Sequel: The Risks We Take
Status: Finished :] Please comment?

High School & Love; It Sucks

First Day

“Blakely, OMG! I can’t believe we’re actually here!” My best friend Paige shouted across the parking lot of the big high school. Today was our first day as freshmen. Truthfully I was so excited but so scared at the same time.
I put my favorite My Chemical Romance locker poster in my Pine Green locker. “Oh, I like…” Paige cooed at my MCR poster. “I think I put my All Time Low poster in my locker.” I smiled at her, “You should.” “Hey, are you two new fishies?” a sophomore (I’m guessing) asked. “Yes, actually we are!” Paige said proudly. “Well then, good luck on your first day.” He walked away with his ultra cute friend. “I think I’m going to love high school.” Paige laughed. I just looked away, “Yeah sure.” I agreed halfheartedly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, Nothing.”
“No, something is wrong; you were fine until those guys walked up.”
Before I could say anything, she frowned “Oh, you’re still worried about Sean, aren’t you?” She knew me to well. I didn't say anything because she was right. I had had a crush on Sean for two years and he finally liked me but decided that he needed some time to see if there were better fish in the sea. So today was the day I would finally see him again and hopefully he would like me and he wouldn’t look like Spock anymore (the ‘Star Trek’ dude with a weird black hair cut and blue shirt.) But with my luck he would find another girl previously from Redwood middle school (where he had gone in 6th grade). But who knows, maybe we would get together and we would be happy forever, the end.
“Guess who?” some random person with a deep voice covered my eyes with there hands. “Um, Tyler?” I asked confused. “No, it’s me!” the mystery guy said. “And who’s me?” I said irritably. “You’re no fun, it’s me, Sean!” He uncovered my eyes as I turned around. “Oh my…” I trailed off. “What?” he asked confused. “Wow, your voice is deeper.” He frowned “Everybody has been saying that but I haven’t noticed.” He seemed upset by this; I secretly noticed his body was more toned than the last time I saw him, which was the last day of school. “So how was your summer?” I asked curiously. “Good I guess, I went to Houston a couple times and my dads house but nothing else really, how was yours?” he explained. “That’s cool; I swam in my pool, I went to a couple of friends houses saw a movie, nothing really.” I rattled off. “Wow, sounds cool.” He said obviously not interested in my summer. “So what classes do you have?” he asked actually looking interested. I told him about all my classes he nodded and we talked about his schedule. “Well I better get to my locker and put my stuff up.” He left and I went on setting up my locker.

First period was fun, I had “Journalism” first period and my teacher was awesome and I loved it. Second period I had “History” was interesting, my teacher spits when she says her T’s so I felt real bad for the kids on the front row. Third was a little different I had “Algebra” and the teacher was really laid back so that was great. Fourth period I had an okay teacher that class was “Biology” so that was an okay class. Fifth Period was “Lunch” my most favorite because I got talk freely and see my friends. Sixth period was “Language Arts” and that teacher was pretty cool. And finally Seventh period was “Choir” and my teacher was cool she was young so she could relate.
I had a long first day I was late getting home. The high school was further away than the middle school. I changed into some sweats and a t-shirt and got comfortable. Hopefully no one would come over today because I wasn't in the mood for anyone to come over, I had a long day and I was beat.

The next thing I knew someone was knocking on my door. So I dragged myself from my extremely comfortable place on the couch to answer the freaking door! “Oh, hey.” It was Sean. I tried my best to look as if I wasn't just asleep. “Hey, am I interrupting anything?” he asked. “No, come in.” I let him in my house. We talked about our first day as freshmen. I wandered off into the kitchen to make some popcorn. “Blakely?” he shouted from the living room. “Yeah?” I shouted back. “Aren't you supposed to pick your brother up?” he reminded me. “Oh, Crap!” I left the popcorn and ran into the living room, “Do you want to come with me?” I asked politely hoping he’d say yes. “Sure, I don’t have anything better to do.”
“Why are you late, and who’s the hobo?!?” my brother asked furiously. “I’m sorry Kane, my friend Sean came over and I lost rack of the time.” I explained to him. “Sure, I bet you two were making out on the couch. I almost had to call you, “Oh god forbid you have to use the phone in the school office, it could have Aids!” I said over exaggerating. “So, was she talking the whole time you guys were making out?” my annoying brother asked rudely. “Uh, dude….” He started to say but I cut him off. “No, because we weren't making out because we are just friends, something you obviously don’t have.” Sean just smiled. “Well no one wants to kiss you anyway.” He retorted. “Whatever, I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you.”

“So I’m guessing you and Kane don’t have a very good relationship,” Sean said closing his locker. “Well, I mean who doesn’t fight with there siblings?” I started walking to class. “Well, I’ll see you later.” He walked away and I wondered when he would know if he wanted to date me or not. I knew he obviously wasn’t the best for me but I just couldn't stop. He was like a bug zapper and I was the bug, I knew what was going to happen, yet I would take my chances anyway. Why do I do this to myself, it’s almost like I was committing emotional suicide.
“Hey!” I walked toward Sean, who was standing at his locker. “Hey!” he was putting his stuff in his backpack. “So, what are you doing?” I asked annoyingly. “Nothing, why?” he smiled at me. “I was just wondering.” I walked away laughing. He followed me down the hallway, “What’s so funny?” I just turned around and laughed harder. “What is so funny?” he asked frustrated. I couldn’t tell him the truth, because truthfully I wanted to ask him to the dance but when I get nervous I start laughing. He kept following me “What is so freaking funny?” he was getting mad. “Nothing!” I laughed harder, I was going to pee my pants it was funnier because of the look on his face. He started tickling me, “Tell, me!” he kept on. “Never!” I said laughing harder, Oh, Holy Cow! I felt liquid running down my leg, I just peed my pants. “Uh, I have to go!” I ran away quickly. It was going to be awkward calling my mom to tell her to bring me another pair of jeans and underwear. Or! I could wear my gym shorts all day with my extra undies that I keep in my gym locker in case of “Problems” I went to Sean’s locker after as always, “So what happened to you today, you just ran away…” he looked at me confused. How was I supposed to explain to him that I had just laughed so hard I shot pee down my leg wetting my pants? “I uh, had to pee.” I said quickly. Genius, what a horrible answer I wasn’t lying completely though. “Oh, um, okay.” He looked away as if he was thinking, what a weirdo! We walked home in semi-silence. Every couple of minutes I would ask a stupid question, like “So, how’s your family?” and he would reply “Good, I guess.” Finally I was put out of my misery, we were at my house, “Well, uh bye, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I pulled out my key and unlocked the front door. “Yeah, um, okay, bye.” He walked down my driveway and he was gone, but I would see him tomorrow, I went through this everyday.
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I know this story sucks, I wrote it when I was like 14, and I sucked. I'm 18 now and a bit more experienced and well I just needed to post something to get started.