

May 6, '70


Sorry it took so long to write back. I've been studying like crazy for final exams, but I guess there isn't much point in that. I'll probably fail most of them.

I only have a few more days of classes before I'm done for the summer. So I've been wondering if I could join you in Georgia for a few weeks? My mom doesn't mind (who, once again, sends her love). I won't even take up space wherever you're living now. I called a few motels in a city close to you. They agreed to hold a room if I drive down. So I'm just waiting on you. What do you think?

Miss you too,


P.S. Or you could come back to the city. Even a short visit. I miss your face.
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wow it's been a while! i'm losing interest and motivation in everything i do thank you kindly if you've stuck with betsy and phillip thus far