Status: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." Updates every Friday <3

Deducing Tragedy Part Two: Speak No Lies

A Study of Silver and Blue

Sherlock stepped away from the podium with his now lit candle and Mark took his spot. John was waiting for him, a few feet away. “That was… enlightening,” he said and Sherlock rolled his eyes.

“Shut up.”

“No, I mean it,” John continued with an honest look. “I never in a million years thought that you had that in you. Maybe the man who loved Hanna isn’t all gone after all.”

“He never was,” Sherlock said in a low tone as his eyes met those of his best friend. John frowned, and moved as if to say something but a loud thud stopped him. A scream rang out from the crowd and Sherlock spun around. A body lay on the pavement and the people went into a panic.

Something, he wasn’t sure what, caused him to look up. There in the distance, standing under a tree, was the girl from the morgue. She was covered in shadows but for her face which glowed like the moon peeking out from the dark. His eyes locked with hers and he felt the air leave his lungs.

Because for a moment, when silver met blue, he was staring at Hanna. It was impossible and crazy, but for that moment Hanna Hooper stood under a tree. Her face a mask a horror and shock before someone passed between them and the connection was lost. The girl turned and ran across the street to a van, which had been parked there all night, and opened the passenger door. She paused a moment, turning back towards him, her shadowed eyes locked with his one last time before she got in the van and drove away.

Sherlock hesitated only a moment more before jumping off the stage and rushing towards the body. It was a woman, mid-twenties with red hair and green eyes. She’d been at the vigil, Sherlock noted seeing wax drops on her sleeves. The body was broken and twisted from the drop but right away Sherlock knew that, that wasn’t what killed her. Like the body in the morgue her throat was missing. Unlike the body in the morgue she had a note pinned to her denim coat.

The note was addressed to H. Hooper.

“She’s dead,” Sherlock said softly as he reached for the note.

“Drop it, Sherlock.” He heard familiar voice say and he rolled his eyes.

“Mycroft how long have you been here?” Sherlock asked standing up, “lurking in the shadows waiting for a body to drop?”

“I was invited to pay my respects to the late Miss Hooper, same as you,” his brother said in a bored tone.

“Speaking of her,” Sherlock slipped his hands into his pockets, “why is the note on the body addressed to her?”

“Haven’t the faintest,” Mycroft shrugged, “this man is a psychopath and it’s not my job to try and understand him.”

“No but it is your teams job,” Sherlock challenged. “And because they are your team you ought to know.”

Mycroft smirked, “time to go home Sherlock.”

“You need me,” he said in a low tone, “you know you do.”

“Have a good night” he said before turning to John. “Make sure he stays out of it.”

“Sherlock is right,” John shook his head. “You need him. Your team isn’t cutting it-“


“THIS WOMAN WAS HERE!” John shouted. “She was attending the Vigil! I knew her and now she is dead only a few feet away from me. If your team can’t solve this, and soon, then Sherlock will take the case and he will solve it.”


“Damn it!” I cursed jumping into the van.

“Ma’am?” Jordan asked climbing up to the driver seat.

“Not now, just drive,” I growled opening the glove compartment and pulling out two Bluetooth pieces and handing one to him. “Please tell me someone saw where the damn body came from.”

“It dropped out of the sky,” Jeremy said. “I looked but I didn’t see anything, too many damn trees.”


“I thought I saw some lights,” she offered. “Like a helicopter, but like Jer said, there were too many trees to get a good view.”

“Tate give me good news or so help me god-” I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

“Small helicopter flying south,” he said. “Can’t see the driver.”

“That’s enough,” I said. “Ben, Mycroft should be over by the body now. Tell him I still have all the footage we collected to go through and make sure no one sees the note…”

“In a minuet,” he whispered. “Sherlock and John are there now, arguing with him. John is pissed.”

“I can imagine,” I murmured, my head falling into my hand as I suddenly felt dizzy. “Right, Eva, Tate, and Jeremy go secure the scene. Ben, once you’re done with Mycroft …go to the morgue and examine the body. Jordan …and I have a little errand to run before we all meet up at S-Scotland Yard and before you say it… Ben, remaining dead is no longer an option…”

“What are you and Jordan going to do then?” he asked in a tired voice.

I sat up and looked over at the blond boy beside me, noting the way the world spun as I did so, “I believe it’s t… time for me to go home… J-Jordan, take me to 221B Baker Street, I have a-a… threat to…” And then the world went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
what did you think? good? bad? ehh? let me know with a comment!! Don’t forget, updates are every Tuesday and Friday now! because I'm amazing and have gotten pretty far ahead lols. ;}

Till next time!
