Status: New Fic, tell me what you think? This is currently in the works. -Andria

I'll Wait For You Here

Chapter Six- Cemetery Weather

It was early morning and the stomach acid was making Kellin sick with fear and excitement, today is the day- he thought.
He dressed himself nicely in hopes that today would be the day the day that he saw him and went to leave, a knock on the door scaring him awake.
He opened it to reveal Iris in one of her many 'highly fashionable' dresses.
"What are you doing here?" He asked and the girl rolled her eyes giving him that 'did you seriously forget' looks.
"We're going to the cemetery today." She said matter-of-factly.
He didn't want to argue- not today. He nodded his head slowly putting his handout for her, taking it they make their way there. His body taking him there instinctively. It was an eerily quiet morning making Kellin more uneasy; if that was even possible.
The gates were tall and rusted, his stomach doing flip-flops inside of him and he hesitated, he really couldn't handle another year of disappointment, the pessimist in him getting the best of him.
Iris pulled him forward, too young and excited to really grasp the painful, beautiful memories that were brought by this place.
"Where is it?" She asked looking around for a sign for where this sacred place could possibly be, kellin on the other hand was frozen when he caught a glimpse of someone's body weaving through the tombstones and mausoleums. Too familiar and if he wasn't already feeling weird, that certainly would have done the trick. His stomach was acting up still but he ignored it along with his lightheaded-ness.
His body seemed to move on autopilot as he let go of Iris' hand and trudged forward, his ears failing to pick up on her desperate, confused calls to get his attention. His ears focussing on the waves, the waves of California, the sun beating on his back, the sand. The way Vic's skin glowed under those harmful rays. When he turned over covered in sand, whispering something that was drowned out by the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks.
"What did you say?" He asked and still the sounds of wind and waves drowning out his voice. Had he forgotten, the voice of the only person he'd ever loved? These dream-like memories that his mind fabricated to keep him sane that would crash onto him like waves, finally receding and his visions blurring into reality.
On that hill was the love of his life, not dead but alive, maybe he hadn't noticed him, he stumbled up the steep hill, his voice hoarse, his body failing on him. He remembers not going to the hospital for awhile and he gets a flash of "when was the last time I got a check up" and now his reaction is making sense and his thoughts are all jumbled but he has to see him. His body is failing, but he doesn't care because his reason for living is only a few meters away.
"V-Vic." His voice is barely above a whisper and he's fighting his body to stay conscious.
"Vicccc." He tries again, his voice a pathetic desperate whine, but it doesn't seem to work, his vision is so blurred that he knows he'll lose it at any moment, but he can't talk anymore as he gasps for air.
"Kellin!" Iris' voice is loud, laced with fear and the boy-no, man at the top of the hill turns around his face changing from confusion, relief, then fear all so suddenly that he barely catches it, but he does and he's thankful. His vision only clearing to see the form of what he thought was a ghost but no, Vic was very real, and very much alive.
Vic is sprinting down towards him and they're together again, iris' loud pathetic cries for help and the wind are so loud now that it scares Kellin. Vic holds him tight and picks him up easily, another man that he didn't notice before is there, screaming on the phone for an ambulance, for someone to help and Kellin is greatful.
"I missed you baby. I'm so tired." Kellin mumbles and his eyes well up with tears that he's held in for ten years. Drops of water landing on his cheek and he's sure that they don't belong to him.
"I missed you too, oh god babe, please be okay. Don't leave me." He sobs.
"I love you." Kellin whispers, his visions blurred to black. He barely catches the "I love you too" before his body slips into darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Isles and Glaciers- Cemetery Weather
This is the last chapter forever of this fic. I might upload and epilogue later on. Thank you all for reading, it meant a lot to me. Maybe in the near future I'll write a sequel who knows. Thank you again. I love you all.
P.S. stay cool.