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I walked toward the baggage claim, when I got there I realized that I hadn’t tagged my baggage correctly, but I still found it, no one else had hot pink duct tape wrapped around the handle of their suitcases. I dragged my stuff toward the entrance of the airport, and hailed a taxi, something that was very new to me, in my home state of Texas, there weren’t very many taxis. This place was all new to me; I had to watch other people to figure out what to do. Once inside the taxi, I told the driver to take me to my estranged sister’s house, it would only be for a short while, until I found a job and place of my own.

I arrived at the big luxurious home of my sister. I knew that when I was 10 she moved out and went north, leaving us all behind in her wake. I hadn’t seen her in 11 years; this would be less than comfortable. I had no idea what she was like, all I knew is that when she left I hated her, and vowed that I’d never talk to her again, but at ten years old, grudges don’t last long. I had grown to not hate her, just not understand, and then slowly, I started to kind of see why she left, but why not at least keep contact? I had so many questions that I had wanted to ask for so long, but now that I was standing outside of her house, I was completely blank, my mother had somehow found her and gave me her address so that I could send her letters, which she never answered. I grabbed my things from the trunk of the taxi and slowly made my way up the sidewalk to the door, where I nervously knocked on the door. Would she welcome me or shut the door in my face? Would she know who I am? So many questions swam through my head. I gathered the courage to knock, and within a couple seconds later an average height blonde slender woman with brown eyes opened the door. I felt my eyes widen a little, I quickly tried to hide my surprise and hope she hadn’t seen that. She looked me over as if trying to decide if she knew me or not, then quickly broke the silence “Hello, can I help you?”
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I hope that someone out there finds this one to be good and maybe even interesting.