Sequel: The Risks We Take
Status: Finished :] Please comment?

High School & Love; It Sucks

Risky Business

I decided to ask Sean to the dance, I was taking control of the situation. “Ok, shut up and listen!” I said jokingly. “Ok, so, um, do you want to got to the uh dance with me?” I tried to look him in the eyes but I just couldn’t. “Oh, crap, I’m sorry…” he was saying but I cut him off. “It’s okay, I understand.” I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm, “Wait, I would go with you, but I already have a date, I’m really sorry!” he apologized extensively. “It’s fine, okay?” I say trying not to let my disappointment show. He kept talking but I just walked away trying to hold back the tears, it was fine that he had another date, but the fact that he kept apologizing made me feel worse. I have never been able to accept people’s apologies or there praise towards me, and it sucks because I feel worse when they do.

“Well we’re here.” I said unexcitedly to Paige. “Come on its going to be fabulous, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, ha-ha, fish, we’re freshmen!” she looked hopeful but I wasn’t cracking a smile. “Come on, cheer up, don’t be like that.” She said half irritated. “Okay, I’ll try to have a good time.” I finally gave in. “Five bucks please?” Our principal Mr. Jenkins tapped on the recycled coffee can full of money. “Um, what about him?” Paige pointed to a tall pale kid with major black hair and bangs. “Uh, no, and why him?” I asked her. “Because you seem to be into the emo kind of guys.” She made a face when she said “emo”. “I don’t like him because he is emo!” I said loud enough for a couple across the hallway to hear. Oops! “I like him because he is super cute, sweet, he’s hilarious and he understands me.” I said dreamily. “And some other guy isn’t going to make me get over Sean; I’m not shallow like Amber.” She looked defeated, “Okay then, I was only trying to help.” I added “I’m not giving up that easily.” All my friends wanted me to give up on him, they told me he was a loser and he didn’t deserve me, they were only “trying to protect me” as they put it. She finally gave up on changing my mind. We danced and had tons of fun; I had a feeling I was going to be hurting the next day. I was right; the next day when I woke up I was SORE! I cleaned the house and made sure Kane didn’t get into any trouble.
I heard the phone ringing, “Hello?” I answered. “Hey, it’s me, Sean.” He said. “Hey, what do you want?” I asked jokingly. “Actually I was wondering if I could come over, I need to get away from my monster mom, she and Steve are having a yelling match again. “Oh, ok yeah come on over!” I said sweetly. “Are you sure? Your mom won’t mind?” he asked politely (like he cares what she thinks). “No, she won’t even know because she’s never home.” I assured him. “I’ll be right over.” He sounded relieved to be getting away from his mom and Steve (his step dad, in case you’re stupid and haven’t figured that out yet).

We were jamming out to Framing Hanley when out of the corner of my eye I saw my mom pull into the drive way. “Ugh! “It’s” home and it has the other “It”.”
“Blake?” Mom called into the giant empty (besides me and Sean) house of ours. “Honey, are you home?” she called again. “Yeah, I’m home!” I stopped halfway down the stairs. “Kane, I thought I was supposed to come get you from Zach’s house tomorrow?” I asked confused. “No, I had to come home early, I called you five freaking times!” he shouted at me. “I’m sorry that I have a life other than waiting around for you!” I screamed at him. “Oh, you have a life, that’s news to me!” he said meanly. “Actually believe it or not I have a friend over so I have to get back to him.” I said calmly. “Oh, that HOBO is here!” He didn’t look surprised. “Yes actually he is!” I sneered. “I mean no, he’s not a freaking hobo…” I was saying but Kane cut me off “Ooh, you just called your boyfriend a hobo!” he laughed. “Ugh! Whatever!” I screamed louder. I ran up the stairs and slammed my door, “Your right, we do have a bad relationship.” I slammed my door. “Blakely!” mom called me from the foot of the stairs. I opened my door, “What?!?” I screamed at her from my room. “Don’t scream at me young lady!” She screamed back at me. “Whatever!” I yelled from my bedroom, I slammed my door. “Blakely! Open up!” mom banged on my door. “No!” I yelled back. I opened my door; “I’m tired of your attitude…” she trailed off once she saw Sean sitting on my bed. “You know you’re not supposed to have friends over while I’m gone!” she yelled. “You never said that, and you’re never here!” I screamed louder. “As long as you’re under my roof you’ll abide by my rules.” she calmly informed me. “Well its not really your roof because… 1) I pay the bills, you make the money but I pay the bills, 2) I take care of Kane, I’m more of a mother to him than you’ll ever be! And 3) my attitude problems are because of you!” I screamed at her. She was speechless, the look on her face was horrible but it felt so good to let all my anger out. “Uh, should I go home?” he asked. “No sit down!” I screamed at him. “I’m sorry I need to calm down.” I said calmly. He was probably thinking, “No, really?” he looked scared. “Well if you want to go home you can, but you don’t have to.” I assured him. “Well, now I’m not afraid of Steve and my mom’s arguments.” He said trying to be funny. I didn’t smile, “Oh, no offense.” He said cautiously as if I was going to lunge at him and bite him or something. We talked and listened to music and he went home around two the next morning.