Status: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." Updates every Friday <3

Deducing Tragedy Part Two: Speak No Lies

A Time for the Truth

Jeremy walked into the Baker Street flat and the tension hit him like a brick wall. That uneasy feeling that gripped his stomach the moment he joined the rest of the team in the living room. Tate was lurking in the corner of the room from which he could see all exits and people. Jordan was setting up his own little tech center between the two chairs near the fire. Eva was more than willingly assisting him. She seemed almost oblivious to the increasingly uncomfortable situation. John was in the kitchen, with Sherlock, watching the team in the living room. He looked tired, terrified, and angry all at once. That look was all too familiar to Jeremy and he felt a pain of sympathy for the other man. Sherlock was sitting at the kitchen table with John but was at the head of the table in front of the fridge. His silver eyes were closed and he was making facial expressions and hand gestures that made Jeremy consider calling him professional help.

"He's in his mind palace," a voice he recognized spoke but when he turn his head the woman was damn near a mystery to him. Ann was standing in the middle of the room facing the windows. Her familiar blue eyes were cast out at the still falling snow that had begun late the night before. Her once long silver and copper locks had been cut so they barely reached her chin and all traces of the red ends were gone. Gone were her old black tank top and cargo skinny jeans. Instead she wore a deep blue blouse and dark pants that hugged her legs. She was so small, even with the black boots that gave her five extra inches of height. It was a rare moment that Jeremy realized how small his boss actually was. She always seemed so tall, her presence so heavy in the room, that he just forgot how fragile she actually was.

"Mind palace?" he asked stepping further into the room.

“A memory technique,” she said, her eyes still lock outside the window. “He’s trying to remember something important to the case. He’s been like this all night.”

“It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”


“We’re up and running,” Jordan said casting an apprehensive glance at Ann.

"The Ripper Concidit," she began, "Or Ciri Pond Crepti, born Emily Rain was put up for adoption in the America foster system when she was two. She spent her life in the system unlike her twin sister, Hanna Hooper born Hanna Rain-"

"Wait," Eva spoke up, her dark eyes narrowed at their leader, "The Ripper is your sister?"

“My Twin,” she nodded. “That’s how she tricked our last victim into believe she was me. We are identical in nearly every way.”

“Oh shit, there are two of you?” Jeremy shouted his eyes going wide as a rush of inappropriate imagines ran across his mind.

“That is what identical twin means,” she raised an eyebrow.

“Wow…” he trailed off, no longer seeing the room in front of him but the twins sitting on a bed beckoning him forward with mischievous grins on their faces.

“Jeremy,” her voice popped into his daydream. “Whatever disgusting thing is happening in your mind I suggest you stop before I make you regret it.”

“I don’t think you can Boss,” he grinned as one twin began to remove the other twins shirt-



“So then how do we know you’re you?” Tate asked, his eyes focusing on the threat in front of him.

She turned her head slowly to meet his eyes, "Faith."

He cocked his head to the side, "I was never much for believing in what I could never be proven too me."

“Then ask to see my scars,” she said referring to the burn scars on her arms that they had all seen. “Happy?”

He nodded once, “It’ll do.”

“Ciri took Mary last night,” she continued. “There has been no ransom or note telling us what she intends to do with her.”

"Then how do we find her?" Eva asked taking a step forward.

"I already know where they are-" she stopped; her eyes gliding around before stopping back at Jeremy, "Where is Ben?"

"No one knows," he said with a shrug, "After his visit here last night he disappeared."

"And no one's called him?" she demanded before John spoke up.

"Focus, Hanna," he snapped, "Ben can take care of himself."

Her eyes softened as she looked at the floor biting her lip before nodding once, "Right, sorry."

"You said you knew where they were," Jordan said looking up from the computer screen in front of him.

"I do."


Hanna and Sherlock, who’d just come out of his mind palace or whatever, both looked up and spoke in unison, “The Second Light Night Club.”

“He’s alive!” Jeremy smirked receiving a collection of glares, “Fuck you guys, that was funny!”

John’s eyes narrowed, “a night club?”

"The one our last victim had just been hired on at, yes," Hanna continued not turning to look at him or Sherlock. "Ciri got her a job there, she owns it-"

"Actually," Jordan interrupted her as he typed away on the key board, "Ciri is just the general manager. The owner is a woman by the name of Eva Vitamali."

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, “Eva? Bought any night clubs lately”

“Vitamali not Michael, dumb ass,” she glared at him.

He smirked, “What? You’re not the only Eva in the world?”

Sherlock sighed in annoyance before she could respond, "Eva Vitamali, otherwise known as the Mother. She started many of the world's most wanted criminals. I long suspected her to be the one who started Moriarty down his path. If Eva Vitamali is involved then the puzzle just grew exponentially larger-"

"Actually," a new voice spoke up and they all turned to see Mycroft and Anthea standing in the door behind Jeremy. "Eva prefers Chess to puzzles."

Hanna was the first to speak up, "Why are you here?"

"Because of Vitamali," Sherlock glared at his brother.

Mycroft shrugged, "I suppose you could say that."

"Have you something to offer?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest, "Because unless you do we have to work on our plan to get Mary back-"

"I am here to inform you that Benjamin is currently intoxicated and unconscious at the Second Light Night Club," he said. "And to try putting to scale the game of which you have all become a part of."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "I have it handled."

"No," Mycroft spoke in a tone that stopped his brother in his tracks. He looked around the room now filled with statues who stared back at him with matching expressions of fear and confusion. This was serious, Jeremy realized, and the thought put the fear of god in him. "What you do now will have consequences on a global scale. One wrong move could be the end of many lives. However, if you don’t act your friend could die.”

Tate crossed his arms over his chest, "What do you suggest we do?"

He shook his head, "Eva has begun her march to checkmate. There are few things I can do to stop her with the pieces I have remaining."

"Pieces?" Jordan asked.

"Chess pieces," Hanna clarified for Mycroft. "They're playing a chess game and we are the pawns."

"He is," he looked at her, "This room is filled with pawns; even Sherlock is only a knight. But you, Hanna, you are much more precious."

She didn't hesitate, "No I'm not."

Mycroft sighed as he took a few steps closer to her, "This is not the time to argue with me. You are a precious piece, Eva considers you her stolen queen."

"Why?" the girl was shaking with anger as she glared at Mycroft. "Why am I so important?"

"Because you're different."

"So is Sherlock."

"Yes but my brother is not nearly as well liked," he said with a pointed look as he leaned down to catch her glare. "You are adored by the country. That gives you power, influence. Eva plans to use that."

"How do you know that?" Sherlock asked stepping out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Mycroft looked up from the girl in front of him to his brother a few feet away, "Because Eva and I have tea and play a game of chess every Wednesday."

"What?" Hanna demanded, taking a step back from him.

"A necessary evil, Miss Hooper," he said standing up straight. "She provides information on her pupils and I return the favor."

"With what?" John asked from the kitchen table where he still sat. "What do you give her?"

"I provide updates on the life of her stolen queen," he said cocking his head to the side.

"Why is she so interested in me?" Hanna demanded, her hands balling into little fists. "And don't tell me it's what little influence I have. There has to be something more."

As he spoke Jeremy felt his stomach drop. The whole room went very quiet as everyone turned to look at the girl in the center of the room. Hanna looked stunned, shocked and horrified as she took a small step back. She shook her head, refusing to believe what he had just told her even though it made perfect sense.

Mycroft turned his eyes back to her and, in a tone that sounded almost concerned, said, "Because she is the woman who gave birth to you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! sorry this was late. my friend was in town and then my birthday was yesterday so it didn't get finished :| but it's done now and I hope you like it! we are entering the climax of the story so get ready, some intense shit is coming up and I hope you're prepared for it!

ttfn guys!
