My Love for You

Life is a Living Hell

I hate it. Everything feels numb, I never want to get up and see the light shining through my window no matter how much I close my blinds. I never want to see my dad walk this Earth again, or that asshole Jake. Basically he's the fucking "hero" to all the popular people at my school, but to me he's a shitty ass douchebag who can't keep his junk inside his trunk for more than a fucking week. Not to mention, the biggest bully in our school. But my conscience is telling me to get up and deal with the pain. So I struggle to even lay up, much less get out from my bed when my little brother comes barging in.
"Hey sleepyhead!" My brother says excitedly, "do you want me to make you some toast?"
"Aww that would be great Ian, thanks." I say groggily.
He helps me out of bed and gives me a hug. He must of woke up on the right side of the bed, sometimes I wish I was him. With that, I drag myself to the bathroom and take my clothes off. The water pouring on my head makes me feel calm for a moment and lets me know that today might be okay. I rinse my dark brown hair and my tan body with soap and conditioner. Getting out, I almost slipped and ended up nicking my hand. I huffed and got changed in fresh clothes, put on my makeup, and headed out. In the kitchen my brother's making the toast and my mom is whipping out some orange juice. I ignore my dad and sit on the bar table.
"Good morning Renae, how did you sleep?" My mom asked cheerily.
"Fine, I guess." I mumbled.
"That's good sweetheart, would you like some orange juice?"
"Sure, thanks."
"Don't mention it."
It annoys me how people are so happy, I mean why can't I ever be happy like them, am I some kind of fucking mutated person? All I ever want to feel is happiness, but I can't ever not feel miserable for at least a day. A plate of toast and a glass of orange juice is laid out in front of me, I easily scarf down the food with no problem while my father looks at me with disgust. I wash my dishes and leave the kitchen soundlessly once again ignoring him. Once I'm in my room I fall on the ground with my face in my hands silently deliberating with myself on how I can feel happy again. If only my dad weren't here I would be just fine. After a couple of minutes of deliberating, I walked out of my room and headed to the front door until my dad stopped me. He grabbed my arm tightly leaving bruises and said:
"If you ditch school or do anything that will piss me off, I will make the rest of the day living hell for you." He said with rage in his eyes.
And with that, I said goodbye, pushed ahead of him, and left.
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Later on in the story I will mention what Renae's dad did that made her so sad, and I'll also get to the guy and her falling apart.