Hold My Hand?


You looked him n the eye and tried your best to comprehend what was going on. "What are you doing?" You asked confused holding your head. "I'm helping out an old friend, you thnk I'm just gonna leave you here drunk as hell!?" He said laughing. You just looked at the glove compartment. Your head hurt so bad and everything was spinning in slow motion. " canyou just take me home" you said feeling yourself gag and feeling all the cocktails come up your throat for the second time. You felt the huge lump in your throat you pushed the car door open with all the force you could. You threw up on the curb spilling our all of the piƱa coladas and mojitos. Cris just rubbed your back. "What's the address." He said sympathetically. " you texted Darren and asked. As soon as he responded cris started to drive and drove u up to the apartment where Darren was waiting in from with a worried look on his face. Cris got out, opened your car door and helped you walk up to Darren as if you had a broken leg. Darren looked up at cris for a quick second with jealousy but then turned his focus to you. As soon. As Darren grabbed you and brought you inside with cris following along, darrens closed the door and brought you to the bed where stripped you and put your pjs on. When Darren walked out of the room cris stood up fast and reached out his hand to give Darren a strong manly hand shake. Daren accepted. "Hey man thanks for bringing Berta home safe." Darren said while shaking cris' hand. "Yea just being a good frien ya kno" cris said wi a crooked smile that made him blush slightly, "so I just have B text u tomorrow or something, thanks again man!" Darren said oblivious to the fact that cris still had feelings for you. Cris just nodded and walked himself out. Darren walked into the room and layed next to you on the bed. He rubbed your back and fell asleep with his arms around you.
The next day you awoke to the smell of bacon. You walked in the kitchen confused because you totally didn't remember having pajamas on. " hey babe" you sitting on the count resting your chin on your hand. " good morning sunshine, I made you the anti hangover breakfast" Darren said cheekily. You giggled and scrunched your nose. " I greatly appreciate it" you said. After eating you jumped in the shower and you felt a little better. The good thing to being a lightweight is that your hangover didn't last long. Darren sat on the bed flipping through channels and playing candy crush. You got dressed in front of him. You guys were so close that he barely even looked at you sexually when you got dressed. He just admired that you trusted him so much. The only time he wanted to screw you was if you made the first move. He never pressured you it was always what B wanted to do always what B was comfortable with. That's what you loved about him. He was so carefree and only wanted to make you happy and if there was pleasure for him that made it better because just making you happy made him the happiest guy in the world.
You looked at him while you thought that. "What?" He laughed. " oh nothing" you giggled and blushed. "Haha ok" he said turning back to the game. You got all prettied up and decided to go to the mall. Daren tagged along and you to held hands through the whole mall. When you went into Victoria's Secret Darren picked outfits for you to try on where he bought you a few. After that you guys got home. "Hey I never gave you that birthday sex" he winked. You laughed "where are you going with this." You giggled. " to the bedroom" he laughed then he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder where you laughed the whole way to your room. " he took all your clothes off and started to eat you out.you moaned in ecstasy and yelled for him to enter you. So he did as he was told and after thrifty minutes he came on your abdomen. You let out a sigh and took. Bother shower. When you got out Darren stepped in and you waited for him in the bed in your fuzzy pj pants and tank top. When he got out you to cuddled on the bed kissing and huggin and up having deep conversations. Then your phone vibrated. You gave Darren a puzzled look and checked your phone. It was cris. "Hey B how you feeling" this really got you pissed off. You started ranting to Darren. " what the actual fuck!? Why is he texting me!? And why Is he calling me B only you call me that!? Oh he'll nah?!" You snapped. "B what are you talking about?" Darren said concerned. "Cris just texted me WHY!?" You said feeling all hot. " babe he brought you home last night you were totally shitfaced without him you wouldn't have gotten home safe! I told him that you'd text him today but I guess I forgot to tell you" he said confused. " oh" you blankly said. " I still don't care I hate him!" You started o cry. "Bae tell me whats wrong" he said pulling you close. So you explained everything. How he hurt you and meddled in your other relationship. All the shit he has done just to step back in and try to swoop you away. "Fuck him" you sobbed into Darren's bare chest. Darren was very understandings and didn't care about the past. He cared that he had you no and that's all he wanted. Darren took his number and texted him "B is fine thanks dude" there babe you don't have to talk to him ever alright." He said hugging you again pulling you tight. You wiped your red nose and kissed Darren "I love you" you sniffles. "I love you to B" he said kissing your forehead "I love you too" he whispered.