Unexpected Love

Dealing & Healing

Eden had been living in Hawaii for almost 3 months now. It took a lot of getting used to. Especially at night. It was like she was 13 again trying to forget. She had gotten so used to having Colin to sleep with that she had to bribe her dogs with treats just to lie next to her so she could at least fall asleep. Colin still texted her on a daily basis. Mostly wanting to know if she was ok. Sometimes Eden would reply. Sometimes she wouldn’t. Somehow Colin had found out she was in Hawaii. He never came to see her but he had some closure knowing where she was.
Meanwhile he always held out hope that she’d come back. He was afraid to go to Hawaii. He didn’t know if Eden would want him there. He couldn’t handle rejection from her. He was also afraid of her dad but he’d never admit that to anyone. He had a hard time adjusting to life without Eden. It was hard not for him to call her after practice each day. Especially now that the NFL season started. Since Alex got a concussion he got to be the starting quarterback. After he found out all he wanted to do was call Eden. He was so happy and all he wanted was to share it with her. He hoped she would be proud of him. He played for her. Hoping she would be watching him wherever she was at in Hawaii. Each game he played he gave it his all. Every win he had he silently dedicated to her.

He had made a fake twitter page to follow her since she un-followed him and blocked him. It was the only way he could stay connected to her without her knowing it was him. That’s when he found out she was in Hawaii. In her pictures she seemed happy. That’s all he wanted was for her to be happy. He wished it was with him but he had hurt her when he promised her he wouldn’t. He loved her and he never got the chance to tell her. He would text her daily just to make sure she was ok. On the days she would reply he would get a small spark of hope she still wanted him. Even if the replies were simple yesses it still made his day seem better. He cared for her and loved her. He always would.
The girl who came to see him that day was an ex-girlfriend. He had broken it off months before he and Eden got together. While he and Eden were together she started texting him again wanting to work things out but he told her he didn’t want to. Then she showed up on his door step. The pained look on Eden’s face would forever haunt him. He wanted to run after her but had to straighten things out with the girl in front of him. He never liked to hurt people’s feelings but he had to do what was necessary to make her see he didn’t love her. He loved the girl who drove away. After the confrontation with the ex he had another one with his family. They told him everything he already knew. That he lost the best thing that ever happened to him, that he broke all the promises he made to her.

He knew her brother’s wedding was coming up and he was hoping she would still show.
Meanwhile in Hawaii, Eden was on a Skype chat with her mom, brother and soon to be sister in law.
“When are you coming to see us? We’re getting tired of having to only see you through pictures and video chats.” Her mom whined.
“When the wedding gets closer. I’ll be there about a week before.”
“Why don’t you come home sooner?” Jeremy asked.
“This is my home now.”
“This is your home too.” Eden’s mom said.
“I know. I’ll be home in a couple of weeks. Jeremy leave the room so I can see Tanya’s wedding dress.”
After Eden was shown the wedding dress, Jeremy asked to speak to her privately.
“Don’t give me that look Eden.” Jeremy warned.
“What look?”
“You’re scowling. I just want to make sure you’ll be at the wedding with Colin there. I need my two favorite people there. I know you hate him…”
“I don’t hate him Jeremy. I still love him. And I will be on my best behavior for your wedding. I wouldn’t do anything to ruin your day Jeremy. Have a little faith in me.”
“The games about to start. Are you going to watch?”
“I’ve watched every game since the season started. Even pre-season.”
“Why are you torturing yourself Eden? Come home. Be with him. Love him. You know you want to. So what’s stopping you?”
“My pride.”
“What is your heart telling you to do?”
“It wants me to tell you to shut up so I can go watch coli- I mean the niners play.”
“I knew it! You only watch to see him play. Does all his Kaepernicking turn you on? Oh wait until I tell him!”
“I swear if you tell him anything I will make sure you don’t live to see your wedding day!”
After a few moments, Jeremy broke the silence.
“Hey Eden.”
“I love you. I can’t wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Even if you don’t stay it will just be nice to finally give you a hug in person.”
“I know. I love you too Jeremy.”
“I’ll let you go so you can watch Colin.” Jeremy said laughing.
“Bite me Jeremy!”
“Love you too! Bye!”
Eden shut her laptop and made her way to the living room and turned the game on. Within a few plays Colin scored a touchdown and Kaepernicked just as her dad and Catherine walked in.
“What is he doing?”
“He’s Kaepernicking.”
“What is that?”
“It’s where he kisses his tattoo on his bicep.”
“Why is he doing it?”
“Cause he can.”
Her dad gave her a weird look and went into his office. Catherine went into the kitchen to start dinner.
As she was watching Colin celebrate, he looked right into the camera and it was like they locked eyes. Dark brown ones meeting with aqua. Maybe she would have to go home sooner than planned. Maybe he was the one worth fighting for.