Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter Three- Aqui Te Espero

Kellin awoke to the sound of a loud knock on the door, usually he wouldn't mind the rude awakening because it was usually one of his friends but today he was having none of it; it was five in the morning on a saturday, he didn't have work until later at night so he didn't really appreciate the whole, 'ruin Kellin's sleep day'. He rolled out of bed, landing straight on his face then quickly recovered from the embarrassment and made his way to the front door.
"Jesus Matty it's way to early for your shit." he said opening the door only to realize that it was his niece, not Matty.
"Well, i guess it's too early for my shit too so goodbye." She said with a fake hurt voice walking away dramatically.
"I thought you were Matty, just come in its cold." he said dragging her inside.
"its only cold because you're opening your door half naked." she pointed and Kellin felt exposed, not noticing that he was opening to a young girl in his underwear and practically dragging her inside.
"I wanted a head start on that story, i could barely sleep because i had so many questions to ask you about the boy, Vic, I mean." She didn't realize the effect that his name had on him, all the memories were flooding back, practically burning the back of his eyes with the pain and regret that he so desperately tried to forget; the story was coming to an end much sooner than he had wanted it too but this girl was too damned curious for her own good.
"Fine, i'll tell you the story first and then we can get something to eat and if you are lucky then you can hear some more of the story."
Kellin ended his days in the hospital a few days after Vic's 9th birthday, sharing a bed and telling each other that they'll stay best friends forever, even sharing one last kiss before they were separated. Kellin went back to Florida and he started school again, making new friends and even taking the time to call Vic everyday, or whenever Vic wasn't being a moody baby and ignore the calls and things were okay. In the summer of Kellin's 8th birthday something went wrong; the Bostwicks all decided that they needed to bond together as a family so they all got together throwing a barbecue, Kellin was playing in the yard with his cousins when he stopped running, throwing up everything he had until his eyes rolled back and he landed on his back, blood trickling from his nose- a lot of it. They took him back to the hospital they had visited that sad winter and the doctors had said that Kellin's conditions had worsened since leaving Michigan and that they should consider moving there to be closer to that hospital, unsure they wanted to talk to their son but when they asked him Kellin didn't even know how he got to the hospital or why he was there. The Bostwicks packed their things and when the doctors gave them the okay they moved to Michigan, buying a small house near the hospital. Kellin was excited to see Vic again after two years, wondering if Vic would still remember him or if Maria would still want to give kellin hugs when he was lonely and Vic wouldn't want to do it. He was given the same room as last time but there was no one else there, all of his comics and toys were there but he wasn't. Kellin could here loud noises coming from out of the room and when he turned the door knob he bumped into a taller kid.
"Kels you're back!" he exclaimed as the boy hugged the life out of him. This boy being Vic who now seemed taller and more attractive then he had last remembered, he found himself blushing and not being able to respond back.
"Kels, why is your face turning red? Are you sick?" he said keeping Kellin's face in place so he could examine it not realizing that he's the reason that his face is like that.
They entered the room and locked the door behind them, they needed to talk about important things, and by important things they meant kissing behind closed doors.
"I've missed you so much!" Vic said between kisses, it was weird having him being so affectionate towards kellin; when they were younger Vic didn't even want to be in the same room as kellin let alone kissing him.
"I missed you too; you changed a lot too!" he said noting that the once small boy is now taller and more affectionate than before.
"I need to show you something kellin." he said out of the blue having kellin wonder what that something might be but the only thing he could do is choke out an 'okay' before Vic's lips returned to his.
"I don't think we should do this, what if we get caught?"
"I'm older so if we do get caught they'll blame it on me!" he said reassuringly only making Kellin worry all the more. Vic had informed him that one of his older friends had told him of a way to escape with only the 25% chance of getting caught, and as exciting as that may seem Kellin was still scared of getting in trouble. Vic held his hand and the part of him that wanted to impress Vic got the best of him. They snuck into one of the abandoned corridors on the first floor and climbed through a window; already dressed in regular clothes the boys escaped undetected towards the town. Kellin lived two towns over so he wasn't familiar with the town and Vic's family was all back in San Diego so he couldn't know this place either. They walked for what seemed like eternity until Vic spoke up.
"I'm starving." the boys looked at each other and began laughing at the sudden outburst so they walked towards what seemed like the only diner in town; it wasn't the most impressing place but it would have to do. Vic took two steps back and stared intently at it so Kellin stepped back so he could see what was wrong too- nothing, nothing was wrong at all , but Vic looked at it in fear so Kellin had to ask.
"what's wrong?"
"It's cancer; this place looks like cancer." The fear in his voice was as plain as day.
"You do realize that you don't have cancer right? You can't get cancer from going in there." Vic tightened his grip on Kellin's hand. "Please kellin, i can't do this." he whispered, kellin let go and tok the money from him and bought them both food. Vic was relieved that he didn't have to step foot in that place; they walked for a while until they saw a cemetery, running towards it straight away. They walked around looking at all the markers and for some reason it eased the two that maybe one day they'll get buried in a peaceful place like that one. Kellin spotted a house-looking structure and ran towards it, Vic hot on his heels. he looked at in in total awe, he had never seen something so pretty.
"Vic what is that?"
"That's a mausoleum where the dead people sleep." Kellin looked at it and almost wanted one of his own, he took a closer look and there was writing on it.
"What does 'aqui te espero' mean?" he didn't know what language it was so he had to ask Vic; he knew everything.
"It's spanish for 'i'll wait for you here'. i really like that actually."
Kellin felt a sudden fear course through him so he held Vic's hand tighter, not wanting to let go.
"Lets make a deal, if i end up leaving the hospital again and we lose contact for whatever reason lets meet on that hill over there," he points towards a hill thats a bit ahead. "and if we die then we get buried there so we'll be together forever." Vic thought for a moment and then nodded.
"Ok, deal." and with that they sealed the deal with a kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even know anymore.
comments are really cool, so yeah... please.