Unexpected Love


Sometime during the afternoon Colin woke up to find Eden not in bed with him. He was certain it was all just a dream. Then he heard the bathroom door open and a greenish Eden walked out.
“And it begins.” Eden said.
“What does?”
“The morning sickness and all that crap.”
“It will be ok. Hopefully that part won’t last long.”
“I hope...” Eden covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.
Colin was unsure of what to do so he stood outside of the bathroom waiting for directions.
“Are you ok?”
“Just dandy.” She said sarcastically.
“I think we should take you to the doctors. Just to get you checked out.”
“My doctor is back home. I don’t want someone else checking me out.”
“I think you should at least go to the hospital, I want to make sure you’re ok.”
“If I agree to go will you calm down? You’re making me nervous.”
“You know I just thought of something.”
“That’s never good.” She said joking.
“I’m serious. We have to tell our families.”
“I think I’m going to be sick.”
“It won’t be that bad. Hopefully.”
“No Colin I’m going to be sick.” She said pushing him out of the way and running to the bathroom.
“As soon as you’re done we’re going.”
10 minutes later Eden emerged from the bathroom.
“Let’s go.”
Colin and Eden made their way to the nearest hospital. Eden signed in and waited to be called on. Colin sat beside her bouncing his leg up and down. The movement was making Eden nauseous. She placed a hand on his knee so he would stop.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to throw up all over the floor.”
“Sorry. Is there anything I can get you?”
“No I’m ok. Thank you though.”
Colin wanted to do something for her but he didn’t know what. Colin pulled out his phone and had a text from his brother.
Hey man how’s it going?
Good how are you all doing?
Not bad. Just an FYI there’s pictures of you and Eden all over the internet of you guys going into a hospital. You sure everything’s ok?
Yea she just has the stomach flu. Wanted to make sure it wasn’t something else.
What else could it be?
I meant like a serious illness or something
Oh ok. Well I hope she’s ok. I’ll tell mom everything’s fine.
Thanks. Talk to ya guys later
“We haven’t even been here an hour and people already have pictures of us on the internet.”
“You don’t think they know do you?” Eden asked panicking.
“No, no everything’s fine. I just told my brother you had the stomach flu.”
“Sure a big ole’ baby stomach flu.”
“I don’t want to tell anyone yet. I want to make sure everything’s good first.”
Finally Eden was called back into a small examination room. She was told to sit on the bed while the nurse got the information she needed. Then the nurse took Eden’s vitals and drew blood. The nurse excused herself and said the doctor would be with her soon.
“You haven’t thrown up since we got here. So that’s good.” He said brightly.
“I don’t think there’s anything left in me to puke up.”
“Well I’m going to make sure you eat all the time so that Lil’ Kaep is healthy.”
“So you want me to be a fat whale?” she started to cry.
“Oh no. that’s not what I meant. I meant I want the baby to be healthy.”
“Well you implied that I need to eat like a cow!” she wailed.
“Baby I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.” He said moving to hug her.
“Don’t… touch… me.” She said giving him a glare through her tears.
Colin slowly backed away and sat back down. After a half hour of waiting the doctor came in.
“Hello I’m Dr. Sharp.” The female doctor said.
Colin and Eden instantly did not like her name.
“So I looked over your blood work and you are indeed pregnant. I want to do an ultrasound to see how far along you are and to determine a due date. Do you have an idea of about how far along you think you are?”
“No we never used protection so I have no clue.” Eden said.
The doctor helped Eden lie back and brought in the ultrasound machine. Colin moved to stand next to Eden but kept his distance.
“Ok here is your baby. I’d say your almost 12 weeks. So you’re due date will most likely be mid-September. Do you know what you were doing 12 weeks ago?”
“Apparently making a baby after my brother’s wedding.” Eden said.
“What date was that?”
“December 8th.” Colin answered, he would never forget that day.
“Would you like to hear the heartbeat?”
“Yes.” They both said together.
After a few minutes of searching the doctor found the baby’s heartbeat. Eden and Colin looked at each other with tear filled eyes. The sound of their baby’s heartbeat was like music to their ears.
“Ok. Everything looks good. Follow up with your regular OB/GYN in 4 weeks and here are some pictures for you guys. Congratulations.”
“We’re having a baby.” Colin said.
“Yea we are.”
“You’re due the same time Tanya is.”
“I know it’s so weird. I developed all my pregnancy symptoms later than her.”
“You and Jeremy must be some pretty fertile people.”
“That or you have super sperm.” Eden said laughing.
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings earlier.”
“I know I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
Colin leaned in for a kiss but Eden pulled away.
“I can’t kiss you?”
Eden reached for the trash can and started throwing up. After a few minutes she was finished and the nurse came in with her discharge papers. The pair made their way out of the hospital and back to Colin’s hotel room.
“Do I really make you that sick?” Colin said trying to lighten her mood.
“Ha-ha no. I’m sorry. I’m just really sensitive to everything now.” She said reaching for his hand.
“It’s ok. So how are we going to tell everyone?”
“I only want our families to know but I know you’ll tell some of your teammates and your coaches so that’s ok. I have to tell my boss and Evan. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know right now.”
“I think we should Skype our families together and tell them. But do you know how bad I want to put Lil Kaeps picture on instagram and show everyone I made that?”
“You can later when you can see its little face and its little hands and feet. You can put a picture up after we find out the sex.”
“How long is that going to be?”
“Another 8 weeks or so. Maybe at 16 weeks if the baby’s positioned right.”
“That’s like 4 weeks away.” Colin whined.
“It will be ok. It will go by fast.” She said reassuringly.
“Will you be sad if it’s a girl?”
“No but I’ve just always wanted a son.”
“I have too but I will be happy either way just as long as our baby’s healthy.”
“So should we send our families a text to Skype us around 7 their time?”
“Yea that’s fine.”
Both families happily agreed to be on the Skype chat. When it was time for everyone to sign on, Colin and Eden sat nervously together waiting. They held each other’s hands praying that this would go smoothly. They didn’t want another feud. After a few minutes everyone’s faces appeared on the screen in separate little boxes. They exchanged hellos and Eden and Colin took a deep breath ready to tell them.
“So Eden and I have some news to share with you guys.” Colin said.
Eden held up her left hand to show everyone her ring. There were congratulations and I’m so happy for you’ s exchanged.
“That’s not all the news we have.” Colin said. Colin looked at Eden for her to go ahead and tell them but before she could even get her words out Jeremy cut in.
“You knocked her up didn’t you?”
Everyone thought it was a joke until they saw Eden and Colin share a glance at each other.
“Honey is this true?” Eden’s mom, Beth, asked.
“Yea we’re having a baby in September.”
“Oh my gosh we’re due at the same time!” Tanya exclaimed.
“Yea. I’m almost 12 weeks.” Eden said smiling.
“Air high five man!” Jeremy said as he and Colin “high fived”.
The rest of the family just sat there a little shocked.
“I know that it’s soon and I know we’re not married. I know we should have used protection and what not but this is the deck of cards we were dealt and we’re going to play them.” Eden said.
“Are you happy?” Steve, Eden’s dad asked.
“More than you know.”
“Well then Colin I assume you will make an honest woman out of my daughter and I also expect a wedding invite. No running of to Vegas or Nashville or somewhere like that to elope.”
“Oh they better not do that!” Colin’s mom said.
“Don’t worry everyone. We’ll have a very and I mean very small, private wedding. I don’t want anything big and extravagant. Just as long as I’m married to him that’s all I want.” Eden said looking at Colin.
“You can get married on the beach.” Eden’s mom said.
“I want something more private.”
“What about getting married at your grandparent’s ranch. They have that beautiful deck that looks over their little lake with all the flowers and it’s big enough for everyone to be there.” Beth said.
“That would nice. What do you think?” Colin said.
“I like it. I’ll call Grandma and Grandpa up and ask them when we’re done.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. You know how your grandma loves to entertain people and your grandpa looks for any excuse to grill out.” Beth Said.
“How soon do you want to get married?” Colin’s mom asked.
“Maybe in a couple of months. I’m starting my job and I don’t want a lot of extra stress right now.”
“So in May possibly?”
“Yea. It depends on Colin’s schedule as well.” Eden said.
“I never thought my little sister would be having a shotgun wedding.” Jeremy said laughing.
“Shut up Jeremy.” Everyone said.
“I went ahead and asked grandma and grandpa and they are more than thrilled to have the wedding at their house. So what about the first weekend of May?” Beth asked.
“That should work.” Colin said.
“Well then on May 4th, 2013 you will be Mrs. Eden Kaepernick.” Her mom said tearing up.
“You sure you want to do this?” Colin asked Eden.
“She doesn’t have a choice.” Steve said jokingly.
“I want to do this. I’m ready.”
“Well guys we’re going to let you have some time alone to celebrate. Colin don’t get her knocked up. Oh wait you already did that.” Jeremy said.
Everyone signed off with well wishes for Colin and Eden.
“I’m surprised I made it through the whole thing without puking.” Eden said.
“I’m surprised your dad didn’t find a way to get through the screen to kill me.”
“I think he’s secretly happy he’s going to be a grandpa. He’ll want to spoil the baby since I never let him spoil me.”
“I have a feeling our baby will be spoiled rotten.” He said wrapping his arms around her waist.
“You sure you want all this? You can walk away.”
“I want it all and more.” He said kissing her.
“I’m going to hold you to it.”
“Can I, you know touch your stomach?”
“Yea. I don’t really have a bump yet. You won’t be able to feel anything since I’m still in my first trimester.”
“Oh.” Colin said a little disappointed.
“As soon as I feel something I will tell you.” she said smiling at him.
Colin nodded as he brought his hands to her stomach.
“Doesn’t feel any different.” He said dropping his hands.
“It probably won’t for a few more weeks.”
“I’m hungry. Let’s go out.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“What do you want?”
“Pizza and wings.” Eden said.
“Ok maybe they have a sports bar somewhere around here.” Colin said pulling out his phone to look up a few places.
“Oh and loaded cheese fries!” Eden said smiling big.
“Are you sure you can handle all that?” Colin regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. As soon as he said the words Eden started crying.
“Just forget it. You can go find someone who isn’t pregnant and a pig!” she said locking herself in the bathroom.
Colin fell onto a chair and put his face in his hands. He would never get used to the hormones. He only had a few hours left with Eden until she had to leave for home and he wanted those last few hours to be special.
“Edy bug? Come on open the door. I’m sorry for what I said. I just won’t talk from now on.”
“Go away Colin.”
“Come on. I want to take you out. I will buy you fries, pizza and wings all covered in cheese and bacon if that’s what you want. Just please come out. I only have a little time with you left and I want to spend it with us doing something fun. Please babe.”
Colin could tell she was still crying but she unlocked the door and let him in. Colin wrapped her in his arms and she let the flood gates open.
“I don’t know why I’m so mean and crying all the time.” She said in between sobs.
“It’s ok baby.”
“I’m sorry. I promise I’m trying to keep these damn hormones in check.”
“It’s ok. It will be ok.”
“Let me control my emotions and fix my makeup and we can go.” She said giving him one final hug.
“I’ll wait for you out here.”
15 minutes later Eden emerged tear free.
“I’m ready.” She said sneaking up on Colin.
“Wow babe you look great!” she had on a dressy, dark blue tank top that showed off all her curves in the right places, a pair of boot cut jeans and black flats.
“You look incredible.” He said kissing her. Colin wanted to deepen the kiss but was interrupted by Eden’s stomach growling. Eden started blushing and giggled.
“I think our kid is saying it wants food.” Eden said.
“Let’s go then.”
Colin and Eden were enjoying some quiet time together. Talking about the wedding and possibly finding a bigger house closer to both their families. No one bothered them which was nice seeing as everyone wanted Colin nowadays. The two were enjoying each other’s company when an unknown female walked up to Colin.
“What’s this?” the girl asked.
“I’m sorry but do I know you?” Colin asked politely.
“So that’s how it’s going to be? You called me up last week to come hook up because you were lonely and because your girl at home was being a bitch and now you’re going to pretend you don’t know me?”
“I really think you have the wrong person.” Colin said.
“Do you want me to show her the pictures?”
“I really don’t know who you are.”
“Fine then.” The girl pulled out her phone and showed Eden pictures of her and Colin doing some inexcusable acts. The girl smirked and walked away.
“I don’t know what she showed you but it wasn’t me.”
“So there just happens to be pictures of you screwing another girl on her phone?”
“I didn’t cheat on you.”
“You know it would be one thing to deny it without there being proof but you’re lying straight to my face when I’ve seen everything.” She said trying to keep calm.
“It wasn’t me in those pictures.”
“I don’t get it. Why would you do that? I mean I must have fool written all over my face.” Eden said getting up to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“I have a plane to catch.”
“Let me take you.”
“No. I think you’ve done enough for one night.” She said exiting the building. Colin following right behind her.
“Eden I swear to you it wasn’t me. Let me explain.” He said grabbing her arm making her face him.
“You have 5 minutes.”
“I don’t know that girl. I never did anything with her or any other girl for that matter. Yes I went to a few clubs but I didn’t mess around on you. I don’t know how to prove to you that it wasn’t me besides giving you my word.”
“I know what I saw and I saw your face in those pictures. I think its best we’re not together anymore. You get to have your freedom to be with whomever and I don’t always have to worry about what you’re doing. I’ll be moved out of your house by the time you get home.” She said taking off her ring and giving it to him.
“If you can’t be honest with me at least be honest with yourself Colin. I’ll keep in touch about the baby.” Eden got into a cab and drove to the airport.
All because of one drunken night Colin couldn’t remember, he lost everything.