A Year With One Direction

That's just luck

Its a perfectly normal day .I came home from work and I was exhausted . I dropped my bag at my door and padded i the kitchen. I grabbed myself some pasta left over from,dinner last night and when I turned on the TV and I hear the most exciting news
" Hello , California , today one girl's will come true , last week millions of girls enter the One Direction contest and only one girl can win" Announces the lady from the news . I stay put and wait for her to say the winner ,
" The winner from the One Direction contest is - drumroll , Nicole Sherman ! " Oh my gosh , no way ! I won !
" Nicole Sherman , you are very lucky , I hope you have a great time with One Direction on their world tour " says the lady again . I jump up and squeal , I grab my phone and call my mom
" Mom , I won the contest I told you about" I yell excitedly into the phone .
" That is amazing honey ! When are you leaving?" She asked ,
" I'm not sure mom" I say frowning a bit .
" It's okay sweetie , I bet everything will work out " She says reassuring me . I breathe and I get a call , it's a private call , I was about to reject and I think of the contest , maybe its them calling me . I answer and surely enough , its them , its a good thing I answered .
After about an hour on the phone I have everything ready to go. I have to be ready , which means packed, by Thursday and its Tuesday , they also said One Direction was going to drop by today . I almost fainted when I heard that. I was about to run up the stairs when I heard a knock at the door. I look at myself in the mirror admire my reflection , I was wearing my Starbucks uniform which consisted of a green shirt and khakis . My hair was in a bun and I took it down to see it was in waves , it looked okay , so as I was I answered the door . And of course there stood One Direction. I blink and they smile widely , I snap out of it and smile back , I feel a specific pair of eyes on me and see Harry looking at me up and down . Oh gosh , I turn a light shade of pink and look at the other boys . Louis speaks up from the silence asking me if I was Nicole . I nod and smile politely .
" Um , you guys want to come in ?" I ask gesturing to my apartment . They look at each other and nod . I let them through and sit by the couch , Harry then speaks up
" Umm , we're here to spend time with you before the tour to see if we all get along" . I look at him and he sent me his dazzling smile , making me swoon . I fiddle with my fingers before Liam asks me questions, like favorite color , favorite animal , favorite flower , favorite dessert , favorite food , pet peeves , turn ons and turn offs . Harry listened very closely to every answer I gave . Which was kinda surprising , I thought he was dating Taylor .
Niall asks " Do you happen to have food?!" ,
" You don't go to people's houses and ask if they have food" yells Zayn .
Niall looks down sadly and I say to Niall " There's some pasta in the kitchen if you want it"
He jumps up excitedly and runs into the kitchen , but not before yelling behind him " I like this one" , then I heard someone whiper in front of me " Me too" , I look up and see Harry's the only one sitting there . " We are going out to eat pizza , wanna come?" Asks Louis , " Sure , can I change first though ?" I ask . They nod and I rush up the stairs , I go to my closet and pull on my pink skinny jeans and a black crop top that says Love in white , with my white converse . I brush my hair , and grab my phone . I go downstairs . " Im ready" I say making sure I was on time . " Let's go !" Says Louis exitcedly. We get into their van and I am sitting between Zayn and Harry . I was on my phone all the way to wherever we were going to . To this minute I still didnt know where we were going . We pull to the beach , I groan " If I knew where we were going to the beach I would have dressed to go to the beach" I say while looking at back to the van. " It's fine , we're here for the fair" says Liam pointing to the Ferris Wheel. " Now I feel dumb I didn't know there was a fair in town , and I live here" I say face palming myself . " It's okay love , we just have more extra time to do things around here"said Harry . Suddenly I see Eleanor , Danielle , Perrie , and someone I didn't recognize. I tilt my head in confusion , I didn't know they were coming . " That's Aubrey , Niall's girlfriend" I heard Harry whisper into my ear , I jump because I didn't know he was there . " You scared me " I say putting my hand on my chest . I look around and notice every couple went their own way . I bit my lip and look at Harry . He did the same thing and looked at me in the eyes " Would you like to be date I guess ?" He says nervously . " I would love to be your date" I say smiling shyly . " Come on " he says tugging on my hand . I smile and catch up with him . We hit the games first and realize I forgot my wallet , " Harry , we can't play these , I don't have any money" I say shaking my head . " Nicole , we are on a date , I pay for the first date , any date" Harry says pulling out his wallet . " I'll pay you back , I promise" I say looking guilty . " No ! I refuse" he says . I shake my head and sigh , he was so stubborn . He pays for one game and I win . " I win ! In your face" I yell excitedly . He smiles at me and has a dazed look in his eyes . I grab his hand and we go to the Ferris Wheel . " Wow , it's really pretty up here " I say looking over the railing . I look back and the deepness in Harry's eyes takes my breath away . " I'm gald you won the contest Nicole" He says , " Why ?" There isnt anything special about me , " You are just so nice and treat us like teen boys , and that's nice" He says taking my hand , lacing my fingers with his . I kept looking at our entwined hands and raise them up to my line of vision . I head Harry chuckled and asked beside me " What's the matter?" , " Your hands are huge , and mine are tiny" I say laughing . " Mhhm" he says examining my fingers " I'm really looking forward to being on tour with you for a whole year" He says with his cheeky smile . I laugh along and look at the fireworks and when I turn around I bump noses with Harry . He leans in , and thats when the ride started . I am so embarassed . Ughh . Stupid machine . I get in the van , not saying a word . The boys ask if they can spend the night . I said sure , but I pointed out they didnt have spare clothes . They said they had clothed in their van . I looked shocked and then shrugged . Let the night with One Direction begin .
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Well , I am new on Mibba and I just had this idea for a One Direction Fanfin and here it is Enjoy guys(: