Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter One- Stories From The Past

Kellin loves the summer; always has and probably always will so today he decides to stroll around town for a bit, let the wind flow through his hair. He realizes that he has a date at one of the local coffee shops and makes his way towards it. When he finally reaches it he fixes his hair in the glass, he sees his reflection and he doesn't look sick; he see the reflections of the people passing by him and one catches his eye.. One he thought he would never get to see again. He turns around only to realize that it's not him, it couldn't be him, he hasn't been around in so long that it can't possibly be him.
He walks into the coffee shop and is greeted by a familiar face. The waitress; Jenna points to the booth on the side and whispers excitedly "she's been waiting here all morning. What a cutie." She giggles, walking away to attend a customer. He walks towards a booth and there she is coloring on the menu her little face in full concentration.
"Hey baby girl, did i make you wait long?" He asks and it's snaps her into full attention, she begins to pout and crosses her arms, ruffling her baby blue floral dress.
"I'm not a baby I'm twelve years old." She says sticking out her tongue the way a child would. Her blond hair tied in pigtails with blue ribbons to match her eyes making her look absolutely adorable.
"You're right Iris, you're a big girl now. So what is the reason that you are blessing me with your presence?" She looks around and then almost leaps over the table.
"I want you to tell me the story of the boy in the hospital." She whispers into his ear. He chuckles as he is remembering that he did indeed promise to tell her that story. She sits back down and He begins to clear his throat.
"Okay but don't tell your mom I'm telling you this because she thinks that you're too young." She nods vigorously and it puts a smile on his face.
"This is the story of the only person in my life that I've ever loved ever," He exclaims with his eyes partially closed so he can still see her reaction; she's pouting again. "Besides you of course." That puts a smile on her childish face. He doesn't know where to start, so many memories, so little time; well the beginning wouldn't hurt. He smiles at the memory, instantly being brought back.
It's the winter of 1992 and the Bostwick's son is dying. He is five years old and he has a low white blood cell count. His body is littered in bruises and the doctors don't know what's going on, It could be cancer but they have to be sure, they have to run tests quickly; he doesn't have much time. The doctors tell them that they should be prepared because there is a high chance that he won't make it and Mrs.Bostwick is inconsolable, this is her first child and he was practically just brought into this world so how can god take him so quickly? Mr.Bostwick is cursing The Lord for blessing the young couple with a child only to rip him away. They pray all night and as if by a miracle of god their son recovers the next day. When asked the child said he saw a bright light from the corner of the room and all of a sudden he was cured.The doctors are astonished but worried that from here he could get sicker so he stays for tests. He's stays in one of the best children's hospitals in Florida until he is moved to a facility in Michigan; his family can afford it so its fine as long as their child survives. What they don't realize is that he will stay there for a year and that means that they have to leave him which is difficult but at the same time they have people trained to take care of children, he'll be fine. He ends up in and out of that hospital most of his life and that's where he meets him.
"Mommy I don't wanna stay here with these ugly people, I wanna go home with you and daddy!" He wails as his mother is trying her hardest to leave her only child for the first time in all of his life.
"Mommy needs to go back home so she can make money to keep you healthy. You wanna stay healthy don't you?" She asks, trying her hardest not to cry. She has to be strong for her son and for her family; she will not let this family fall apart. The young boy shakes his head no and hugs his mother for the last time before she leaves, his salty tears leaving stains on his mothers shirt.
"Kellin, be a good boy while mommy is away. I love you baby." "I love you too. You'll come back and get me right?" He asks and she has to hold back a sob.
"Of course." With that she leaves on a plane back to her life in Florida. A nurse holds Kellin's hand and walks them into the children's floor; she shows him around and he marvels at the pictures of super heroes and cartoon characters painted on the walls.
"This is going to be the room you'll share with another boy. You won't fight each other right?" She talks sternly more to the other boy than at Kellin who's too new and too young to know that she's talking about the other boys violent streak. She walks out saying a "play nice." Leaving both boys alone. Kellin walks towards the slightly older boy and extends a small hand.
"I'm Kellin but mommy calls me Kels so you can too ohh and I'm five years old." He says with a smile so bright it can lighten anyones mood, anyone's except the boy before him. He barely looks him over before taking Kellin's hand and answering him back.
"I'm Vic, I'm 7 and I'm dying."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is very different from any of the stories I've written so far. I hope you enjoy it.
P.S. comments are always welcomed. Seriously if you wanna tell me something, give me suggestions, ask questions don't even hesitate. Thank you.