I Wouldn't Mate With You to Save My Life

chapter one

*Beep, Beep, Beep*
There’s a flash and the next thing I know I am under.
The doctor had told me what to expect. Nothing, and that’s exactly what I felt.
What am I talking about you ask?
Well I’m having surgery because I have this condition. The doctors say that there is no cure for it I just have to continue to have surgery after surgery and hope and pray for the best.
I felt a slight tickle in my lower abdomen which was the area in which I was having my surgery so I thought nothing of it and started walking.
All of a sudden my body got cold and fell to the floor. There was a bright blinding light.
I grabbed my lower abdomen and felt a sticky substance and smelled a sickly sweet aroma so I decided to look down and noticed my previously clean and white hospital gown becoming soaked in blood, seeping through and spreading outacross my mid-section.
“We’re losing her!” a female nurse yelled.
“Not on my watch!” my surgeon DR. Howtzowicts yelled back.
There’s another flash and I’m in an all-white corridor and instead of my hospital gown I’m wearing a white, silk, slip that too was now becoming soaked with blood.
I look back up to see two double doors at the end of this hallway so I start walking towards them. I reach out to open them and pear through the window I see a surgery team around a female. I hear a heart monitor, oxygen machine and then the female doctor from earlier say, “Ok she’s stabilizing.”
I push open the door and there’s yet another blinding flash of light and I’m then standing at the foot of a hospital bed. There’s a girl hooked up to a ventilator and she looked like me. I looked over her body and realized she was me. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands in horror.
“Unfortunately there was a complication with the surgery. She’s stable right now but it’s too risky to preform yet another surgery again.” I heard coming from my left so I turned my head.
I saw my mom and dad talking with the doctor as my mom slid into the chair with a horrified look on her face. My dad was the one to break the silence.
“I understand…”
After that the surgeon left.
My dad tried to comfort my mom, “Well hun if and when she wakes up we have to tell her the truth….”
“But not everything though.” My mom panicked, finally speaking.
“Of course not.” My dad said.
My legs got numb and weak and I fell towards my body and went unconscious.
It feels like a few weeks pass by floating in this dark endless abyss which I guess means I’m in a coma.
I can faintly hear mumbling voices and I can just make out my dad talking to my doctor.
“Any change in her condition doc.?” He asked concern and agony clear in his voice.
“No sir we can’t find anything that’s causing this. I’m sorry.” My doctor says.
“Ok. Thank you.”
“Frank,” he said, “You know it’s our policy that if she doesn’t make any progress soon we will have to take her off life support….” He trailed off and I heard my mom gasp and start weeping as she squeezed my hand.
“I know please Tom just give her a little while longer she’s a fighter she will get through this.”
“One more week and then we’ll shut it off.. I’ll leave you to say your goodbyes for now. You have twenty minutes and then you’ll have to leave.”
WHAT?!?! I have only a week to wake up from this stupid coma?!?!
Next thing I know I’m standing in the darkness on hard floor and there’s a light a few yards in front of me in the vast darkness. As I start walking towards it a bulky robot like animal with patches of fur ripped off emerges from the sudden fog and stopped me. He has two battle axes in a holster on his back and takes them out as he takes a battle stance.
I stood there in shock and confused as he twirled them around like a ninja would a katana.
I try to take a step back but can’t and the next thing I know a double sided bow staff formed in my hands. It was gold plated with Asian type writing in the middle. I studied it carefully memorizing the detail and writing so I could research it later.
There was a grunt and I snapped back to reality.
The robot like creature swung his axe and I dodged the first and second blows by ducking and jumping. The third one nicked my shoulder as I went down on an angle but it wasn’t fatal. I wasn’t able to dodge any more so I decided to put the bow staff to use as his ax came for my neck. I blocked his blow in such a swift fluid motion that he was shocked. I proceeded to push him and as I did he fell backwards but still on his feet.
He looked at me horror stricken on his face. “Impossible! So fast! So fluid! Who are you?” he said.
“The names Alexandria Maria VonHelsieng.” And with that I struck his chest piece and he flew backwards and landed on his back, axes flung out of his hand onto the ground behind him into pieces and were lost in the fog. I walked up to him and bent down smiling at the crack I put in his armor. I saw a dagger in a pouch on the side of my middle thigh and grabbed it by the hilt and put it up to his throat. “Give me two reasons why I shouldn’t kill you” I said.
“You’re hurt and need medical attention and there are warriors who are better than me who will surely defeat and kill you.”
“I can manage” I said smugly about to bring the dagger across his throat.
“Wait wait wait,” he said “I can also help you wake up.”
“Liar” I screamed.
“No no no its true let me live and I will help you discover who you truly are.”
Reluctantly I withdrew my weapon and pulled him up. “No funny business ok?”
“I promise.” And with that he started walking. With bow staff and dagger still in hand I followed him with the fifth step both weapons disintegrated and went into their holsters.
We walked for what seemed like miles until we got to a wall with an Asian type arch gate thingy as the entrance. Everything was bright and lively. It was like a little society with little kids playing and trying to catch butterflies. I looked around mouth agape in wonder. *what is this place?* I thought, about ready to say it.
“These are the many mini villages of Mount Rosewood. In the heart of each village is a temple. In this particular village is the temple de deux vies which is the temple of two lives in English.”
“But.” I started to say.
“Here you will train in our ways and learn of your true past, and the skills and knowledge to wake up.”
“What the hell is going on I was just in surgery not too long ago and it all seemed fine.” I said boiling with a bit of anger.
“My apologies, for I lied earlier.” My eyes widened in shock as I balled my fist in anger.
“When a wandering spirit crosses into our land weather needing to cross over into the afterlife or needing to awake from the ‘dark sleep’ one of our warriors are sent out to battle them.” He paused.
“And if we are defeated and they show mercy towards us we show them to the village with the temple that has the name that will help them discover the way to doing what they need to.”
“And if they are defeated?” I asked.
“They do not die but they are left on their own to figure it out and find their own path.”
We kept walking and a tall building with jade columns that had beautiful golden designs had came into view through the slight mist.
At the door it had a wooden sign with Chinese letters.
Confused I asked, “Is this the temple de deux vies?” looking at him he shook his head yes. “Aye that it is.”
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amber Cheyenne aka werewolf_twilighter