Status: First Fan Fic. Hope you enjoy!

Welcome To Paradise


The humming around me is what I first noticed as I regained my consciousness. I felt a wave of déjà vu come over me as I squinted my eyes in the bright light around me. My left hand reached out groping air searching for my clock that seated upon my bed side table. It was only when I felt the soft surface of what I figured out to be a leg that I remembered the situation I was in. I jerked my body upwards into a sitting position, ignoring the dizziness that clouded my head and removed my hand from my captor’s leg. My eyes scanned my surroundings, the car I was in and the people in it with me. They desperately continued looking around desperately searching for a door I could fling myself out of, a weapon I could use to threaten them, anything to get me out of this situation. Once I realised this was pointless, that I was stuck in between two of the stronger looking men and that the other two men in the front of the car had weapons I settled my gaze to my legs and the goose bumps rising on them.

‘Nice of you to join us Jess.’

I nodded not wanting to know how they found out my name. I kept eyes cast down still focused on the tiny raised mountains on my thighs. A small cough came from the front of the car, a signal to another one of then men. At this I felt a hand work its way up to my head before it tangled itself within my hair and directed my head towards the speaker. I raised my eyes with sudden jerk, feeling them cloud with tears at the pain coming from my scalp. It was the tall attractive man from my lounge, brown hair still covering his eyes.

‘I, I don’t understand.’ My voice stuttered as I tried to force words out. ‘I don’t understand what’s going on?’

‘Well you see really it’s quite simple’ the man began rolling his eyes as he spoke. ‘Your parents owed my parents a lot of money, but now my parents are dead and it’s me they owe the money to. But when I showed up earlier today they didn’t have the money, but they did have you. Are you following me?’

The hand tangled within my hair loosened and I nodded quickly at the patronising explanation. He needed a payment. I was that payment. I felt my eyes cloud again but not from pain, not even from the fear or sadness I also felt, but anger. This wasn’t my debt, I didn’t even know it existed yet I was the one who would suffer for it. By this point I noticed the hand was gone from my hair giving my movements back.


‘I’m sorry what was that?’ This time the question was from the guy with the blonde streak sat in the driver’s seat of the car, his eyes glaring at me in the rear view mirror.

‘This, this isn’t right. You can’t do this.’ My voice was getting louder yet the shake and nerves were still clear as I spoke. Whilst I was speaking I noticed a hand rest itself upon my leg, softly almost affectionately even though I knew it was precautionary, ready to hold me in the seat. I felt my eyes travel up from the hand to the face of this man, to the defined jaw and ring through his nose. He shook his head at me, a small warning and hint that I should have taken.

‘Oh but we can sweetheart, we can do whatever we want, and believe me we will.’ Blonde streak continued, annoyance lacing his words. I noticed the brown haired man sat in the passenger seat shift his gaze to him, glaring almost, before he interrupted, line of vision returning to me.

‘The point is Jess, you’re ours now. You were exchanged for a debt, and now unless your parents can come up with two million you will remain ours.’

I noticed at this point a hand on my other leg, from the man on my other side. He was a muscular guy with defined cheek bones whose eye sight was directed out of the window, looking uncomfortable with the situation.

Minutes passed in an uncomfortable silence, my eyes were still cloudy and stray tears had seeped down onto my cheeks. My eyes were wondering around the car taking in as much as I could about these men, the tattoos that covered their bodies, their eye colours and hair cuts. But all I could gage about them was their attractiveness. I found myself drawn to the men, they had kidnapped me and who knew what else they wanted to do with me but all I could focus on was how hot I found the mysterious men.

‘Let me out of this car.’ my voice was strong but quiet. ‘Get me out of this car, right now.’ The two hands on my legs tightened and applied more pressure, pinning me to the seat.

‘That isn’t going to happen Jess. I suggest you be quiet too, I don’t appreciate being talked back to.’ The group’s leader stated.

I noticed the random haired driver slowing the car and looked past the muscular guys either side of me and out of a window to view the house we had parked in front of. It was a large house surrounded by fields and closed off behind a gate I didn’t even notice us go through.

‘You two take her to the basement.’ The two men in the front of the car unlocked their seat belts before opening their doors and exiting the vehicle in sync with one another. I quickly turned my head to watch them out of the window but found my view blocked by another mans chest, leaving me to only hear the fading sound of their foot steps on the ground as they walked away.

The two men unhooked their own seat belts before one popped the one I didn’t realise I was wearing out of its lock. One of them then grabbed my arm helping me out of the car and onto my bare feet. The gravel dug in to my soles as I was dragged towards the house.

‘You know it would be better for you if you didn’t antagonise them.’

I snapped my head to the source of the noise; it was nose ring talking, though his eyes were focused in front of him, as if he were ignoring me.

‘Zack’s right, it’d be better for you to just to accept what they say’ My head once again snapped to the speaker, on my other side, him to looking forward at the hallway we had just walked into. ‘It’d be better for all of us even.’ He continued as we turned sharply to our right, stopping in front of a door that was fitted with a deadbolt.

Nose ring, or as I now knew, Zack released my arm and unlocked the door opening it in front of me. The unnamed man ushered me through it guiding my down a flight of stairs to main room.

‘Wait’ I blurted out as I saw the man walk back up the stairs towards the door. ‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Rian.’ Was all he said before closing the door behind him and sliding the deadbolt into place.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two finally!

This took longer to get out than I thought it would but I honestly didn't expect anyone to be reading this so didn't think anyone would mind slow updates!

Thanks to everyone who is reading this, I am really happy and thankful for the reaction it has gotten. This is the first time I have published anything I have written and to know that even one person enjoyed it is amazing!

Hope you like the chapter, it is kind of a filler i suppose but i have tried to develop the characters a bit. Let me know what you think!
