Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter Two- First Kisses

“Wait so he’s dead?” she exclaims in shock.
“Will you just listen to the story? There’s one more part that I want to tell you before you go.” He scolds remembering one special memory in particular of that year in that hospital. Iris orders a drink and sits back waiting for me to start my story once again.
“Hey Vic lets go play outside.” Said an overly excited kellin; he had been there the whole winter and spring and summer was literally right around the corner, kellin loved the summer, he loved being able to play outside in the pool or have sleepovers with his friends back in Florida. Vic on the other hand hated the summer- couldn’t stand the damn season, since he couldn’t go outside and play or be a kid because of his illness.
“What part of dying do you not understand?” he said in a calm voice, he didn’t want to admit it but kellin was becoming a really good friend; for a baby that is. Vic had been using the dying excuse every time that kellin would suggest any activity that would involve actual movement and it was getting him very angry. So what if he’s dying, can’t he play outside until then? Kellin pouted and stormed off towards one of the nurses; Maria who had taken special care of kellin since he arrived. He ran to her and she quickly picked him up and spun him around while kellin giggled loudly earning a mean look from some of the staff.
“Maria, why can’t Vic come out and play? He keeps on saying that he’s dying but why can’t he play first and die later like Rachel did.” He sighed, it wasn’t fair, his friend Rachel had so much fun when she was still alive and she was deathly ill, her disease never stopped her from doing the things she wanted to do. Rachel was 11 and she died of a brain tumor, she was also Kellin’s first kiss, he didn’t really like it though, being a 6 year old he only did it because he thought that it would make him cooler but he quickly realized that that wasn’t the case; when he told Vic, the boy threw a pillow at Kellin’s face telling him not to be so stupid and glared daggers at that poor girl for weeks and even when she died he still never forgave her. Why he was so mad he didn’t know, maybe it was because Kellin was spending so much time with her that he forgot about Vic? Well that was the best reason Kellin could come up with at the time.
Maria sighed and put kellin down leaning down so she was face to face with kellin. “Look kellin, you can’t force people to do what you want to do; why don’t you ask him what he wants to do instead?” She says and kellin really thinks about it too.
“Okay, I’ll ask him what he wants to do.” And with that he ran back to his room practically jumping onto Vic’s bed. Vic looked at him for a second and then looked back at his comic book not even giving Kellin the slightest of attention.
“What do you want to do?” He asks so fast that it catches the other boy’s attention. He puts down his comic and looks him straight in the eyes.
“Nothing.” He says monotonously, making Kellin angry.
“Do something with me, I’m bored and I want to play!” he starts whining, Vic rolls his eyes and goes back to reading.
“Why don’t you go find another girl to kiss? I hope you get cooties.” He said taunting the boy before him.
“You’re such a girl.” Kellin said and then he got an idea. He put his hands on Vic’s shoulders like Rachel had done and pulled him closer crashing there lips together and then quickly pulling away.
“I found another girl to kiss.” Kellin said cheekily, Vic’s face turning a bright red. He lay down next to him and they began telling stories about home, well mostly kellin because Vic was in the hospital for a few years now. It seems with that kiss they became closer friends and soon they became inseparable not that anyone minded. They were just children, holding hands and pecking each others cheeks was a normal thing and it would eventually pass- at least that was what everyone thought.
“Wow you were so young when you had your first kiss.” She said loud enough for Jenna to burst out in laughter from a few booths down.
“Yeah well, so are you! You better not be kissing any boys ya hear?” He said mostly to himself because he knew that she was getting older and he couldn’t protect her forever; now the issue isn’t the monsters under her bed, it’s the boys trying to get into her bed and kellin didn’t like that, he saw this girl being born, he wasn’t ready to let her grow up just yet. They got up and paid for there food, taking note that it was getting dark outside he decided that he should probably walk her home, giving Jenna a kiss on the cheek goodbye, he walked hand in hand with his pride and joy, giving dirty looks to any boy who looked in her direction.
“Thanks for bringing her home Kellin, the Michigan streets aren’t as safe as they used to be.” Kellin’s sister Keiley said with a big smile.
“Of course, same time tomorrow right?” he yelled into the house hearing the young girl scream back a yes in return. He smiled and said goodbye to his sister and walked back to the direction of his apartment. He passed by the coffee shop and saw Jenna talking to someone who had the same hair as him. But he quickly disregarded it. Vic is long gone buddy, you can’t keep holding on to the memory that he might still be alive, its creepy and unnatural. He finally arrived at his small apartment and shrugged of his jacket taking his shoes off and putting his keys and wallet on the counter; maybe he’ll take iris to the park tomorrow to tell her the rest of the story. He had a strange feeling that he was seeing a lot of people who sort of look like Vic and that worried him; maybe he had missed his chance to meet him in the cemetery and looked at the date, June 26, good he still hasn’t missed it- he honestly hoped that he didn’t see Vic there, he prayed that he would see him at a coffee shop or at the beach or something. Well, Kellin thought, its time for bed.
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Well, theres this. i'm really liken this one, if you haven't read my other stories you should! thank you.
P.S. comments would be nice, please?