Unexpected Love


Two weeks later Eden felt herself torn getting on the plane. She wanted and needed to go home but she was scared about seeing Colin for the first time in 3 months. She slowly boarded the plane and soon she was departing from her safe haven.
When she arrived in San Francisco she was greeted by her mom (Beth), step-dad (Jack), Jeremy, her sister (Harper) and Tanya. It took a good 30 minutes to get through hugs and I missed you’s before they left. They had decided to go to dinner at Eden’s favorite steak house. When they got there and got seated she heard a familiar voice come from behind her.
“Hey guys am I late?”
Eden slowly turned around and was greeted by dark brown eyes staring at her.
“No man, you’re right on time. We just got here. Here you can sit across from Eden.”
Colin made his way around the table, never taking his eyes off Eden. He sat down and kept staring at her. He couldn’t get over how dark her skin was now compared to her fair skin she once had before. And her hair was somewhat shorter than it used to be and more wavy than curled. But her eyes were still his favorite. They never changed.
Eden made eye contact with Colin and gave him a warm smile. He was mesmerized by her. He could tell she was getting a little uncomfortable with his constant staring so he broke his gaze and began to talk to Jeremy.
Throughout dinner they would share glances at each other. They never talked or touched but when they would catch each other staring they would smile and look away. Finally dinner was over and they made their way out of the restaurant. When it came time to say goodbye to Colin, Eden gave him a small wave and got into her parents car. He wanted to hug her but he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. So he gave her a bright smile.
A few days later was the rehearsal dinner. Everything was going smoothly. Colin would sneak peeks at Eden while they were running through the rehearsal wedding. Eden would check Colin out every time he was looking elsewhere. She had almost forgotten how muscular and defined he was. Pretty soon her mind was filled with images of her and Colin doing some inappropriate things ;)
She was pulled out of her trance when Tanya’s hand was in her face, getting her attention. Colin and Jeremy were nowhere to be found.
“You ok?”
“Yea I’m great. Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Eden said fanning herself.
“It is a little warm in here.” Tanya agreed.
“I think I’m going to go get some air.”
When Eden walked out the door she ran into someone.
“I’m so sorry; I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you ok?” she said looking up.
She was met with those familiar brown eyes.
“Yea I’m ok. Are you?” he asked.
Eden’s throat was dry. She wasn’t sure she could form a coherent sentence.
“Yes.” She squeaked.
“Are you sure? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“Mm hmm.”
“I guess we better get back in there. Have you written your speech yet?”
She gave Colin a confused look and then it hit her she was supposed to give a speech as the maid of honor. She smacked her forehead and let out a groan.
“Noooo! I forgot. Oh man!”
She kept hitting herself in the head when Colin grabbed her hands and turned her towards him.
“Eden quit hitting yourself in the head. You’ll get a headache.”
“How could I forget? He hasn’t stopped talking about getting married for the past month! I’m a horrible sister!”
“No you’re not. Just speak from the heart.”
Eden stood there and thought about what Colin had said. Then an idea occurred to her.
“What did you write?”
“I’m not showing you. You’ll steal my speech.”
“No I won’t! Just let me take a peek. I promise I won’t steal your speech.” Eden said giving him a playful smile.
“No way! I know that look. You’re not even going to get a peek at it.” Colin said protecting his pocket where he had held the piece of paper.
“Come on Colin let me see it.” Eden said trying to grab where he kept the paper.
Colin was dodging her trying to keep her from stealing what he worked on.
“Colin please. I’m not going to steal what you wrote I just want to see it! Please Colin!”
“No. I know how you work. You’re a sneaky ninja and you’ll steal what I so rightfully worked on.”
Colin held the piece of paper over his head knowing Eden could never reach it.
“You are so not fair Colin! You know I can’t reach that high!”
“Well then I guess you’ll just have to let it go then won’t you.”
Eden started poking Colin in the stomach. She figured she’d keep doing it until either Colin got aggravated or would eventually give in.
“Quit it Eden.”
“Hmm let me think about it…. nope!” she kept poking him. Eventually getting to his ticklish spot. Colin tried to hold his composure, but when she poked his sides he lost it. Eventually bringing his arms from over his head to try to stop her from tickling him. When he brought his hands down he dropped his speech and Eden snatched it up.
“Well, well, well Mr. Kaepernick what do we have here?”
“Eden please don’t read it.” Colin said almost worried.
“What's wrong Kaepy Patty afraid I’ll find out all yours and Jeremy’s little secrets?” she said sarcastically unfolding the paper.
She unfolded it the rest of the way and Colin never tried to stop her from reading it. Secretly he wanted her too.
As Eden was reading it she began to cry. It wasn’t his best man speech. It was a letter to her.
“I’ve had that in my pocket for the last 2 months. I always wanted to mail it to you but I never knew where you were so I held onto it hoping I’d see you again.”
Eden never took her eyes off the page. His words he wrote playing over in her head.
“You loved me?” she said through her tears.
“I never stopped.”
She finally looked at Colin who had his own tears in her eyes. They were interrupted when Eden’s mom came out looking for them.
“Oh there you two are…. Guys what’s wrong?”
She noticed they were both crying and the letter in Eden’s hand.
“You gave her the letter?” Beth asked Colin.
“I took it from him. You knew about this?” She asked waving the letter in her mom’s face.
“I knew he wrote you. He asked for your dad’s address to send it to you but I wouldn’t give it to him.”
“I didn't want to see you hurt again. What if it happens again and then none of us know where you take off too?”
Eden dropped the letter and ran out the doors. She was hurt, angry and confused as to how her mother could keep something like that away from her.
After Eden ran off with her mom chasing after her, Colin picked up the letter, folded it and put it back in his pocket but not before reading it one more time.
I hope this letter finds you well. I wish I could say I was ok. I know if I called you, you would never pick up. Then again I’m not sure I could handle hearing your voice. So I’m hoping by writing this you’ll at least take a look at it. First off just let me say that the girl who came to my house was an ex. She had started texting me about a month after we got together. She wanted us to try and work things out but I told her no. I also told her I was with someone and that I was happy. I realize now maybe I should have told you what was going on to begin with. I guess I was afraid of losing you if I told you. My biggest mistake was not telling you. Maybe we could still be together.
I miss you a lot. I had a hard time sleeping after you left. I would toss and turn. Sometimes I would reach for you to find you not there. I lost a lot of sleep. I’m sure you did too. Sometimes I swear I could feel you snuggle against my back and put your arm around me. Then I’d go to touch you and you weren’t there.
I wish you wouldn’t have ran away like you did. I wanted to run after you, I really did. But at the time I thought it was best to deal with the situation at hand.
My second biggest mistake was not fighting for you. I know I promised you would and I went back on that. Every promise I made you I broke. I’ve emailed Evan a few times to see if he’s heard from you. He doesn’t like to talk to me that much. I guess I can’t blame the guy. Jeremy was mad at first but when I told him everything he seemed ok. He wanted me to go to Hawaii to get you back but I was too afraid of what you would say if I was in front of you.
I hope you can accept my apology and someday we can talk again in person. I hope someday you come home. You have a lot of people who miss you (including Sammy). Please come home. Nothing’s the same without you. I would rather be your friend than nothing at all.
Well I got to go. My planes landing for another game.
I miss you.
Love Colin.