Sequel: The Risks We Take
Status: Finished :] Please comment?

High School & Love; It Sucks


I didn’t talk to my mom for a whole week. It wasn’t really like anything happened, because she was never around anyway. I finally had to break the silence, “Mom, listen I’m sorry, I didn’t mean all that stuff I was just mad…”
“No, I’m sorry I did mean all that, I’m just going to have to be honest with you for now on.” She looked up from her file she was looking through.
“I know I haven’t been around a lot these past five years, but in my defense it’s just been so hard since you dad passed away.” She smiled and cried, I’m not much of a crier, I didn’t even cry at my dad’s funeral I cried a week later because I was so mad at him for dying how could he leave us? So she cried and we hugged and she decided to put us all in family counseling. When I told Sean this he said, “That’s good, and no offense but I think you need anger management help.” He was completely sincere about it so I decided not to back hand him, that and I like him and hitting him wouldn’t win his heart. Now that I think about it I do need anger management help. Once I got so mad I threw Kane down the stairs; he was in the hospital for a week. That was right after my dad died. I have had so much anger bottled up since my dad died and since mom had to work way more and never be around. She was doing it to keep a roof over our head and feed us. I had become a violent person since dad died. It screwed everything up majorly; I went from being a happy little girl to a demented violent teenager. My dad died a week after I turned eleven.

“So, how’s counseling going?” he asked sympathetically. “Good I guess.” I said halfheartedly “It doesn’t sound like its doing you any good.” He looked worried. “Yeah, well the counselor is getting a little frustrated with me because I won’t open up, but I just can’t.” I explained to him. “Oh, really? You don’t have a problem opening up to me.” He looked confused. “Well, I have trust issues, and I feel like I can talk to you.” He looked at me with that expression, it’s hard to explain what it looks like but he didn’t want it hear anymore. “Oh.” He said and walked away. That’s what angers me most, that when things get hard or too deep he runs away. I have finally figured him out, someone or some people hurt him a long time ago, and he’s built a wall to keep everyone else out so he won’1 `t that be hurt again. I was going to break down that wall and show him that not everyone is like that.
ShameInsanity: Hey what’s up?
PrettyNPurple15: Nothing, you?
ShameInsanity: Nothing….
PrettyNPurple15: I have a question?
ShameInsanity: what now? :[
PrettyNPurple15: How come every time things get hard you run away, or when someone tries to share their feelings for you with you, you tune out and don’t want to hear it? :/
ShameInsanity has signed off.

I called him several times and he didn’t answer, I left multiple messages and he still didn’t pick up. I probably shouldn’t have approached the problem that way. I called him again, this time his voicemail was different, “Hey, ya’ll its Sean, if you’re a friend who wants to tell me I have problems don’t bother leaving a message because I already know, and I don’t need you, but if your not, go ahead and leave me a message after the beep and I will try to get back to you… beep.”
I texted him:

Me: Hey.
Sean: What do you want?!?
Me: Listen, I’m sorry
Sean: You’re a jerk you know that right?
Me: Yes, I was trying to help…
Sean: Well you didn’t!
Me: I’m sorry!
Sean: Well I don’t want to talk to you…. So bye.