Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter Five- I'll Never Forget You

"Despite all my sexual advances, he just refused to touch me. Not in that way at least. At first I was frustrated but then I got over it. Then when he wanted it I wouldn't want to, just to piss him off. Love isn't always about sex and I finally realized it." She looked at him, bewildered with his sudden boldness.
"What a guy." She said rolling her eyes.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" He asked her.
"All you guys do is think about sex, sex this, sex that. What's the big deal anyways?" You could hear Jenna chuckling from a few booths away, kellin shot her a glare and slapped Iris' hand.
"Ow, what was that for?" She asked, rubbing her hand.
"Just shut up and listen."
Fifteen years old and Kellin had it all figured out, he was going to marry Vic and nothing could stop them. It was safe to say Kellin and Vic were still going strong. They laid in bed most times, usually watching tv, enjoying each others company.
Kellin sat inbetween Vic's legs, his erection pressed up against his back and he shifted to get friction. This was normal, they were so comfortable with each other that it didnt matter that they were in a hospital bed, thin boxers being the only thing from their skin touching.
"Don't rub your boner on my back its gross." Vic laughs and places small kisses along his shoulder to his neck.
"You love it though, especially the taste." Vic licked up his neck, eliciting a small moan from the younger.
"Stop." He said as Vic traced the bulge forming in between kellin's legs.
"Stop what?" Vic said innocently as he slipped his hands into Kellin's boxers. He inhaled sharply as Vic stroked him slowly.
"If I promise to fuck you la-later will you stop." Vic sped up, ignoring kellin's pleas.
"I don't want to fuck you, I can fuck anyone, I want to make love to you." He breathed onto the boys skin kissing his jaw and removing his hand from the boys underwear. Kellin rolls his eyes and turns his body to face him.
"You need to stop reading all those naughty books you asshole." Kellin said leaning into the other boy pressing his lips softly to his.
"Why? Does it get you all hot and bothered?"
It was around midnight and the hospital was sound asleep, except for the two boys getting intimate, trying to keep their moans as quiet as possible.
"F-faster." Kellin whisper-yelled as Vic quickened his pace, rotating his hips to get the boy under him to moan louder.
"I love you too much." Vic whispered kissing his boyfriend sloppily. He lifted kellin's thighs higher, pushing in a different direction. Kellin groaned as Vic pounded into him, hitting his prostate every time.
"Oh f-fuck." He groaned against Vic's lips. It wa becoming too much for the two, Vic wrapping his fingers around the boys throbbing erection, fisting it quickly, rubbing his thumb over the tip. Soon both boys reached climax, moaning a little too loudly. It didnt matter to them, they were together, they were in love.
Vic pressed his forehead to kellin's and looked into his eyes for maybe the millionth time, he really loved him, he couldn't imagine being with anyone but him and Kellin's heart beated for Vic, he belonged to Vic, as cliché as that sounded.
"I love you so much." Kellin said.
"I love you too." Vic said pressing his lips lazily to his. Their moment was short lived when someone opened the door flicking the lights on.
"What's going on in here?" The nurse asked in horror as she saw the two sweaty boys pressed up together under a thin blanket. It was sad really, the poor kid didnt even have time to pull out and he was being dragged, naked into a different room. Kellin was in his boyfriends bed, naked and embarrassed.
They were scolded and moved to different rooms, they had to have regular sexual education classes so that the boys could understand that they can't just do things like that.
Mrs.Selda was patient and tried to explain to the boys that thats not something you do, abstinence is better than an std.
"So you think I'm some kind of herpe ridden sex fiend? I fucked the love of my life not some fucking filthy slut off the street." Vic yelled as the color drained from the woman's face.
"I don't get it, I'm pretty sure if my ass is being fucked into the mattress I would know about safe sex and all that good stuff. Come on lady I'm not stupid I'm very informed when it comes to sex." Kellin said cheekily, winking at Vic during the last part.
"I will have none of this talk. Safe sex is important but for you two who are stay-in patients, abstinence is the way to go, you guys are more at risk to getting sick so you should think before you decide to for-" Vic cut her off.
"Were you going to say fornicate? Oh my god i get it. You don't like gay people you homophobic piece of shit." Kellin placed his hand on Vic's knee trying to calm him down.
"Stop reading into her words, just because she uses it doesn't necessarily make her a 'homophobic piece of shit' she just wants purity between two people I guess." They all knew that that wasn't, they all saw the looks the woman would give the boys but kellin didn't want to encourage the angry boy so let him be. They would be together later, they would be happy later. But what they didn't know was that that week was the last week they would spend together because Kellin's mother caught wind of the whole incident and took Kellin out without his knowledge, not even letting Kellin get a proper kiss goodbye from his boyfriend.
"KELLIN!" Vic yelled from the other side of the corridor, security was trying to drag both boys into opposite directions but it didn't stop them from trying to be together. Vic elbowed one of the men and slipped inbetween them and ran towards Kellin full force knocking the man dragging Kellin away from the wrist to the ground.
"Vic, I'm sorry i love you. Don't ever forget me, okay?" Kellin said faintly pressing his lips to Vic's before being pried from his lover. Vic held onto his wrist and the security were trying to remove his hand without breaking the young boys wrist.
"Baby, I love you so much, I'll never forget you. Aqui te espero, okay? Don't forget our date you little shit!" Was the last thing he heard from Vic before being successfully kicked out of the hospital.
The rest of the way back home was a blur until they made a weird turn on the freeway.
"Mom, where are we going?" He asked and his mom made an annoyed sound and looked at Kellin from the corner of her eyes.
"We're going no where, you on the other hand are going to spend some time with nana while we figure out what to do with you kel." He looked at her, shocked. The only things he was thinking were, she's abandoning me again? Or has she been gone for so long that she doesn't even bother to remember her sons nickname, the one she gave him? Maybe she's not really my mother anymore, he thought.
"Hold the phone, who is nana? We're in Michigan right now, where did you go?" Iris said leaning in close to hear better, Jenna now sat next to her and my friend Jack sat next to me.
"Well nana lives in Arizona and I stayed there for two years and that's when I met your mom Keiley, apparently Papa Bostwick had a fling in high school which resulted in your mama, after a few years i was aloud to go where ever the hell i wanted so me and your mom moved here and then she fell in love and got married and had you and I stayed here, looked for Vic and started a stupid band." I said, earning glares from most of the table.
"What about Vic? What happened to him?" Kellin hesitated for a moment and sighed.
"I honestly don't know, as soon as i came back i went to that hospital and he wasn't there obviously because its a children's hospital and he would have been 20 but i wanted information and they wouldn't give me any. I waited for him at the cemetery every July and he never showed up." He was angry and hurt and sad. How could Vic leave without him? Wasn't kellin the love of Vic's life? Kellin never figured it out after all those years.
It had been over ten years and he couldn't move on, couldn't function without his other half.
"I'm sorry Kellin." Iris said patting him on the shoulder and the rest did the same. Kellin excused himself and asked if Jack could bring her home.
It was a lonely walk back home and kellin wasn't all that interested in being anywhere but in Vic's arms, speaking of Vic, he thought. A man who was maybe a big shorter than him with shoulder length hair was turning into a corner a block ahead. Kellin ran as fast as his short legs could take him and yelled from the too of his lungs.
"VIC!" Then complete silence, no one that was important turned and he burned red with embarrassment, it wasnt him.
He looked at his phone, July 5th, tomorrow was the day he had been dreading.
"I hope he shows up alive."
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Oh no, one more chapter! Oh, the drama. Thank you all for reading and thanks for the comments i love you all.
Leave me a comment and tell me a thing or idk.