Status: || December, 2012 ||

Fall In Love With Me This Christmas

Fall In Love With Me This Christmas

Zacky was standing by the window, holding almost untouched glass of red wine in his hand. He was watching the girl he had his eyes on for as long as he can remember.

She was his childhood friend, always there for him. And slowly, he started to develop his feelings towards that girl. Well, now a stunning young woman. She meant everything to him but he didn't have enough courage to tell her that. He was scared that if he does so, he will ruin the friendship they have.

He didn't want to lose her completely.

Zacky let out a deep sight and looked at this glass. He took a small sip and leaned against the wall, looking through the window at the dark starry sky of Huntington Beach.

Brooklyn took a glance at her best friend leaning against the wall, distant look in his eyes. He was all alone, just keeping his distance. She excused herself and left the circle of people she was talking to.

Silently walking up to Zacky she leaned agains the wall, too, small smile playing on her lips.

"Why the long face?" she asked, gulping the last drop of her drink. Zacky looked at her meaningfully, putting on a little smile. Brooklyn didn't understood the look he gave her, so just ignored it.

"Nothing. Just… Feeling not very social tonight." he shrugged his shoulders, taking another sip of his wine. Feeling her this close made Zacky's heart beat like crazy. He tried to calm himself but that didn't help. He was madly in love with her.

"C'mon, Zacky! It's Christmas! You have to be cheery!" she grinned at him, trying to lift his spirits up. But he wasn't having it. "You are so grumpy." she pouted, putting her head on his shoulder.

'Well, excuse me for being in love with you and not being able to confess it.' Zacky thought to himself as he finished up his drink. A smug smile appeared on Brooklyn's face. She took Zacky's hand and dragged him into the kitchen.

"Brooklyn, what are you doing?" he asked her, enjoying the small contact he was receiving.

"Your glass is empty." she replied cheerfully.

"And?" he asked confused. She was definitely up to something.

"Maybe, if I would get you drunk enough, you'll be cheery." she gave him a huge smile, filling up his glass with red wine, he was drinking earlier.

"Brooklyn, I can't be cheery. It's impossible because-" he stopped himself, before he blurted out too much and ruined everything.

"Because?" she asked, batting her eyelashes. She knew that Zacky was hiding something and she desperately wanted to know what it was. She was just that kind of person. If she would get curious, she won't stop until she knows everything. And Zacky knew it.

"Nevermind. Just forget it." Zacky shook his head, gulping almost half of the glass.

"Zacky, you know how I am - I will get to the bottom of this." she smirked his way, pouring some wine in her glass, too.

"It would be better if you won't." Zacky muttered, his eyes clouding with sadness. Before Brooklyn could answer to his weird words, Zacky walked out of the kitchen, joining the celebration in the living room.

'If she would just fall in love with me this Christmas…' Zacky thought as he came back to his spot by the window.

Brooklyn let out a heavy sight. She knew that it won't be easy to get him talking. Probably impossible. She hated to see him like that - alone and sad. Especially on Christmas.

He was her childhood friend - always around when you need him, always making her feel better. He was her best friend and it saddened her to see him in a bad mood.

Brooklyn shook her head and grabbing the glass, she joined the group of people, who were celebrating like there was no tomorrow. Putting on a fake smile she talked with people. But really all she wanted was to be alone.

"Hey, Brooklyn." Anthony waved, walking up to her. He was one of her co-workers at the office. He was an okay guy.

"Hey, Ant." she smiled.

"Great party." he applaud her little get-together. "I was wondering, maybe you wanna… y'know…" he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Dance with me?"

"Uhm…" she stole a glance at Zacky. He was still leaning by the wall, a glass of wine in his hand, his eyes fixed into the distance outside. "Sure, why not." she put her glass on the coffee table and, being led by Anthony, walked out into more spacious place.

He put his hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They both swayed by the music from side to side.

Zacky glanced at Brooklyn and the scene in front of him made his heart ache. She was dancing with some other guy. He tightened his grip onto the glass. Zacky was angry with himself that he couldn't do anything about it. So what if he would march up to the guy and pushed him aside. What he will tell Brooklyn then?

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. Why he was so scared to tell her his true feelings? Why couldn't he walk up to her and kiss?

Suddenly, Anthony leaned in to kiss Brooklyn but she turned her face to side and he planted a small kiss on her cheek instead. He opened his eyes and saw Brooklyn's face tuned and her looking down.

"I'm sorry, Anthony." she said apologetically, looking at his brown orbs. He nodded understandingly and finished the dance with her.

She couldn't let Anthony kiss her. It just didn't feel right. He didn't make her heart skip a beat with his presence. He didn't make her body tingle with his touch. He didn't make her weak with only one look. He wasn't the right one.

Brooklyn took her glass of wine and looked at the spot by the window. Zacky wasn't there. She looked around concerned, trying to find her best friend in the crowd of people in her living room. But he wasn't there.

She was worried about Zacky. He wasn't in the best of his moods and he has been drinking. God knows what he was up to in this kind of state.

Brooklyn silently sneaked out of the house into her backyard. She spotted a figure sitting on the porch, smoking a cigarette. She ran her hand through her blond hair in relief.

She sat next to him, setting her glass down. They sat like this for some time. Only the soft sounds of music and people's chatter could be heard outside.

"I've been looking for you." Brooklyn spoke up. Zacky dragged in the smoke and puffed them out.

"Well, you found me." he replied, his gaze fixed onto the distance.

"Zacky, what's wrong?" she sighed, closing her blue-green eyes.

"Nothing's wrong." he denied. He was almost hundred percent sure, that she didn't have any feelings for him. He was just her best friend. Nothing more. And it a was driving him crazy.

"Zachary, I know that something is wrong." Brooklyn kept on pushing.

"You sound just like my mother." Zacky rolled his eyes but a small smile appeared on his face nevertheless.

"See? You already feeling better." Brooklyn laughed. "Now, tell me what's wrong. I promise, I won't tell to anybody." she crossed her heart with a serious look. But Zacky was silent. No way in hell he will tell her his secret.

"Zacky!" she whined, throwing her head back like a little child. Suddenly, she stopped, her gaze fixed above her.

"Seriously, people hangs these things anywhere they can…" she muttered to herself.

Zacky looked at her suspiciously. Then, raising his head, he spotted a mistletoe hanging above both of them. His heart started to beat faster. It was a perfect opportunity. This was now or never.

"W-we don't have to do it, y'know." Brooklyn stammered, her cheeks getting flushed. Zacky didn't say a word. He leaned in and closed the gap between both of them.

Brooklyn's eyes went wide in disbelief. Zacky, her best friend, was kissing her.

Zacky was kissing her.

The kiss ended soon. Zacky didn't want to push it further. He started to regret his actions. No, kissing Brooklyn was an amazing feeling and he wanted desperately to feel her lips on his one more time. He was hoping, that the friendship they had wouldn't become awkward. He didn't want to lose her.

Opening his light green eyes, he saw Brooklyn's shocked face. She composed herself quickly and grabbing the half-full glass of wine, she stood up.

"T-the glass is… empty. I'll go fill it up." she said hurriedly and practically bolted inside, leaving Zacky alone.

She walked into the kitchen and exhaled deeply, lightly touching her lips. She had that tingling sensation and her heart was beating like crazy.

'What's happening to me?' she asked herself, putting her hand on her cheek. It was burning. Closing her eyes, Brooklyn leaned agains the counter, trying to figure out what just happened.

Zacky took out another cigarette and lit it up, closing his eyes.

'Fall in love with me this Christmas, Brooklyn.' he prayed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zacky Vengeance Christmas one-shot! Yay!

Hope, you guys, liked it!

Please comment and vote! It makes my day!

Merry Christmas!

Stay warm,