Status: Completed

Esia's Protector

Gas of Death vs. Bullet

I—I couldn’t move my body. Unwillingly, I belonged to her…for now. But how am I going to escape her hold of my entire body? I hate to say this but it will take pride to beat this chick. And suddenly, her eyes drifted to her left. I saw gash of yellow gold lighting heading towards her. Once she has lost her concentration, I was able to have my body back. I saw a leather black boots with high heels in front of me.

“Hey Dante, did you need a hand?” she asked.

“Trish? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Lady and I did some research about the Henderson family,” she continued, “But I have to tell you after this fight,” she said.

I stood on my feet and pulled out the rebellion.

“Your right, let’s have fun first before our chit chat,” I joked.

The woman slightly smiled. Dhampir held out her hand as a skull staff appeared for her.

“Two versus one I see? Or is it…” she paused.

Trish and I looked around at our surroundings.

“Two versus a horde of undead?” she asked, “Talking is over with its time for both of you to join my army of undead!!!” she yelled with echoes.

Trish and I didn’t have a plan. We just needed to cut them down one by one or multiples by multiples. I don’t know what Dhampir planning to do, but I’m starting to get a hunch that she could be trying to by this guy time. However, I’m more curious to find out what is the real identity to the man in the grey hoodie. After sixteen hours, Dhampir was finally by herself. She got off her chair.

“Like what you said two versus--,” but shot Trish in the chest knocking her unconscious.

“You mean one on one?” she mocked.

She did a sadistic laugh.

“TRISH!!!!” I yelled.

Dhampir stopped laughing.

“Prepare to die, Dante,” she said.

I started out with a strike and which she’d dodged it. She began to shoot at me with skull made out of demonic energy, so I counter shot her shots with my semi-charged bullets. I noticed she stayed a far distance from me. Perhaps maybe she isn’t a close up fighter, but rather a distance fighter. I switch to trickster and teleported my way to her. However, she is smarter than the average demon. I have to give her credit for knowing that I made my way towards her.

Realizing my tactics, she placed an entire shield around herself full with nothing but gas like demonic energy. The second my skin had touched the gashes aura, my skin started to slowly deteriorate. I had no other choice but to make some distance. I looked at my hand. I was shocked that I had old man elderly hands.

“What have you done to my hand?” I asked angrily.

“What is the matter, son of Sparda? Do you like it?” she teased.

Dhampir slowly approaches me with her shield around her entire body.

“I’ll completely give you a brand new make-over,” she said.

How am I supposed to hurt her without getting to close or getting near in the area of her shield? Ideas begin to rush to me. Maybe just maybe, I could hit without getting to close to her but not affected by the side effects of the gas. I got an idea.

I’d kicked up the skull that was in front of me and hit it with my fist. The skull speedily flew towards Dhampir as the skull itself deteriorate. By the time that the skull had disappeared, I was already in the ready to shot a full powered shotgun.

“It’s time that you join the clan of the dead,” I said.

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Hello this is my newest chapter of DMC:EP. I have eight more chapters to go. If there are any errors don't be afraid to let me. Also, comment, subscribe and recommend. Thank you! ^_^