. Priss out there.

Back at Jordan's trailer, her and Kimmy were having a deep in depth conversation about Zac's past dating history. "I can't believe it! He's dated every leading lady on every film he's ever been in?" Kimmy nodded her head proudly.

"Believe it, baby doll." Kimmy then stood up, placing her hands on her hips. "but right now...we might need to go find your best friend." Jordan shook her head.

"I don't have a best friend anymore." Jordan said sadly. Kimmy looked at Jordan, realizing how much she actually missed Christine.

"How long have you two known each other?" Jordan sighed and smiled down at her hands, remembering all their fun times.

"Ever since elementary school. She knows everything about me. I mean, I thought she did." Kimmy groaned and sat back down next to Jordan.

"What is the next scene you have to film?" Jordan leaned over and picked up the filming list. She groaned when she saw the next filming. "Well?"

"Zac has to film the 'It Takes Two' song. Ugh, the only solo love song." Ding! The little light bulb went off in Kimmy's head.

"I got it!" She screamed. Jordan jumped and stared at Kimmy curiously. "You want your best friend back, right?" Jordan nodded. "and you want to beat Zac down, right?" Jordan nodded happily. "Good. Then I have the best plan. You're just gonna have to trust me." Jordan smiled nervously. This wasn't going to end well...

Christine sat in the make-up chair, waiting for zac to get finished with his hair and make-up. She was going to watch him film while she was on suspension. Christine was so bored at Brittany's trailer. Brittany wasn't fun and crazy like Jordan. Zac had come to get her early this morning and they had been hanging out since then. Zac knew that he had to sing his favorite song today; which happened to be one of the main love songs. He hoped that Jordan would show up so he could sing the song to her. He would just have to make sure Christine thought he was singing to her.

"hopefully I'll be done in just a minute babe. Then we'll hang out before I have to be on the set. How's that sound?" Christine nodded as she flipped through an old photo album that Jordan had made for her on her birthday. There were pictures of her and Jordan from their hometown. Christine remembered the time they went to the rival town carnival and they came up with story ideas form 50ft. In the air. Then later that day, almost getting stuck by lightening all because Christine had to clean her shoes. Christine wiped the oncoming tears from her eyes and closed the book. Zac hopped down from the chair and did the 'Link Wink' to Christine. She laughed, rolling her eyes as she stood up. Zac held out his arm for her, which she took gratefully. "Shall we, miss. Pingleton?" Christine nodded.

"lead the way, Mr. Larkin." Zac laughed and kissed her cheek as they walked out of the make-up trailer. Zac had about an hour until he had to be one the set. They decided to walk to the lake and chill there. Christine took her shoes off and sat with her feet in the water.

"You gonna sit down or just stand there and stare?" If only Christine had realized what Zac was staring at. Jordan and Kimmy were walking towards them. Jordan's hair was shining in the sun, making it gleam more than usual. Christine looked up from where she sat and saw that Zac was staring off at something. She turned and saw that flash of red that she knew anywhere. All the anger Christine felt for Jordan came back as their memories went back into their hiding space in the back of her mind. She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest. "Zac, if you want to go hang out with Jordan...then go." Zac shook his head, focusing back on Christine.

"No, I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to." Christine rolled her eyes, brushing her hair out of her eyes. Zac sat down on the grass and placed his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into him. "You know you're the only one for me."

"I also know that you still like Jordan. It's hard to get rid of a crush that quickly." Zac sighed and kissed the top of Christine's head. She was smart, smarter than Zac had made her out to be. He was starting to regret his plan.

"It's different this time. I'm different. You know you can trust me." She sighed and nodded. Truth was, Christine didn't trust Zac. She never did trust him and she doubted that she ever would.

"Zac! You're needed on set!" Noah's assistant, Emily, called out. They got up from their spot and walked towards the set, hand in hand. When they got to the set, Zac and Christine noticed Jordan and Kimmy sitting her next to Noah. Zac looked over at Christine and smiled. He then held her face between his hands and kissed her gently, showing Jordan. Jordan rolled her eyes, clenched her teeth and fisted up her hands. Kimmy put her hand on Jordan's arm, trying to calm her down.

"Remember the plan. Stick to the plan." Jordan nodded and unleashed the actress within. Noah looked over at kissing couple and pulled out his bullhorn.

"alright love birds! Lets get this scene done!" Zac pulled away from Christine, pecking her cheek quickly before walking onto the set. Christine sat down on the opposite side of Noah. Jordan turned her head, looking at Brittany. Brittany smiled and nodded.

"Noah! I cannot do this anymore!" She fake cried. Noah groaned and ran after his star. Jordan then looked over at Kimmy and winked. All was going to according to plan. Kimmy walked over to Christine and sat down in Noah's chair.

"Well hi Christine." Christine smiled as she waved lightly. "how are you and doing?" Christine laughed and nodded.

"We're doing fine. How are you doing?" Kimmy nodded.

"Hey, are you busy right now?" Christine looked to Zac and shook her head no. "Great! How would you like to go back to the trailer and see some embarrassing baby pictures of Zac?" Christine smiled and nodded. Anything to get away from Jordan for a while. Zac watched as Kimmy took Christine away and tried to go after her.

"Christine! Wait!" Jordan groaned and hopped up from her chair. She then ran to catch up with Zac. She grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him back.

"Zac, you have to do the scene right now." Zac sighed, looking down at her hand on his arm. He smiled smugly and leaned into her more. Jordan groaned in disgust inside, but kept her actress side out. "You know this is my favorite song of this play." Zac smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, you told me that when we were actually friends." Jordan sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You know, I really am jealous of you and Christine." Zac cocked his eyebrow.

"Well what about fender?" Jordan smiled. She really did like Philip. He was so sweet and cute. She turned her head and saw Philip walking over to a group of the other Council guys. She had to do this plan secretly. Jordan smiled and walked over to a secluded place with Zac.

"Philip and I are just friends." She then wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Instinctively, Zac's hands went to her hips. She smiled up at him. "But you and I, we can be more than friends." Zac smiled and leaned in to kiss Jordan.

"Come on Zac! Time to get this done while I can." Noah called out. Jordan looked over and saw that Kimmy was walking back with Christine, laughing hysterically. Perfect. The plan was in full effect. Zac sighed and looked down at Jordan disappointedly. Jordan smiled and brushed her fingers over his lips.

"Sing to me. Sing the song to me and I'll be yours forever." Jordan cooed in his ear. Zac couldn't pass up this opportunity. He had the chance to be with the girl of his dreams. All it took was to break the heart of the girl of his day dreams. Zac sighed and nodded.

"You promise?" Jordan smiled as she crossed her fingers behind his head. She then nodded.

"I promise." Zac nodded and kissed her cheek. Jordan's stomach churned. She couldn't decide if it was from Zac kissing her or her knowing that what she did was going to break her best friends heart. Jordan swallowed her pride and walked back to the set with Zac. Leaving him with a final longing glance, Jordan ran back to her chair before Christine could see that Zac and her were gone. Zac walked onto the set and got ready. Kimmy sprinted back over beside Jordan. Christine sat in her chair, giggling about seeing Zac naked on a bear skin rug as a baby. The song started and Zac looked at Jordan most of the time he sang. Christine followed his gaze, seeing it land on Jordan. Christine's heart cracked. She couldn't believe that he would actually do it to her. Zac ended the song and Noah yelled cut. He then walked over to Jordan who shook her head no.

"What's going on?" Zac asked. Christine walked over and smacked his shoulder.

"That's exactly what I want to know." Zac's eyes went wide, he had been caught. Jordan smiled her smug smile and crossed her arms across her chest.

"He sang to me after I told him I wanted to go out with him." Christine shook her head no.

"Zac, I can't believe this and I'm sorry." Jordan and Zac looked at her with such a confused look. "I can't believe that she would actually try to get me mad so I would dump you and she could try and take you for herself." She then wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. Zac was utterly confused and shocked. Jordan and Kimmy were outraged. Their plan had failed and they couldn't believe it. Jordan screamed and attacked Christine, pushing her to the ground.