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Lost in the Stereo


When I got home that night, I walked into my room and towards the closet; I didn’t know what I was supposed to wear to a concert. I pondered this for a bit before deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight black slitted top with neon pink camisole underneath and my usual shoes of choice beat up converse high-tops.

The morning of the concert I had expected to go to work like I did everyday, but Steve called and told me to take the day off, when I asked why, he told me that I deserved a day to ‘do my thing’ and be a young person. I didn’t want to take the day off, but I agreed and hung up. The reason why I liked working so much was that I got to be around music all day and I wouldn’t have to be around my depressing parents. Today I’d have to find something to do. As I was sitting trying to figure out what to do with myself today, I realized that as long as I’d lived here I’d never been to downtown Baltimore. So I grabbed my keys and ventured into downtown, I saw lot’s of things I didn’t know were there. Like a lot of little boutiques and lot’s of hobos. But it really wasn’t very interesting to me, I preferred to focus on music and my life, I don’t have any desire to be caught up in the busy hustle and bustle of Baltimore, so I just headed back to my house and waited the rest of the day out there. I went to my room and listened to all of my favorite music that I never got tired of.

The awaited time finally came, I dressed in my chosen outfit and excitedly drove to the concert, I am 18 years old and this would be my first concert. I arrived at the venue and parked in one of the few parking spaces left. “This show must be a big one.” I thought to myself. I walked in and showed my ticket to a big man in a tight black t-shirt that outlined his toned upper body; he looked at it and nodded. I walked past him and into the very large room that was already getting full of angsty teens. I made my way to a fairly roomy spot and waited for the show to start. A few minutes passed and the lights started to dim and the fog began, the beginning of a catchy song started to play, and the smoke started to clear, I could now see the guys playing. Alex actually had a great voice, not what I’d really expected from someone like him. Their songs weren’t half bad, I swayed a little, enjoying the music and focusing on how all the instruments harmonized with his voice. The whole concert I was immersed in the music and focused on all of the details, while most of the other attendants were screaming out interesting things at the band and shockingly enough, throwing their bras at the guys, who didn’t seem the least bit bothered by this. Alex really knew how to capture a crowd. He had everyone’s undivided attention, with the exception of the older attendants who were most likely only here with their children/ grandchildren. When the concert finally ended, I was a little surprised when I looked at my phone to find that it was already 11 o’clock, I had arrived at 6 o’clock.

The next morning I woke up and was very happy to be going to work today. Nothing I loved more than being at the record shop surrounded by the music and the occasional customer; even if I was just sitting at the counter plugged into my iPod.

I was sitting at the counter when Steve walked through the door, (the thing about that is that he rarely ever came out of his office in the back, he didn’t need to, he’s the owner and manager, we never had enough customers to need more than one person out in the shop, all I did was work the register and assist the customers in finding an album). He walked towards me smiling, jollier than he usually was, he handed me a wrinkled napkin and smiled the cheesiest smile ever, “I was closing up the shop last night and a boy came in and asked that I give this to you.” I gave him a confused look, “Who would be looking for me?” I asked. Steve was really my only friend, sure he was 30 years old, but he had always been nice to me, given me a job and advice on everything, he was more of a dad to me than my own father ever was. He just smiled and shook his head; he mumbled something to himself as he walked into the storage room. I picked up the folded napkin and unfolded it so I could read it. It read:

‘Hey, I saw you in the crowd last night, glad you decided to come. It was nice to see someone enjoying the concert. Well anyways… meet me at the fountain in Blue Springs Park at 6. See you then.

-Alex :]

I looked the note over once more. Was this a joke? Like I said earlier, I don’t really have any friends, so why would he want to meet up with me? I just shrugged and went back to my job. Only two customers today, but that was good. I said goodbye to Steve and drove to Blue Springs Park. I parked and walked towards the fountain and waited for Alex, it was getting dark. I looked down at my watch to see that it was 6:30 already. Just as I was about to leave I saw a figure running towards me in the dark, I stood really still hoping that it was Alex. It stopped in front of me, “I’m sorry I’m late, I got caught up with some crazy fan-girls, they were adamant on getting an autograph.” I nodded in understanding, even though I really couldn’t care less. I didn’t care nor understand the lifestyle of a star. “So why did you want me to meet you here?” I asked, not realizing how rude I sounded until I had said it. “Quite honestly I don’t know, I just find you interesting.” That was all he said, which to me was really weird. That wasn’t a very good answer, I was expecting something more along the lines of, “Hey, do you know if I left my sweater at the shop?” or “Do you know if the shop you work in carries any of our records.” Not, “Hey, I think you’re interesting!” Though I was confused by his strange reasoning, I stayed. “So… want to walk and talk?” he asked. The way he presented himself and spoke drives me crazy. He’s so sure of himself and too proud to think of anyone else’s opinions or feelings. I could already tell this was going to be an irritating night. He smirked at me, “Why are you making that face at me?” I asked irritably. “I’m just looking at you, can I not do that?” I rolled my eyes. “You can look at whatever you want, I can’t stop you.” I said not realizing how perverted that sounded. He laughed uncontrollably at first, but soon caught his breath, and said “Oh, is that an invitation?” he cooed. “No, player it’s not.” I scowled. He rolled his eyes, and looked away. “What? Did I hurt your feelings?” I asked mockingly. He looked back at me angrily, “No, I’m just sick of bitches like you assuming that I’m out to get every girl that I can.” It was my turn to get angry, “Well I’m sorry that I’m such a bitch; I know you’re type and I will not be the next groupie on you’re list.” He didn’t have anything to say to that, he mumbled something and walked off. I scoffed and walked toward my car. Whatever, forget him, they’re all like that. A waste of time.