Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter Four- Birthdays

"Those kisses, they were so innocent then that we never thought anything of it but that's when I realized that there was something different about me; about us. That relationship that we had wasn't normal. I realized that I liked him in the way that boys shouldn't like other boys and I was scared. The kisses became less frequent and me and Vic distanced ourselves. Things weren't the same." She gave him a sad smile and urged him to continue and so he did, putting his coffee down and telling her the rest of the tale.
At twelve Kellin's feeling for Vic were as strong as ever but the problem with that being that Vic and Kellin no longer were the best friends they once were.
It was the beginning of February and Kellin was excited for one thing- Vic's fifteenth birthday. Although they weren't exactly friends anymore Kellin still wanted to get him something that he would like so he went to the person closest to Vic at the moment- Tony; the shy boy with a disease that he refuses to talk about. They hung out for the day while Vic was getting blood work, and Kellin didn't know how to go about talking about Vic.
"So what do you wanna do?" Tony asked softly and Kellin looked up from his hands and decided to play a game.
"Let's play twenty questions." The boy was unsure but eventually he agreed and Kellin went first.
"What's your favorite animal?"
"Turtle. What's your favorite color?"
"It's red. What are Vic's feelings towards me?" Tony looked at Kellin oddly and then thought for a moment.
"He likes you a lot. Why? Do you like him too?" Tony asked in a way that told Kellin that Tony wouldn't judge.
"Yes I like him a lot." He said blushing from embarrassment.
"I think I know what you should give Vic for his birthday."
"Blow job."
"What kind of language is that? You're twelve don't say things like that." Kellin scolded his niece as she interrupted him.
"Am I wrong?"
"We'll not exactly bu-"
"You were such a slut." She said with a playful look and Kellin didn't like it.
"You're just like your mother. Alway teasing and mocking me." He sighs and leans back into his chair.
"So you gonna continue or what?" She says and Kellin rolls his eyes.
"You have her attitude too."
The ever antisocial Vic refused to let the hospital celebrate his birthday, like he seriously had a giant bitch fit and threatened to switch the other patients medication if someone tried to throw him a party. He was sitting alone in his room when Kellin snuck in that night.
"What are you doing here?" He asked monotonously. Kellin remembered the first time they kissed and his heart sped up; this is where it first happened.
"I wanted to say happy birthday so- Happy birthday, Vic!" He smiled at Vic expectantly and he stared back at him blankly.
"Okay, you said it; you can leave now." Kellin frowned and moved closer until he was at the foot of the bed.
"Life is weird you know- like it makes you do stupid things and it makes you just... Ummm stupid. I made a mistake awhile ago but it wasn't my fault you know? It was my feelings that like got in the way I guess and-" Vic cut him off and laughed.
"What are you getting at you idiot?" Vic grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bed with him, Kellin got those butterflies that he got every single time Vic looked in his direction and he swore that his heart was going to leap out of his chest.
"I-I like you." There was an awkward silence and for a moment they just looked at each other.
"Okay? I like you too. What's the point of this? I'm confused."
Kellin was literally shaking with fear of rejection and he didn't want things to be bad between him and Vic. Vic looked at him, waiting for him to say something and Kellin was on the verge of tears. The only thing that came to his mind was to kiss him because obviously Vic was too oblivious to realize what he was trying to say. So he crawled closer to Vic until his was in his lap and pressed his lips to his. It started as an innocent kiss but when Kellin's fingers tangled in Vic's hair, Vic pulled him closer, keeping his hands on Kellin's hips. Their lips were moving against each other and Vic pushed him back and pinned him to the bed. Vic ground his hips into Kellin's creating friction, Kellin moaned against Vic's lips. They began to remove each others clothing and Vic slipped his hand into Kellin's boxers. He flicked his wrist and Kellin moaned underneath him begging for more, Vic ran his thumb along the tip and Kellin almost screamed in pleasure- this was his first time being touched like this. He pulled away and realized what was about to happen.
"W-wait! I can't do this." He said in a panic and Vic removed his hand and sat up.
"Holy shit, were we about to..." He didn't need to say it for Kellin to know hat he meant.
"I think so. I just really like you okay?" He didn't want Vic to think that he isn't like him because that wasn't true. He was afraid to go further because he didn't really know anything about that stuff.
"I like you too, Kellin. I can wait, we don't need to do any of that stuff if you don't want."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! How are you all? This fic is coming to an end soon so tell me what you think!
P.S. Comments are cool.
I love you guys.